q$Id: History,v 1.139 2010/06/19 11:12:58 vnivanch Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Hadronic physics-list History ----------------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 19-06-2011, V.Ivantchenko (phys-lists-V09-03-16) - G4FTFPNeutronBuilder, G4FTFPPiKBuilder, G4FTFPProtonBuilder, G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBuilder, G4QGSPProtonBuilder G4QGSBuilder - added deletion of G4ExcitationHandler, G4QGSMFragmentation HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT, HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT, HadronPhysicsQGSP_FTFP_BERT - added deletion of neutron builder 11-06-2011, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-15) - fix compilation error in G4QPhotoNuclearPhysics 11-06-2011, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-14) - tag changes of Vladimir & Mikhail 11-06-2011, V.Ivantchenko - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - RangeFactor for e+- is set to 0.04 10-06-2010, M. Kosov (*** Not tagged ***) reset of theParticleIterator in G4QPhotoNuclearPhysics 08-06-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-13) - Add Shielding list together with Tatsumi. This list is: - based on FTFP_BERT - using IonQMDPhysics, instead of LHEP ion physics - Neutron_HP - and Barashenkov + Glauber Gribov cross section via G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS for neutron and proton - and JENDL HE cross sections for neutrons 08-06-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-12) - 3 more fixes for compilation warnings on unused variables. 07-06-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-11) - remove few leftover declarations for G4bool Quasielastic in .icc files for physics lists, not used any longer 04-06-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-10) - New ctor for G4NeutronTrackingCut - Use new ctors in physics lists - QGSP_FTFP_BERT becomes supported (was experimental) - remove previously blocked lists (FTFP_EMV, QGSC_EFLOW, QGSP_EMX) - remove obsolete lists, except QGSP ( now blocked) and QGSC_CHIPS, ie. removed FTFC, FTFP, LHEP_BERT_HP, LHEP_BERT, LHEP_PRECO_HP, QGSC_EMV, QGSC, QGSC_QGSC, QGSP_BERT_DIF, QGSP_BERT_NQE, QGSP_DIF, QGSP_EMV, QGSP_EMV_NQE, QGSP_NQE, QGSP_QE 04-06-2010, M. Kosov (phys-lists-V09-03-09) particles're restricted to SU(3) hadrons (no pi0 & eta) in G4QElasticPhysics 04-06-2010, M. Kosov (phys-lists-V09-03-08) bug fix for the virtual distructor in G4QElasticPhysics & G4QIonPhysics 03-June, V.Ivantchenko, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-07) - Introduce new ctor for all builders with signature AbcPhysics::AbcPhyics(G4int ver=value); Existing ctor kept, but updated default arguments to avoid ambigous signatures. Physicslist not changed to use new ctor yet. 03-06-2010, M. Kosov (phys-lists-V09-03-06) - G4QElasticPhysics substitute for G4HadronQElasticPhysics in the CHIPS Physics List - G4QIonPhysics substitute for G4IonPhysics in the CHIPS Physics ListList. 02-06-2010, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-03-05) - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - added G4WentzelVIMscModel for e+- - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - added G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel for e+-; - added 1 MeV upper limit for the Livermore ionisation model (was 1 GeV) 02-06-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-04) - revise QGSP_FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT to - Use CHIPS G4QInelastic for all "misc" particles, including anti-proton, anti-neutron and hyperons. - Use interface to CHIPS cross sections G4QHadronInelasticDataSet for Kaons. required changes to respective HadronPhysics... classes. 26-05-2010, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-03-03) - new physics list QGSP_BERT_CHIPS: Use CHIPS G4QInelastic for all "misc" particles, including anti-proton, anti-neutron and hyperons. Also use interface to CHIPS cross sections G4QHadronInelasticDataSet for Kaons. added classes: QGSP_BERT_CHIPS, HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_CHIPS, and G4MiscCHIPSBuilder modifed G4PhysListFactory to make new list available. 19-05-2010, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-03-02) - QBBC - disable multi fragmentation model of deexcitation 12-04-2010, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-03-01) - LBE - Substituted obsolete G4MultipleScattering by particle wise msc processes 29-12-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-03-00) - QBBC - fixed hadron inelastic configuration; instantiated G4PreCompoundModel and its pointer propagated to all high energy models; use CHIPS for anti-protons to avoid crash in FTF 04-12-2009, K.Murakami (phys-lists-V09-02-46) - Fixed typo in FTFP_EMV.icc for wrong call to G4WarnPLStatus. 