# # Macro file for the initialization phase of "hTest.cc" # # It creates the default geometry (simple absorber box) # /control/verbose 2 #control/saveHistory /run/verbose 2 #/step/verbose 2 #/tracking/verbose 2 #/stepping/verbose 2 /event/verbose 1 # #/run/initialize # #/calor/setAbsMat Silicon #/calor/setAbsThick 50. mum #/calor/setAbsYZ 10. cm #/calor/update # # PLOT: angle distr. of transmitted particles #/plots/setnbinTh 60 #/plots/setThlow 0.0 deg #/plots/setThhigh 6.0 deg # #/calor/cutG 2130.0 micrometer #/calor/cutE 50.0 mm #/calor/cutG 10.0 mm #/calor/cutE 0.015 mm # hist file name #/plots/sethistName C360le.paw #/plots/sethistName enb.paw /plots/sethistName c12lei1.paw /run/initialize #/run/particle/dumpCutValues #/event/drawTracks none # #/gun/particle e- #/gun/particle gamma #/gun/particle proton /gun/particle IonC12 #/gun/energy 360.0 MeV /gun/energy 3240.0 MeV # /run/beamOn 100