------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History,v 1.35 2010/06/06 06:18:17 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - Composite calorimeter example ========================================================= Example History file --------------------- 04.06.2010 - J.Perl (ccal-V09-03-00) - Updated vis usage 12.11.2009 - A.Ribon (ccal-V09-02-01) - Use QGSP_BIC_EMY as default Physics List to test the low-energy electromagnetic. 22.02.2009 - G.Folger; Tag: ccal-V09-02-00 Fix compilation warnings in CCalRunAction.cc and CCalEndOfEventAction.cc 15.06.2008 - G.A.P.Cirrone; Tag: ccal-V09-01-00 Removed no more necessary AIDA commands from GNUmakefile 14.11.2006 - A.Ribon (ccal-V08-01-01) - Removed hadronic_lists.gmk after the inclusion of Physics Lists in the Geant4 kernel. 21.07.2006 - A.Ribon (ccal-V08-01-00) - New hadronic_lists.gmk, consistent with lAr_calorimeter. 08.12.2005 - A.Ribon (ccal-V07-01-01) - Migration to CLHEP namespace. 13.12.04 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V07-01-00) - Migration to from deprecated . - Updated hadronic physics list (commented QGSP_Model by A.Ribon). 03.05.2005 - J.Allison - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 13.12.04 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V06-02-02) - Use new phys-lists structure. 29.11.04 - A.Ribon (ccal-V06-02-01) - Migration to cmath. 14.07.04 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V06-02-00) - Corrected hadronic_lists.gmk, removed unnecessary list of kernel libraries from EXTRALIBS. 27.05.04 - A.Ribon (ccal-V06-01-01) - Changed use of the ntuple. Now it is simpler and the ntuple is always correctly filled. 18.05.04 - A.Ribon (ccal-V06-01-00) - Ported to PI. Only the setup is changed, no changes in the code. 05.12.03 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V05-02-07) - Changed LISTS_BASE to G4LISTS_BASE for hadronic physics lists path. Cowork with "ghad-lists-V05-02-01". 04.12.03 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-02-06) - Added some recent modifications and improvements from Sunanda. 04.12.03 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V05-02-05) - Corrected GNUmakefile and updated scripts to Anaphe 5.0.6. 03.12.03 - H.P.Wellisch - Removed physics-lists, now using default setup provided in $G4INSTALL/hadronic_lists. 25.11.03 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-02-04) - Changes in the Physics Lists to be compatible with the latest hadronic changes in geant4-06-00-cand-02. 13.11.03 - John Allison - Brought Vis Manager up to date. 05.11.03 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-02-03) - Add some modifications from Sunanda on how to handle "GetReplicaNumber()". 03.11.03 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-02-02) - Removed "GetCopyNo()" and replaced it with "GetReplicaNumber()" using G4TouchableHistory. 31.10.03 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-02-01) - Enables possibility of running the simulation in HCal alone or HCal+ECal mode with the correct B-field + a few small bug corrections. Changed also the default stepper (in magnetic field). 18.09.03 V.Ivanchenko (ccal-V05-02-00) - Complete migration to model EM physics 12.06.2003 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-01-02) - Updated the LHEP, QGSP, and QGSC Physics Lists. Done also some clean up. 23.05.2003 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-01-01) - Removed some compilation warnings, after the introduction of tighter compilation options. 25.04.2003 - A.Ribon (ccal-V05-01-00) - Replaced cout with G4cout and endl with G4endl, and removed some compilation warning about unused variables. 19.02.2003 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V05-00-00) - Removed redundant inclusion of PhysicalConstants.h and SystemOfUnits.h. Now using CLHEP headers. 11.12.2002 - A.Ribon (ccal-V04-01-04) - Some clean up and fixes, but unfortunately not yet fixed the problem of reading the material in the Sun platform (it looks like a problem with file stream). 06.12.2002 - G.Cosmo (ccal-V04-01-03) - Migrated messenger to new G4ApplicationState. 15.11.2002 - A.Ribon (ccal-V04-01-02) - Fixed problem of Anaphe with c-shell, and tested with geant4-04-01-ref-04 24.10.2002 - A.Ribon (ccal-V04-01-01) - Changed default physics list to QGSC, with the possibility of easily switching to either LHEP or QGSP. 24.10.2002 - A.Ribon (ccal-V04-01-00) - Replaced physics list with ufficial LHEP one; added visualization and GUI; written README file. 9.10.2002 - S.Banerjee - Put the various classes in place, and rename them. 30.09.2002 - M.G.Pia - Created directory