03-12-2009, P.Kaitaniemi (phys-lists-V09-02-45) - QGSP_INCL_ABLA, Fix: Use Bertini cascade for kaons in the energy range 0 - 10 GeV. 30-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-44) - G4QNeutrinoPhysics - process is not created if neutrino is not simulated 28-11-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-43) - QBBC - fixed cross sections for hadron elastic 27-11-2009, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-02-42) - QGSP_BERT_TRV, change transition energies in HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_TRV to use BERT ]0,9.9], LEP [9.5, 15], QGSP [10, inf[ - QGSP_BERT_NOLEP, use G4HadronQElasticPhysics - explicitely mark experimental: QGSP_BERT_EMX, QGSP_BERT_TRV, QGSP_FTFP_BERT, QGSP_INCL_ABLA - mark as obsolete: FTFP, QGSP, QGSC, QGSC_CHIPS, QGSC_EMV, QGSC_QGSC - mark supported ( remove experimental) :FTFP_BERT, FTFP_BERT_EMV - Add initial version of G4IonQMDPhysics 25-11-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-41) - G4PhysListFactory - update list of supported referenced PhysicsLists - QBBC - updated for the release 24-11-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-40) - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - set finalRange=10um for ions - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use default StepFunction for ions 20-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-39) - Something was wrong in CHIPS lis, but now it is working 20-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-38) - G4QAtomicPhysics and xs_dependent is excluded from the GNUmakefile's 18-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-37) - bug fix in CHIPS.icc (call for G4QCaptureAtRestPhysics) 17-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-36) - improved dependencies on CHIPS 16-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-35) - dependencies on split CHIPS-body and new class G4QCaptureAtRestPhysics 13-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-34) - two builders G4QNeutrinoPhysics & G4QPhotoNuclearPhysics with the G4QMessenger are added to the CHIPS physics list 10-11-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-33) - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - added G4NuclearStopping process for GenericIon, He3, alpha particles 4-11-2009, P.Gumplinger (phys-lists-V09-02-32) - add G4OpticalPhysics and G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger class 3-11-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-31) - close the warning about not used quasiElastic 31-10-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-30) - G4EmDNAPhysics (S.Inserti) updated combined Physics List standard/DNA 30-10-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-29) - Review of all EM builders: - in all builders separate definition of processes for He3 and He4 ions; G4eMultipleScattering for e+, e-, G4MuMultipleScattering for muons; - G4UrbanMscModel93 for e+- for all builders except Opt0 and Opt1 - G4WentzelVIModel for muons for all builders except Opt0 and Opt1 - G4ParameterizedIonModel for Opt3 and all combined builders - StepFunction (0.1, 0.02*mm) for ions inside Opt2 30-10-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-28) - first implementation of the one model CHIPS physics list 08-10-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-27) - fixed compillation problem in G4HadronPhysicsQBBC 04-10-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-26) - modified QBBC - remove template and move QBBC.icc to QBBC.cc; use a new G4VHadronPhysics interface - G4HadroHElasticPhysics uses G4WHadronElasticProcess (the result of redesign of elastic) instead of G4UHadronElasticProcess - QGSP_BERT_EMV uses G4HadroHElasticPhysics instead of G4HadroElasticPhysics 02-10-2009, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V09-02-25) - modified EM standard Physics Lists G4EmStandardPhysics - return 9.2 configuration G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - use ApplyCuts=true G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use G4eMultipleScattering for e+- 09-09-2009, S.Incerti (phys-lists-V09-02-24) - added high energy limit to e- models for better clarity in G4EmLivermorePhysics.cc G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics.cc 19-07-2009, P.Kaitaniemi (phys-lists-V09-02-23) - Added INCL/ABLA physics builders for protons, neutrons, pions and light ions - Added QGSP_INCL_ABLA physics list - Added QGSP_INCL_ABLA to the G4PhysListFactory 08-07-2009, S.Incerti (phys-lists-V09-02-22) - adapted G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics builder similarly to the non polarized case 03-06-2009, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-02-21) - no code change - use versions of phys-lists-V09-02-18 for builders/include/G4QGSC_CHIPSNeutronBuilder.hh builders/*/G4QNeutronBuilder.{hh,cc} 02-06-2009, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-02-20) - Rename HadronPhysicsFB68.{hh,cc} to HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV.{hh,cc}; required changes in FTFP_BERT_TRV.icc as well. - correct typo in experimental/Unsupported names in FTF_BIC.icc and QGSP_EMX.icc 25-05-2009, M.Kosov (phys-lists-V09-02-19) - Two new low energy (<290 MeV) nA CHIPS reactions are implemented in the QGSC_CHIPS physics list (works together with the hadr-chips-inter-V09-02-07 CHIPS tag 18-05-2009, G.Folger (phys-lists-V09-02-18) - Declare several list obsolete, partially disabling use. Obsolete + disabled (= remove) FTF_EMV, replacment FTFP_BERT_EMV QGSC_EFLOW, replacment QGSC_CHIPS QGSP_EMX, replacment QGSP_BERT_EMX Obsolete: FTFC LHEP_BERT, LHEP_BERT_HP, LHEP_PRECO_HP QGSP_BERT_DIF, QGSP_BERT_NQE, QGSP_DIF, QGSP_EMV, QGSP_EMV_NQE, QGSP_NQE, QGSP_QEL 11-05-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-17 - Added new PhysLists with special EM options: FTFP_BERT_EMV, FTFP_BERT_EMX, QGSP_BERT_EMX, QGSP_BIC_EMY (opt3 EM physics) - Renamed FB68 to FTFP_BERT_TRV - G4PhysicsListFactory - updated list of supported PhysLists 10-05-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-16 G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - use 9.2 msc model for e+- G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use G4WentzelVIModel for e+- G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use updated G4UrbanMscModel2 and use G4RayleighScattering G4EmLivermorePhysics - upper limit of Livermore models 1 GeV 23-04-2009, J.Apostolakis phys-lists-V09-02-15 - Added MaxEnergy method in FTF builders. - Added QGSP_FTFP_BERT based on QGSP_BERT replacing the bridging LEP with FTFP, and transitioning from BERT to FTFP between 7 and 9 GeV; - Added FB68 as variant of FTFP_BERT with transition between 6 and 8 GeV. 20-04-2009, M.Kosov phys-lists-V09-02-14 - Two new physics lists QGSC_QGSC and QGSC_CHIPS are added. - QGSC_QGSC physics list uses the QGS model with the MultySoft interface to CHIPS at all energies, starting from E=0. For neutrons it still uses LHEP models for the radiativ capture and fission. - QGSC_CHIPS physics list uses the QGS model with the EnergyFlow interface to CHIPS at all energies. For the pA interactions the native CHIPS process G4QCollision is used below 290 MeV. The QGSC and G4QCollision processes are joined in one process by the CHIPS G4QDiscProcessMixer interface. - The corresponding physics builders are added. 17-04-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-12 - Restore History after modification of CHIPS builders - Fixed G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics - Added new CHIPS PhysLists to the G4PhysListFactory - Fixed G4HadronInelasticQBBC - cross sections are created by new, not by value, fission only instantiated for HP 31-03-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-05 - To fix bug #1056 all cross section data sets are included not as a member of classes but created by new - inline constructor and destructors are moved to source for classes: G4VNeutronBuilder, G4VPiKBuilder, G4VProtonBuilder, G4WarnPLStatus 26-03-2009, S.Incerti phys-lists-V09-02-04 - Added builders for Livermore and Penelope physics processes: G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics. 25-03-2009, S.Incerti phys-lists-V09-02-03 - Added builder for DNA physics processes: G4EmDNAPhysics. 12-03-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-02 - HadronPhysicsQGSC: fixed crash at destruction. 16-02-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-01 - G4IonBinaryCascadePhysics: use Shen cross section only if Tripathi is not applicable (fixed order of x-sections). - G4HadronInelasticQBBC: use G4StringChipsParticleLevelInterface instead of obsolete G4StringChipsInterface. 05-02-2009, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-02-00 - G4MiscLHEPBuilder: create processes by "new" in order to have proper deletion at the end of job. 05-12-2008, G.Cosmo phys-lists-V09-01-20 - Added missing dependency to "run" category in GLOBLIBS for DLL parsing induced by G4PhysicsListFactory which now brings in dependency on G4VModularPhysicsList. 01-12-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-19 - G4HadronElasticPhysics: fixed adding optional Barashenkov Xsection QBBC - added QBBBG option 21-11-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-18 - Added sigma_c+, sigma_c++ in the list of stable hadrons - added interfaces to G4PhysicsListFactory - ALICE requirement 20-11-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-17 - Added charge exchange process to QBBC Physics Lists 17-11-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-16 - Added names to string models builders 14-11-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-15 G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - disable ApplyCuts option G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - linLossLimit set to be default (0.01) G4PhysicsListFactory - added QBBCG 15-10-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-14 In all EM builders - set inactive for AlongStep for bremsstrahlung and pair production porcesses for minor CPU improvenment 15-10-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-13 In all EM builders: added hadron bemsstrahlung and e+e- pair production and e-msc for e+-; G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - enable "ApplyCuts", disable "SubCutoff" G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - added G4LowEnergyRayleigh, set 120 bins for tables (60 is the default), StepFunction per particle type 24-09-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-12 - QBBC temporary variant which is equivalent QGSP_BERT without LHEP for protons, neutrons and pions 17-09-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-11 - G4NeutronTrackingCut - added Set methods to define time and energy limits directly - G4HadronInelasticQBBC, QBBC - use FTF with Binary Casacde, improved cout 04-08-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-10 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 : use mu-msc for all particles, switch off "subcut" option, switch on "ApplyCuts" option - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 : use e-msc for all particles, switch off subcutoff - QBBC - use FTF as a default, remove obsolete methods 30-4-2008, G.Folger phys-lists-V09-01-09 - Update lists/include/FTF*.icc and lists/include/HadronPhysicsFTF*.icc to NOT use Quasielastic from Chips, as FTF now has quasi-elastic included in the FTF model itsself. 30-05-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-08 - GNUmakefile - added electromagnetic/highenergy - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 : define linLossLimit per particle type - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 : define linLossLimit 0.01, added hadron induced bremsstrahlung and pair production 19-05-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-07 - removed obsolete class G4HadronProcessStore (similar is available in processes/hadronic/management) 30-4-2008, G.Folger phys-lists-V09-01-06 - Fix delete using uninitialized pointers in FTF-BIC, in HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC.{hh,cc}, G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder.{hh,cc} and G4LEPNeutronBuilder.cc - Remove QGSP_BIC2 and QGSP_CASC lists, and related files. 29-04-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-05 - fixed link problem 25-04-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-04 - Added D and B mesons to all EM bulders G4EmStandardPhysics* - QBBC - fixed compillation warning - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2,3 - use spline for Physics Tables - G4PhysListFactory - new helper class for building PhysList 26-03-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-03 26-03-2008, mma - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 : SetStepFunction() per particle type 18-03-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-02 17-03-2008, mma - cosmetic in G4EmStandardPhysics_ to handle G4EmProcessOptions 13-03-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-01 - Added new builder G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 08-01-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-00 - G4EmExtraPhysics - fixed bug #993 (swap of synkrotron radiation and mu-nuclear activation). 16-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-12 - New PL QGSP_BERT_DIF; as QGSP_BERT with projectile diffraction for proton and neutron enabled. 26-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-11 - QBBC - fixed bug in adding of cross section for pions 16-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-10 - New PL FTF_BIC. Equivalent to QGS_BIC. For pions LEP is not used, as BIC is used up to 5 GeV, thus overlapping with FTF starting at 4 GeV. 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-09 - added a possibility to activate G4SynchrotronRadiation and mu-nuclear betwen runs; - G4HadronHElasticPhysics - fixed name; - QBBC - tuned energy thresholds between string and cascade models 15-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-08 - New PL QGSC_BERT; use QGSC down to overlap with BERT. LEP not used for proton,neutron,pions,Kaons, except neutron capture and neutron induced fission 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-07 - fixed QBBC Physics List for pi and K mesons 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-06 - G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics optional builder is added - QBBC Physics List use correct interface to CHIPS 14-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-05 - G4HadronDElasticPhysics - fixed run time bug - added low-energy model - QBBC options are reviewed and left: QBBC, QBBC_DEL,QBBC_HEL, QBBC_HP 13-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-04 - G4HadronDElasticPhysics is added - QBBC Physics List upgraded for 9.1 13-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-03 - Enable use of projectile diffraction in QGSP-like lists, and create new list using projectile diffraction QGSP_DIF - New PL QGS_BIC; like QGSP_BIC, but use binary also for pion and for rescattering via the propagate interface; the deexcitation implicitely uses precompound. 