# $Id: tallies.mac,v 1.2 2009/11/21 22:02:51 maire Exp $ # # Macro file for "TestEm7.cc" # (can be run in batch, without graphic) # It shows how to introduce simple tallies # # /control/verbose 2 /run/verbose 2 # /testem/det/setMat Water /testem/det/setSizeX 20 cm /testem/det/setSizeYZ 20 cm # /testem/det/tallyMat Water /testem/det/tallySize 2. 2. 2. mm /testem/det/tallyPosition -9.9 0. 0. cm /testem/det/tallyPosition -5. 0. 0. cm /testem/det/tallyPosition 0. 0. 0. cm /testem/det/tallyPosition 5. 0. 0. cm # /testem/phys/addPhysics local # em physics # /run/initialize # /gun/particle proton /gun/energy 160 MeV # # beam size /testem/gun/rndm 3 mm # # limit the step size /testem/stepMax 1 mm # /testem/event/printModulo 1000 # /run/beamOn 10000