$Id: History,v 1.77 2010/11/03 19:22:54 gum Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 03 November 10: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-03-05) - more corrections to G4Scintillation; now all particles are assigned the ELECTRONSCINTILLATIONYIELD unless the user specifies otherwise sort out where Ion and Neutron (recoil ions below tracking cut) should go 28 October 10: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-03-04) - several small corrections to the previous implementation of G4Scintillation 19 October 10: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-03-03) - G4Scintillation: allow for the light yield to be a function of particle type and deposited energy in case of non-linear light emission in scintillators. Thanks to Zach Hartwig (Department of Nuclear Science and Engineeering - MIT) 14 October 10: V. Ivanchenko (xrays-V09-03-02) - G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat, G4SynchrotronRadiation, G4TransitionRadiation - added process sub-types 16 June 10: G. Cosmo (xrays-V09-03-01) - Use mathematical functions in std namespace explicitely. 22 February 10: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-03-00) - Scintillation rise time included, thanks to Martin Goettlich/DESY 29 July 09: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-02-00) - Change IsApplicable for G4Cerenkov and G4Scintillation to exclude short-lived particles. 14 November 08: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-01-06) - Do not calculate a step limit coming from G4Cerenkov when the minimum beta for a particle to radiate in the material (vacuum) is already 1; fix G4Cerenkov.cc 12 November 08: V. Ivanchenko (xrays-V09-01-05) - exclude G4MscRadiation from the release 21 October 08: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-01-04) - Add SetProcessSubType(G4EmProcessSubType) to G4Cerenkov.cc and G4Scintillation. Modify G4Cerenkov to allow for MaxBetaChangePerStep, sets PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength to where the particle would drop below the Cerenkov threshold in the current material. The Cerenkov photon origins are now sampled according to the linear decrease in the MeanNumberOfPhotons over the step. G4Cerenkov now inherits from G4VProcess. For this to work tracking-V09-01-03 or newer is required. 04 July 08: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-01-03) - In G4Scintillation and G4Cerenkov now SetTouchableHandle(aStep.GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()) for the secondaries in the DoIt. 06 June 08: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-01-02) - G4Scintillation: make now use of G4EmSaturation to implement the Birks Correction. 05 June 08: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-01-01) - G4Scintillation, G4Cerenkov trivial name changes: momentum->energy, momenta->energies 05 February 08: P. Gumplinger - G4BirkScintillation class was removed and scintillation with Birk's law was added to the G4Scintillation class directly. 01 February 08: V. Grichine - G4BirkScintillation class was added. The class implements the scintillation process with Birk's law 02 November 07: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-00-03) - G4Cerenkov constructor add warning printout about the change to G4VDiscreteProcess 30 September 07: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V09-00-02) - G4Cerenkov change inheritance to G4VDiscreteProcess changed the arguments of G4Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons 28 September 07: V.Ivant (xrays-V09-00-01) - G4VXTRenergyLoss: general cleanup of old comments; removed all static members; use verboseLevel variable to control cout - G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel, G4XTRRegularRadModel, G4StrawTubeXTRadiator : cleanup, use verboseLevel to control cout 02 July 07: V.Ivant (xrays-V09-00-00) - G4VXTRenergyLoss: fixed valgrind complains for wrong memory allocation by removing internal initialisation of Sandia table but using Sandia table from material 19 June 07: V.Ivant (xrays-V08-03-01) - G4VXTRenergyLoss: restore version 1.34 after failing to clean it up 11 May 07: G.Cosmo (xrays-V08-03-00) - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance in G4ForwardXrayTR. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. 19 May 06: V.Ivant (xrays-V08-00-03) - Create two processes G4SynchrotronRadiation and G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat 05 April 06: V.Ivant (xrays-V08-00-02) - Move G4SynchrotronRadiation from standard and GNUmakefile updated accordingly 04.04.06 V. Grichine - Angular distribution of XTR according to transparent regular approximation 20 Jan 06: V.Ivant (xrays-V08-00-01) 27 Jan 06: V. Grichine - Algorithm for XTR angular distribution based on the transparent regular radiator was tested. The mode activated by SetAngleRadDistr(true) method just after the construction of XTR object 26 Jan 06: V. Grichine - Algorithm for XTR angular distribution based on the transparent regular radiator was updated. The method takes into account the angular distribution for given energy 20 Jan 06: V.Ivant (xrays-V08-00-00) 20 Jan 06: V. Grichine - New algorithm for XTR angular distribution based on the transparent regular radiator was developed. The method can help for more precise estimation of XTR angular distribution needed in tracking applications of XTR detectors (ATLAS). The algorithm is under futher testing. 25 Aug 05: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-01-03) - G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel: abs -> std::abs 15 Aug 05: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-01-02) 14 Oct 05: V. Grichine - new XTR models were added with G4VXTRenergyLoss::fExitFlux=true for the description of XTR after radiator. These are: G4XTRRegularRadModel, G4XTRGammaRadModel, G4XTRTransparentRegRadModel. XTR process was transformed to be discrete. 17 Aug 05: P.Gumplinger (xrays-V07-01-01) - change variable name MeanNumPhotons to MeanNumberOfPhotons in G4Scintillation.cc and G4Cerenkov.cc to conform with the documentation in the ApplicationDevelopersGuide 28 Jul 05: P.Gumplinger (xrays-V07-01-00) - add G4ProcessType to all constructors 27 Jun 05: P.Gumplinger (xrays-V07-00-04) - Change IsApplicable for G4Cerenkov to exclude 'chargedgeantino' 06 June 05: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-00-03) - V.Grichine fix in G4TransparentRegXTRadiator - low limit of integration over theta, which strongly effect the results for ALICE 27 May 05: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-00-02) 22 April 04: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-00-01) - Add G4StrawTubeXTRadiator; - Modify integration algorithm in G4TransparentRegXTRadiator 12 April 04: V.Ivant (xrays-V07-00-00) - Update TRD model for regular radiator to provide more realistic gamma spectrum (V.Grichine) 10 Dec 04: G.Cosmo (xrays-V06-02-05) - Replaced M_PI with CLHEP's pi. 02 Dec 04: V.Ivant (xrays-V06-02-04) - Migration to cmath 18 October 04: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V06-02-03) - Migration of ParticleChange method names to 7.0 for: G4Scintillation.cc G4Cerenkov.cc G4ForwardXrayTR.cc G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc 11 August 04: V.Ivant (xrays-V06-02-02) - Substitute absolete iterfaces to G4ParticleDefinition 05 August 04: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V06-02-01) - changed StronglyForced back to Forced in GetMeanLifeTime of G4Scintillation.cc 27 July 04: V.Ivant (xrays-V06-02-00) - Fix a compilation problem connected with removal of the dependence of particle cathegory on G4Material 4 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (xrays-V05-02-01) - Modified GNUmakefiles: o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation". o replaced "digits+hits" with "digits_hits". - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00". 20 Sept 03: V.Ivant (xrays-V05-02-00) -Update GNUmakefile 20 June 03: V.Ivant (xrays-V05-01-01) -modifications in BuildTable: angle range 0-0.3, Legendre96 integration in0-0.3-0.6-1.0*fMaxThetaTR" in G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc by V.Grichine 03 June 03: V.Ivant (xrays-V05-01-00) -Fix compilation warnings for pedantic compiler options 21 March 03: G. Cosmo (xrays-V05-00-04) - G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc: fix for porting on Windows .NET compiler. 