31-10-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-02 - New PL QGSP_BIC2: like QGSP_BIC, but use BIC for low energy pions 19-10-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-01 - New PL FTFP_BERT: FTFP with Bertini cascade. Crossover from Bertini to FTFP at 4-5 GeV. No LEP for inelastic for p,n,pi,K. - G4LEPNeutronBuilder.cc: when limit for MaxInelastic is 0, do NOT add LEP for inelastic; needed by above FTFP_BERT. 02-10-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-00 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - increase number of bins in tables in two times 27-06-2007, G.Cosmo phys-lists-V08-03-07 - Updated G4DataQuestionaire to change NeutronHPCrossSections with G4NEUTRONHPDATA environment variable. 11-06-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-06 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - substitute name "G4v71" by "Minimal" 01-06-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-05 - in QBBC.icc use consistent cross sections for elastic and inelastic 01-06-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-03-04 - active Quasielastic for FTF lists. Required changes to lists/*/HadronPhysicsFTF*, and builders/*/G4FTF*Builder.* - lower threshold for FTF: FTF starts at 4.0 GeV, overlaps with LEP up to 5.0 GeV 24-05-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-03-03 - remove obsolete physics lists LHEP_HP, QGSP_HP, LHEP_BIC, LHEP_BIC_HP, LHEP_PRECO. - remove physics lists using Mars leading particle classes (*LEAD*). - QGSP_BIC_HP is no longer experimental - Increment PACK version number 23-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-02 - add G4QEmExtraPhysics for gamma, e+-, mu+- nuclear CHIPS 18-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-01 - remove obsolete G4EmStandardPhysics72 and G4EmStandardPhysics71 - use new commands for G4EmStandardPhysics_option1,2 16-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-00 - Create new builders G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 from G4EmStandardPhysics71 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 from G4EmStandardPhysics72 - Remove definition of name of EM constructor from all PL.icc files, now name of EM constructor defined inside the constructor itself. 07-05-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-12 - Add QGSP_BERT_TRV; copy of QGSP_BERT, but change to BERT occurs at (5.0 - 5.4) GeV for proton/neutron/pion/Kaon - Increase Pack version number to 5.2 02-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-11 - Fix bug in EMV seria of Physics Lists - restore high performance 26-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-10 - For QGSC, QGSC_EMV, and QGSC_EFLOW enable use of G4QCaptureAtRest() also for muons. Mods needed in G4QStoppingPhysics as well. 26-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-09 - Modifications for Quasielastic. Added to all QGS physics lists execpt the two obsolete QGSC_LEAD/QGSC_LEAD_HP. This also required adapting of - HadronsPhysicsXYZ - {QGSP;QGSC;QGSC_EFLOW}{Neutron,Proton,PiK}Builder - removed unneeded HadronPhysics...{EMV,EMX}; HadronPhysicsLHEP_EMV stays, as this differs in stopping 16-04-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-08 - QBBC Physics Lists adopt recent upgrades in QGS and FTF 02-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-07 - Correct compilation problem with QGSP.icc 30-03-2007, G. Folger phys-lists-V08-02-06 - Add quasielastic in QGSP; this requiredchanges to - QGSP{proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder adds QuasiElasticChannel on conditional flag - HadronPhysicsQGSP passes flag (default=false) to Builders - QGSP uses flag to include quasielastic - new list QGSP_NQSE is copy of QGSP without quasielastic 27-03-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-05 - G4EmStandardPhysics72 use skin=0 (no ComputeStep) - G4HadronHElasticPhysics uses new cross section classes G4BGGNucleonElasticXS and G4BGGPionElasticXS (V.Ivanchenko) 01-03-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-04 - G4EmStandardPhysics and G4EmStandardPhysics71 use skin=0 (no ComputeStep) 20-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-03 - G4HadronElasticPhysics set limits on low energy and QElastic to zero 13-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-02 - G4EmStandardPhysics - remove extra printout 13-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-01 - G4EmStandardPhysics - use G4hMultipleScattering for muons - G4EmStandardPhysics72 use default msc 13-02-2007, A.Howard - Added set min/max Energy and Inelastic Energy to NeutronHP builder - Fixed special cuts for LBE physics list 15-12-2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-02-00 - Fix in QGSP_BIC_HP: use HP elastic in this list ( thanks to Alex) 05.12.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-13 - add QGSC_EFLOW, using new energy flow method for CHIPS; consequently, HadronPhysicsQGSC_EFLOW and builders G4QGSCEflow{Proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder added as well. QGSC changed to use G4QStringChipsParticleLevelInterface via the builders G4QGS{Proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder; this emulates 8.1 modeling. 