Hajime Yoshida ******* README of lesson1 ****** 26 September 2006 - Lesson1.py as before - Lesson1withN03.py - physics is list is taken from examples/novice/N03 - process on/off - Leson1Wx.py - same as Lesson1withN03 but - New GUI toolkit is used and the default Python isn't enough - wxPython is necessary 26 May 2006 Geant4.8.1 The first version of the courseware of the mass attenuation coefficient - Lesson1.py select absorber material set its thickness upto 500 mm select beam particle set its energy upto 100 MeV set nu of events up to 100 run and then zoom in (x1.1) or zoom out (x0.9) pan in up/down and/or right/left in the unit of mm (type in two numbers separated by a space) execute any G4 command but /gun/particle or /gun/energy which are defined by the above -oglx.mac OGLSX => important to make zooming effective after showing trajectories. if you want to use VRML, you have to specify the directory where *.wrl file is stored and the VRML viewer to which the path is set: G4VRMLFILE_DEST_DIR=/home/yoshidah/tmp/ G4VRMLFILE_VIEWER=vrmlview And you have VRML drivers built. G4VIS_BUILD_VRML_DRIVER=1 G4VIS_USE_VRMLFILE=1 G4VIS_BUILD_VRMLFILE_DRIVER=1 G4VIS_USE_VRML=1 -gun.mac This is used only at the initialization time.