$Id: History,v 1.82 2007/11/12 15:48:58 maire Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= TestEm1 History file -------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 12-11-07 mma (testem1-V09-00-01) - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected histos on ascii file 22-07-07 V.Ivant (testem1-V09-00-00) - add material CO2 10^-6 atm 21-06-07 mma (testem1-V08-03-02) - make visualization only in interactive mode 20-06-07 mma (testem1-V08-03-01) - PhysListEmStandard options completed - add erange.mac for e- 23-05-07 V.Ivant (testem1-V08-03-00) - use G4EmProcessOptions to define bremsstrahlung threshold energy 19-10-06 mma (testem1-V08-01-00) - GNUmakefile : LOADLIBS - remove PhysicsLists 52 and 71 19-05-06 mma (testem1-V08-00-04) - update README 27-03-06 mma (testem1-V08-00-03) - PhysicsList: new functions AddDecay(), AddStepMax() 27-03-06 mma (testem1-V08-00-02) - TestEm1.in : migration mum -> um - name brem -> eBrem 26-01-06 mma (testem1-V08-00-01) - refresh all geant3 macros - change printing format in EndOfRun 25-01-06 mma (testem1-V08-00-00) - rename csdaRange -> trueRange - histograms for primary particle only - refresh all macros. Change names - GetCSDARange() in EndOfRun 19-01-06 mma - add PhysListEmLivermore and PhysListEmPenelope 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 22-11-05 mma (testem1-V07-01-02) - update README for OpenScientist 14-11-05 Gabriele Cosmo (testem1-V07-01-01) - Migration to for HistoMessenger. 04-10-05 mma (testem1-V07-01-00) - create PhysListEmG4v71 (g4v71) for G4MultipleScattering71 01-06-05 mma (testem1-V07-00-02) - PhysListEmG4v52 : old photon processes marked as 52 (and eplusAnnihilation) - HistoManager : option "--noErrors" for hbook 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 18-03-05 V.Ivant (testem1-V07-00-01) - PhysListEmStandard : use G4eBremsstrahlung from the standard, - remove G4eBremsstrahlungCMS 15-03-05 mma - remove He3 from predefined particles. - PhysListEmStandard : treat Alpha as GenericIon 31-01-05 mma (testem1-V07-00-00) - HistoManager : - put a protection for the creation of analysis factory; - file extension is fileType; - HistoMessenger : new command setFileOption 07-14-04 mma (testem1-V06-02-07) - PhysListEmStandard : threshold for G4BremsstrahlungCMS at 10 GeV 02-12-04 V.Ivant (testem1-V06-02-06) - Migration to cmath 22-11-04 mma (testem1-V06-02-05) - change in call G4EmCaculator. Need utils-V06-02-16 01-11-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V06-02-04) - migrade to new interface to ParticleChange in G4eBremsstrahlungCMS 20-09-04 mma (testem1-V06-02-03) - do not delete Analysisfactory (for Jaida) 15-09-04 mma(testem1-V06-02-02) - define correctly all UI subdirectories. - modifs in HistoManager and Messenger for hbook,root,XML 03-08-04 mma (testem1-V06-02-01) - compute and print CSDA range from G4EmCalculator. - set default vertex at left side of the box. 20-07-04 mma (testem1-V06-02-00) - introduce HistoManager as in testem5-V06-01-04 - compute and print CSDA and projected range. Macro range.mac 09-06-04 mma (testem1-V06-01-03) - PhysicsLists: remove Particles and General 13-04-04 mma (testem1-V06-01-02) - EmPhysicsList: set G4eBremsstrahlungCMS as default 05-04-04 V.Ivan. (testem1-V06-01-01) - fix G4eBremsstrahlungCMS 31-03-04 mma (testem1-V06-01-00) - remove ROOT histos 15-03-04 mma (testem1-V06-00-00) - example of histograms with ROOT: USE_ROOT 25-11-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-02-06) - Fix geometry (G.Cosmo) 07-11-03 mma (testem1-V05-02-05) - use BestUnit in RunAction 28-10-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-02-04) - Minor cleanup in G4eBremsstrahlungCMS - Add printout of total energy deposit - Remove compilation warnings 24-10-03 mma (testem1-V05-02-03) - PhysListEmStandard: AddProcess(Bremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. - BremsstrahlungCMS given as an example, commented out 20-10-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-02-02) - Add process G4eBremsstrahlungCMS 06-10-03 mma (testem1-V05-02-01) - Class EmModel renamed G4v52. All macros updated - G4NOHIST replaced by G4ANALYSIS_USE - cosmetics in material definitions - suppression of Em1 in all class names 18-09-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-02-00) - Complete