$Id: History,v 1.203 2010/10/22 20:41:05 mkelsey Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/models/cascade ---------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 22 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-84) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4WatcherGun.cc: Change first numeric argument to G4NuclWatcher to int. NOTE: Only this change is include in tag. 20 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20101020b) ------------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel: Add scaling factors ("units") for nuclear radii and cross-sections, in order to adapt calculations to the literature. 20 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20101020a) ------------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel: Re-activate changes in worthToPropagate() to use existing nuclear potential values for kaons and hyperons to decide on trapping. 20 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20101020) ------------------------------------------------ - G4NucleiModel: Clean up some bugs in refactoring generateModel(). Back out changes (28 Sep) in worthToPropagate() in order to compare refactored to production code. 20 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-83) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadParticle.cc: Remove debugging output left in by accident. NOTE: Tag does not include reorganization of G4NucleiModel (5 Oct 2010) 19 October 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------ G4FissionStore, G4FissionConfiguration: Undo migration to integer A and Z. 19 October 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------ Clean up CoVerity software analysis reports (three are ignored from obsolete code): G4Analyser.cc G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc G4CascadeInterpolator.icc G4CascadeSampler.icc G4CollisionOutput.cc G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc G4InuclCollider.cc G4NuclWatcher.cc G4NucleiModel.hh,cc G4RegionModel.cc 14 October 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------ - G4NucleiModel.cc: Fix misspelled "G4doulbe" -> G4double. Pick up several missed bits of the "integer A and Z migration," mostly in test and diagnostic code: G4Analyser.hh,cc G4FissionConfiguration.hh G4FissionStore.hh,cc G4NuclWatcher.hh,cc 14 October 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-82) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadParticle.cc: Add protection in getPathToTheNextZone() so that d2 is always computed non-negative. Avoids 10^-5 FPEs. 05 October 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------ - G4NucleiModel: Major reorganization of generateModel() code. 1) Rename integration functions from "volNumInt[1]" to "zoneIntegralxxx" with "xxx" = "WoodsSaxon" or "Gaussian". 2) Move hardwired constants out to static data members, give clear names. 3) Split function into separate pieces to set binding energies, zone radii, volume/density values, and potential heights. 4) Within new functions, simplify if-cascades where possible, eliminate duplicated code. 5) Move std::vector<> buffers out to data members. Also, modify worthToPropagate() to use non-nucleon potential heights to terminate propagation. Previously, non-nucleons could never fail, as the "getFermiKinetic" always returned zero. 28 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-81) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4BigBanger: Missed some integer A/Z migrations, which caused a bus error in test47. 26 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-80) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4VCascadeDeexcitation.hh: NEW abstract base class for post-cascade processing. Some common activities will be implemented here from the two actual modules. - G4CascadeDeexcitation, G4PreCompoundDeexcitation: Use new base class above, reorganize code in collide() to use new deExcite(G4Fragment*) where appropriate. - G4InuclCascader.hh: Reference new base class for de-excitation modules. 25 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4CascadeColliderBase: Add explosion(G4Fragment*) and explosion(A,Z,Eexc). Move implementation to latter, and write others as call-throughs. Add Z==0 condition for explosion, regardless of A. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.hh: Remove explosion(G4InuclNuclei*), as unnecessary. Existing explosion(A,Z,E) now overrides base class. - G4CollisionOutput: Add function to process G4ReactionProducts from PreCompound. - G4PreCompoundDeexcitation.cc: Move G4ReactionProducts loop to G4CollisionOutput. 24 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Minor shuffle of post-cascade recoil checking, in preparation for moving fragment construction and processing away. - G4CollisionOutput.cc: Replace names "TargetFragment*" and "NucleiFragment*" with "OutgoingNuclei" and "OutgoingNucleus" for consistency with "OutgoingParticles" names. This affects the following source files, all of which are modified to match (using |sed|): cascade/include/G4Analyser.hh cascade/include/G4CollisionOutput.hh cascade/src/G4Analyser.cc cascade/src/G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc cascade/src/G4CascadeDeexcitation.cc cascade/src/G4CascadeInterface.cc cascade/src/G4CollisionOutput.cc cascade/src/G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc cascade/src/G4Fissioner.cc cascade/src/G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc cascade/src/G4InuclCollider.cc cascade/src/G4InuclEvaporation.cc cascade/src/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc cascade/src/G4PreCompoundDeexcitation.cc - G4CollisionOutput: Add new G4Fragment data member, with get() and add() accessors. This fragment is *not* used by setOnShell() or by any of the event-total calculations. It will be filled by G4IntraNucleiCascader for use by de-excitation modules. Include G4Fragment in diagnostic output if not empty. - G4CascadeRecoilMaker.cc: Remove G4Fragment::SetExcitationEnergy() call. - G4InuclNuclei: Add new constructor to create from G4Fragment input, and new makeG4Fragment() to spit out a G4Fragment. Also provide a casting operator for the latter. 24 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-79) ------------------------------------------------------ Fix numerous compilation warnings on Linux (not seen on MacOSX) left over from migration to integer A and Z (-73 tag). G4BigBanger.cc G4CascadeCheckBalance.hh G4CascadeColliderBase.cc G4CascadeRecoilMaker.cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.hh,cc G4ExitonConfiguration.hh G4Fissioner.cc G4InuclCollider.cc G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4NucleiModel.cc - G4PreCompoundDeexcitation.cc: Drop "G4int" casts as no longer required. 23 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-78) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeInterface, G4InuclCollider: change user selection function name to usePreCompoundDeexcitation(), per Julia Yarba. - G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.hh,.cc, G4PreCompountInuclCollider.hh,.cc: REMOVE THESE CLASSES. These were copied and modified versions of the standard versions, in order to test the new pre-compound de-excitation. That has been integrated with runtime flags, so the parallel versions are not required. 23 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4InuclElementaryParticle.cc: Drop warning message when converting G4ParticleDefinition to type code. - G4CascadeInterface: Add functions for user selection of which post-cascade module to use for de-excitation of the residual nucleus. These call through to the equivalent G4InuclCollider functions. - G4InuclCollider: Add functions for user selection of which post-cascade module to use for de-excitation of the residual nucleus. These delete and re-instantiate the appropriate de-excitation "collider". - G4PreCompoundDeexcitation: Remove convertFragment() function, remove pass-by-value std::vector<> from getDeExcitedFragments() (use data member instead). Clean up some obsolete code usage. - G4CascadeRecoilMaker: Change fragment-making interface: makeRecoilNuclei() now returns G4InuclNuclei* for standard Bertini colliders. makeRecoilFragment() returns G4Fragment* for external PreCompound models. addExcitonConfiguration() sets local copy of excitons, needed in order to call the individual G4Fragment->Setxxx() functions. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Follow renaming RecoilMaker::makeRecoilNuclei(), use new addExcitonConfiguration(). - G4CascadeRecoilMaker: Change fragment-making interface: makeRecoilNuclei() now returns G4InuclNuclei*. makeRecoilFragment() returns G4Fragment*. addExcitonConfiguration() sets local copy of excitons, needed in order to call the individual G4Fragment->Setxxx() functions. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Follow renaming RecoilMaker::makeRecoilNuclei(), use new addExcitonConfiguration(). 22 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4CascadeMomentum.hh: This should have been removed from the package long ago. Apologies for the oversight. 22 September 2010 Julia Yarba ----------------------------- Added 1st prototype of interface between Bartini cascade and PreCompound model (post-cascade de-excitation). Changes only to: /geant4/source/processes/hadronic/models/cascade/cascade New developments are those G4PreCompound* classes; the GNUmakefile adapted to include necessary links. The PreComp wrapper is G4PreCompundDeexcitation class. The logic, loops, conditions, etc., in the event processing are the same as in the "native" Bertini code. I actually copied it over from G4CascadeInterface, and started from there. However, there're a few technical changes that I'd like to mention. 1. G4PreCompoundInterface inherits directly from G4HadronicInteraction. I felt that we'd not need G4VIntra..., because its only advantage is a pointer (and related access methods) to G4VPreCompoundModel. This has now moved to the de-excitation wrapper. 2. In the Collider itself, I've made the data member to be G4CascadeColliderBase* theDeexcitation This way, it can be transparently set to the native one or the PreComp one (both inherit from G4CascadeColliderBase). 3. There's a setDeExcitation(...) methond in the collider, and also in the interface (which will pass it down to the collider). 19 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-77) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Bug fix to logic in retryInelasticNucleus() 17 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-76) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeInterface: Add support to pass nucleus projectiles into collider. Not tested or guaranteed to work, but G4IntraNucleiCascader is supposed to deal with them. 16 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface: Extensive reorganization, moving most functionality out of ApplyYourself and into small member functions. Complicated end-of-loop conditions encapsulated. Data members made into pointers to hide dependences from outside world. 16 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-75) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Add parentheses in end-of-while block to fix compilation warning in GCC 4.3. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: In decayTrappedParticle(), check for photon daughters and put them directly onto output list. 16 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4CascadParticle.hh: Make getGeneration() const. - G4CascadeDeexcitation.hh: Fix compiler warning about order of data members. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Intercept hyperons which are "trapped" in nuclear potential, and decay them immediately to produce usable secondaries. This resolves problem with sub-MeV final-state hyperons (reported by A. Dotti), but is not entire correct. Properly, the hyperon should be incorporated into a hypernucleus fragment. - G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh: Add hyperon() identification function, and constructor to take G4DynamicParticle directly. - G4InuclParticle.hh, G4InuclNuclei.hh: Add constructor to take G4DynamicParticle directly. 15 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-74) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeDeexcitation: NEW collider to handle post-cascade processing of nuclear fragment. Encapsulates BigBanger and Evaporators. Eventually will have alternative (configurable or #ifdef) implementation using G4 external "pre-compound" models instead of Bertini factories. - G4InuclCollider: Remove post-cascade colliders (BigBanger, Evaporators), replace with new G4CascadeDeexcitation. - G4LorentzConverter: Move construtor implementations to .cc file, and make sure all constructors have initializers for all data members. 14 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-73) ------------------------------------------------------ Migrate to integer A and Z values for nuclear configurations. Includes both explicit arguments for G4InuclNuclei, and function arguments, computational parameters involved in nuclear configurations, breakup, etc. G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc G4CascadeInterface.cc G4CascadeRecoilMaker.hh G4Fissioner.hh,cc G4InuclEvaporation.cc G4InuclNuclei.hh,cc G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.hh,cc G4NucleiModel.hh,cc G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc bindingEnergy.cc bindingEnergyAsymptotic.cc nuclearLevelDensity.cc paraMaker.cc - G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh: Eliminate bindingEnergy functions which are no longer used, along with their .cc files: bindingEnergyKummel bindingEnergyExact Migration validated using 100 events (20 GeV pi+ on lead) with verbose==4. Entire log files (9.6M lines, 433 MB) identical before and after migration. 13 September 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------------- - G4InuclElementaryParticle: Move printParticle() implementation to .cc, and add printing of particle name to output. - G4InuclNuclei.cc: Move base-class printing to first line of output, to match G4InuclEP. 10 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-72) ------------------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeRecoilMaker: Add new goodNucleus() function with functionality from G4IntraNucleiCascader::goodCase(). Add parameter to set "rounding tolerance" for small/negative mass differences. Drop getRecoilFragment() in favor of user calling makeRecoilFragment() directly (instead of doing it collide()), which returns a non-const pointer. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Remove previously introduced getResidualMass() and makeResidualFragment() functions, along with G4InuclNuclei object. Replace with new RecoilMaker utility. Move goodCase() to RecoilMaker, and begin to simplify end-of-cascade processing. - G4ExitonConfiguration.hh: Add function to reset values to zero. - G4InuclNuclei: Add function to zero out exciton configuration, and use it in fill() functions. 9 September 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add new collide() interface to take lists of both G4InuclElementaryParticles and G4CascadParticles; supports use by G4IntraNucleiCascader and G4CascadeRecoilMaker. - G4CascadeRecoilMaker: NEW pseudo-Collider class to compute the nuclear recoil kinematics of a cascade, either in process or completed. To be used by G4IntraNucleiCascader; uses G4CascadeCheckBalance to do work. 6 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-71) ----------------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel: Add protections in generateInteractionPartners() so that nucleon and quasideuteron interactions are only selected if there are "enough" nucleons of the necessary type still available (xxxNumberCurrent). - G4InuclNuclei: Add fill() functions which overwrite the entire particle structure, with same argument lists as constructors. Will be used mainly by G4IntraNucleiCascader::makeResidualFragment(). - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Hide non-physical nucleus message behind verbose flag. Add function and data member to build recoil nucleus (fragment) at end of every iteration; will eventually replace functionality of getResidualMass(). 2 September 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-70) ----------------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel.cc: Restore hadr-casc-V09-03-68 revision 1.71, and remove the two resize(3) actions. NOTE: The exercise below has (finally) resolve the cross-section discrepancy reported by Sunanda Banerjee back in July. It turns out that my use of "resize(3)" to pre-allocate the qdeutron and acsec buffers on each interaction was incorrect. This doesn't just reserve memory, it fills the vectors with three elements, so that subsequent push_back()'s fill [3], [4], etc. 2 September 2010 Michael Kelsey ------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel.cc: Reverted to hadr-casc-V09-03-38 revision 1.45, and interface changes incorporated. See NOTE below from 28 July 2010. Cross-section changes have not been resolved or validated. Since -38 revision has better data/MC matching (ratio near 1), it is restored as the baseline version, and changes will be re-done incrementally. Each increment after (0) is tagged "kelsey-20100902x", x=a,b,c,d etc. 0) Implement new ctor and generateModel() calls Make cross-section tables statically initialized Include absorptionCrossSection definition 1) Use lookup tables for cross-sections, and new interpolator Change CHC_CHECK to G4CASCADE_DEBUG_CHARGE 2) Use this package's bindingEnergy() function 3) Update diagnostic messages and verbosity levels; Add missing initializers to all constructors; Use data-member buffer for G4CollisionOutput 4) Use generateWithRandomAngles() everywhere appropriate; Collapse if-cascades to use if-return where possible 5) Make generateModel() re-usable with data-member buffers 6) Energy-momentum conservation checking; Implement generateNucleonMomentum; Remove extraneous semicolons and blank lines 7) Use local variables in passFermi(); Fix some minor LorentzVector calculations; Use generateNucleonMomentum() for quasi-deuterons 8) Use data-member buffers for quasideuterons, coords, mom. 9) Use enum labels for quasideuteron codes 10) Restore Dennis' improved potential (6-zone) calculations 4 August 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-69) -------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeData: Add name data member and optional ctor argument, use when printing tables. - G4CascadeFunctions.icc: Pretty-up printing output using name string. - G4Cascade*Channel.cc: Add name string to data() ctor, use central part of class name, e.g., "PiMinusP" for G4CascadePiMinusPChannel. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Add printing of all final-state tables, one time only, protected by G4CASCADE_DEBUG_SAMPLER. - GNUmakefile: Add G4CASCADE_DEBUG_SAMPLER preprocessor flag. 3 August 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-68) -------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeData.hh: Add print() and printXsec() functions to dump tables. - G4CascadeData.icc: Move implementations out of G4CascadeData.hh file. - G4CascadeFunctions.hh,icc: Add printTable() to dump tables. - G4CascadeInterpolator.hh,icc: Add printBins() to dump energy bin edges. - G4CascadeSampler.hh,icc: Add print() to call through to interpolator. NOTE: This should be the last set of functional changes for a while. Sunanda Bannerjee reported substantial changes in validation plots for the Bertini cascade between 4.9.3-ref-05 (hadr-casc-V09-03-23-01) and 4.9.3-ref-06/4.9.4-beta-01 (hadr-casc-V09-03-43). 28 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-67) ------------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel.cc: Set deuteron arrays to fixed length (3). Add A/Z values to generateModel diagnostic message. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Change some fixed length std::vector<> to simple C arrays. - G4Fissioner.cc: Move G4FissionStore to class data member for reuse. - G4FissionStore: Add ::clear() function to support reuse, move addConfig() implementation to .cc file. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Move G4NucleiModel to class-level data member (pointer) so it can be reused across collisions. 26 July 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4Analyzer.cc: Use const-refs for particle lists. - G4BigBanger, G4ElementaryParticleCollider: Move std::vector<> buffers to .hh file to allow reuse. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Simplify buffers used in generateModel() to reduce G4double allocations. 23 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-66) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface: Move G4CollisionOutput to .hh file for reuse between events. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Move buffers for cascade output to .hh file, so they can be reused between events. - G4NucleiModel: Move G4CollisionOutput to .hh file for reuse; use references for bullet and target args to G4EPCollider. 21 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-65) ------------------------------------------------- - GNUmakefile: Add new G4CASCADE_CHECK_ECONS to turn off all of the internal conservation checks (reduce std::vector<> memory churn!). - G4CascadeColliderBase.cc: Use G4CASCADE_CHECK_ECONS to set the default value of "doConservationChecks": true if defined, false if not defined. This is done with #ifdef-else-endif block, NOT some fancy macro. - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Use G4CASCADE_SKIP_ECONS to toggle reporting violations before end of loop (don't need to call balance.okay() twice!). - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Put verbosity check before call to validateOutput() to avoid unnecessary vector manipulations. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Set doConservationChecks = true unconditionally; used to reject bad cascades. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Use G4CASCADE_CHECK_ECONS to hide balance.collide(). 20 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-64) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeColliderBase: Make G4CascadeCheckBalance a pointer member, move ctor and dtor to .cc file. Change balance tolerances to 1 per mil and 1 MeV. - G4InuclCollder: Make all colliders pointer members. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Make EPCollider a pointer member, and call G4CollisionOutput::setOnShell() to balance energy-momentum for null fragments. - G4InuclNuclei.cc: Preserve momentum magnitude when setting excitation energy by setting mass and kinetic energy. 19 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-63) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc: Change zero-tolerance to 10 keV (1e-5) from 1 keV (1e-6). - G4CollisionOutput.hh: Fix capitalization of "numberOfOutgoingParticles". - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Remove duplicate EEXS setting. - G4InuclNuclei: Change implementation of setExitationEnergy() to adjust mass while keeping momentum vector constant. Currently done with "expensive" LorentzVector manipuation. Should be done by recomputing kinetic energy given new mass value. - G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Modify particle-creation block to work as G4EquilibriumEvaporator now does. Simplify some if-blocks. 