# # Macro file for A01app # # Set verbosity # /control/verbose 2 # /vis/verbose confirmations # # Create a scene handler and viewer for HepRep # /vis/open HepRepFile #/vis/open DAWNFILE # # Draw detector # /vis/drawVolume # # Declare that trajectories and hits should be added to the scene # /vis/scene/add/trajectories /vis/scene/add/hits # # Execute the visualization via the /vis/viewer/flush that comes # automatically at the end of each /run. # /mydet/armAngle 60. deg /mydet/fieldValue 2. tesla /run/beamOn 1 # /mydet/armAngle 30. deg /mydet/momentum 2. GeV /mydet/sigmaMomentum 0. /mydet/sigmaAngle 0. /run/beamOn 1 # # This time, set visualization to accumulate many events into one picture # /vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate /mydet/sigmaAngle 2. deg /run/beamOn 4 #