$Id: History,v 2008/04/25 15:51:48 gunter Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Hadronic physics-list History ----------------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 25-04-2008, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-13 for 9.1 patch 02 - Fix delete using uninitialized pointers in FTF-BIC, in HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC.{hh,cc}, G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder.{hh,cc} and G4LEPNeutronBuilder.cc 08-01-2008, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-01-00 - G4EmExtraPhysics - fixed bug #993 (swap of synkrotron radiation and mu-nuclear activation). 16-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-12 - New PL QGSP_BERT_DIF; as QGSP_BERT with projectile diffraction for proton and neutron enabled. 26-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-11 - QBBC - fixed bug in adding of cross section for pions 16-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-10 - New PL FTF_BIC. Equivalent to QGS_BIC. For pions LEP is not used, as BIC is used up to 5 GeV, thus overlapping with FTF starting at 4 GeV. 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-09 - added a possibility to activate G4SynchrotronRadiation and mu-nuclear betwen runs; - G4HadronHElasticPhysics - fixed name; - QBBC - tuned energy thresholds between string and cascade models 15-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-08 - New PL QGSC_BERT; use QGSC down to overlap with BERT. LEP not used for proton,neutron,pions,Kaons, except neutron capture and neutron induced fission 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-07 - fixed QBBC Physics List for pi and K mesons 15-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-06 - G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics optional builder is added - QBBC Physics List use correct interface to CHIPS 14-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-05 - G4HadronDElasticPhysics - fixed run time bug - added low-energy model - QBBC options are reviewed and left: QBBC, QBBC_DEL,QBBC_HEL, QBBC_HP 13-11-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-04 - G4HadronDElasticPhysics is added - QBBC Physics List upgraded for 9.1 13-11-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-03 - Enable use of projectile diffraction in QGSP-like lists, and create new list using projectile diffraction QGSP_DIF - New PL QGS_BIC; like QGSP_BIC, but use binary also for pion and for rescattering via the propagate interface; the deexcitation implicitely uses precompound. 31-10-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-02 - New PL QGSP_BIC2: like QGSP_BIC, but use BIC for low energy pions 19-10-2007, G.Folger phys-list-V09-00-01 - New PL FTFP_BERT: FTFP with Bertini cascade. Crossover from Bertini to FTFP at 4-5 GeV. No LEP for inelastic for p,n,pi,K. - G4LEPNeutronBuilder.cc: when limit for MaxInelastic is 0, do NOT add LEP for inelastic; needed by above FTFP_BERT. 02-10-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V09-00-00 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - increase number of bins in tables in two times 27-06-2007, G.Cosmo phys-lists-V08-03-07 - Updated G4DataQuestionaire to change NeutronHPCrossSections with G4NEUTRONHPDATA environment variable. 11-06-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-06 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - substitute name "G4v71" by "Minimal" 01-06-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-05 - in QBBC.icc use consistent cross sections for elastic and inelastic 01-06-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-03-04 - active Quasielastic for FTF lists. Required changes to lists/*/HadronPhysicsFTF*, and builders/*/G4FTF*Builder.* - lower threshold for FTF: FTF starts at 4.0 GeV, overlaps with LEP up to 5.0 GeV 24-05-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-03-03 - remove obsolete physics lists LHEP_HP, QGSP_HP, LHEP_BIC, LHEP_BIC_HP, LHEP_PRECO. - remove physics lists using Mars leading particle classes (*LEAD*). - QGSP_BIC_HP is no longer experimental - Increment PACK version number 23-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-02 - add G4QEmExtraPhysics for gamma, e+-, mu+- nuclear CHIPS 18-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-01 - remove obsolete G4EmStandardPhysics72 and G4EmStandardPhysics71 - use new commands for G4EmStandardPhysics_option1,2 16-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-03-00 - Create new builders G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 from G4EmStandardPhysics71 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 from G4EmStandardPhysics72 - Remove definition of name of EM constructor from all PL.icc files, now name of EM constructor defined inside the constructor itself. 07-05-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-12 - Add QGSP_BERT_TRV; copy of QGSP_BERT, but change to BERT occurs at (5.0 - 5.4) GeV for proton/neutron/pion/Kaon - Increase Pack version number to 5.2 02-05-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-11 - Fix bug in EMV seria of Physics Lists - restore high performance 26-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-10 - For QGSC, QGSC_EMV, and QGSC_EFLOW enable use of G4QCaptureAtRest() also for muons. Mods needed in G4QStoppingPhysics as well. 26-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-09 - Modifications for Quasielastic. Added to all QGS physics lists execpt the two obsolete QGSC_LEAD/QGSC_LEAD_HP. This also required adapting of - HadronsPhysicsXYZ - {QGSP;QGSC;QGSC_EFLOW}{Neutron,Proton,PiK}Builder - removed unneeded HadronPhysics...