16 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-62) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CollisionOutput: Add interfaces to handle G4CascadParticles. - G4IntraNucleiCascader: Eliminate local "inter_case" data member and function. Use base class G4InteractionCase directly. Add functionality to test for conservation and recoil before exiting "itry" loop, and redo cascade if unbalanced recoil fragment. - G4{PreCompound}InuclCollider.cc: Drop "setInteractionCase()" function. 15 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-61) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CollisionOutput: New ::add() function to combine two objects. New accessors to get total charge and baryon number. - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Make tempOutput data member, for thread-safety, rather than static variables. Use new G4CollisionOutput accessors. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Move local output buffers outside while loop, use std::vector<>::insert() for copying. - G4InuclCollider.cc: Use new G4CollisionOutput::add() interface. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Hide conservation checks behind verbose>2. Otherwise log files get too big 15 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-60) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add layer of protection in relativeX() (check initial values) to avoid divide-by-zero errors. Add another interface to accept list of G4CascadParticles, for use with G4NucleiModel. Add check of momentum direction balance, not just magnitudes. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Rearrange end-of-loop if-blocks to allow for conservation checking prior to return. Add reporting of both too-low and too-high residual energy (at verbose=2) for single-nucleon fragments. - G4InuclCollider.cc: Remove re-named conservation checks, now all done by colliders themselves. - G4InuclParticle.hh: Add setKineticEnergy() function to simplify handling of some kinematics. - G4NucleiModel: Add G4InuclNuclei data member (created in generateModel()), for use with conservation checks. Do check at end of generateParticleFate(). 15 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-59) ------------------------------------------------- - G4InuclNuclei: Use G4DynamicParticle::theDynamicalMass to carry around excitation energy (== theDynamicalMass-thePDGMass). This allows excitation to be changed on the fly, with all kinematics handled correctly. It also allows ONLY the ground state nucleus to be created as a G4Ions object (whether global or private), reducing the number of such objects by a factor of thousands. 14 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-58) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CollisionOutput.cc: For initial four-momentum adjustment, skip over particles which would acquire negative energy after "correction." - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Bug fix for two-body final states. Kinematics should not require "rescaling." That was driven by states which were kinematically forbidden, with m1+m2 > etot_scm (e.g., pi0 p -> pi+ n with just 5 MeV kinetic energy). Now those states are caught and rejected. - G4CascadeInterface.cc, G4InuclCollider.cc: Improve diagnostics reporting number of retries. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: When computing residual excitation (EEXS_new), original thrown energy, S, should be used, not reboosted particle after recoil. Simplify evaporation kinematics to conserve four-momentum automatically (PEX -= mom). 14 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-57) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeColliderBase: New subclass of G4VCascadeCollider, which takes over all of its concrete functionality, and adds conservation checker (G4CascadeCheckBalance) as data member. Wrapper functions and control flag allow colliders to user it transparently. - G4VCascadeCollider: Move concrete functionality to new base class. - All colliders: Change base class to new G4CascadeColliderBase. Remove local copies of conservation-checker, using new base function instead. cascade/include/G4BigBanger.hh cascade/include/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh cascade/include/G4EquilibriumEvaporator.hh cascade/include/G4EvaporationInuclCollider.hh cascade/include/G4Fissioner.hh cascade/include/G4IntraNucleiCascader.hh cascade/include/G4InuclCollider.hh cascade/include/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.hh cascade/include/G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.hh cascade/src/G4BigBanger.cc cascade/src/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc cascade/src/G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc cascade/src/G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc cascade/src/G4Fissioner.cc cascade/src/G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc cascade/src/G4InuclCollider.cc cascade/src/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc cascade/src/G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.cc - G4EquilibriumEvaporator: Use new functionality (above) to turn off conservation checks when evaporating fission products. - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Report number of retries in verbose messages. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Remove sanity check on afin/zfin vs. model. 13 July 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-56) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add zero protection (needed for momentum ratio) using a static tolerance parameter. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Add dumping of G4CollisionOutput before exit, some fixes for "PEX" adjustments as EEXS changes. - G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Add conservation checking, dump of output, some fixes for "PEX" adjustments as EEXS changes. - G4Fissioner.cc: Add conservation checking, remove addition of excitation energy to input nucleus mass, since already included. 13 July 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc: Hide violation reports behind verbose == 1. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Bump ::collide() message to verbose > 1. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Add conservation checking, collapse if-cascades by doing failure tests and exits up front, add sanity check on eex_real. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Add diagnostic messages and some FIXME comments, validate afin/zfin against G4NucleiModel result. - G4InuclCollider.cc: Move conservation check outside verbosity flag. This adds to CPU usage, so may need #ifdef protection later. Adjust a few verbosity levels. - G4LorentzConvertor.cc: Bump all diagnostic messages to verbose > 2. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Simplify main if-block to put failure up front; add debugging messages when decrementing proton or neutron counts. 11 July 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add ctor argument with name of parent class; use this name when reporting results. Add interface for nuclear fragment list. Allow parent class name to be changed dynamically. - G4BigBanger.cc, G4CascadeInterface.cc, G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc, G4InuclCollider.cc, G4NucleiModel.cc: Pass name to G4CascadeCheckBalance. - G4Fissioner.cc: Use G4CascadeCheckBalance to test energy conservation. - G4InuclNuclei.hh: Add model ID as optional ctor argument. - G4InuclCollider.cc: Move balance checks on evaporators outside verbosity. Adjust name of G4CascadeCheckBalance for clear reporting. - G4VCascadeCollider.hh: Add protected function to change name dynamically. 6 July 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-55) ----------------------------------------------- - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: add to final particle list those cascade particles which were formerly abandoned at cascade termination; - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: allow meson excitons to pass out of nucleus since they are not proper excitons, and would be lost otherwise 4 July 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-54) ----------------------------------------------- - tag changes up to now 2 July 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------- - G4BigBanger.cc: Moving "generateMomentumModules()" inside loop. For three-body decays, the angles are not ajustable (so always fails). - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Set verbosity on G4CollisionOutput. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Simplify if-cascades to reduce nesting (test for errors and exit up front, rather than in else-blocks). - G4InuclCollider.cc: Set verbosity on G4CollisionOutput. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Throw away casacde which leaves "negative energy recoil" (i.e. rest-frame energy of recoil less than mass of nucleus or nucleon). 1 July 2010 Michael Kelsey -------------------------- - G4InuclCollider.cc: Used wrong input target for conservation-law checking subsequent to G4EquilibriumEvaporator. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Handle excitation energy differently with new G4InuclNuclei interface. Compute updated values correctly, by taking nuclear mass difference then subtracting energy of evaporated particle. - G4InuclNuclei: Reorganization to properly incorporate excited states. Excitation energy included in mass in all cases. setExcitationEnergy() now replaces G4PartDefn pointer with new excited state. getNucleiMass() takes (optional) excitation, calls G4NucleiProperties to get mass value. For weird fragments, multiple isomers allowed, assigned unique non-standard PDG codes. Include particle name in printout (now in .cc file). - G4CollisionOutput.cc: Do not include nuclear excitation energy in output sum; now included with nuclear mass automatically (and properly). - G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc: Do not include nucler excitation energy in input sum; now inluded with nuclear mass automatically (and properly). - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: For recoil nuclear fragments, treat excitation energy properly: compute as difference between recoil "mass" (recoil-frame energy) and ground-state A/Z mass, and pass into G4InuclNuclei ctor. After the cascade, add some recoil energy checks to deal with both floating-point round-off, and quasi-elastic scatters (which change the bullet direction, and leave the nucleus with "missing" energy). - G4BigBanger.cc: Simplify boost to "target" nucleus, using "boostVector" instead of G4LorentzConvertor machinery. 30 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4BigBanger.cc: Improve handling of excitation energy as part of nuclear mass, deal with two-body explosion properly (x=0.5, not random). Some tweaks to diagnostic messages. - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add excitation energy to total energy for bullet and target nuclei. This is done in G4CollisionOutput for secondaries. It is NOT relativistically correct (should add to mass, not energy), but is consistent. - G4CollisionOutput.cc: Use "getExitationEnergyInGeV()" instead of "0.001*". - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: More diagnostic messages, improve the afin/zfin sanity check by requiring A>=Z. 28 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Report violations on G4cerr always, regardless of verbosity level. Add collide(...,) interface to allow use from within G4ElementaryParticleCollider. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Add conservation checks within ::collide(). - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Add more diagnostic messages. Test for negative values of afin, zfin, and try again. Set round-off limit (1e-6), and test nuclear recoil energy for bound (setting to zero) before doing energy-violation test. - G4InuclNuclei.cc: Abort job if passed negative Z or A argument. 