$Id: History,v 1.33 2010/08/24 07:40:28 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= field02 History file ------------------------ This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- August 16, 2010 H.Kurashige - fieldex02-V09-03-04 --------------------------- - Removed inclusion of G4ParticleWithCuts header. June 2, 2010 J.Perl - fieldex02-V09-03-03 ------------------- - Updated vis usage. May 12, 2010 John Allison - fieldex02-V09-03-02 ------------------------- - Introduced G4UIExecutive. Apr 8th, 2010 Gabriele Cosmo - fieldex02-V09-03-01 ---------------------------- - Removed unused pointers to G4MultipleScattering left... Mar 25th, 2010 Gabriele Cosmo - fieldex02-V09-03-00 ----------------------------- - Migrated physics list to use particle-based multiple-scattering processes. Nov 4th, 2009 Peter Gumplinger - fieldex02-V09-02-00 -------------------------------- - fix the density of STP Carbon Dioxide in DetectorConstruction May 15th, 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - fieldex02-V09-01-01 -------------------------------- - Added handling of units for electric field in messenger. May 5th, 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - fieldex02-V09-01-00 ------------------------------- - Fixed setup to correctly handle electric field instead of the inherited setup for magnetic field. May 23rd, 2007 John Apostolakis - fieldex02-V08-03-00 -------------------------------- - Taken out FastSimulationManagerProcess, which is not needed. Dec 6th, 2005 Gabriele Cosmo ----------------------------- - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. Oct 13th, 2005 - V.Grichine (fieldex02-V07-01-00) --------------------------- - Removed cluster models from detector construction. Coworks with gpara-V07-01-00. May 3rd, 2005 - J.Allison (examples-V07-00-03) ------------------------- - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. Dec 3rd, 2004 - G.Cosmo ----------------------- - Implemented migration to . Dec 3rd, 2004 - V.Grichine -------------------------- - Removed dependency on old PAI and XTR models in PhysicsList. Sep 15rd, 2004 - V.Ivanchenko (fieldex02-V06-02-00) ----------------------------- - Minor cleanup of PhysicsList. Nov 25th, 2003 - G.Cosmo ------------------------ - Open geometry before clearing stores in DetectorConstruction class. Nov 13th, 2003 - J.Allison -------------------------- - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager. Nov 12th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (fieldex-V05-02-01) ------------------------------ - Revised to work with new field tags (field-V05-02-04 and later) * creation of chord finder for electric field must be explicit - Created helper class F02ElectricFieldSetup, using nearly all of F02ElectroMagneticField, but not being a field. - Changed other parts to use this class. Aug 27th, 2003 - V.Ivantchenko (fieldex-V05-02-00) ------------------------------ - Removed obsolete interfaces. Jun 25th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (fieldex-V05-01-00) ------------------------ - Fixed mechanism for update of geometry in detector-construction. - Fixed pedantic warnings ... Feb 20th, 2003 - V.Ivanchenko (field-V05-00-00) ----------------------------- - Cut per region Dec 4th, 2001 - G.Cosmo (field02-V03-02-01) ----------------------- - Fix in F02ElectroMagneticField.hh for compilation on Win/VC++. Nov 13th, 2001 - V.Grichine (field02-V03-02-00) --------------------------- - Added number of variables to steppers in F02ElectroMagneticField.cc. Coworks with tag "field-V03-02-03" of geometry/magneticfield. Nov 7th, 2001 - G.Cosmo ----------------------- - More cleanup and fixes to primary generator gun (V.Grichine). Oct 15th, 2001 - G.Cosmo ------------------------ - Cleaned from test code.