{EMV,EMX}; HadronPhysicsLHEP_EMV stays, as this differs in stopping 16-04-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-08 - QBBC Physics Lists adopt recent upgrades in QGS and FTF 02-04-2007, G.Folger phys-lists-V08-02-07 - Correct compilation problem with QGSP.icc 30-03-2007, G. Folger phys-lists-V08-02-06 - Add quasielastic in QGSP; this requiredchanges to - QGSP{proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder adds QuasiElasticChannel on conditional flag - HadronPhysicsQGSP passes flag (default=false) to Builders - QGSP uses flag to include quasielastic - new list QGSP_NQSE is copy of QGSP without quasielastic 27-03-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-05 - G4EmStandardPhysics72 use skin=0 (no ComputeStep) - G4HadronHElasticPhysics uses new cross section classes G4BGGNucleonElasticXS and G4BGGPionElasticXS (V.Ivanchenko) 01-03-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-04 - G4EmStandardPhysics and G4EmStandardPhysics71 use skin=0 (no ComputeStep) 20-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-03 - G4HadronElasticPhysics set limits on low energy and QElastic to zero 13-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-02 - G4EmStandardPhysics - remove extra printout 13-02-2007, V.Ivanchenko phys-lists-V08-02-01 - G4EmStandardPhysics - use G4hMultipleScattering for muons - G4EmStandardPhysics72 use default msc 13-02-2007, A.Howard - Added set min/max Energy and Inelastic Energy to NeutronHP builder - Fixed special cuts for LBE physics list 15-12-2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-02-00 - Fix in QGSP_BIC_HP: use HP elastic in this list ( thanks to Alex) 05.12.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-13 - add QGSC_EFLOW, using new energy flow method for CHIPS; consequently, HadronPhysicsQGSC_EFLOW and builders G4QGSCEflow{Proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder added as well. QGSC changed to use G4QStringChipsParticleLevelInterface via the builders G4QGS{Proton,Neutron,PiK}Builder; this emulates 8.1 modeling. 05.12.2006, G.Cosmo - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS with correct library dependencies to allow for generation of DLLs on Windows. 29.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-12 - in G4HadronQElasticPhysics initialize wasActivated in ctor 28.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-11 - add QGSP_QEL, i.e QGSP with chips elastic 24.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-10 - add QGSC_EMV and QGSP_BIC_HP - correct neutron tracking cut - various small fixes - update versions numbers 21.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-09 - add warning to obsolete physics lists (LHEP: _HP, _BIC, BIC_HP, _PRECO, QGSP_HP) - add neutron tracking cut to QGSP and FTF lists without _HP extension 03.11.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-08 - Move physics lists into source tree - Simplify directory/library structure - delete 2 _GN lists - added for G4 8.1 by mistake, 05.10.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-07 - QBBC - use LHEP cross section if LHEP option is configured 26.09.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-06 - QBBC physics lists - add an option to use Glauber-Gribov cross sections 15.08.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-05 - G4NadronElasticPhysics - move includes from .cc to .hh 10.08.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-04 - G4NadronElasticPhysics - configure neutrons separately from other hadrons - G4HadronProcessStore - implement computation of cross sections 26.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-03 - Return pLimit= 20 MeV/c 24.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-02 - Fix - add G4NeutronHPElasticData in the PL, not inside the process - Use pLimit=60 MeV/c instead of 20 MeV/c 14.07.06, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-01-01 - Correct flag for HP in G4HadronElasticPhysics() to true for LHEP_HP and QGSP_HP 05.07.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-01-00 - Fix initialisation problem for QBBC_HP - Fix HP regime for G4NadronElasticPhysics - Add cout of the list of processes and models for QBBC 24.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-15 - Fix typo in BinaryIon builder 23.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-14 - Fixed activation of LHEp for ions 23.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-13 - Set dRoverRange=0.8 for EM physics v71 - Set emaxLHEP=1 TeV for light ions 21.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-12 - In QGSP_EMV use EM physics v71 - Create new QGSP_EMX and use EM physics v72 21.06.2006, G.Folger - Update physics list version nyumbers, add 0.1 to all modified lists 20.06.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-00-11 - Use Bertini cascade for Kaons (K+,K-, K0L, k0S) - Add Binary Cascade for Ions to BIC PhysicsLists (VI) 20.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-10 - Add mu-nuclear option to G4EmExtraBuilder - Add commands to G4EmMessenger 17.06.2006, G.Folger - phys-lists-V08-00-09 - Remove remaining elastic pointers from LHEP builders to avoid crash at destruction 16.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-08 - Propose more fast EM option QGSP_EMV 16.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-07 - Fix link problem 15.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-06 - Update QGSP_EMV - Propose G4EmStandardPhysics72 as a fast EM physics 15.05.2006, G.Folger - hadr-lists-V08-00-05 - Move elastic out of G4Neutron/Proton/PIK- Builder, and use G4HadronElasticPhyics directly in PL 14.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-04 - Fix bug in G4QStoppingPhysics - Use G4QStoppingPhysics in QBBC 08.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-03 - Migrade stopping physics to CHIPS for all except LBE and LHEP - HadronPhysicsQGSP_GN - fix name of the builder 06.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-02 - Fix compilation error at SUN - Use Bertini for kaons in QBBC 03.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-01 - Fix number of destructors - add QBBC subdirectory 02.06.2006, V.Ivanchenko - phys-lists-V08-00-00 - Exclude physics_list/electromagnetic subdirectory - Fix destructor for G4MiscLHEPBuilder - Fix problem in destructors of G4DecayPhysics and G4ElectroNuclearBuilder - Fix typo in LHEP PhysicsList - fix minor typo in G4EmMessenger - rename G4EmStandardPhysics71 ->G4EmStandardPhysics72; - define StepFunction of e+ and e- (1.0, 1.0*mm) for G4EmStandardPhysics71 in order to have backward compatibility with the previous release 02.12.2005, G.Folger & V.Ivantchenko - phys-lists-V07-01-01 - Includes tags: emphys-V07-01-01 and hadr-lists-V07-01-02. - Implemented migration of physics lists to non static particles scheme. 02.08.2005, G.Cosmo - phys-lists-V07-01-00 - Corrected README of hadronic lists for build instructions. 13.12.2004, G.Cosmo - phys-lists-V06-02-00 - Imported hadronic lists and electromagnetic lists from top-level. - Created.