28 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4BigBanger.cc: Missed one instance of GetBindingEnergy(). 26 June 2010 Dennis Wright -------------------------- - G4InuclNuclei: Fix bug in calculation of PDG code. 25 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-53) ------------------------------------------------- - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: MAJOR BUG FIX: Three different places in generating N-body momenta had incorrect "recoil" calculations. The Nth four-vector was computed as simply -total, which produced negative energy states (obviously). The correct calculation should have been N = G4LV(0,0,0,etot) - (total) in each instance. 24 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-52) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeCheckBalance.cc: Bug fixes to limit checks; should be using std::abs(), or negative violations don't get caught! Also did some cleanup for compiler warnings see on Linux. 23 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Fix infinite-loop bug with energy-violation; must check for (nTries>maxTries) outside parenthetical, with balance.okay() inside. Do conservation checks all the time, not just with flag set. If e-violation is "infinite loop", dump last generated event and abort job. - G4CascadeCheckBalance: Add checks on baryon number, charge, and kinetic energy. "Global" sanity check (::okay() function) does not include K.E. 23 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-51) ------------------------------------------------- - bindingEnergy.cc: Replace entire function with call-through to G4NucleiProperties. Copy test for valid A/Z from there, and return 0. directly on failure; suppresses warning message in 9.4-beta. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4Fissioner.cc, G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc G4InuclNuclei.cc, G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4NucleiModel.cc G4VCascadeCollider.cc: Restore calls to local "bindingEnergy()" to get wrapper function above; suppresses warning messages in 9.4-beta. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Make class re-usable (had been assumed in -47 tag, but was not true!), by clearing all parameter vectors in generateModel(). Values of A,Z are tested first, and previous data kept if same nucleus is being modelled. 23 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Minor fix to rationalize version jumpings. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Fix bug in partners list termination mods below, and remove reflection-recoil from boundaryTransition(). 21 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (MHK-20100621) ------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Bring MHK-20100620 version back to HEAD, make same parenthesis fix for GCC 4.5 compilation. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Bug fix nuclear recoil kinematics introduced in MHK-20100620. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Bring MHK-20100620 version back to HEAD, apply ctor argument fix. Eliminate creating temporaries for terminal "partners" on list; default ctor will take care of it. Hide negative path-length report behind verbose flag, and don't return an empty list. Add block of code in ::boundaryTransition() which recoils the nucleus when the secondary is reflected off the potential, to balance the momentum transfer. This is implemented by computing the boost for the full nucleus using the computed three-momentum transfer, and applying that boost to the secondary. 23 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-50) ------------------------------------------------- - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Restore G4NucleiModel as local data member. Not well designed for reuse. 21 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-49) ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Changes below were version jumped into V09-03-48. Tag above ONLY includes these two changes! - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Add parentheses in main iteration loop to support mixed && and || (reported by gcc-4.5). - G4NucleiModel.cc: Fix mistake in passing ctor args to generateModel(). 20 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (MHK-20100620) ------------------------------------------ - G4CascadeCheckBalance: New utility class to do energy and momentum conservation testing. Implemented as a "collider" to resue interface. - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Use new G4CascadeCheckBalance for energy conservation. - G4CollisionOutput: Add setVerboseLevel() function, diagnostic reports in ::setOnShell(), and collapse if-cascades to use "if (!xxx) return" instead of multiple nestings. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Collapse if-cascade to use "if (!xxx) return" instead of multiple nestings. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Improve diagnostic messages, change some G4cout to G4cerr. - G4InuclCollider: Make output buffers data members to reduce churn; simplify if-cascades to use "if (!xxx) return" instead of nesting; add energy-conservation checks at each stage of cascade. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Improve diagnostics, collapse if-cascades to use "if (!xxx) return" instead of multiple nestings. 18 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-48) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Add check on energy conservation between initial and final states; more than 5% imbalance triggers repeat generation of cascade. This check may be disabled with flag G4CASCADE_SKIP_ECONS. Also did some minor cleanup of the code. - cascade/GNUmakefile: Add support for new flag above. 17 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-47) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface, G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface: Make G4InuclCollider a local data member, pass verbosity to it in ::ApplyYourself(). - G4InuclCollider, G4ElementaryParticleCollider, G4IntraNucleiCascader, G4EquilibriumEvaporator, G4BigBanger: Make all sub-colliders local data members, pass verbosity to each of them. - G4NucleiModel: Add ctors and generateModel() signatures so both can do particle or A/Z initialization. Add setVerboseLevel() function. 17 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-46) ------------------------------------------------- - cascade/GNUmakefile: Add series of "ifneq (,...)" blocks to map environment variables for debugging onto "-D..." compiler flags: G4CASCADE_COULOMB_DEV G4CASCADE_DEBUG_CHARGE G4CASCADE_DEBUG_INTERFACE G4CASCADE_DEBUG_SORT G4CASCADE_WATCHER_HIGHZ - G4CascadeInterface.cc: Replace preprocessor flags "debug_G4...Interface" with G4CASCADE_DEBUG_INTERFACE, and "BERTDEV" with G4CASCADE_COULOMB_DEV. Fix bug with information access in debugging block. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc, G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Eliminate preprocessor flag RUN and all code contained in "#else" blocks. - G4LorentzConverter.cc: Add diagnostic output with different levels: All " >>>" entry messages done for verboseLevel >= 1; all numeric reports for verboseLevel > 2. - G4NucleiModel: Replace preprocessor flag "CHC_CHECK" with G4CASCADE_DEBUG_CHARGE. - G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc: Replace preprocessor flag "debug_G4...Interface" with G4CASCADE_DEBUG_INTERFACE. Fix bug with information access in debugging block. - G4WatcherGun.cc: Replace preprocessor flag "PB" with G4CASCADE_WATCHER_HIGHZ. 16 June 2010 Michael Kelsey --------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.hh: Add setVerboseLevel() function. - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Add reporting of momentum content for residual nuclear fragment, list of final-state particles, some cleanup of momentum balancing code. - G4LorentzConvertor: Add reporting of bullet and target four-vectors. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Add diagnostic output for partner-list generation, replace one random-angle code block with generateWithRandomAngles(). 15 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-45) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.cc, G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc: When converting output particles from K0/K0bar to K0S/K0L, convert kinetic energy from Bertini internal units (GeV) to GEANT4 units (MeV). - G4VCascadeCollider: Make two separate ctors, name and name+verbose, with no default values. All subclasses *must* provide a literal name string. 12 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-44) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeT33piNChannel.cc: Swapped 8-body final state tables for pipP vs. pimN. 11 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-43) ------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeData.hh: Equally trivial fix for compiler warking on Intel ICC for index[] array bounds in ::initialize(). Dimension array as [9], and set all values. 08 June 2010 Gunter Folger (hadr-casc-V09-03-42) ------------------------------------------------ - trivial fix for compiler warning on gcc43 on empty body in for(...) in cascade/include/G4CascadeInterpolator.icc:67 01 June 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-41) ------------------------------------------------- - paraMaker.cc: Fix vector initialization for Windows crash. 26 May 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-40) ----------------------------------------------- - G4NucleiModel: remove conversion to fm, and conversion of cross sections to fm**2 21 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-39) ------------------------------------------------ Final tag for inclusion in GEANT 4.9.4-beta. Will be validated internal and included in global Hadronics tag. - G4CascadeSampler.icc: Activate time-saving checks on single bins. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Remove special case for nucleon elastic scattering. 21 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20100521c) --------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface, G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface, G4InuclEvaporation: Simplify code: fetch G4DynamicParticle out of outgoing G4InuclParticles, rather than creating new ones. Remove all of the *Collider data members (instantiated within G4InuclCollider). Move final state rotations to G4CollisionOutput. - G4InuclParticle: Provide accessor to return G4DynamicParticle. - G4CollisionOutput: Add function to apply LorentzRotation to both lists; used by G4CascadeInterface. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: Avoid memory churn with G4LorentzVector temporaries. 21 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20100521b) --------------------------------------------- - G4VCascadeCollider: New base class for all Colliders. Carries verboseLevel data member and set-function. ::collide() is pure virtual. Additional protected member functions will be defined to include all code shared across multiple Colliders. - Migrate all of the "Collider" factories to use new base class, removing common member functions, and replace passed-in sibling colliders with local data members (pointers for now). Since none of these classes have persistent (state preserving) data members, the cost of more than one instantiation is minimal. G4BigBanger G4ElementaryParticleCollider G4EquilibriumEvaporator G4EvaporationInuclCollider G4Fissioner G4IntraNucleiCascader G4InuclCollider G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator G4PreCompoundInuclCollider - G4CascadeInterface.cc, G4InuclEvaporation.cc, G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc: Remove siblings from constructors for the Colliders. - G4InteractionCase.hh: Eliminate unnecessary copying of std::pair<>'s, use initializers in ctors, add clear() function to reset to 0-0-0. Move evaluation of bullet vs. target to new set() function, replacing separate bulletTargetSetter() in the colliders. Add boolean accessors to avoid hard-coding inter_case values. Change code numbers so nucleus collisions are negative, and positive codes refer to the "is" or "rtype" numbers. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Use G4InteractionCase to compute "is", instead of hardwiring the meaning. - G4Collider.hh: Remove empty and never-used file. - G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc: Eliminate unnecessary creation of duplicate G4InuclNuclei: pass input through to G4EquilibriumEvaporator. - G4LorentzConvertor: Add interfaces to pass G4InuclParticles directly. 21 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20100521a) --------------------------------------------- Replace hand-coded interpolation of arrays with use of G4CascadeInterpolator. In all cases, local arrays are replaced with static const, and the interpolator object itself is declared static, to reduce memory churn. G4NucleiModel::totalCrossSection() G4EquilibriumEvaporator::getQF() G4InuclSpecialFunctions::paraMaker[Truncated]() (in paraMaker.cc) - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: Remove. totalCrossSection() redundant with G4NucleiModel. Move absorptionCrossSection() to G4NucleiModel. - G4CascadeInterpolator.icc: Bug fix to catch special case of exact upper bin edge (occurs when !doExtrapolation). If index == last + 0., just return upper edge value, without calculation. - G4NucleiModel.cc: Use G4Cascade{Pi*}Channel and G4Cascade{NN,NP,PP}Channel classes to get total cross-sections for pi-N and N-N scattering. Arrays for kaon and hyperon scattering should be migrated as well, once binning is resolved. Move absorptionCrossSection() here from SpecialFunctions. 20 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (kelsey-20100521) -------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterpolator.icc: Two bug fixes involving values at array edges. 19 May 2010 Michael Kelsey, Dennis Wright ----------------------------------------- - G4BertiniData.hh,.cc: Remove unused and unnecessary class. - G4NucleiModel.cc: convert nuclear radii to fm and cross sections to fm**2. Use six-zone model for A > 99, and make alpha a 1-zone nucleus. - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: convert pion absorption cross sections from mb to fm**2, correct spelling of method absorptionCrossSection 17 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-38) ------------------------------------------------ - paraMaker.cc (G4InuclSpecialFunctions::paraMaker[Truncated]): Upper edge of interpolation array not properly handled. Should be "if (Z >= 70.0)". This affects G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator output. 17 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-37) ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes for compiler warnings (not seen on MacOSX, even with g++ -Wall) - G4CascadeData.hh: Dummy arrays needed double-braces for initialization. - G4CascadeInterpolator.icc: Extraneous decimal point in "for (i=0.;". - G4CascadeKzeroBarNChannel.cc: Left three "old" arrays in place during conversion. 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-36) ------------------------------------------------ Remove obsolete files following reorganization of two-body scattering lookup tables. G4CascadeElasticInterface.hh,.cc G4ElasticCascadeInterface.hh,.cc G4FinalStateSampler.hh,.cc G4NucleonSampler.hh,.cc G4PionSampler.hh,.cc - G4CascadeChannel.hh,.cc: All functionality removed, replaced with namespace containing only getQnums and CheckQnums validation functions. 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-35) ------------------------------------------------ Replace independent parallel samplers with templated base class and single implementation. This completes the reorganization of the channel tables. - G4CascadeSampler: Redefine as templated base, taking binning array as constructor argument. Move implementation file from .cc to .icc. NOTE: G4CascadeSampler.cc is removed, since not consistent with new .hh. - G4PionNucSampler: Subclass of G4CascadeSampler<30>, replaces G4FinalStateSampler, using bins array from there. - G4KaonNucSampler: Sublcass of G4CascadeSampler<31>, replaces previous G4CascadeSampler, using bins array from there. - G4Cascade*Channel.hh: Change all typedefs to pass appropriate of two new samplers in template. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Replace long "if (is==)"-cascades with switch blocks. Move all getOutgoing calls (for pions and nucleons) into one function, and call it from outside multiplicity checks. Use G4CascadeInterpolator for angular distributions. Set modelID=3 in all G4InuclParticle constructions. 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-34) ------------------------------------------------ Extract lookup tables from G4PionSampler and G4NucleonSampler into individual "classes" defined and initialized with G4CascadeData. - G4CascadePi{Plus,Minus,Zero}{P,N}Channel.hh: Six new typedefs defined as with the existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, to replace G4PionSampler. - G4CascadeT33piNChannel.cc: Lookup tables for both PiPlusP and PiMinusN, implemented as with existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, from G4PionSampler.cc. - G4CascadeT31piNChannel.cc: Lookup tables for both PiMinusP and PiPlusN, implemented as with existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, from G4PionSampler.cc - G4CascadeT11pizNChannel.cc: Lookup tables for both PiZeroP and PiZeroN, implemented as with existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, from G4PionSampler.cc - G4Cascade{PP,NP,NN}Channel.hh: Three new typedefs defined as with the existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, to replace G4NucleonSampler. - G4CascadeT1NNChannel.cc: Lookup tables for both p-p and n-n scattering, implemented as with existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, from G4NucleonSampler.cc - G4CascadeT0npChannel.cc: Lookup tables for p-n scattering, implemented as with existing G4CascadeXXXChannel, from G4NucleonSampler.cc - G4CascadeFunctions.hh, .icc: Pass std::vector as non-const argument to getOutgoingParticleTypes() instead of returning internal buffer. - G4CascadeSampler.cc, G4FinalStateSampler.cc: Add some checks in findFinalStateIndex, fillSigmaBuffer, and sampleFlat(), such that single-entry ranges don't go through the analysis, just return index 0. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Follow change to getOutgoingParticleTypes() in generateStrangeChannelPartTypes(). Replace all uses of G4PionSampler and G4NucleonSampler with new channel "classes". 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-33) ------------------------------------------------ Continue consolidation of two-body collision lookup tables. Unify interfaces between pion/nucleon and kaon/hyperon samplers. - G4CascadeData: Many changes to support use as data class for both kaon/hyperon and pion/nucleon tables (migration will be next tag): 1) Add new first argument to template with number of bins in energy interpolation. This replaces the (temporary) use of G4CascadeSampler::energyBins within the class definition. 2) Add two additional template arguments, N8 and N9, with default values of zero. These will be used by the pion/nucleon tables, but not by the existing kaon/hyperon tables. 3) Define additional arrays for 8- and 9-body final states, using conditional dimensioning (e.g., if N8==0, use [1]). Define second 9-body constructor to accept and initialize the new arrays. 4) Eliminate static intialization of index[], moving it into initialize(). Template specialization can't be used with data! 5) Add separate "sum" (summed N-body cross-sections) and "tot" arrays (measured inclusive xsec). Latter is a const-ref, initialized to "sum" if not provided as ctor argument, with two new ctors as needed. 6) Add accessor to return maximum multiplicity (NM+1). - G4CascadeFunctions.hh: Add second template argument to specify which "final state sampler" is the base class. Use both T::data.tot and T::data.sum in GetMultiplicity(), to support sum/tot comparisons in pion/nucleon channels. Extend GetOutputParticleTypes() to support up to multiplicity 9. - G4CascadeFunctions.icc: Implementations of template class functions. - G4CascadeXXXChannel.hh: Add "31," as initial template argument for Data. Add G4CascadeSampler as second template argument in G4CascadeXXXChannel typedef. 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-32) ------------------------------------------------ Continue revisions to two-body collision lookup tables. Make the kaon and hyperon channels compatible with the pion/nucleon samplers, before the next stage of unifying the structure. - G4CascadeSampler: NEW class, parallel to G4FinalStateSampler but with a different energy binning. Used as base class to G4CascadeFunctions, from which the cross-section and other arrays are passed. Implement findMultiplicity (cf. G4CascadeFunctions::getMultiplicity) to return the true value, not the array index. This class replaces functionality of G4CascadeChannel, which is redundant. - G4CascadeChannel: Remove all interpolation code, leaving only getQnums(). - G4CascadeFunctions: Inherit from G4CascadeSampler for interpolations, except for final-state extraction (where FS type arrays are dealt with locally, not passed). Public static functions rely on private instantiated version of class to do work, so that G4CascadeSampler gets instantiated. - G4CascadeData: Remove final template argument (total number of indices), as redundant with simple sum of multplicity indices. Use template args to dimension data member arrays (const references), and to statically initialize the start-stop index table. Make large cross-sections table G4double, not G4float. Define ctor to pass in array refs for initialization. Reduce index array to single dimension (start=index[i], stop=index[i+1]). - G4CascadeXXXChannel: All of the initial-state channel "classes" (typedef names) modified to follow G4CascadeData rewrite. In .cc file, the explicit lookup tables are static, and passed by const-ref to G4CascadeData. The "initializer" struct is dropped; with the static "data" object initialized by ctor here. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: In ::generateMultiplicity(), eliminate extra "+2" and "-2" applied to local "mul" variables. With change above, all functions return return true multiplicity, not array index. - G4FinalStateSampler: Add findFinalStateIndex() function, to make interface match G4CascadeSampler exactly. Reduce index array to single dimension. - G4PionSampler.cc, G4NucleonSampler.cc: Use new findFinalStateIndex() function in GetFSPartTypesXXX() functions. Reduce index array to single dimension (start=index[i], stop=index[i+1]). 