PARAMETER (MaxAbs = 10, MaxLay = 50) COMMON/CALOR/materAbs(MaxAbs),thickAbs(MaxAbs),NbAbsor,NbLayer, & calorYZ,Field,thLayer,calorX,worldX,worldYZ * * NbAbsor = Number of Absorbers (data card CALOR) * NbLayer = Number of Layers (data card CALOR) * calorYZ = tranverse size of calor (cm) (data card CALOR) * Field = magnetic field (tesla) (data card CALOR) * materAbs(i) = Absorber material number. (data card MATE ) * thickAbs(i) = thickness of absorber (cm) (data card THICK) * * thLayer = total thickness of a layer (cm) * calorX = total X-size of the calor (cm) * worldX = total X-size of the world (cm) * worldYZ = total YZ-size of the world (cm) * COMMON/PRODCUT/prodcut(4*MaxAbs) * * prodcut(k) = tracking medium number k (data card CUTPR) * prodcut(k+1) = bcute/m for this medium (data card CUTPR) * prodcut(k+2) = dcute/m for this medium (data card CUTPR) * prodcut(k+3) = ppcutm for this medium (data card CUTPR) * COMMON/STEPMAX/stepmax * * stepmax = max allowed step length (data card STEPMX)