11 March 03: V. Ivanchenko (xrays-V05-00-03) - Minor fix to cut per region 10 March 03: V. Ivanchenko (xrays-V05-00-02) - Cut per region G4ForwardXrayTR.cc 12 February 03: G. Cosmo (xrays-V05-00-01) - Replaced call to RandPoisson::shoot() with G4Poisson(), more performant. Affected files: G4Cerenkov.cc, G4ForwardXrayTR.cc, G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc. 23 January 03: G. Cosmo (xrays-V05-00-00) - G4VXTRenergyLoss[.hh.cc]: removed reduntant headers inclusions and ordered inclusion for complex numbers to allow porting on Windows .NET VC++. 25 November 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-01-04) - G4int binding error fixed when calcuating number of photons 25 November 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-01-03) - G4Scintillation now allows for particle dependent excitation levels 21 November 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-01-02) - G4Scintillation now uses G4Poisson for small MeanNumPhotons in a step 14 November 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-01-01) - G4Scintillation now uses the nearest integer to calculate the number of photons in DoIt 07 November 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-01-00) - G4Scintillation now allows for fast and slow components. Scintillation properties are stored with the material and retrieved with GetConstProperty. 16 may 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-00-04) - G4Scintillation now inherits from G4VRestDiscreteProcess changes made accordingly G4Scintillation/G4Cerenkov now only suspend the track when it is still 'fAlive' 09 may 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-00-03) - changed method 'DoIt' in G4Scintillation so that origin of optical photons is the PostStepPoint location in case energy is lost to the medium by a neutral particle. 09 may 02: P. Gumplinger (xrays-V04-00-02) - changed method 'IsApplicable' for G4Scintillation to return .false. when it is called for an optical photon. 28 mar 02: G. Cosmo (xrays-V04-00-01) - fixed endl/G4endl compilation problem in G4VXTRenergyLoss.cc ... 22 mar 02: V. Grichine (xrays-V04-00-00) - new classes (G4VXTRenergyLoss,G4GammaXTRadiator and G4RegularXTRadiator) were added for the description of X-ray transition radiation as continuous process. 12 nov 01: mma (xrays-V03-02-02) - merge of 00a and 01 24 oct 01: mma (xrays-V03-02-01) - modified G4ForwardXrayTR.cc for cuts per material. Does NOT include mods in "xrays-V03-02-00a". 08 nov 01: R.Chytracek (xrays-V03-02-00a) - modified G4Cerenkov.cc and G4Scintillator.cc for reference-counted touchables. Requires coworking tags in geometry category. 17 sep 01: mma (xrays-V03-02-00) - modifs in almost all classes for the migration of Materials to pure STL, but backward compatible with g4rw 12 Nov 00: pg (xrays-V02-00-04) - G4Cerenkov.cc: add check on CerenkovAngleIntegrals->IsFilledVectorExist() - in method GetAverageNumberOfPhotons - and a test for MeanNumPhotons <= 0.0 in DoIt 09 Nov 00: mma (xrays-V02-00-03) 04 oct 00: pg (xrays-V02-00-02) - G4Cerenkov.cc: calculate secondary position from aStep.GetDeltaPosition(). - G4Scintillation.cc: calculate secondary position from aStep.GetDeltaPosition(). 11 aug 00: mma (xrays-V02-00-01) 03 aug 00: gc (xrays-V02-00-00r) - G4Scintillation.cc: changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss for fixing events' reproducibility problem. 24 may 00: mma (xrays-V01-01-02) 27 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-01) - G4endl (dec/iso) 26 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-00) - all EnergyLoss classes renamed G4V... Most classes in standard and muons affected. - G4Muls moved in utils - bugs fixe in MuPairProduction - cowork with geant4-01-01-ref-02 02 mar 00 mma (em-V01-00-00) - new G4VEnergyLoss class and related structure - cowork with geant4-01-00-ref-06 10 nov 99 mma (em-V00-01-03) - migration to STL: remove RWT hash dictionnary 14th June 1999 John Allison (em-01-00-05b) - Muon corrections in G4MultipleScattering.cc, G4MuBremsstrahlung.cc and G4MuPairProduction.cc by Laszlo Urban, Pedro Arce. (Also in rocesses/photoleplon_hadron/src/G4MuNuclearInteraction.cc.) 5th June 1999 John Allison - standard/GNUmakefile: Force non-optimised compliation of some files on HP with aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.15. May 29, 1999: John Allison - Added electromagnetic/lowenergy to GNUmakefile and electromagnetic/GNUmakefile..