14 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-31) ------------------------------------------------ Begin revisions to two-body collision lookup tables. This will be a major reorganization, splitting the G4PionSampler and G4NucleonSampler into separate little "classes" (typedefs) for each initial state, in the same way that the kaon and hyperon states are done now. The underlying templated and base classes will be unified across all of the channels. - G4CascadeInterpolator: NEW class to encapsulate interpolation procedure. Uses C-style arrays passed by dimensioned reference, to allow compile-time array bounds checking. Template argument is array dimension, and array of energy bins is saved by ctor. User array to be interpolated is passed as function argument. Last value interpolated, along with result, is saved, to allow fast multiple interpolations. This class is substantially more lightweight than G4PhysicsVector. - G4FinalStateSampler: Replace manual interpolation with G4CascadeInterpolator. Remove redundant sampleFlat(...) function with argument. Rename member functions in anticipation of merging with G4CascadeFunctions. - G4PionSampler.cc, G4NucleonSampler.cc: Follow use of G4CascadeInterpolator above, and drop local caching of interpolation results. Reduce offset list for cross-sections to one dimension (start=index[i], stop=index[i+1]). 11 May 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-30) ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in the two-body scattering code. - G4PionSampler.cc, G4NucleonSampler.cc: Fix long-standing bug with offset indices computed for cross-section tables. XXXindex[m][0] (start) and XXXindex[m][1] (stop) are computed in initChannels() as [start,stop] inclusive range (i.e., "for (i=start; i<=stop; i++)"), but used with G4FinalStateSampler::fillSigmaBuffer (and its predecessor code) as [start,stop) exclusive range (i.e., normal C style "for (i=start; i via const-references: G4CascadeInterface.cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4IBertini.cc G4InuclCollier.cc G4NucleiModel.cc G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc - G4CollisionOutput: Add new function to boost output lists to lab frame. 14 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-22) -------------------------------------------------- - G4CascadeInterface.cc, G4IBertini.cc, G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc: In ::ApplyYourself(), do the check on K0L/K0S _before_ passing G4PartDefn to G4InuclElemPart::type(). This avoids unnecessary warning message. 14 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (temporary: kelsey-memClean3) ---------------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4FinalStateSampler: Replace "sigma" argument for sampling with data member, add functions to fill sigma buffer by passing in array references. Provide typedef for interpolator, and function to apply interpolation. - G4PionSampler, G4NucleonSampler: Follow changes to base class, eliminating much of the copy-and-paste code blocks via function calls. Replace G4float arrays with G4double, to support passing into functions. 13 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-21) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh, paraMaker.cc, paraMakerTruncated.cc: Drop return-by-value from paraMaker() and paraMakerTruncated(). Add second argument with non-const reference to output buffer for return. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Follow changes above to paraMaker(), use references to address parms.first and parms.second, instead of copying. - G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Follow changes above to paraMakerTruncaed(), use references to address parms.first and parms.second, instead of copying. - G4Dineutron, G4Diproton, G4UnboundPN: Inherit from G4VShortLivedParticle, per Kurashige. Thought it would eliminate G4ElectronOccupancy churn, but did not. 12 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-20) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4NucleiModel: Move function implementations from .hh to .cc. Replace manual sorting (inefficient O(N^2)) with std::sort() and simple "less-than" function for std::pair<> "partners". - G4CollisionOutput: Move function implementations from .hh to .cc. Use std::vevtor<>::insert() to add vectors together. - Replace return-by-value G4CollisionOutput with non-const reference buffer passed into xxx::collide(), in the following classes: G4BigBanger G4CascadeElasticInterface G4CascadeInterface G4ElasticCascadeInterface G4ElementaryParticleCollider G4EquilibriumEvaporator G4EvaporationInuclCollider G4Fissioner G4IBertini G4IntraNucleiCascader G4InuclCollider G4InuclEvaporation G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator G4NucleiModel G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface G4PreCompoundInuclCollider Note that some places where internal G4CollisionOutput buffers are being used (and their contents appended to the global output) have not been cleaned up yet. These will require some rearrangement of the algorithms, or/and elimination of debugging output. 09 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-16-01) ----------------------------------------------------- This modification is included in a pseudo-patch of hadr-casc-V09-03-16, without brining in any of the -17 through -19 modifications. - G4LorentzVector.cc: Protect two instances of sqrt() against tiny negative arguments (due to tiny-tiny subtractions). 09 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-19) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4InuclParticle, G4InuclElementaryParticle, G4InuclNuclei: Eliminate unused G4String ctor argument, introduced in hadr-casc-V09-03-01. Causes a lot of pointless memory churn. - G4BigBanger.cc: Fix type conversion warning I introduced by mistake. 08 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-18) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4PionSampler, G4NucleonSampler: For all ::GetFSPartTypes*() functions, eliminate return-by-value std::vector<>, and pass in non-const reference for filling in situ. Buffer is cleared. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: Follow changes above for Sampler calls. 07 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-17) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: Replace return-by-value std::vector<> with either const-ref returns, or with use of an internal buffer which can be reused, to reduce memory churn due to copying, allocation, and resizing. - G4BigBanger: Create data buffer for lists of secondaries and momenta. Fill buffers in ::generateBangInSCM() and ::generateMomentumModules(), which are now non-const. Reference buffers in ::collide(). - G4CascadeFunctions::getOutgoingParticleTypes(): Make "kinds" a static variable (buffer), and return it by const-ref. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: Eliminate return-by-value std::vector<> on the functions listed below, by creating data buffers for particles, momenta, and particle types. The functions become non-const and void: ::generateSCMfinalState(), ::generateMomModules() ::generateStrangeChannelPartTypes(), ::generateSCMpionAbsorption() Also, in ::generateStrangeChannelPartTypes(), use a switch statement instead of the long cascade of if-else-else. - G4NucleiModel: Several member functions have different modifications: ::initializeCascad(bullet,target) -- Replace return value with a passed-in (non-const reference) buffer to be filled. The calling code can pass in a data member, local variable, or whatever. ::generateParticleFate() -- Replace local "thePartners" variable with data member, filled below. Move "outgouing_cparticles" to data member (fix the spelling!), and return by const-ref. ::generateInteractionPartners() -- Eliminate return value; fill data member instead, to be used by ::generateParticleFate(). - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc: Follow changes to initializeCascad() above. - G4NucleonSampler, G4PionSampler: ** DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO HERE ** - G4WatcherGun: Return const-ref to list of watchers, instead of copy. Replace all uses of std::vector<>::resize(0) with ::clear(). The former causes deallocation/reallocation/resizing cycles, while clear() just removes content, preserving the allocated buffer. include/G4CollisionOutput.hh src/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc src/G4NucleiModel.cc src/G4WatcherGun.cc 07 April 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-16) ------------------------------------------------- - fix negative energy bug in G4BigBanger, and switch to using G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy 07 April 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-15) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: 1) Systematically replace pass-by-value function arguments with const-refs. This is the first step in reducing unnecessary memory churn, to be followed by replacing return-by-value std::vector<> with non-const argument buffers. include/G4CascadeChannel.hh include/G4FinalStateSampler.hh include/G4InuclEvaporation.hh include/G4NuclWatcher.hh src/G4CascadeChannel.cc src/G4FinalStateSampler.cc src/G4InuclEvaporation.cc src/G4NuclWatcher.cc 2) Fix constness on some operator== and operator!= definitions. include/G4CascadeElasticInterface.hh include/G4CascadeInterface.hh include/G4ElasticCascadeInterface.hh include/G4IBertini.hh include/G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.hh 07 Apr 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-14) ------------------------------------------------ - G4Dineutron.hh, G4Diproton.hh, G4UnboundPN.hh: Reset static "theInstance" pointer to zero in (now virtual) destructor. - G4Dineutron.cc, G4Diproton.cc, G4UnboundPN.cc: Implement constructor to do the G4Ions initialization, rather than in ::Definition(). Drop use of G4ParticleTable; just monitor static pointer. Set "ShortLived" flag in G4Ions initialization, to avoid interactions with ProcessManager. - G4InuclNuclei.cc: In ::makeNuclearFragment(), set "ShortLived" flag for G4Ions, to avoid interactions with ProcessManager. 26 Mar 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-13) ----------------------------------------------- - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: remove line #include "G4types.hh" (file doesn't exist) 20 Mar 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-12) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Move subtraction of Q1[i] outside new GetBindingEnergy() call. - G4InuclNuclei.cc::makeNuclearFragment(): Add message warning users about non-physical creation. Use new GetBindingEnergy() function here as well (V09-03-05 didn't have this function, so wasn't included in migration). 19 Mar 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-11) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4InuclSpecialFunctions: Two new functions: ::generateWithRandomAngles() to encapsulate random-direction generation. This function and existing generateWithFixedTheta() take optional mass argument to produce proper four-vector. Replace duplicated random angle code with new function above, and use new optional mass argument where available: G4BigBanger.cc G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4Fissioner.cc G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4NucleiModel.cc ::G4cbrt(): Define cube-root in terms of log and exp, rather than pow(). Note that "cbrt()" can't be used, as it conflicts with on Linux. Eliminate unnecessary uses of std::pow() with fixed arguments. For example, "pow(x,3)" -> "x*x*x", "pow(x,1/3)" -> G4cbrt(x): G4BertiniRegionModel.cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc G4Fissioner.cc G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc G4InuclCollider.cc G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4NucleiModel.cc G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.cc G4RegionModel.cc bindingEnergyAsymptotic.cc bindingEnergyKummel.cc WARNING! In G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc, the Coulomb barrier was calculated using "std::pow(A, 0.333)", rather than the "exact" 1./3. This leads to per-mil differences in the value, and occasional differences in wheter an outgoing particle tunnels through. The new code is exact to double precision, and therefore fixes a bug. - Move "using" directive from all .hh files to corresponding .cc, along with some unnecessary #includes: G4BigBanger.hh, .cc G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh, .cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.hh, .cc G4EvaporationInuclCollider.hh, .cc G4Fissioner.hh, .cc G4IntraNucleiCascader.hh, .cc G4InuclCollider.hh G4InuclNuclei.hh G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.hh, .cc G4NucleiModel.hh, .cc G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.hh, .cc - G4NuclWatcher.hh and .cc (new): Move implementation code from .hh to .cc. 18 March 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-10) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: Missed one bug in repairs below, found when testing 4 GeV pi -> Pb. - G4Fissioner.cc: Replace incorrect G4LorentzVector ctor arguments (G4ThreeVector,m) with call to G4LV::setVectM(). 17 March 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-09) ------------------------------------------------- Fix warning in G4InuclNuclei.cc: G4Ions:G4Ions was being called with a double (a) in its 13th argument, when an integer is required. Use G4lrint to convert. 16 March 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-08) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: Fix bugs introduced during migration from G4CascadeMomentum to G4LorentzVector (see hadr-casc-V09-03-03). With these bug fixes, 2000 events generated with "ppi4GeV" test executable are equivalent to production output (GEANT 4.9.3), allowing for differences in hardwired nucleon masses. When compared with hadr-casc-V09-03-02 (which uses G4ParticleDefinition for all the particle masses) the 2000-event results are identical within floating point precision. - G4BigBanger.cc: Line 72, fix unit conversion bug, GeV/MeV vs. MeV/GeV. Replace incorrectly introduced cross-product with original vector manipulation, written with G4LorentzVector accessors. - G4CollisionOutput::selectPairToTune(): Test on "i3>0" not appropriate with G4LorentzVector indexing. Replace with failure-test on "i3<0". Also simplify final if-cascade for readability. - G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc: Replace incorrect G4LorentzVector ctor arguments (px,py,pz,m) with call to G4LV::setVectM(). - G4IntraNuclearCascader.cc: Replace leftover momentum_out[0] with .e(). - G4InuclNuclei.cc,hh: Add new function ::makeNuclearFragment(a,z,exc), which "manually" construct a G4Ions object for cases where A/Z is not a valid stable or unstable nucleus. These unphysical objects are passed back from G4IntraNuclearCascader.cc and immediately passed to G4BigBanger for conversion to nucleons. A future change should move this action into G4INCascader and eliminate the need for unphysical nuclei. - G4LorentzConvertor::toTheTargetRestFrame(): Remove local declaration of scm_momentum, restoring access to data member with that name. - G4NucleiModel::generateQuasiDeutron(): Undo consolidation of dmom with local variables for each of the nucleon momenta. Stack corruption led to differences in unbound p-n state relative to pp and nn states. Minor updates: Changed all the "verboseLevel()" initializers to (0), via a shell script. This allows making the code uniformly verbose or quiet. include/G4NucleiModel.hh src/G4Analyser.cc src/G4CollisionOutput.cc src/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc src/G4FissionStore.cc src/G4Fissioner.cc src/G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc src/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc src/G4NucleiModel.cc src/G4WatcherGun.cc 16 March 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-DO-NOT-USE) -------------------------------------------------- All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: Restore version hadr-casc-V09-03-05 to HEAD of CVS in order to apply bug fixes and re-deploy migration from G4CascadeMomentum to G4LorentzVector. This reversion is tagged as a checkpoint only, and should not be used for testing or running (since it restores the known bugs in V09-03-03). The update to G4InteractionCase.hh by Gabriele Cosmo in hadr-casc-V09-03-07 is not touched by this reversion! The following CVS commands were used to perform the reversion: cvs update -j1.13 -j1.12 cascade/include/G4CascadParticle.hh cvs update -j1.4 -j1.3 cascade/include/G4CascadeMomentum.hh cvs update -j1.15 -j1.14 cascade/include/G4CollisionOutput.hh cvs update -j1.23 -j1.22 cascade/include/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh cvs update -j1.9 -j1.8 cascade/include/G4InuclCollider.hh cvs update -j1.19 -j1.18 cascade/include/G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh cvs update -j1.12 -j1.11 cascade/include/G4InuclNuclei.hh cvs update -j1.16 -j1.15 cascade/include/G4InuclParticle.hh cvs update -j1.13 -j1.12 cascade/include/G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh cvs update -j1.13 -j1.12 cascade/include/G4LorentzConvertor.hh cvs update -j1.4 -j1.3 cascade/include/G4ParticleLargerBeta.hh cvs update -j1.9 -j1.8 cascade/include/G4ParticleLargerEkin.hh cvs update -j1.20 -j1.19 cascade/src/G4BigBanger.cc cvs update -j1.13 -j1.12 cascade/src/G4CascadParticle.cc cvs update -j1.6 -j1.5 cascade/src/G4CascadeElasticInterface.cc cvs update -j1.68 -j1.67 cascade/src/G4CascadeInterface.cc cvs update -j1.18 -j1.17 cascade/src/G4CollisionOutput.cc cvs update -j1.7 -j1.6 cascade/src/G4ElasticCascadeInterface.cc cvs update -j1.6 -j1.5 cascade/src/G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc cvs update -j1.5 -j1.4 cascade/src/G4IBertini.cc cvs update -j1.3 -j1.2 cascade/src/G4InuclElementaryParticle.cc cvs update -j1.10 -j1.9 cascade/src/G4InuclEvaporation.cc cvs update -j1.3 -j1.2 cascade/src/G4InuclNuclei.cc cvs update -j1.4 -j1.3 cascade/src/G4InuclParticle.cc cvs update -j1.17 -j1.16 cascade/src/G4InuclSpecialFunctions.cc cvs update -j1.19 -j1.18 cascade/src/G4LorentzConvertor.cc cvs update -j1.5 -j1.4 cascade/src/G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc cvs update -j1.4 -j1.3 cascade/src/G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.cc Intermediate versions below had bindingEnergy changes from -05 re-applied cvs update -j1.23 -j1.21 cascade/src/G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc cvs update -j1.22 -j1.20 cascade/src/G4Fissioner.cc cvs update -j1.29 -j1.27 cascade/src/G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc cvs update -j1.24 -j1.22 cascade/src/G4InuclCollider.cc cvs update -j1.23 -j1.21 cascade/src/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc cvs update -j1.38 -j1.36 cascade/src/G4NucleiModel.cc G4ElementaryParticleCollider::particleSCMmomentumFor2to2: Restore new parametrization of elastic scattering added by D.Write in hadr-casc-V09-03-06 cvs update -j1.47 -j1.45 cascade/src/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc + editing 05 Mar 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-casc-V09-03-07) ------------------------------------------------ - Reinstated fix in G4InteractionCase.hh for initialisation in constructor to allow for porting on C++0x Standard. 07 Feb 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-06) ----------------------------------------------- - back out changes from tags V09-03-00 to V00-03-05 by restoring HEAD to V09-02-11, and keeping the di-nucleon classes - replace Bertini method bindingEnergy() with G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy() in classes G4IntraNuclearCascader, G4InuclCollider, G4NucleiModel, G4EquilibriumModel, G4NonEquilibriumModel, G4Fissioner. Note that G4Fissioner still uses the Bertini method bindingEnergyAsymptotic. - G4ElementaryParticleCollider::particleSCMmomentumFor2to2 replace original (incorrect) pp, pn, nn 2-body to 2-body scattering angular distributions with a new parameterization of elastic scattering data using the sum of two exponentials 02 Feb 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-05) ----------------------------------------------- - replace all uses of bindingEnergy (local Bertini method) with the Geant4 standard G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy(A,Z) files modified: G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc G4InuclCollider.cc G4NucleiModel.cc G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc G4Fissioner.cc - note that G4Fissioner still uses Bertini method bindingEnergyAsymptotic 28 Jan 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-03-04) ----------------------------------------------- - fix unused variable warnings in G4InuclParticle.hh, .cc and G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc 26 Jan 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-03) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4ParticleLargerBeta.hh: Fix to use of CVS "Name" tag; no code changes. - G4CascadParticle: Replace the position std::vector<> with G4ThreeVector. - G4NucleiModel: Replace all std::vector<> coordinates with G4ThreeVector, and use vector math for computations. Remove all use of G4CascadeMomentum (a simple container with a C-style four-element array) with G4LorentzVector. This is a fairly invasive change, since G4CascMom was used for all of the three- and four-vector operations throughout the Bertini code: include/G4CascadParticle.hh include/G4CollisionOutput.hh include/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh include/G4InuclCollider.hh include/G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh include/G4InuclNuclei.hh include/G4InuclParticle.hh include/G4InuclSpecialFunctions.hh include/G4LorentzConvertor.hh src/G4BigBanger.cc src/G4CascadParticle.cc src/G4CascadeElasticInterface.cc src/G4CascadeInterface.cc src/G4CollisionOutput.cc src/G4ElasticCascadeInterface.cc src/G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc src/G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc src/G4EvaporationInuclCollider.cc src/G4Fissioner.cc src/G4IBertini.cc src/G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc src/G4InuclCollider.cc src/G4InuclElementaryParticle.cc src/G4InuclEvaporation.cc src/G4InuclNuclei.cc src/G4InuclParticle.cc src/G4InuclSpecialFunctions.cc src/G4LorentzConvertor.cc src/G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator.cc src/G4NucleiModel.cc src/G4PreCompoundCascadeInterface.cc src/G4PreCompoundInuclCollider.cc The new code is not yet entirely "correct," since Bertini also does a lot of operations by way of three-momentum, imposing masses (and hence energy conservation) separately, after the fact. 20 Jan 2010 Gabriele Cosmo -------------------------- - G4InteractionCase.hh: Minor fix in initialisation in constructor to allow for porting on C++0x Standard. 20 Jan 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-02) ------------------------------------------------ - G4LorentzConvertor.hh: Fix scm_momentum data member to be G4ThreeVector (as used in previous versions) rather than G4LorentzVector. NOTE: I have *retagged* cascade/include/G4LorentzConverter.hh and this History file, rather than creating a new tag, since these are private development only, not public releases. 12 Jan 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-02) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4CascadeMomentum: Replace use of static G4LV variables within functions with mutable data member of object; this does introduce more memory thrashing, but the plan is to get rid of the whole thing anyway. Improve implicit casting and add assignment from G4LV. - G4LorentzConverter: Change function signatures to accept G4LV as input, using implicit cast to convert existing G4CascadeMomentum argument passing. Use G4LV internally throughout, again using implicit cast to return G4CascMom values. This substantially increases (temporarily!) memory thrashing. Simplify ::rotate() functions to use G4LV and G4ThreeVec operations rather than array index gymnastics. Move some function implementations out of .hh file into .cc. - G4ParticleLargerEkin.hh: Fix use of CVS "Name" tag. No code changes. 