############################################################################### # # # alpha.mac # # PMT hits from internal calibrator (single alphas) # # output in files hits.out and pmt.out # # # ############################################################################### # # verbosities /control/verbose 1 /run/verbose 1 /tracking/verbose 0 /hits/verbose 1 # # draw flags /dmx/draw/drawColours standard /dmx/draw/drawTracks noscint /dmx/draw/drawHits 0 # # file output /dmx/savePmt 1 /dmx/saveHits 1 # # gun: particle /dmx/gun/verbose 1 /dmx/gun/particle alpha /dmx/gun/energytype Mono /dmx/gun/energy 10.0 keV # # gun: isotropic #/dmx/gun/angtype iso # # OR gun: shoot up /dmx/gun/angtype direction /dmx/gun/direction 0 0 1 # # gun: source /dmx/gun/type Volume /dmx/gun/shape Cylinder /dmx/gun/radius 250 um /dmx/gun/halfz 10.0 nm /dmx/gun/centre 0 0 -302.65 mm /dmx/gun/confine americium_phys # /dmx/hitsfile alpha_low.out /dmx/pmtfile alpha_low_pmt.out /dmx/histogramfile alpha_low.his # # set to 0 if too many tracks to store /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 # /run/beamOn 1