$Id: History,v 1.25 2010/06/06 06:26:05 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 03.06.2010 Joseph Perl, Tag xraytel-V09-03-00 Update vis usage 20.11.2009 - G.Santin, tag xraytel-V09-02-00 Updated and simplified physics list 16.06.2008 - G.A.P.Cirrone, tag xraytel-V09-01-00 Removed AIDA from GNUmakefiles 07.12.2005 - S. Guatelli, tag xraytel-V07-01-03 warning deleted; it concerned stream. 30.11.2005 - G.Santin, tag xraytel-V07-01-02 general update of macros and documentation ASCII output enabled also without AIDA 27.09.2005 - G.Santin, tag xraytel-V07-01-01 compilation protection for non AIDA users, obsolete GPS commands updated 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 15.07.2004 - J.Allison, tag xraytel-V06-02-00 Changed /vis/viewer/viewpointThetaPhi -> /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi. 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli, tag xraytel-V06-01-00 Migartion to AIDA 3.2.1, PI 1.2.1 13.11.2003 - J.Allison, tag xraytel-V05-02-02 Removed OPACS from Vis Manager. 19.02.2003 - G.Cosmo, tag xraytel-V05-00-00 Removed redundant inclusion of SystemOfUnits.h. Should use CLHEP headers instead. 05.12.2001 - RN, tag xraytel-V03-02-01 Try again 05.12.2001 - RN, tag xraytel-V03-02-00 Adopted new analysis design by AP as in LowEnTest Small design iteration by MGP implemented 07.11.2001 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-13 Cleaned up code to avoid compilation warnings arising from "ANSI" and "pedantic" options Implemented new "/vis" commands in macro files 07.11.2001 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-12 Error tag, same as 11 18.06.2001 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-11 tested with latest global tag geant4-03-01-ref-02 06.12.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-10 Removed old XrayTelPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.cc and .hh files from cvs 30.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-09 Removed longsection.macro file from cvs 30.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-08 Implemented AnalysisManager class and related histograming code. Analysis is limited to the Lizard package for now. 16.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-07 Removed analysis directory 16.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-06 Replace standard gun with General Particle Source Remove all code related to old Histogram implementation Modified all macros to work with GPS Cleaned GNUmakefile Started drafting README file 08.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-05 Tydied up macros Small bug fixes to compile on Linux, SUN and DEC platforms 06.11.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-04 Tydied up code added headers 18.10.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-03 Modified geometry and PrimaryGenerator to speed up events Modified SteppingAction.cc to call histoManager analyser Modified Histogram.cc to do all the histo work 17.10.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-02 Added histograming capability Added XrayTelHistogram.hh, XrayTelHistogram.cc Modified: GNUmakefile XrayTel.cc XrayTelSteppingAction.hh XrayTelSteppingAction.cc 17.10.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-01 Tydied up geometry Add all physics processes to XrayTelPhysicsList.cc Modified *.hh accordingly 06.10.2000 - RN, tag xraytel-V02-00-00 First submission of XrayTel advanced example.