------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/models/de_excitation ---------------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 20-October 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-12 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundTransitions - fixed compillation warning introduced in previous tag 11-October 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-11 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundTransitions - JMQ fixed bug in the PerformTransition method (use number of particles instead of number of excitons) G4PreCompoundModel - disabled upper limit on excitation energy 8-September 2010 G.Folger hadr-pre-V09-03-10 --------------------------------------------------- G4LowEIonFragmentation: use integer A and Z 1-September 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-09 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundEmission - removed SetUp inline method and move its functionality 31-August 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-08 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundTransition - fixed typo introduced in previous tag 28-August 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-07 --------------------------------------------------- General cleaup of all classes: constructors and destructors moved to the source, integer Z and A, G4Pow class is used to speedup computations G4PreCompoundModel - Emission and Transition classes become members created at construction and not at run time, initialisation is performed at construction or when options are changed and not in run time, G4Fragment is not const, it is modified during process of emission of particles 11-June 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-06 --------------------------------------------------- G4LowEIonFragmentation - cleanup comments G4PreCompoundModel - constructor and destructor are moved to the source 01-June 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-05 --------------------------------------------------- G4LowEIonFragmentation - (J.M.Quesada) fixed exciton state constructor and destructor moved to source 09-April 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-04 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundProton, G4PreCompoundDeuteron, G4PreCompoundTriton, G4PreCompoundHe3, G4PreCompoundAlpha - (JMQ) return back to published varian of OPT3 (Kalbach) parameterization of inverse cross section 01-March 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-03 --------------------------------------------------- G4VPreCompoundIon, G4VPreCompoundNucleon - removed dummy classes 25-February 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-02 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundEmission - more protections for numerical computations are added 17-February 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-01 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundEmission - (JMQ) return back value of Ef as it was in 9.3 19-January 2010 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-03-00 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundEmission - (JMQ) added protection against unphysical value of parameter "an" when exitation energy is huge to avoid numerical problem - simplified algorithm of sampling 21-November 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-07 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundTransitions - return back transition probability 19-November 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-06 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundModel - (JMQ) CEM transition probabilities are set as a default G4PreCompoundTransitions - (JMQ) CEM transition probabilities have been renormalized (transitions with Delta N=+2 are increased by factor 5) 12-November 2009 G.Cosmo hadr-pre-V09-02-05 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundEmission - fixed compilation error on Windows. 12-November 2009 G.Folger hadr-pre-V09-02-04 --------------------------------------------------- G4PrecompoundEmission - modifiy AngularDistribution() to avoid floating point exceptions. - remove calls to log in rho() replaced by use of new logfactorial() 13-February 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-03 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundXXX - changed the shape of probabilities (return back to 9.2) for d, t, He3, alpha (JMQ) 12-February 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-02 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundXXX - changed the shape of probabilities for d, t, He3, alpha near the Coulomb barrier (JMQ) 11-February 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-01 --------------------------------------------------- G4PreCompoundXXX - set default Opt3 back, add decrease Coulomb barrier for d, t, a, he3 (JMQ) 10-February 2009 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-02-00 --------------------------------------------------- Some clean up of comments G4PreCompoundIon - fixed probability of light ion emmision (JMQ) G4PreCompoundXXX - by default Opt1 is used for d, t, a, he3, Opt3 for n, p (JMQ) 09-December 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-15 --------------------------------------------------- Added protection for close to zero excitation energy in G4PreCompoundModel.cc (according to JMQ, MAC) to not try to de-excite. 09-December 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-14 --------------------------------------------------- Added protection for close to zero excitation energy in G4PreCompoundTransitions.cc (returns 0.0), prevents FPE later on. 27-November 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-13 --------------------------------------------------- Added data member initialisation to G4VPreCompoundTransitions.hh 19-November 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-12 --------------------------------------------------- JMQ fix to G4PreCompoundNeutron.cc for Zirconium (if (nu < 0.)nu=-nu). 30-September 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-11 --------------------------------------------------- Trivial protection against negative probabilities for incident protons on targets with A < Carbon. 22-September 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-10 --------------------------------------------------- JMQ's latest developments - which are an extension of hadr-pre-V09-01-08 with cross-section options (equivalent to the de-excitation modifications) and other options (SICB, Never Go Back,...). In addition Gunter's fix to the factorials is included from hadr-pre-V09-01-09. Added new files: G4PreCompoundAlpha.cc G4PreCompoundDeuteron.cc G4PreCompoundHe3.cc G4PreCompoundNeutron.cc G4PreCompoundProton.cc G4PreCompoundTriton.cc (Classes previously existed. Now they have more involved cross-section calculations). 19-September 2008 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-01-09 --------------------------------------------------- Including Gunter's fix (see 11-August below) on top of ref-07 (hadr-pre-V09-00-04), i.e. without JMQ's developments. 11-August 2008 G.Folger ----------------------------------------------- Rewrite algorithm in G4PreCompoundEmission::rho() to avoid frequent floating point overflow when using Precompund in combination with Binary Cascade. 24 July 2008 J. M. Quesada hadr-pre-V09-01-08 --------------------------------------------------- Minor fixes and Coulomb barrier just for Wellisch's proton cross section (OPT=2) 23 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-01-07 --------------------------------------------------- Fixed mistake in tagging 23 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-01-06 --------------------------------------------------- Return back Coulomb barrier initialisation (J.M.Quesada) 27 June 2008 V.Ivanchenko hadr-pre-V09-01-05 --------------------------------------------------- Fixed G4PreCompoundNucleon and G4PreCompoundIon for Coulomb barrier, added protections for zero cross sections, OPT=2 is used (J.M.Quesada) 05 June 2008 J. M. Quesada hadr-pre-V09-01-04 --------------------------------------------------- Bug fixed in OPT=1 (Chatterjee) charged particle cross sections. Unphysical values at very low emission energies have been corrected (set to 0); OPT=1 ( OPT=2 in previous tag) 15-May 2008 J. M.Quesada hadr-pre-V09-01-03 ----------------------------------------------- The retrieval of transition probabilities in G4PreCompoundModel.cc (for protection against unphysically crossing the landa_+=landa_- condition) was misplaced. Now it has been placed inside the preequilibrium transitions loop. 8-May 2008 J. M.Quesada hadr-pre-V09-01-02 ----------------------------------------------- Protection against non physical situation has been set: Equilibrium exciton number Neq (when reached, equilibrium regime starts) should correspond to equal transition probabilities "back" and "forth". Nevertheless, for heavy target (Neq is big even for low incident energies) after first emission this condition (equal trans. prob.) is reached far before reaching corresponding Neq of the residual. Unless this "jump" to equilibrium is forced in this case, preequilibrium will be spuriously prolonged (as a side effect, with huge CPU consumption). G4PreCompoundModel and G4PreCompoundTransitions classes have been modified. 1-May 2008 J. M.Quesada hadr-pre-V09-01-01 ----------------------------------------------- - First trial with cvs. 00 skipped by mistake. New inverse cross sections: OPT=1 Chetterjee's parameterization to reaction cross sections from optical potential global fittings. OPT=2 as OPT=1 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization for protons is used (DEFAULT) OPT=3 Kalbach's modifications of Chatterjee's parameterization of cross sections OPT=4 as OPT=3 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization for protons is used Coulomb barrier has been suppressed as it enters through inverse cross sections. Also methods related to former Dostrovski's cross sections (alpha , beta and C parameters) have been suppressed. In all particle header files: G4PreCompoundNucleon.hh ,G4PreCompoundNeutron.hh,G4PreCompoundProton.hh, G4PreCompoundIon.hh, G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh, G4PreCompoundTriton.hh ,G4PreCompoundHe3.hh , G4PreCompoundAlpha.hh Soft cutoff transition from equilibrium to equilibrium has been suppressed (unphysical and not necessary anymore).In G4PreCompoundModel. New transition probabilities : OPT=1 Gudima's formulae OPT=2 Machner parameterization of matrix elements for transitions (DEFAULT) Level density is set to A/10 (Gudima's prescription). Several bugs fixed (average xs in nucleon-nucleon xs in G4PreCompundTransitions.cc and emission probability formula in G4PreCompoundIon.cc ) . 25-October 2007 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-00-04 ----------------------------------------------- - Removed compilation warning on unused parameter in G4PreCompoundIon.cc 11-October 2007 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-00-03 ----------------------------------------------- - Corrected for integer arithmetic bug in G4PreCompoundModel.cc (ratio of charged to neutral excitons) 01-October 2007 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-00-02 ----------------------------------------------- - Protected Rj (Q_beta) factor against divide by zeroes (should never happen?) The following files have been modified: G4PreCompoundAlpha.hh, G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh, G4PreCompoundHe3.hh, G4PreCompoundTriton.hh, G4PreCompoundNeutron.hh, G4PreCompoundProton.hh 23-August 2007 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-00-01 ---------------------------------------------- - Development tag incorporating further suggestions/corrections from Jose-Manuel Quesada particularly with respect to light ion production. The following files have been modified: G4PreCompoundIon.cc, G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh, G4PreCompoundHe3.hh, G4PreCompoundTriton.hh, G4PreCompoundAlpha.hh, G4PreCompoundIon.hh, G4VPreCompoundIon.hh (unused?) 23-July 2007 A.Howard hadr-pre-V09-00-00 ---------------------------------------------- - Development tag incorporating the suggestions/corrections of Jose-Manuel Quesada. These should reflect the literature and units expected for the exciton model. The following files have been modified: G4PreCompoundNucleon.hh, G4VPreCompoundNucleon.hh, G4PreCompoundAlpha.hh, G4PreCompoundHe3.hh, G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh, G4PreCompoundNeutron.hh, G4PreCompoundProton.hh, G4PreCompoundTriton.hh G4VPreCompoundIon.cc, G4PreCompoundIon.cc, G4PreCompoundModel.cc, G4VPreCompoundFragment.cc, G4PreCompoundTransitions.cc, G4PreCompoundNucleon.cc, G4VPreCompoundNucleon.cc The main changes are: - introducing an Rj factor into the probability calculation, - correcting the units for the Pauli Blocking Factor - missing a g factor, - decreasing the number of charged particles if the number excitons is decreased (previously this number was only increased with increasing excitons). 04-May 2007 G.Folger hadr-pre-V08-02-00 ---------------------------------------------- - G4PreCompoundTransitions.cc: Protect against divide by 0 19 Aug 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-pre-V08-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - exciton_model G4VPreCompoundFragment.hh, .icc : remove meaningless const from methods GetA, GetZ, GetRestA, GetRestZ, GetCoulombBarrier, GetBindingEnergy, GetMaximalKineticEnergy, GetEnergyThreshold, GetEmissionProbability, GetNuclearMass, GetRestNuclearMass and GetReducedMass