# # Macro file 'run11.mac' for the initialization phase of "TestEm8.cc" # # It creates the default geometry (simple absorber cylinder ) # /control/verbose 2 # #control/saveHistory # /run/verbose 2 # /run/initialize # #/calor/setAbsMat Xenon # #/calor/setAbsThick 20.0 mm # #/calor/setAbsRad 100.0 mm # #/calor/update # # hist file name # #/plots/sethistName g4.p11 # /plots/sethistName g4.p11 # # PLOT: kinetic energy distribution in absorber # #/plots/setnbinEn 95 #/plots/setEnlow 0.0 MeV #/plots/setEnhigh 0.1 MeV # /plots/setnbinTt 10 /plots/setTtlow 99.9996 MeV /plots/setTthigh 100.0002 MeV # /plots/setnbinTglob 20 /plots/setTgloblow 0.00 ns /plots/setTglobhigh 20.0 ns # #/calor/cutG 3.0 mm # #/calor/cutE 3.0 mm # /run/initialize /run/particle/dumpCutValues # /gun/particle proton # #/gun/particle chargedgeantino # #/gun/energy 2000.00 GeV # /gun/energy 1.0 MeV # #/tracking/verbose 1 # /event/printModulo 1 /run/beamOn 5 # #