# two simultaneous sources in one generator # # two vertexes are generated per event # # Source #1 # /gps/particle proton # # the incident surface is a disc in the y-z plane at -10 cm /gps/pos/type Plane /gps/pos/rot1 0 1 0 /gps/pos/rot2 0 0 1 /gps/pos/shape Circle /gps/pos/centre -10. 0. 0. cm /gps/pos/radius 10. cm # # cosine-law incidence /gps/ang/type cos # # the proton energy is in gaussian profile centered at 2.5 MeV /gps/ene/type Gauss /gps/ene/mono 2.5 MeV /gps/ene/sigma 0.5 MeV # # # source #2 /gps/source/add 1 # # this is gamma source /gps/particle gamma # # the incident surface is a square in the x-y plane at 10 cm /gps/pos/type Plane /gps/pos/centre 0. 0. 10. cm /gps/pos/shape Square /gps/pos/halfx 2 cm /gps/pos/halfy 2 cm # # normal incident /gps/direction 0 0 -1 # mono energy /gps/energy 1 MeV # # both guns will be fired at the same time # /gps/source/multiplevertex true # # # commands below are independent of gps # #/analysis/filetype root /analysis/filename test34.aida /analysis/maxeng 5 MeV /analysis/mineng 0 MeV /analysis/maxpos 10 cm /analysis/minpos -10 cm /event/printModulo 10000 # #/control/execute display.mac # #/tracking/verbose 1 /run/beamOn 2000