$Id: History,v 1.19 2007/07/06 21:39:05 mpiergen Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 06.07.2007 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V08-03-02 bug 880 fixed in Detector Construction 01.07.2007 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V08-03-01 macro updated 01.07.2007 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V08-03-00 removed MedLinacVisManager, set initial seed to 0 The example compiles with CLHEP use of MultipleScattering instead of MultipleScattering52 08.12.2005 Michela Piergentili , tag medical_linac-V07-01-05 updated macro for visualization 07.12.2005 Susanna Guatelli, tag medical_linac-V07-01-04 The example compiles with CLHEP 25.11.2005 Michela Piergentili , tag medical_linac-V07-01-03 update README file, added new methods to messengers for the selection of the detector features 25.11.2005 Michela Piergentili , tag medical_linac-V07-01-02 code maitenance 24.11.2005 Michela Piergentili , tag medical_linac-V07-01-01 code maitenance 24.11.2005 Michela Piergentili , tag medical_linac-V07-01-00 code maitenance 13.07.2005 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-06 macro added 04.07.2005 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-05 code with DIANE, added histograms 04.07.2005 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-04 code with DIANE 02.06.2005 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-03 code maintenance 02.06.2005 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-02 Bug fixed in ROGeometry 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 25.11.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-02-00 Maintenance of the code. 24.11.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-01 Added MedLinacTrackingAction, MedLinacMLCDecorator and MedLinacMLCMessenger. 24.11.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V07-00-00 Migration to 21.05.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-01-03 modified documentation 21.05.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-01-02 added README 14.05.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-01-01 decorator design iteration implemented, bug fixed in MedLinacPhantomSD, cut per region introduced for the first collimator 02.04.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-01-00 geometry completed, bug fixed in DetectorConstruction 18.03.2004 Michela Piergentili, tag medical_linac-V06-00-00 First created