$Id: History,v 1.15 2010/10/25 15:16:41 gunter Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= LXe History file ---------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 03 June 2010 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-03-01) - in LXeEventAction.cc fix initialisation of G4ThreeVector required by CLHEP 2.1.x. 03 June 2010 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-03-00) - modify LXeTrajectory class to compile without warnings against tracking-V09-03-03 by implementing a DrawTrajectory() method. 09 November 2009 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-02-01) - exhibit the usage of a complex index of refraction for the photo cathode show usage of G4OpticalPhysics builder/messenger (instead of LXeOpticalPhysics) 30 October 2009 John Allison (LXe-V09-02-00) - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 20 November 2008 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-01-01) - update code in LXeOpticalPhysics.cc 16 July 2008 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-01-00) - add Birks Constant for the LXe scintillator, Polystyrene scintillator modified: LXeDetectorConstruction.cc, LXeOpticalPhysics.cc 30 Sept 2007 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V09-00-00) - adjust to the G4Cerenkov process now being a G4VDiscreteProcess 14 Sept 2006 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V08-01-00) - bug fix (889): set the pointers to G4MaterialPropertiesTable LXe_mt and MPTPStyrene to NULL in the class constructor of LXeDetectorConstruction. 11 May 2006 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V08-00-01) - thanks to Andreia Trindade and Pedro Rodrigues, the WLS time delay can now be a delta function or exponential. 15 March 2006 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V08-00-00) - reinstate the logic between scintillator and fiber: scintillate at short wavelength and WLS to long wavelength. This fixes log. error introduced with LXe-V07-00-00 27 June 2005 Peter Gumplinger (LXe-V07-00-00) - Fix material dependent input for AbsFiber 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. December 3rd, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (LXe-V06-02-01) --------------------------------- - Implemented migration to . August 25th, 2004 Trevor MacPhail (LXe-V06-02-00) --------------------------------- - fixed compilation error in LXeSteppingVerbose.cc - fixed compilation warnings in LXePMTSD.cc, LXeScintHit.cc, LXeScintSD.cc May 31st, 2004 Trevor MacPhail (LXe-V06-01-00) ------------------------------ - First release of LXe setup for optical processes.