2004 NOvember 26 A) How to use MOMO. 1) cd here where src/ and include/ are located 2) "java -version" and check that your java virtual machine is version 1.4 (1.5 works with some malfuctionning) 3) "java -jar ../MOMO.jar" and MOMO starts 4) check that "set G4WORKDIR" displays this directory. If you change this, you will have faster access to files in that directory. B) How to use the example of a flattening filter 1) relevant files of this example are ./linac.cc ./Momomake.gmk ./flat.his (a macro file) ./src/flatteningFilter.cc ./include/flatteningFilter.hh All these files are generated automatically by MOMO, including the history macro file. 2) fill the tables from the persistent files a) GPE -> load file -> MomoN02PhysicsList.g4ph -> make C++ file -> save in src/ -> make header file -> save in include/ b) GGE -> load file -> flatteningFilter.g4dt -> make C++ file -> save in src/ -> make header file -> savle in include/ c) type i the name of the main program in the top field of MOMO panel 3) Project menu a) make main program -> save here b) make Makefile -> save here c) compile If some errors are found, correct them 4) run GAG -> Geant4 -> Start -> file chooser mouse click /control/execute -> file chooser -> flat.his -> OK and you will have OpenGL event display: e- 10MeV, entering the flattenig filter (same as the examples/extended/linac), changing the incident angles Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2002 March Momo's default home directory in which the default src and include directories and the default four classes are placed. src/MomoEventAction.cc src/MomoRunAction.cc src/MomoPrimaryGeneratorAction.cc src/MomoVisManager.cc include/MomoEventAction.hh include/MomoRunAction.hh include/MomoPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh include/MomoVisManager.hh A macro file is included to visualise events and trajectories ./vis.mac And this file ./README