====================================================================== Energy Electromagnetic Physics: hTest ====================================================================== Integration and physics test for hadrons and ions Authors: Vladimir Ivanchenko ====================================================================== ---- Scope ---- What it does Simulation of energy deposition in absorber which consist from N slices of defined material. ---- Description of the input Input is done by the UI interface. additional UI commands are defined in the directory "/hTest/". The list of this commands can be accessed, for example, in the interactive session. ---- Description of the output Text output The range of particle in absorber and strugling are printed out Histograms Currently the only 1 histoggramm Energy deposition versus coordinate is booked. Ntuples Some information (particle mass, enery, range..) are saved in ntuple. Other ---- Location of the reference output for 3 standard input files there are 4 reference output files air.out, water.out, gaas.out, mylar.out ---- Macros air.mac, water.mac, gaas.mac, gaas1, mylar.mac - 3 standard input files ---- Other files required ---- How to run it hTest air.mac hTest water.mac hTest gaas.mac gaas1.mac hTest mylar.mac ---- Contactperson ======================================================================