#LXe Example Walkthrough #----------------------- # #Follow these steps to see what this example can do. # #You can also execute steps 3-7 of this walkthrough as a macro file #/control/execute WALKTHROUGH #1) Compile #>cd LXe/ #>gmake #2) Launch the program #>$G4WORKDIR/bin/$G4SYSTEM/LXe #3) Run a basic event #3a) Run initialize - do this only once /run/initialize #3b)Turn on verbose output at end of event # We'll leave it on for the rest of the events in the walkthrough too /LXe/eventVerbose 1 #3c)Run /run/beamOn #You will see a blue trajectory representing the gamma and some green #trajectories representing the optical photons that hit the sphere and #went into a pmt. Any pmt that had a trajectory drawn and is above it's #threshold(1) will be redrawn red. #4) Run a cerenkov cone event /control/execute cerenkov.mac /run/beamOn #You will see a circle of PMTs that have lit up from the optical photons #produced by the cerenkov process. The cone does not fill in because the #primary particle was killed after one step in the scintillator. #5) Run a wls event /control/execute wls.mac /run/beamOn #You will see a number of green and red trajectories drawn. The green ones #are the optical photons produced by scintillation. The red ones are created #by the wavelength shifting(WLS) fibers which absorbed the scintillation #photons and re-emited them at a different wavelength. Most of the WLS photons #then travel down the fibers to the edge of the slab. #6) Modify the geometry yourself #6a)Turning the sphere off /LXe/detector/defaults /LXe/detector/volumes/sphere 0 /LXe/detector/update #6b)Changing the dimensions /LXe/detector/dimensions 15 15 50 cm /LXe/detector/update #6c)Changing the PMTs /LXe/detector/pmtRadius 0.5 cm /LXe/detector/nx 15 /LXe/detector/ny 15 /LXe/detector/nz 50 /LXe/detector/update #7) Test your new geometry /gun/particle gamma /run/beamOn #Done # #For more specific information /random/setDirectoryName random2