------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History,v 1.11 2007/09/30 23:00:40 gum Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - Rich Detector for LHCb ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- 30.09.2007 - P.Gumplinger (Rich-V09-00-00) adjust to the G4Cerenkov process now being a G4VDiscreteProcess 14.05.2007 - A.Ribon (Rich-V08-03-00) The constant "kCarTolerance" is no longer available, so it must be explicitly declared. 08.12.2005 - A.Ribon (Rich-V07-01-00) Migration to CLHEP namespace. 30.03.2005 - A.Ribon (Rich-V07-00-01) Replaced with and cout with G4cout . 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 02.12.2004 - A.Ribon (Rich-V06-02-02) Interface change to the class G4VParticleChange. 29.11.2004 - A.Ribon (Rich-V06-02-01) Migration to cmath. 15.07.2004 - J.Allison, tag Rich-V06-02-00 Changed /vis/viewer/viewpointThetaPhi -> /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi. 18.05.2004 - A.Ribon (Rich-V06-01-00) Ported to PI light. No changes of the code. 12.03.2004 - A.Ribon (Rich-V06-00-00) Fixed compilation errors and warnings for g++ 3.2 . 02.12.2003 - G.Cosmo (Rich-V05-02-00) Fixed compilation errors and warnings ... 12.11.2003 - J.Allison Updated Vis Manager. 26.05.2003 - P.M.Lorenzo Created. First version.