| *Nom* | *Version* | *Plate-forme* | *Description* | *Remarques* | *Contact* | | ant |1.6.2| | | | | | CERN | | Darwin
rh73_gcc32 | | Faire la commande : use cernlib| [[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]] | |[[http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/SI/Ci/Ci.html][Ci]] | v4->v5r2 | | Interpréteur C | | [[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]] | |[[http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/lhc++/clhep/][CLHEP]] | | rh72_gcc332,rh93_gcc322
VisualC,rh72_gcc332 | Outils C++ généraux pour la physique | | [[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]] | |[[http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/SI/Cm/Cm.html][Cm]] | v7r6->v7r12 | * | Outil de gestion de communications TCP/IP | |[[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]] | |[[http://www.cmtsite.org][CMT]] |v1r9->v1r16|*| Outil de gestion de configuration logicielle | |[[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]]| |[[http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/SI/CSet/CSet.html][CSet]] |v1->v2r5| * | Gestion de collections en C2/C++ | |[[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]]| |[[http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/SI/Doxygen/doc/doxygen/html/index.html][Doxygen]] | ? | ? | Outil de génération de docs pour C++, Corba et C |Installé seulement pour Linux
csh> source /lal/Doxygen/Linux/setup.csh
sh> . /lal/Doxygen/Linux/setup.sh | [[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]] | | eGenix |2.0.5 |alpha| | | | |[[http://www.freetype.org/][freetype]] | 1.3.1 | * | FreeType 1 is a portable and highly efficient TrueType rendering engine, that is now successfully used to bring TrueType support to a very large variety of platforms and environments, be they font servers, graphics libraries or embedded systems | |[[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]] | |[[http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/SI/Gb/Gb.html][Gb]] | v4
v4r1 | alpha
alpha,i386_linux22,Linux-i386 | Gestion d'objets graphiques (C, C++) | |[[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]]| | ghostscript | 4.0.3
5.0.3 | | |Faire la commande : use ghoscript |Nicole Lhermitte| |[[http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/][Graphviz]] | aplha
Linux | | Outil de description et de production de graphes |csh> source /lal/Grafviz/Linux/setup.csh
sh> . /lal/Grafviz/Linux/setup.sh | [[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]] | | insure | 3.0.1
4.1 | alpha |Outil d'analyse des logiciels| |Bernard Perrot| |[[http://www.latex-project.org/][latex]] | | alpha,Linux | latex |Faire la commande "use latex".
V3.4.02_Linux | | An Object-Oriented Data Analysis Framework |taper la commande : use root pour la version 3.4.02| Nicole Lhermitte| |[[http://sources.redhat.com/sourcenav][snavigator]] | v4.5.2
v5.1.4 | Linux
Linux,alpha| Environnement de développement intégré | | Laurent Duflot | |[[http://www.swig.org/][SWIG]] | v1.1p5
1.3.10 | ?
alpha | SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages | | [[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]]| | SGI_Inventor | | | | a reinstaller car on ne sais pas la plate forme | [[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]] | |tcl | v7.6
8.0a | HP_UX, alpha, SunOS, ULTRIX,unix
HP_UX, alpha, SunOS, ULTRIX,unix
HP_UX, alpha, unix |Le langage tcl| |Bernard Perrot| | TGS_Inventor | | | | a reinstaller car on ne sais pas la plate forme | [[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]] | |videoconf | ? | ? | Outils de vidéo-conférence mbone| |Bernard Perrot| | virgo | ? | ? | | | [[mailto:arnault@lal.in2p3.fr][Christian Arnault]] | |Xerces-C | 1.2.0a | Linux |Outils C++ pout XML| |[[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]]| | Xerces-J | 2.6.2 | ? | | | | |XML4J | 3.0.1 | ? |Outils JAVA pour XML| |[[mailto:barrand@lal.in2p3.fr][Guy Barrand]]| | ZODB | 3.2.1, 3.2.4 | alpha | | | |