$Id: History,v 1.128 2008/07/15 10:27:55 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- July 15, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-06 - G4Region: re-introduced protection for setting of root-region flag to the world volume in method RemoveRootLogicalVolume(), to cover case of explicit deletion of stores in the user application for dynamic geometries setups. July 10, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-05 - G4LogicalVolume, G4LogicalVolumeStore: modified logic for the deletion of the root-region volumes, adding locking mechanism and automatically de-registering the world default root-region. Simplified Clean() method in the store, by removing unused and unnecessary flag for logical-volumes notification. - Reinstated update of materials in G4Region::RemoveRootLogicalVolume() to correct handling individual removal of root-region volumes and restore proper setup state. May 16, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-04 - G4Region: changed condition inside ScanVolumeTree() to check for the existence of a valid material-scanner pointer to apply the material scan instead of using the flag for nested structures. - G4GeometryManager: do not apply optimisation on the current volume if it has been defined as a regular structure. - Addresses problem report #990 on suggestions by M.Mendenhall. March 13, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-03 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4GeometryManager on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of parentheses in condition statements. February 20, 2008 I.Hrivnacova geommng-V09-01-02 - Implemented missing protected copy-contructor and assignment operator for G4VSolid. January 24, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-01 - Added Shrink() method to G4SmartVoxelNode to shrink memory allocated for the buffer of slices; to be used for studying ways of reducing memory waste when building nodes in G4SmartVoxelHeader for large geometry setups. January 14, 2008 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-01-00 - Added Reserve() method to G4SmartVoxelNode to reserve memory allocated for the buffer of slices; to be used for studying ways of reducing memory waste when building nodes in G4SmartVoxelHeader for large geometry setups. October 24, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-00-01 - Fixed typo in forcing minimum number of points in method G4VSolid::EstimateSurfaceArea(). Addresses problem report #981. July 16, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V09-00-00 - Added dummy constructor and destructor to G4VPVParameterisation. June 19, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-03-03 - Apply migration to and std:: for G4ErrorCylSurfaceTarget and G4ErrorPlaneSurfaceTarget implementations. Fixes compilation problems detected on Windows VC++8. May 16, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-03-02 - Introduced new classes for handling error propagation: G4ErrorTarget, G4ErrorSurfaceTarget, G4ErrorTanPlaneTarget, G4ErrorPlaneSurfaceTarget, G4ErrorCylSurfaceTarget (by P.Arce). - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-02". May 11, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-03-01 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance where needed. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. April 26, 2007 M.Asai geommng-V08-03-00 - Added forward declaration and pointer (with set/get methods) to G4VUserSteppingAction, to allow for stepping actions defined at region. April 11, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-02-02 - Added 'get' methods to stores for retrivial of volumes/solid by name. - Modified signature of G4VPhysicalVolume::CheckOverlaps() to introduce ability of handling tolerances for overlaps. - Coworks with tag "geomvol-V08-02-02". March 20, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-02-01 - Do not reset RegionRootFlag in RemoveRootLogicalVolume() if volume is the world, since the volume itself may be already removed from the store if G4LogicalVolumeStore::Clean() is called. January 31, 2007 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-02-00 - Added flag for controlling verbosity to CheckOverlaps() method. By default, verbosity is ON. November 30, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-08 - Corrected deregistration and deletion of world default region, now happening through G4RunManagerKernel. Affected codes: G4LogicalVolume destructor and G4RegionStore::Clean() method. - Minor cleanup in the implementation of the other stores. November 8, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-07 - Fixed compilation problems on SUN-CC for changes in the last tag. Added inclusion of header in G4ReflectedSolid.cc. November 6, 2006 J.Allison geommng-V08-01-06 - Fix in G4ReflectedSolid::CreatePolyhedron() for case of component that does not have a G4Polyhedron representation. October 23, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-05 - Replaced algorithm for EstimateSurfaceArea() in G4VSolid with more precise method by M.Kosov based on skin surface estimation. October 19, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-04 - Modified interface for GetSurfaceArea() to be similar to the one for the computation of the geometrical volume, and allow the caching mechanism. October 18, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-03 - Added GetSurfaceArea() method to G4VSolid for approximated computation of the surfare area of a shape. October 2, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-02 - Removed debug printout in G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter implementation. September 18, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-01-01 - Added empty virtual method CheckOverlaps() to G4VPhysicalVolume to allow for proper overloading from subclasses. Implementation returns always 'false', which the case for replicas. July 17, 2006 M.Asai geommng-V08-01-00 - Fix a bug in G4Region.cc for nested parameterization. May 3, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-05 - Modified G4VStoreNotifier class to be now a typedef of G4VNotifier which is moved in the 'global' module. Adapted stores to the new configuration. - Requires tag "global-V08-00-02". May 2, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-04 - Moved G4AssemblyTriplet class to 'volumes' module. - Requires tag "geomvol-V08-00-03". May 1, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-03 - G4Region: o Added inclusion of to resolve compilation error on WIN32-VC. o Fixed compilation warning for unused variable. April 28, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-02 - G4VPhysicalVolume: return 'const G4String&' for GetName() instead of a string copy. April 4, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-01 - G4Region: + Support material scanning for nested parameterisations. Moved classes G4VNestedParameterisation and G4VVolumeMaterialScanner from 'volumes' module. + Fixed implementation of utility method GetParentRegion() to return a boolean flag as argument, to identify if parent region is unique or not. + Simplified implementation of method BelongsTo(PV*). - Requires tag "geomvol-V08-00-02". April 3, 2006 G.Cosmo geommng-V08-00-00 - Fix in G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes() to avoid rare cases of negative extent returned by volumes due to malformed geometries or inaccurate extent calculation. November 19, 2005 J.Apostolakis geommng-V07-01-05 - Revised G4VPVParameterisation: + Changed signature of ComputeMaterial(), adding parent touchable pointer. This refinement enables easy use of nested parameterisations. + Additional methods allow nested parameterisation to be identified: G4bool IsNested() const; and to provide their material via new interface class: G4VVolumeMaterialScanner* GetMaterialScanner(); + Suppressed temporary G4PhysicalTouchable class in volumes, not needed in the implementation any longer. November 11, 2005 J.Apostolakis geommng-V07-01-04 - Added methods to identify Regular Structures in Physical volume New pure virtual methods: - IsRegularStructure() , returns boolean - GetRegularStructureId() , returns code for structure type November 9, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-01-03 - Added fake default constructor for base types of volumes, solids and regions, for usage of direct object persistency. - Migrated unit test TestAssemblyVolume to from deprecated . October 28, 2005 M.Asai geommng-V07-01-02 - Merged concept of "envelope" to G4Region for fast-parameterisation. September 15, 2005 V.Grichine geommng-V07-01-01 - Added concrete implementation for GetPointOnSurface() to G4ReflectedSolid. August 10, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-01-00 - Added virtual method GetPointOnSurface() to G4VSolid to be implemented in the concrete solids classed for returning a random-point uniformely distributed on the surface. May 25, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-00-04 - Fixed problem with previous tag, where version of G4LogicalVolume.cc was not correct and untagged. - G4LogicalVolume::SetVisAttributes(const G4VisAttributes& VA): now creating a copy of 'VA' on the heap. Temporary solution, until a proper 'store' for visualization attributes will be implemented to take care of the memory management. May 23, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-00-03 - Modified comments in G4VSolid and G4BlockingList to overcome a limitation in the scripts for the generation of the Software Reference Manual. Apr 13, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-00-02 - Extended signatures for OpenGeometry() and CloseGeometry() to consider local optimisation of a subtree of volumes. Voxelisation can now apply to just a specific subtree if a physical volume is specified. Apr 02, 2005 M.Asai geommng-V07-00-01 - Added protection against NULL material pointer for volumes belonging to the tracking geometry in G4Region scanning. Addresses problem report #735. Mar 23, 2005 J.Allison - Added test for Number-Of-Rotation-Steps in G4ReflectedSolid::GetPolyhedron(). Requires tag "greps-V07-00-02". Mar 22, 2005 J.Allison - G4ReflectedSolid: correction: changed AddThis to AddSolid. Mar 02, 2005 G.Cosmo geommng-V07-00-00 - Added optional boolean argument 'propagate' to GetMass() to avoid propagation of computation of masses to the daughter volumes (courtesy of G.Santin). Propagation to daughters is done by default. Feb 18, 2005 M.Asai - Added G4UserLimits pointer to G4Region and added access from G4LogicalVolume. Dec 02, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-08 - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. Nov 19, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-07 - Added GetCopyNumber() method to G4VTouchable, clone of GetReplicaNumber(). Nov 16, 2004 M.Asai geommng-V06-02-06 - Fix in G4LogicalVolume::UpdateMaterial() for checking the existance of root-region pointer for logical-volume. Fixes report #684. Nov 13, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-05 - Added method TotalVolumeEntities() to G4LogicalVolume, returning the total number of physical volumes (placed or replicated/parameterised) included in the tree represented by the current logical volume. - Correction in the computation of mass for parameterised volumes. Nov 12, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-04 - Added method GetMass() to G4LogicalVolume, returning the value in absolute units of the mass of the logical volume tree. The mass is computed from the estimated geometrical volume of each solid and material's density associated to the logical volume and its daughters. The returned value is cached and can be used for successive calls (default), unless recomputation is forced by providing 'true' as the first boolean argument in input. Computation should be forced if the geometry setup has changed after the previous call. An optional argument to specify a material is provided; it is implicitely used for geometrical parameterisations by material. Oct 10, 2004 J.Allison geommng-V06-02-03 - Added GetPolyhedron, a smart access function that creates a G4Polyhedron on request and stores for future access. A null pointer means "not available". Sep 28, 2004 M.Asai geommng-V06-02-02 - G4Region: o Added map for storage of materials/cuts. o Added methods for handling registration of couples in the map, finding a couple according to a given material, clearing the map's storage. - G4LogicalVolume: o Added method UpdateMaterial() to refresh a material/cut couple in the corresponding region. Sep 22, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-01 - Introduced virtual method GetCubicVolume() to G4VSolid, returning an estimation of the solid volume in internal units. This method may be overloaded by derived classes to compute the exact geometrical quantity for solids where this is possible, or anyway to cache the computed value. By default it uses the new protected method EstimateCubicVolume(stat, eps) with fixed statistics and error accuracy, and does not cache the computed value. Sep 02, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-02-00 - Introduced abstract class G4VStoreNotifier to be optionally associated to stores by the user for the notification of the registration and deregistration of objects in the stores. - Added notification mechanism to volume, solid, and region stores. - Fixed G4RegionStore::Clean() to avoid deletion of world region. May 07, 2004 G.Cosmo geommng-V06-01-00 - Imported G4ReflectedSolid class from solids/Boolean. - Added abstract factory G4VPVDivisionFactory defining interfaces for the creation of volumes divisions (courtesy of I.Hrivnacova). - Coworks with tags: geomvol-V06-01-00, geomdiv-V06-01-00 and geom-bool-V06-01-00. Dec 01, 2003 P.Gumplinger geommng-V05-02-05 - G4LogicalSurface[.hh.icc]: modified to use G4SurfaceProperty instead of G4OpticalSurface. Requires tag "materials-V05-02-00". Nov 04, 2003 G.Cosmo geommng-V05-02-04 - G4LogicalVolume.hh: added inclusion of assert.h required by .icc file. Nov 01, 2003 G.Cosmo geommng-V05-02-03 - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review (replaced by forward declarations where necessary). - G4VPVParameterisation: added G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra to list of possible parameterisations by dimension. Oct 24, 2003 G.Cosmo geommng-V05-02-02 - Migrated calls to G4Exception to new scheme. Oct 21, 2003 M.Asai geommng-V05-02-01 - Introducing G4VUserRegionInformation class. - G4VPVParameterisation: added G4Orb. (V.Grichine) Sep 30, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-02-00 - Logical reorganisation and restructure of modules. Moved files to geometry/volumes: G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.icc.cc] G4PVParameterised[.hh.cc] G4PVPlacement[.hh.cc] G4PVReplica[.hh.cc] Moved files to new module geometry/navigation: G4DrawVoxels[.hh.cc] Imported files from geometry/volumes: G4BlockingList[.hh.icc.cc] G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc] G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc] - G4VPhysicalVolume[.hh.icc.cc]: o Removed pointer to mother physical volume and related accessor methods: SetMother()/GetMother(). o Removed pure virtual method Setup(G4VPhysicalVolume*), no longer necessary. Subclasses will require modification as well. - G4LogicalVolume.icc: o Updated/fixed initialisation of data and fast-simulation manager according to above changes. - G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc: o Cleared usage of PV-Setup(), according to above changes. May 19, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-01-01 - G4LogicalVolume.cc: notify removal of root-logical-volume from G4Region in case of deletion of a logical-volume from the destructor, instead that from DeRegister() method. - G4LogicalVolumeStore.cc: removed redundant check and call to RemoveRootLogicalVolume() from Clean() method. - G4Region.cc: removed redundant calls to ScanVolumeTree() and UpdateMaterials() from