------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/management directory ---------------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 15 October 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V09-00-00) -------------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess::FillTotalResult: T. Koi's fix of bug #967 - replaced aT.GetGlobalTime() with the variable time at line #664. 15 June 2007 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-man-V08-03-03) ------------------------------------------------ - G4HadronicProcess: fixed memory leak with deletion of 'theIsoResult' and 'theCrossSectionDataStore' in destructor. 12 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-03-02) ----------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess::FillTotalResult: use different G4DynamicParticle constructor and do not allow kinetic energy to be exactly 0. This partly removes a spurious peak at 90 degrees 01 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-03-01) ----------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc : change default for isotope production to off this fixes a memory leak. 30 Apr 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-03-00) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc remove effective charge calculation remove unused variable newWeight 23 Apr 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-02-03) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.hh remove AlwaysKillLeadingHadron method - G4HadronicProcess.cc use Alex Howard's fix of weighting error in leading particle killer 10 Apr 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-02-02) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicInteractionWrapper.hh, .cc add process and model name arguments to ApplyInteraction method and enter them into whiteboard - G4HadronicProcess.cc add process and model name arguments to ApplyInteraction method 2 Mar 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-02-01) --------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc: put in Vladimir Ivantchenko's fix to stop killing primaries for elastic 26 Dec 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-02-00) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.hh, .cc: Add handling of user-defined isotopes: re-implement methods GetMeanFreePath() and ChooseAandZ() to use new methods in G4CrossSectionDataStore. No longer use dispatch pointer to call data store methods. Data members currentZ, currentN and methods GetCurrentZ(), GetCurrentN() removed as no longer needed 20 Oct 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.hh, .cc: remove unused method GetDistanceToBoundary() 13 Mar 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-00-03) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess::ChooseAandZ() : throw fatal exception if Z > 92 is chosen - G4HadronicProcess::GeneralPostStepDoIt() : for suspended tracks, allow PostStep action to occur at end of step, but maintain suspended track status. Remove warning for suspended tracks. 17 Jan 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V08-00-02) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc: add comments 12 Jan 2006 Dennis Wright for Mikhail Kossov (hadr-man-V08-00-01) ----------------------------------------------------------------- - G4EnergyRangeManager.cc: in method GetHadronicInteraction, case 2, print out some diagnostic information for exception of two fully overlapping models. 16 Dec 2005 Dennis Wright for Mikhail Kossov (hadr-man-V08-00-00) ----------------------------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.hh: in method ChooseHadronicInteraction, check G4HadronicInteractionCounter for error - if so print out - G4EnergyRangeManager.hh: make method GetHadronicInteractionCounter public - G4EnergyRangeManager.cc: in method GetHadronicInteraction, case 0, print out diagnostic information for exception when no model is found. 15 Dec 2005 Dennis Wright ------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc: fixed bug # 611 - problems caused when hadronic interactions reset stopButAlive particle to Alive solution: In method FillTotalResult add lines } else if (aT.GetKineticEnergy() == 0) { theTotalResult->ProposeTrackStatus(fStopButAlive); } 18 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-man-V07-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicProcess.cc: migration