List of tests of HE muon interactions in Geant4 (By RPK 20-21.05.00) Thin target (to continue the works started): 10 TeV, 100 cm iron, 10^5 muons, 4 processes: delta, brems, pairs, photonuclear (to compare with the expectation: X*?(T,?)*?*N?*?lg*log10) Remaining problems found at the moment: 1) Knock-on electron production for high-energy muons has to be modified (including contribution from electron bremsstrahlung diagrams and radiative corrections); now it is not implemented properly; 2) There is a hint for a peak near the edge of the distribution of energy lost by muon in photonuclear interaction (similar to that which was found and eliminated earlier in the bremsstrahlung); - problem has been solved! (L.U.,May 22nd) 3) It is not clear whether the energy lost by muon is equal to the energy transferred to secondary particles (kinetic energy of delta-electron, total energy of electron and positron in pair production, etc.). There is a hint that they are different. 4) With high statistics simulation, an error appears sometimes in G4HEInelastic::GenerateNBodyEvent (total mass >= total energy). After the general agreement is reached, to extend these calculations (with additional energy/material): Muon energies: 100 GeV and 10 TeV Materials: iron (100 cm, or 787 g/cm^2) and carbon (graphite, 500 cm x 2.265 g/cm^3) Again, after the agreement is reached, to perform calculations for iron and carbon target at 10 TeV energy with increased statistics (about 10^6 muons), to compare with expectation (also in terms of the ratio "simulated/expected"), to prepare beautiful pictures for inclusion in EM Physics gallery and other presentations. Thick target (distribution of the total energy lost by muon in bulk matter, including continuous energy loss and all 4 discrete processes), 3 m iron, 1 TeV muon energy, statistics about 10^5, then 10^6 muons: - histograms of the residual muon energy (in linear scale, 2 GeV bin) and of the energy lost by muon (in log scale, 0.10 bin in common logarithm); comparison is possible with Van Ginneken's TRAMU (the figure given by Particle Data Group) and with Geant 3.21** (A.Rybin); also simulation with original Geant 3.21 is of interest - to show, where it was wrong; - cut variation: with cut = 1 - 100 MeV the distribution should be the same (in particular, this is one of the tests of the consistency of continuous loss calculation); - histograms of the scattering angle and lateral displacement (nothing to compare? may be, Geant 3.21 ?).