RemoveRootLogicalVolume() method. May 13, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-01-00 - G4LogicalVolume: added method ClearDaughters() to be used for resetting the list of daughters to a logical volume in the use-case when only the physical volume store is cleared at run-time. - GVPhysicalVolume: o Added pointer to mother logical volume (will replace in future releases the pointer to mother physical volume) and related accessors. o Standardised registration mechanism as daughter for constructor using the pointer to the mother's PV. - G4PhysicalVolumeStore: o Added notification mechanism to logical volumes in the Clean() method to update the list of daughters. o Update mother's LV list of daughters when deregistering a volume. - G4PVPlacement/Replica/Parameterised: standardised registration mechanism as daughter for constructor using the pointer to the mother's PV. April 3, 2003 M. Dressel geommng-V05-00-09 - G4LogicalVolume: added method for scanning recursively the volume tree and retrieve if the current LV is ancestor of a given PV: G4bool IsAncestor(const G4VPhysicalVolume*) const March 31, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-08 - Fixed trivial strict pedantic warnings in G4VSolid.cc and G4PVPlacement.cc. March 24, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-07 - G4Region.cc: fixed setting/resetting of regions in ScanVolumeTree(). March 05, 2003 M. Asai geommng-V05-00-06 - G4Region.cc: fix for scanning of parameterised materials. March 05, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-05 - G4LogicalVolume.icc: added check for invalid geometry constructions. Issue an exception if a placement is attempted in a volume already containing a replicated daughter. - Cosmetic formatting changes in G4PVPlacement.cc and G4VPhysicalVolume.cc. February 07, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-04 - Added method FindOrCreateRegion() to G4RegionStore. - Added check in constructor of G4Region for existance of region in store. In case a region with the given name already exists, throw a warning and do not register it. January 30, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-03 - Allow logical volume store to deregister root regions for logical volumes deleted explicitely. Modified files: G4logicalVolumeStore.cc, G4LogicalVolume[.hh.icc.cc]. - G4Region.hh: moved ClearMaterialList() to public. January 15, 2003 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-02 - Included fix in G4VSolid.cc introduced in "geommng-V04-01-06". January 14, 2003 M.Asai geommng-V05-00-01 - Fix in src/G4Region.cc. Does not include fix in "geommng-V04-01-06". December 16, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V05-00-00 - Merged branch "geant4-04-01-ref-02-cuts-branch" to HEAD. Included development for 'cuts-by-region'; introduced new classes G4Region and G4RegionStore. Modified G4LogicalVolume to handle recursive propagation of regions to daughters. Does not include fix in "geommng-V04-01-06". December 6, 2002 V. Grichine geommng-V04-01-06 - G4VSolid.cc: restored original conditions for extent clipping in method ClipPolygon(). Makes unit tests run successfully. November 19, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-05 - G4GeometryManager[.cc] o Fixed bug in initialisation of fine-grained timer (courtesy of Helmut Burkhardt). November 09, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-04 - G4LogicalVolume.cc: o Correction to propagation of the Field Manager to Daughter volumes: it should be propagated to all daughters that do not have one -- not to all the ones that have one already. Fixes bug report for field by logical volume. (J.Apostolakis) October 28, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-03 - G4VSolid[.hh.icc.cc]: o Added pure virtual method StreamInfo() to stream contents of a solid to a generic output stream. o Added method DumpInfo() using StreamInfo() to dump contents to the standard output. October 23, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-02 - G4PVReplica.cc: o Corrected order for check on illegal constructions, in constructor taking a pointer to logical volume as mother volume. o Improved output diagnostics. - G4PVParameterised.cc: o Improved output diagnostics for check on illegal constructions. October 16, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-01 - G4PVReplica.cc, G4PVParameterised.cc: Added checks for illegal geometry contructions; contructors now verify unicity of daughter volumes for replicas and parameterised volumes, as well as checks for attempt to replicate/parameterise the world volume. October 4, 2002 G. Cosmo - G4PVParameterised[.hh.cc], G4PVPlacement[.hh.cc]: Added new method IsParameterised() to enquire for existing parameterisation for a placed volume. - G4PVReplica[.hh.cc], G4VPhysicalVolume[.hh.cc]: Added methods IsParameterised() and GetMultiplicity() to enquire for existing parameterisation of placed volume, and number of replicated volumes. September 11, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-01-00 - G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.icc.cc]: o Fixed bug #409 concerning missing imprint counter method. o Fixed bug #410 concerning the internal counting mechanism. The fix involved the addition of a new data member fAssemblyID, holding the instance ID of the given object derived from class-wide counter. