G3toG4 tool's examples ---------------------- This directory includes two applications to demonstrate the usage of the g3tog4 tool for converting Geant 3.21 simple geometries to Geant4 ones. The environment variable G4LIB_USE_G3TOG4 should be defined. clGeometry ---------- Contains the code to build a detector geometry using the call list mechanism and also provides visualization. The name of the executable is clGeometry. To run the application, one must provide as input argument a call list file (few test samples are placed in ../data), generated by the rztog4 application which can be built typing "gmake bin" from $G4INSTALL/source/g3tog4. clGeometry.in is a macro to be executed either interactively or in batch. For example: > cd $G4INSTALL/examples/extended/g3tog4 > clGeometry data/testmodel.dat clGeometry.in cltog4 ------ is a simple example which simply invokes the call list interpreter method G4BuildGeom from G3toG4DetectorConstruction class, builds the geometry and exits. As for clGeometry, a call list needs to be fed to cltog4. A macro cltog4.in is available to be executed either interactively or in batch.