************************************************* This is a test for the visualisation and testing of Points On the Surface of the solid Author: Tatiana Nikitina ************************************************* This test was created for testing GetPointOnSurface() Test runs as a normal Geant4 example. To build the application, first setup your environmental variables, do not forget to setup the visualisation part. and then do : make and to run it : $G4BIN/$G4SYSTEM/SurfaceVisTest SurfaceVisTest will do 2 tests on each run: - check point test for 1000 points (test if the points given by GetPointOnSurface() are realy on the Surface using Inside()) - visualisation test of 1000 points generated on Surface of Generic Polyhedra. (draw points given by GetPointsOnSurface()) Via command line user can choose : the solis : /mydet/SelectDetector nameOfSolid the number of Points generated on the Surface : /rndm/numPoints N Examples are given in vis.mac or in run1.mac