migration to model EM physics 18-06-03 G.Cosmo (testem1-V05-01-03) - Em1RunAction.cc: removed usage of G4USE_STD_NAMESPACE after migration from G4std. 03-06-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-01-02) - Fix compilation warnings 15-05-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem1-V05-01-01) - Proper deletion of old geometry when it is updated 09-05-03 V.Ivant (testem1-V05-01-00) - change updated command 27-03-03 mma (testem1-V05-00-05) - modular physics list 26-03-03 V.Ivant (testem1-V05-00-04) 11-03-03 V.Ivant (testem1-V05-00-03) - Remove all old interfaces to cuts - Add definition of mean excitation energy for water 06-03-03 mma (testem1-V05-00-02) - PhysicsList::SetCuts : suppress cutForProton 20-02-03 V.Ivant (testem1-V05-00-01) - Migrade to cut per region 12-02-03 mma (testem1-V05-00-00) - DetectorConstruction: change volume name 11-12-02 mma (testem1-V04-01-01) - migration to AIDA 3.0 - UI commands under directory /testem/ 05-12-02 cosmo (testem1-V04-01-00) - Fix in runAction for porting on gcc-3.2. 05-06-02 mma (testem1-V04-00-03) - do not delete histos in destructor of RunAction 31-05-02 mma (testem1-V04-00-02) - old histograming package clhep/hist replaced by AIDA 2.2/anaphe. See README 08-03-02 mma (testem1-V04-00-01) - PhysicsList: unifomisation of the setG(E)Cut commands 06-02-02 mma (testem1-V04-00-00) 06-12-01 mma - In PrimaryGeneratorAction, possibility to fix the vertex at front face, and to randomize the beam spot. - command /gun/rndm in PrimaryGeneratorMessenger - similar functionality in geant3: gukine.F - change output precision in RunAction (+uglast.F) 29-11-01 mma (testem1-V03-02-02) - EventAction: DrawTrack "none" - small change in vis.mac - suppression of the rndm commands, now managed by G4RunManager: --> RunAction, EventAction. suppression of RunActionMessenger 31-10-01 mma (testem1-V03-02-01) - PhysicsListMessenger: commands CutE, CutG, CutP avaiblable in PreInit - in all macros: set cuts before run/initialize 26-10-01 mma (testem1-V03-02-00) - mods in TestEm1.cc: the initialisation and vis initialisation are not done gy default. --> inserted /run/initialize in all macros. - To get visualisation: > /control/execute vis.mac (new vis commands) - 80 columns everywhere 19-10-01 Steve O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) - Update reference output 27-03-01 mma (testem1-V03-00-05) - set cppflag G4NOHIST = true in gnumakefile 08-03-01 Hisaya (testem1-V03-00-04) - adapted ProcessesCount to STL 21-02-01 mma (testem1-V03-00-03) - hbook histograms restored 20-02-01 mma (testem1-V03-00-02) - verbose stepping adapted for STL - save rndm at begin of event 07-12-00 mma (testem1-V02-00-03 & testem-noHist) - remove hbook histograms: GNUmakefile,runAction,trackingAction,steppingAction 06-12-00 mma (testem1-V02-00-02 & testem-withHist) - update of init.mac for new vis commands. - G4UItcsh in the main() 24-11-00 Steve O'Neale (tagset210) (testem1-V02-00-01) - Update test output Change in processes below ~ 5 per cent eIoni and hIoni min.delta energy(keV) and energy cut table 13-11-00 G.Cosmo (testem1-V02-00-00) - Fixed memory leak in Em1RunAction: added call to clearAndDestroy() in EndOfRunAction() to clean ProcCounter vector. 17-06-00 J.Allison (testem1-V01-00-00) - Updated TestEm1.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06. 21-01-00 cppflag G4NOHIST to protect hbook histograms. 11-10-99 moved from: source/processes/electromagnetic/test to: examples/extended/electromagnetic 09-08-99 Commands for save/read Rndm status 17-06-99 added histogramming facility 10-05-99 user's actions adapted to geant4-00-ref-04 03-12-98 subdirectory geant3 which contains the geant3 equivalent example. 24.11.98 due to new computation of SetCut for electron, the cut in range for e-/+ has been modified in init.mac and run10.mac (beta03-00) 27.10.98 interactive command for setting StepFunction: deemax + stmin. modifs in setxxCut functions (Hisaya). Count occurence of processes. Now TestEm1 is equivalent to g3-testem1 Both can be run in batch with reference files: run1.mac (g4), run1.dat (g3). 19.10.98 Moved in subdirectory electromagnetic/test/TestEm1. Interactive commands in PhysicsList for setting cuts. 14.09.98 Created, Michel Maire