----------------------------------------------------------- $Id: History, v 1.6 2004/02/27 G.A.P. Cirrone ----------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================== Geant4 - Hadrontherapy ==================================================== Category History file 16.11.2007 Anton Lechner tag hadrontherapy-V09-00-00 Updated physics commands in macro files Updated README 07.06.2007 MGP tag hadrontherapy-V08-03-04 On top of head as on 07.06.2007 Physics component redesigned and reimplemented by Anton Lechner as a result of code review Physics version to be used for Bragg peak validation paper Note: previous tag hadrontherapy-V09-00-00 does not respect the tag numbering scheme, to be cvs removed 04.06.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (harontherapy-V08-03-03) - Various bugs fixed and random engine changed. 04.06.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V09-00-00) - Changed the random engine. 10.05.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-03-02) - Improved the modulator geometry and fixed a bug on its rotation; 07.05.2007 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-02-02) - Geometry upgrade(hadrontherapyBeamLine class) according to the experimental CATANA proton therapy beam line; 23.04.2007 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-02-01) - Compilation error corrected - human error of Susanna Guatelli. - The file src/HadrontherapyProtonBertiniElastic.cc and the file include/HadrontherapyProtonBertiniElastic.hh have been removed - This class is part of the previous version of the hadrontherapy application,and it not necessary anymore in the current version of the hadrontherapy application. 24.1.2007 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-02-00) - Design iteration - Physics lists added 16.11.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-01-05) - Physics lists cleaned 15.11.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V08-01-04) - Changed cut and cut per region default values. Improved Max Step function along the beam line. 14.11.2006 J. Allison - Removed /vis/scene/transientsAction none (no longer available). 02.10.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone and S. Guatelli(hadrontherapy-V08-01-03) - Bug fix in the geometry (hadrontherapy beam line) problem: wrong volume hierarchy 24.07.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-01-00) - Bug fix in the HadrontherapyProtonPrecompound.cc concerning neutron fission and capture 30.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-04) - Bug deleted in all the hadronic phsyics lists; the hadronic processes are not activated for He3 at the moment. 17.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-02) - Bug deleted with He3 in the HadrontherapyProtonPrecompound physics list 16.05.2006 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V08-00-01) - Comments in the primary particle component and in the physics component 18.04.2006 G.A.P. Cirrone (hadrontherapy-V07-08-01) - Improved the random generator; - Corrected a bug in the primary generator action on SetParticleMomentum(); - Changed the beam line according with a modification in the real beam line considered as model (the CATANA proton therapy beam line at LNS-INFN, Catania (I)); 06.12.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-05) - Particles updated - Updated macros 23.11.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-04) - File ASCII as output file deleted 02.09.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-03) - Added Hadronic physics models 08.07.2005 S. Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-01-02) - Added alternative stopping power parameterisations for protons: ICRU49, Ziegler 1977, Ziegler 1985, Ziegler (SRIM) 2000 30.05.2005 G.A.P. Cirrone and S.Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-00-06) - Removed warnings; - Analisys with AIDA 3.2.1 and PI 1.3.3; - Corrected bug in the modulator wheel; - Added the hadronic physic list for proton and ion; - Code review 18.05.2005 Susanna Guatelli (hadrontherapy-V07-00-03) - Delete public variables - Optimisation of the detector construction - Optimisation of the sensitive detector - Modular physics introduced 03.05.2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 28.04.2005 - M.Piergentili Modular Physics list, Primary Generator Messenger, updated README and defaultMacro.mac, tag: hadrontherapy-V07-00-02 25.02.2005 - G.A.P. Cirrone & M.Piergentili, update of the physiscList class to correct some bugs. 30.11.2004 - S. Guatelli, correct analysis, tag: hadrontherapy-V06-02-00 16.07.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone AIDA classes inserted. Generation of an .hbk file containing the depth dose distribution. 28.05.2004 - S. Guatelli Update of the README, code review for public release. 29.03.2004 - G. Russo Redefinition of the physics list with hadronic model. 14.03.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Attempt to insert AIDA class for .xml file creation. 13.03.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Redefinition of the design. 27.02.2004 - G.A.P. Cirrone Created, first version.