//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L. Broglia October - November 1998 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CurveTest * Test the basic functionnality of the different curves : - line - circular curve - ellipse - parabola - hyperbola * Test the functionality of Axis2Placement3D and Project //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4FPlaneTest * Compare the 2 different creator. * Show that the creation of the plane not depend on the points in the plane * Test the function EvaluateIntersection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4BREPSolidBoxTest G4BREPSolidConeTest G4BREPSolidCylinderTest G4BREPSolidPConeTest G4BREPSolidPolyhedraTest G4BREPSolidSphereTest G4BREPSolidTorusTest * Test the basical functions of each BREP solid - creation - distance to in - distance to out ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////