$Id: README,v 1.1 1999/01/07 16:06:10 gunter Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= ExampleN05 ---------- ExampleN05 provides examples of the use of parameterisation facilities. Geometry, sensitive detector, hits, processes are defined respectively in: ExN05DetectorConstruction ExN05CalorimeterSD ExN05CalorimeterHit ExN05PhysicsList The particularities are: o The parameterisation models: o ExN05EMShowerModel which provides a crude parameterisation for e+/e-/gamma. This model is bound to the EM calorimeter. o ExN05PionShowerModel: an even more crude parameterisation for pi+/pi-. This model is bound to a ghost volume. Those two models produces "hits": ie the energy of the incident particle is distributed into the volume of the envelope throught energy spots (class ExN05EnergySpot), those energy spots being recorded in the sensitive detector at this point if any. They are rather similar from a technical point of vue. They both make use of a private G4Navigator to set their energy spots into the sensitive volumes. However, we don't take car of putting every spot into a sensitive (which is recommended in a "serious" parameterisation !). Those two models trigger their parameterisation on the first step the particle does in the envelope, but it would be perfectly possible to wait that the particle is far enough from the boundary of the envelope for example. o ExN0PiModel: just there to show how a parameterisation can create secondaries, but not used. o ExN05PhysicsList: AddParameterisation(). A method which sets the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess in the process manager of all the particles. This process provides the INTERFACE between the tracking and the parameterisation models. o ExN05DetectorConstruction: in the .cc file, the parameterisation models are built and bound to envelopes: o ExN05EMShowerModel is bound to the electromagnetic calorimeter o ExN05PionShowerModel is bound to a ghost volume which encompasses the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimters