$Id: History,v 1.36 2010/06/07 05:40:46 perl Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= fanoCavity History file ----------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 06-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-03) - Remove unused variable in EventAction 04-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-02) - Updated vis usage 22-05-10 mma (fano-V09-03-01) - fanoCavity.cc : introduction of G4UIExecutive 19-01-10 mma (fano-V09-03-00) - introduce PhysListEmStandard_option2 : UrbanMscModel93 without options PhysListEmStandard_WVI : WentzelVIModel - put in run01.mac all physics lists choice 16-11-09 mma (fano-V09-02-03) - PhysListEmStandard_option3 : use UrbanMscModel93 29-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-02) - new PhysListEmStandard_GS for GoudsmitSaundersonMsc model 25-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-01) - splite PhysicsList in 2, as others TestEm examples. - local copy of PhysListEmStandard_option0, PhysListEmStandard_option3, PhysListEmStandard_SS - PhysicsList: add cut for proton recoil in case of Single Scattering 30-01-09 mma (fano-V09-02-00) - EndOfRun : error = ratio*std::sqrt(dEoverE*dEoverE + dToverT*dToverT) 16-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-06) - Em options: 20bins/decade LinLossLimit=default=0.01 01-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-05) - PhysicsList : add comments for Em options 26-10-08 mma (fano-V09-01-04) - PhysicsList : modified Em options 28-09-08 mma (fano-V09-01-03) - HistoManager : root format by default 11-06-08 V.Ivant (fano-V09-01-02) - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile 07-05-08 mma (fano-V09-01-01) - README : update Aida informations 11-04-08 mma - HistoManager::Scale() : suppress warning 04-04-08 mma(fano-V09-01-00) - PhysicsList : replace G4MultipleScattering by new G4eMultipleScattering --> allows to use MscUrbanModel2 12-11-07 mma (fano-V09-00-08) - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected histos on ascii file 05-11-07 mma(fano-V09-00-07) - syntax correction in DetectorMessenger.cc 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-06) - Error on energy deposit : per e- track instead of per incident gamma 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-05) - EventAction : histogram of energy deposit in cavity per incident gamma - RunAction : compute error on energy deposit and mean kinetic energy 08-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-04) - DetectorConstruction : wallRadius automatically recomputed 02-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-03) - PhysicsList : implement G4CoulombScattering process (option) 26-09-07 mma(fano-V09-00-02) - MyKleinNishina.cc : do not cancel Compton crossSection in cavity - PhysicsList.cc : physics tables, 100 bins per decade (emOptions) 03-09-07 mma - DetectorConstruction.cc : add materials graphite and aluminium 05-07-07 mma (fano-V09-00-01) - fano-00 retaged in fano-01 27-06-07 mma (fano-V09-00-00) - emOptions : fUseDistanceToBoundary - cosmetic in fanoCavity.cc 12-06-07 mma (fano-V08-03-01) - emOptions : SetLinearLossLimit(1.e-6); SetSkin(2.); 23-05-07 V.Ivanch (fano-V08-03-00) - follow change of interface of G4VEmModel::SampleSecondaries 19-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-05) - add histo of theta distr before enter in cavity 01-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-04) - default cut 10 km - StackingAction: range < 0.8*safe 06-02-07 mma (fano-V08-02-03) - RunAction: use G4long instead of G4int - fanoCavity.in : 4000 events 30-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-02) - MyKleinNishinaModel::CrossSectionPerVolume(): cancel crossSection in cavity 24-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-01) - use StackingAction to kill particles - do not save random seed - set crossSection factor = 1000 22-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-00) - use fpTrackingManager to get non const Track 20-01-07 michel maire - created, from TestEm11