$Id: README,v 1.1 2002/03/05 15:22:08 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= ParN04 ------ ParN04 has a simplified collider detector geometry. This example demonstrates the following features. [ Read 000README for a description of how to run it in parallel. ] 1. PYTHIA primary events. ExN04PrimaryGeneratorAction has G4HEPEvtInterface as the generator. G4HEPEvtInterface accesses to "pythia_event.data", which contains three events of Higgs generation produced by PYTHIA. "pythia_main.f" is an example FORTRAN code of PYTHIA for generating this event sample. 2. Readout geometry ExN04DetectorConstruction defines a simplified collider detecor geometry, tracker made of cylindrical tubes, calorimeter made of cylindrical tubes, and muon trackers made of planes. Cylindrical calorimeter is made of tubes of lead and scintirator without cut in phi nor z direction. Energy deposition in scintirator is accumurated by ExN04CalorimeterSD sensitive detector, which has a readout geometry to find the phi-z cell. 3. Full set of "ordinary" physics processes ExN04PhysicsList defines almost all of leptons and hadrons which Geant4 has dedicated classes for. Also almost all physics processes Geant4 has are defined. 4. Event filtering by the stacking mechanism. Higgs events in "pythia_event.data" have two lepton pairs produced by the Higgs decay via Z0. At the first stage of each event, only the primary muons are tracked without tracking secondaries. then the number of hits on the muon trackers are examined. At the next stage, only the primary charged particles are tracked only inside the barrel tracking area and the isolation of the primary muons are examined. At the third stage, all particles in the RoI (Region of Interest) along the isolated muons are tracked. All these examinations are applied in ExN04StackingAction.