$Id: History,v 1.15 2009/11/11 17:12:10 arce Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 11 November 2009 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V09-02-02) - Avoid G4ThreeVector(double) constructor in G4ErrorMagFieldLimitProcess.cc 14 May 2008 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V09-02-01) - Inclusion of pion+/- and proton in physics list - Possibility to account for error deflation (needed to make 'smoothing') 14 November 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V09-00-02) - G4ErrorPropagator: removed call to exit() and some cleanup. 24 September 2007 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V09-00-01) - G4ErrorFreeTrajState: corrected bug in one of the transformation matrix terms. Addresses problem report #971. - G4ErrorFreeTrajParam: corrected normalization of Y and Z coordinates. 5 June 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V08-03-09) - Added missing definition of GLOBLIBS in GNUmakefile to allow for building DLLs on Windows. 4 June 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V08-03-08) - Fixed compilation errors and warnings on WIN32-VC platform: replaced usage of M_PI with CLHEP::pi; replaced usage of 'uint' with 'size_t'; fixed boolean operation in conditional statement. 1 June 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V08-03-07) - Some cleanup and further simplification of matrices classes. 31 May 2007 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V08-03-06) - Using G4ErrorMatrix instead of CLHEP Matrix. 31 May 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V08-03-05) - Fixed compilation problems on Windows/VC++. - Use G4bool for bool and CLHEP::pi for M_PI. 31 May 2007 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V08-03-04) - Fixed problem of uninitialised variables. 29 May 2007 - G.Cosmo (error_propagation-V08-03-03) - Fixed errors for unnecessary inclusion of non-existing headers. - Use G4GeometryTolerance for retrivial of kCarTolerance. - Fixed GNUmakefile for setting of debug verbosity. - Added CVS headers and some cleanup ... 25 May 2007 - P.Arce (error_propagation-V08-03-00, 01, 02) - First version. 12 May 2007 - G.Cosmo - Directory structure created.