# # Macro file for the initialization phase of "exampleN03.cc" # when running in interactive mode # # Sets some default verbose # #/control/verbose 2 /control/saveHistory #/run/verbose 2 #/run/verbose 1 # # create empty scene # /vis/scene/create # # Create a scene handler for a specific graphics system # (Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system) # # Use this open statement to get an .eps and .prim files # suitable for viewing in DAWN. #/vis/open DAWNFILE # # Use this open statement instead for OpenGL in immediate mode. /vis/open OGLIX # # Use this open statement instead to get a HepRep version 1 file # suitable for viewing in WIRED. #/vis/open HepRepFile # # Use this open statement instead to get a HepRep version 2 file # suitable for viewing in WIRED. #/vis/open HepRepXML # # Output an empty detector /vis/viewer/flush # # for drawing the tracks # (if too many tracks cause core dump => storeTrajectory 0) # /vis/scene/add/trajectories /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate #/tracking/verbose 1 # # At end of each run, an automatic flush causes graphical output. #/run/beamOn 1 # When you exit Geant4, you will find a file called scene-0.heprep.zip. # Unzipping this will give you three separate HepRep files suitable for # viewing in WIRED. # The first file will contain just detector geometry. # The second file will contain the detector plus one event. # The third file will contain the detector plus ten events. #/gun/particle chargedgeantino #/gun/particle proton #/run/beamOn 1 /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 45 45