# # Macro file for A01app # # For initialization of graphics. # See geant4/source/visualization/README.built_in_commands. # # Create a scene handler and viewer for a specific graphics system # Edit the next line(s) to choose another graphic system # /vis/open is a compound command equivalent to: # /vis/sceneHandler/create # /vis/viewer/create # /vis/open OGL # # Create a scene. One could use /vis/drawVolume, which is equivalent to: # /vis/scene/create # /vis/scene/add/volume # /vis/sceneHandler/attach # but we want more, so... # # Create empty scene # /vis/scene/create # # Add volume to scene ("world" is default) # /vis/scene/add/volume # # Add trajectories to scene # /vis/scene/add/trajectories # # Add hits to scene # /vis/scene/add/hits # # If you wish to accumulate trajectories or hits... # /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate # # Attach scene to scene handler. # /vis/sceneHandler/attach # # Set view parameters # /vis/viewer/set/lightsThetaPhi 90. 0. /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 150. 90. # # Draw detector (with refresh, the detector is "drawn" but on some systems, # those requiring and update action, it is not visible until update or flush). # /vis/viewer/refresh # # Do runs # /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 # /run/beamOn 10 /vis/viewer/flush # /mydet/armAngle 60. deg /mydet/fieldValue 2. tesla /vis/viewer/refresh /run/beamOn 10 /vis/viewer/flush # /mydet/armAngle 30. deg /mydet/momentum 2. GeV /mydet/sigmaMomentum 0. /mydet/sigmaAngle 0. /vis/viewer/refresh /vis/scene/endOfEventAction refresh /run/beamOn 10 /vis/viewer/flush # /vis/scene/create /vis/scene/add/volume /vis/scene/add/trajectories /vis/sceneHandler/attach /vis/viewer/clear /vis/viewer/reset /vis/viewer/set/lightsThetaPhi 90. 0. /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 150. 90. /vis/viewer/refresh /mydet/sigmaAngle 2. deg /vis/viewer/refresh /run/beamOn 10 /vis/viewer/flush #