05.12.2006, G.Cosmo - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS with correct library dependencies to allow for generation of DLLs on Windows. 29.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-12 - in G4HadronQElasticPhysics initialize wasActivated in ctor 28.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-11 - add QGSP_QEL, i.e QGSP with chips elastic 24.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-10 - add QGSC_EMV and QGSP_BIC_HP - correct neutron tracking cut - various small fixes - update versions numbers 21.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-09 - add warning to obsolete physics lists (LHEP: _HP, _BIC, BIC_HP, _PRECO, QGSP_HP) - add neutron tracking cut to QGSP and FTF lists without _HP extension 03.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-08 - Move physics lists into source tree - Simplify directory/library structure - delete 2 _GN lists - added for G4 8.1 by mistake, 05.10.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-07 - QBBC - use LHEP cross section if LHEP option is configured 26.09.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-06 - QBBC physics lists - add an option to use Glauber-Gribov cross sections 15.08.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-05 - G4NadronElasticPhysics - move includes from .cc to .hh 10.08.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-04 - G4NadronElasticPhysics - configure neutrons separately from other hadrons - G4HadronProcessStore - implement computation of cross sections 26.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-03 - Return pLimit= 20 MeV/c 24.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-02 - Fix - add G4NeutronHPElasticData in the PL, not inside the process - Use pLimit=60 MeV/c instead of 20 MeV/c 14.07.06, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-01 - Correct flag for HP in G4HadronElasticPhysics() to true for LHEP_HP and QGSP_HP 05.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-00 - Fix initialisation problem for QBBC_HP - Fix HP regime for G4NadronElasticPhysics - Add cout of the list of processes and models for QBBC 24.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-15 - Fix typo in BinaryIon builder 23.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-14 - Fixed activation of LHEp for ions 23.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-13 - Set dRoverRange=0.8 for EM physics v71 - Set emaxLHEP=1 TeV for light ions 21.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-12 - In QGSP_EMV use EM physics v71 - Create new QGSP_EMX and use EM physics v72 21.06.2006, G.Folger - Update physics list version nyumbers, add 0.1 to all modified lists 20.06.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-00-11 - Use Bertini cascade for Kaons (K+,K-, K0L, k0S) - Add Binary Cascade for Ions to BIC PhysicsLists (VI) 20.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-10 - Add mu-nuclear option to G4EmExtraBuilder - Add commands to G4EmMessenger 17.06.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-00-09 - Remove remaining elastic pointers from LHEP builders to avoid crash at destruction 16.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-08 - Propose more fast EM option QGSP_EMV 16.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-07 - Fix link problem 15.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-06 - Update QGSP_EMV - Propose G4EmStandardPhysics72 as a fast EM physics 15.05.2006, G.Folger - hadr-lists-V08-00-05 - Move elastic out of G4Neutron/Proton/PIK- Builder, and use G4HadronElasticPhyics directly in PL 14.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-04 - Fix bug in G4QStoppingPhysics - Use G4QStoppingPhysics in QBBC 08.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-03 - Migrade stopping physics to CHIPS for all except LBE and LHEP - HadronPhysicsQGSP_GN - fix name of the builder 06.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-02 - Fix compilation error at SUN - Use Bertini for kaons in QBBC 03.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-01 - Fix number of destructors - add QBBC subdirectory 02.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-00 - Exclude physics_list/electromagnetic subdirectory - Fix destructor for G4MiscLHEPBuilder - Fix problem in destructors of G4DecayPhysics and G4ElectroNuclearBuilder - Fix typo in LHEP PhysicsList - fix minor typo in G4EmMessenger - rename G4EmStandardPhysics71 ->G4EmStandardPhysics72; - define StepFunction of e+ and e- (1.0, 1.0*mm) for G4EmStandardPhysics71 in order to have backward compatibility with the previous release 02.12.2005, G.Folger & V.Ivantchenko - phys-lists-V07-01-01 - Includes tags: emphys-V07-01-01 and hadr-lists-V07-01-02. - Implemented migration of physics lists to non static particles scheme. 02.08.2005, G.Cosmo - phys-lists-V07-01-00 - Corrected README of hadronic lists for build instructions. 13.12.2004, G.Cosmo - phys-lists-V06-02-00 - Imported hadronic lists and electromagnetic lists from top-level. - Created.