$Id: History,v 1.29 2010/06/07 05:40:46 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= GammaTherapy History file ------------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 06-06-10 J.Perl (gtherapy-V09-03-01) - Remove unused variable in EventAction 04-06-10 J.Perl (gtherapy-V09-03-00) - Updated vis usage 21-11-09 V.Ivant (gtherapy-V09-02-00) - update EM physics according to 9.3 11-06-08 V.Ivant (gtherapy-V09-01-00) - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile - Added opt3 variant of EM physics 04-07-07 V.Ivant (gtherapy-V09-00-00) - Provide a possibility to change cuts between runs 25-05-07 V.Ivant (gtherapy-V08-03-02) - Fixed singleton GetPointer method 24-05-07 V.Ivant (gtherapy-V08-03-01) - substitute autoptr by normal pointers in Histo to avoid crash 16 May 07: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V08-03-00) - Use renamed EM Phys list components from physics_lists subdirectory; 16 November 06: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V08-01-00) - Use Phys list components from physics_list subdirectory; - GNUmakefile - LDFLAGS -> LOADLIBS 17 January 06: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V08-00-00) - PreciseRange -> CSDARange 06 December 05: G.Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 02 December 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-01-02) - Fix crash connected with non-static hadrons 23 August 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-01-01) - Add g4v71 builder 23 August 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-01-00) - Add vis.mac; - Use standard angular distribution for lowenergy PhotoElectric - Add histogram type (aida, root, hbook) 7 June 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-00-04) - Fix step limiter UI 6 June 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-00-03) - Use "ApplyCuts" option 31 May 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-00-02) - Migrade to NIST materials 9 May 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-00-01) - Remove QED Builder70 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 14 April 05: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V07-00-00) - Update QED Builder70 - Return back killing electrons in the gas volume 15 Dec 04: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V06-02-07) - Uncomment out the StepFunction in GammaTherapy.in - Uncommnet line in PhysicsList constructor,w hich is needed to get UI command 13 Dec 04: S.Sadilov (gtherapy-V06-02-06) - Comment out the StepFunction in GammaTherapy.in 02 Dec 04: V.Ivant (gtherapy-V06-02-05) - Migration to cmath 02-12-04 V.Ivan. (gtherapy-V06-02-04) - Fix bug - miration in ParticleChange - Use EM PhysicsList for 7.0 30-11-04 V.Ivan. (gtherapy-V06-02-03) - Fix bug - comment out step max 01-11-04 V.Ivan. (gtherapy-V06-02-02) - cleanup for the release 13-09-04 V.Ivan. (gtherapy-V06-02-01) - fix normalisation of histograms; - change position of plane for scoring radial distribution from 10 cm to 7 cm; 03-08-04 V.Ivan. (gtherapy-V06-02-00) - created;