$Id: History,v 1.16 2005/12/06 19:39:09 capra Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 06 Dec 2005 - radmon-V07-01-14 - R. Capra - Documentation extended README file now covers all the aspects of the application in great details. Small changes in RadmonApplication and RadmonApplicationAnalysisSetup so that when G4ANALYSIS_USE is not set, code builds without analysis. RadmonPhysicsList changed in order to manage particles changes present from tag geant4-08-00-cand01. Stepping action added in order to manage these changes. Errors present in RadmonPhysicsHadronsBertini, RadmonPhysicsDecay, RadmonPhysicsICRUIonization corrected. The error present in RadmonPhysicsHadronsBertini caused the application crash. The error present in RadmonPhysicsDecay, RadmonPhysicsICRUIonization caused a not true warning message appear. 25 Nov 2005 - radmon-V07-01-13 - R. Capra - Introduced step limitations and secondary production thresholds. Geometry materials corrected. - Code tested against materials overlapping - Small corrections in RadmonPhysicsInoisationICRU and RadmonPhysicsDecay 25 Nov 2005 - radmon-V07-01-12 - R. Capra - Analysis framework completed hadronic physics implemented. First analysis module implemented. 24 Nov 2005 - radmon-V07-01-11 - R. Capra - Development of the analysis code. Framwork partially completed. Sensitive detectors not linked to Geometry yet. RadmonAnalysis methods have a dummy implementation. Introduced changes are: - Analysis code (partial) - Tracks display - Event/Run number dump - Small corrections (grammar, comments) - RadmonPhysicsList::OnLayoutChange behaviur changed (better performances) - Macros updated according to current developments Code builds and runs. Analysis stuff still not completely working. 07 Nov 2005 - radmon-V07-01-10 - R. Capra - Development of the physics list code. Framework completed and working. Insertion of modular physics list in progress. Current physics models are: - Electron: EEDL, Standard - Photon: EPDL, Standard - Positron: Standard - Muon+/-: Standard - Tau+/-: Standard - Neutron: Binary Cascade - Decay for all short living particles - Nuclear reactions of photons and e+/- on nuclei Small corrections to some primary generator algorithms Default macros for beam and physics defined Code builds, test in progress 07 Nov 2005 - radmon-V07-01-09 - R. Capra - Development of the physics list code: - RadmonPhysicsDummyPhysicsList class removed Code builds, but not tested yet. Physics list still to be implemented 25 Oct 2005 - radmon-V07-01-08 - R. Capra - Development of the particle generator according to the design: - Minor changes in the detector package. - RadmonApplication has been splietted into classes for management purposes and in order to improve the compilation time and dependencies. - Completely new generator package with a design similar to the detector one. Code builds. Primary generator code not tested yet. 24 Oct 2005 - radmon-V07-01-07 - R. Capra - Design iteration: classes: - RadmonVDetectorLayoutObserver - RadmonVDetectorLayoutSubject - RadmonDetectorLayoutEntityWithAttributes has been moved in generalPurpose package without the Detector suffix. They will be used for the primary generator too. 30 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-06 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design. The layer with pads needed for detectors layout has been now implemented. Macros to generate the real packaging geometry has been provided. 27 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-05 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design. All the packaging layers are now implemented. Trasparency support (alpha channel) has been provided. 21 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-04 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design almost completed. Following functionality added: - Alpha channel support for attributes - Carved geometry decorator - Hole geometry decorator 19 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-03 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design in progress. Following functionality added: - Materials creation through a messenger - Geometry creation and update - First Geometry constructor object created (Simple box) - Macros directory created 14 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-02 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design in progress. RadmonDetectorMessenger completed and tested. Needs still some work on detector construction and materials. The code runs. Creation of the physics subpackage. This tag is only for backup purposes 12 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-01 - R. Capra - Implementation according to the design in progress. RadmonDetectorLayout completed Needs still some work Messenger and detector construction and materials . The code does not run but should build. This tag is only for backup purposes 09 Sep 2005 - radmon-V07-01-00 - R. Capra - Internal subdirectories created and GNUmakefile(s). Implementation according to the design in progress. The code does not builds. This tag is only for backup purposes