========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= HADR01 A.Bagulya, I.Gudowska, V.Ivanchenko, N.Starkov CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Karolinska Institute & Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia This example application is based on the application IION developed for simulation of proton or ion beam interaction with a water target. Different aspects of beam target interaction are demonstrating in the example including logitudinal profile of energy deposition, spectra of secondary particles, spectra of particles leaving the target. The results are presenting in a form of average numbers and histograms. GEOMETRY The Target volume is a cilinder placed inside Check cilindrical volume. The Check volume is placed inside the World volume. The radius and the length of the Check volume are 1 mm larger than the radiaus and the length of the Target. The material of the Check volume is the same as the World material. The World volume has the sizes 10 mm larger than that of the Target volume. Any naterial from the Geant4 database can be defined. The default World material is G4Galactic and the default Target material is aluminum. The Target is subdivided on number of equal slices. Follwoing UI commands are available to modify the geometry: /testhadr/TargetMat G4_Pb /testhadr/WorldMat G4_AIR /testhadr/TargetRadius 10 mm /testhadr/TargetLength 20 cm /testhadr/NumberDivZ 200 If geometry was changed between two runs, then the follwoing command need to be executed: /testhadr/Update Beam direction coinsides with the target axis and is Z axis in the global coordinate system. The beam starts 5 mm in front of the target. G4ParticleGun is used as a primary generator. The energy and the type of the beam can be defined via standard UI commands /gun/energy 15 GeV /gun/particle proton Default beam position is -(targetHalfLength + 5*mm) and direction along Z axis. Beam position and direction can be changed by gun UI commands: /gun/position 1 10 3 mm /gun/direction 1 0 0 however, position command is active only if before it the flag is set /testhadr/DefaultBeamPosition false SCORING The scoring is performed with the help of UserStackingAction class and two sensitive detector classes: one associated with a target slice, another with the Check volume. Each secondary particle is scored by the StackingAction. In the StackingAction it is also possible to kill all or one type of secondary particles /testhadr/Kill neutron /testhadr/KillAllSecondaries To control running the following options are available: /testhadr/PrintModulo 100 /testhadr/DebugEvent 977 The last command selects an events, for which "/tracking/verbose 2" level of printout is established. PHYSICS PhysicsList of the application uses components, which are distributed with Geant4 in /geant4/physics_lists subdirectory. So, before compiling hadro01 it is necessary to compile physics_lists The choice of the physics is provided by the UI command: /testhadr/Physics QGSP The command /testhadr/Physics PHYSLIST allows allows to download a physics configuration defined by an environment variable PHYSLIST. To see the list of available configurations one can use /testhadr/ListPhysics The cuts for electromagnetic phsyics can be established via /testhadr/CutsAll 1 mm /testhadr/CutsGamma 0.1 mm /testhadr/CutsEl 0.2 mm /testhadr/CutsPos 0.3 mm VISUALISATION For interactive mode G4 visualization options and variables should be defined, then the example should be recompiled: gmake visclean gmake The vis.mac file can be used an example of visualization. The following command can be used: /testhadr/DrawTracks charged /testhadr/DrawTracks charged+n /testhadr/DrawTracks neutral /testhadr/DrawTracks all HISTOGRAMS To use histograms any of implementations of AIDA interfaces should be available (see http://aida.freehep.org). A package including AIDA and extended interfaces also using Python is PI, available from: http://cern.ch/pi . Once installed PI or PI-Lite in a specified local area $PI_DIR, it is required to add the installation path to $PATH, i.e. for example, for release 1.2.1 of PI: setenv PATH ${PATH}:$PI_DIR/1.3.12/app/releases/PI/PI_1_3_12/slc3_gcc323/bin CERN users can use the PATH to the LCG area on AFS. Before compilation of the example it is optimal to clean up old files: gmake histclean setenv G4ANALYSIS_USE 1 gmake Before running the example the command should be issued: eval `aida-config --runtime csh` It is possible to choose the format of the output file with histograms using UI command: /testhadr/HistoName name /testhadr/HistoType type /testhadr/HistoOption "uncompress" The following types are available: hbook, root, aida. They will be stored in the file "name.hbook", "name.root", or "name.aida". If the environment variable HISTODIR is defined, files are stored in this subdirectory. To show the contence of a histogram ID=i the commands may be applied: /testhadr/HistoPrint i All histograms are normalised to the number of events.