$Id: History,v 1.50 2010/06/06 04:21:04 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= A01 History File ========================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 June 2010 Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-03-00) - Updated vis usage. 2 Dec 2009 Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-02) - A01MuonPhysics: change hMultipleScattering to MuMultipleScattering. 20 Mov 2009 Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-01) - A01DetectorConstruction, A01MagneticField: improve handing of field. Resolves bug 1012. - A01Trajectory: removed. Example uses G4Trajectory. - Update to new multiple scattering classes. - README: General update. Remove references to obsolete SLAC Geant4 tutorial CD. 14 Mov 2009 John Allison (exampleA01-V09-02-00) - A01app.cc: Introduced G4UIExecutive. 5 March 2009 Guy Barrand - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file, since it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk. This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands of the aida-config options. 17 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V08-03-01) - Fixed memory leak for plotter 16 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann - Fixed warning message about JAS-JAIDA window on exit. 13 November 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08-01-02) - Remove unused attributes from hit classes. 10 November 2006 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V08-01-01) - Fixed Makefile - Fixed limits on histogram 6 November 2006 - John Allison (exampleA01-V08-01-00) - Change "Bookkeeping" to "Physics" in G4AttDefs. - Removed tracking action. Use "/vis/scene/add/trajectories rich", etc. - Invoke G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh) if G4UI_USE_TCSH set. 1 June 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08-00-01) - Add Time attribute to Hit classes. 2 June 2005 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V07-00-05) - Add G4Atts to the four hit classes. 1 June 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-04) - Updated documentation for the use of Binary HepRep. 31st May 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-03) - Added setting of initial viewpoint to macro files for heprep and bheprep. 26th May 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-02) - Fixed filling of hit histograms. 16th May 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-01) - Added bheprep example files. 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 31 March 2005 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-00) - Fixed linking problem with AIDA by replacing LOADLIBS with LDLIBS which is not touched by the replacement strategy in binmake.gmk for WIN32-VC. 13th December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-03) - Modified hadlists.gmk to new phys-lists structure. 3rd December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-02) - Implemented migration to . 23rd November 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-02-01) - Removed dependency from user hadronics lists 14th July 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-00) - hadlist.gmk: removed unnecessary kernel libraries list. Fixes problem report #647. 27th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-01-01) - Updated Mac file to write separate geometry. 26th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-01-00) - Updated mac files for HepRep2 driver to set zoom factor and coordinate system. 9th February 2004 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V06-00-00) - Fix EM part of the physics list to use the new processes introduced at 6.0. - Reference output is updated accordingly. 1st December 2003 Joseph Perl - Removed endOfEventAction.mac since new vis policy provides such a flush automatically. - Updated README to include more information about HepRep2 macros. 17th November 2003 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V05-02-00) - Introducing test.in macro for batch mode testing and its reference output. 13th November 2003 John Allison - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager. 15th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Updated README.JAIDA to refer to the proper versions of JAIDA and AIDAJNI. Also changed compilation instructions to use aida-config. - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled without optmization on Darwin-g++, Darwin-g++2 and Darwin-g++3 (MacOS X). 14th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Added clear statement to GNUmakefile that G4HadronPhysics is compiled without optimization. - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled without optimization on Linux-g++, Linux-g++2 and Linux-g++3. 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl - Remove SetForceWireFrame(false) from three hit classes since these are redundant to the SetForceSolid(true) statements already there. 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl - Remove SetForceWireFrame(true) statements from A01DetectorConstruction.cc. The user can instead control this at runtime using /vis/viewer/set/style 13th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Re-included A01EventActionMessenger in general (non G4ANALYSIS_USE) compilation for use with A01EventACtion, see comment below. - Removed all include/AIDA include files and changed the GNUmakefile. To compile/link with G4ANALYSIS_USE you will need an AIDA 3.0 compliant implementation, such as AIDAJNI. The makefile will execute aida-config to find the include files and the libraries to link with. - setup-analysis.csh/sh/win32 now only sets up G4 specific flags to compile in the AIDA analysis framework. 13th October 2003 Joseph Perl - Minor changes to README's sections on vis and analysis. 12th October 2003 Makoto Asai - Move G4ANALYSIS_USE ifdef blocks so that event summary is printed out regardless of this flag. Only the AIDA part in A01EventAction is blocked. 12th October 2003 Joseph Perl - Modify G4TrackingAction to use G4Trajectory rather than A01Trajectory. This allows trajectories to pick up physics attributes. Left A01Trajectory in place as alternative to get color coding by particle type, but no physics attributes. Will later come up with a good scheme to make choice of one or the other or both of these choices at run time. - Renamed visualization macro heprep.mac to vis.mac 20th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Updated code to run with AIDAJNI 3.0.3 release, which adds compilation under g++ 3.2. - Added aida.mac example file. 14th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Code will only compile AIDA parts if G4ANALYSIS_USE is set. 11th July 2003 Mark Donszelmann - Fixed all warnings under g++ 2.95.3. 3rd April 2003 Mark Donszelmann (examples-analysis-A01-V05-00-00) - Added 2 more histograms to the example - Fixed NullPointerException by letting SDManager delete the detectors created in DetectorConstruction.cc - Added comment when quitting Geant4 that JAS window still needs closing. 26th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann - Fixed DrifChamberHit to have a reasonable screensize (2) rather than 0.1 - Fixed minimum value for EmCalHit color to be visible (0.4). 14th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann - Added A01 example to repository