12 Jan 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-01) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4ParticleLargerBeta, G4ParticleLargerEkin: Add additional operator() which takes pointers (for future mods to reduce ctor/dtor cycling), and fix ordering bug in beta sorting. Add debugging printout togged with preprocessor flag. - G4InuclParticle, G4InuclNuclei, G4InuclElementaryParticle: Rewrite to carry G4DynamicParticle data member, and to instantiate particle properties via G4ParticleDefinition subclasses. This is first stage in eventually eliminating the G4InuclParticle stuff entirely in favor of direct use of G4DynamicParticle for internal propagation. These changes have been testing using debugging output on the production (4.9.3) code compared to the above changes. |diff| shows mostly identical results, with occasional ~1e-5 floating point differences. 08 Jan 2010 Michael Kelsey (hadr-casc-V09-03-00) ------------------------------------------------ All changes below within "cascade/" subdirectory: - G4BertiniNuclearModel: REMOVE this class from the HEAD, and hopefully all future tags. It is redundant with the G4NuclearModel class, and is not used anywhere in the G4 distribtion; the latter is referenced in both regular G4 code and in examples. - G4Diproton, G4Dineutron, G4UnboundPN: New G4ParticleDefinition subclasses, which implement the Bertini-specific dibaryon states. These are not used anywhere as yet, but will be used in future modifications to the G4InuclParticle subclasses. - G4CascadeMomentum: Add interface to create from and cast to G4LorentzVector. Will be used (in future) by G4InuclParticle modifications, and provides a transition to eliminating this class entirely. 1 Dec 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-11) ---------------------------------------------- - G4PionSampler, G4NucleonSampler: change loop variable in ctor from i to j in order to satisfy Windows compiler 11 Nov 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-10) ----------------------------------------------- - G4CascadParticle, G4InuclElementaryParticle: add integer argument to ctor to indicate which generation cascade particle belongs to. Also change G4NucleiModel and G4BertiniNucleiModel to use this. 8 Oct 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-09) ----------------------------------------------- - G4PionSampler: use charge exchange cross section for pi0-p, go back original Bertini pi0-p elastic partial cs. Update pi0 total cross section accordingly. Improve fits to pi-p partial cs and update pi- total cross sections. - G4NucleiModel: update pi- and pi0 total cross sections 24 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-08) ----------------------------------------------- - add class G4NucleonSampler which replaces old pp, pn, and nn partial and total cross sections also modify other classes which use them - move large arrays which are instantiated at every call of frequently used methods. They are now initialized once in constructors. - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: put copy of total cross section method in G4NucleiModel, also remove unneeded energy scale arrays (now replaced with a new one) - G4CascadeInterface: move instantiation of various collider classes outside of loop, and put on stack instead of heap - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: re-design to use G4NucleonSampler and remove instantiation of large arrays from within loops in code - G4NucleiModel: remove instatiation of large arrays from with loops, add new total cross section sampling, remove use of all but one energy scale 17 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-07) ----------------------------------------------- - G4PionSampler: remove large static arrays - G4FinalStateSampler: remove static array pointer to G4 particle types - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: clean up 4 Sep 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-06) ---------------------------------------------- - add assignment operator to class G4CollisionOutput 31 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-05) ----------------------------------------------- - add class G4FinalStateSampler which was accidentally omitted from the previous tag 25 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-04) ----------------------------------------------- - correct bug in particle ordering in G4PionSampler - clean up dead code in G4NucleiModel and G4ElementaryParticleCollider 20 Aug 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-03) ----------------------------------------------- - create class G4PionSampler: samples partial cross sections, multiplicities and final state particle types required for pi+, pi- and pi0 scattering within a nucleus. This class uses re-evaluated pion partial cross sections and includes production of strange particle pairs. - G4CascadeSigmaPlusNChannel: correct sigma plus cross sections - G4CascadSpecialFunctions: move pion, kaon, hyperon total cross sections to this class - G4ElementaryParticleCollider: re-write to use G4PionSampler class for cross sections and multiplicities, remove method reChargering (now redundant) 15 Apr 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-02) ----------------------------------------------- - previous tag no longer used. Bring hadr-casc-V09-02-00 back to HEAD and re-tag 21 Feb 2009 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-02-01) ----------------------------------------------- - add printCrossSection method to G4CascadSpecialFunctions - in GeElementaryParticleCollider, add high energy flag to distinguish "string-like" behavior - G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc - allow secondaries from HE interaction to leave nucleus without interacting - G4NucleiModel - get high_energy_interaction flag value from G4ElementaryParticleCollider 11 Feb 2009 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-casc-V09-02-00) ----------------------------------------------- - set absorption coefficient 1.0 instead of 0.2 inside G4CascadSpecialFunctions (D.Wright) 25 Nov 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-10) ----------------------------------------------- - fix multiplicity sampling in G4ElementaryParticleCollider::generateMultiplicity(). Now partial cross sections are normalized to the total cross section instead of just the sum of 2-body to 6-body final state cross sections. Also fix 2-body cross sections above 7 GeV where they were too small. Fix the same cross sections which appear in G4CascadSpecialFunctions.cc 21 Nov 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-09) ----------------------------------------------- - add some comments to cross section tables in G4CascadSpecialFunctions.cc and G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc 24 Oct 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-08) ----------------------------------------------- - replace GetAtomicMass() with GetNuclearMass() in cascade/G4InuclEvaporation and evaporation/G4BertiniEvaporation - V. Ivantchenko added name to G4CascadeInterface ("Bertini Cascade") 17 Oct 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-07) ----------------------------------------------- - added Coulomb barrier plus barrier penetration in G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc 27 Sep 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-06) ----------------------------------------------- - Fixed 4.3 compiler warnings for G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh by providing initializers for particle type and mass - Remove unused variables totscm, totlab in G4BigBanger.cc, G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc, and unused mom1 from G4InuclSpecialFunctions.cc 22 Sep 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-casc-V09-01-05) ------------------------------------------------ - Introduced simple wrapper class G4CascadeMomentum meant to replace usage of std::vector in the cascade code, to reduce memory allocations. Courtesy of P.Elmer (princeton Univ.). - Modified cascade code to make use of G4CascadeMomentum. 3 Sep 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-04) ----------------------------------------------- - G4ElementaryParticleCollider.cc: in method generateMultiplicity, remove large_cut which increases multiplicity from 3 to 4 abruptly at 4 GeV and above. This caused a sharp drop-off in the single pion spectra from pH reactions. The effect in heavier nuclei is small. 29 Jun 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-03) ----------------------------------------------- - add changes made by M. Paterno, J. Kowalkowski, and M. Fischler (FNAL) to speed up code. All G4Cascade***Channel classes and related code changed. 5 May 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-02) ----------------------------------------------- - retag hadr-casc-V09-csbug as hadr-casc-V09-01-02 30 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-csbug) ----------------------------------------------- - fix cross section bug in G4CascadSpecialFunctions that returned low or zero total cross sections for pi-p, pi+n, np, and pi0 interactions 29 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-01) ----------------------------------------------- - bring tag hadr-casc-V09-01-coula to HEAD, make official tag 22 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-param) -------------------------------------------------- - changed pp, nn total cross section parameterization in G4CascadSpecialFunctions to more closely reflect the PDG values (old one was off by as much as a factor of 3. 3 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-coula) ------------------------------------------------- - removed Coulomb barrier from G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc (causes unphysical spike) 3 Apr 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-01-coul) ------------------------------------------------ - Added Coulomb barrier in G4EquilibriumEvaporator.cc, G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc 17 Nov 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V09-00-02) ----------------------------------------------- - Fix angular distribution for nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering above 2.8 GeV, by modifying G4ElementaryParticleCollider::getElasticCase 25 May 2007 Dennis Wright for Aatos Heikkinen (hadr-casc-V08-03-00) ------------------------------------------------------------------- - implemented interfaces for pre-equilibrium and equilbrium evaporation models 04 May 2007 Aatos Heikkinen (hadr-casc-V08-02-00) ------------------------------------------------- - Added protection in G4ElementaryParticleCollider against negative value to sqrt(). 08 May 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V08-00-00) ----------------------------------------------- - cascade: remove G4BERTINI_KAON conditional assembly flags. Files affected: G4ElementaryParticleCollider.hh, cc G4InuclElementaryParticle.hh G4NucleiModel.hh, cc G4CascadeInterface.cc G4IntraNucleiCascader.cc - cascade (Pekka Kaitaniemi): G4ElasticCascadeInterface: derive from G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel instead of G4HadronElastic. Check for case when no elastic scattering occurs. If so, return original bullet and target. 24 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-casc-V07-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - cascade (bertini-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen) elastic scattering interface added: G4ElasticCascadeInterface.hh, .cc added G4CascadeInterface.hh modified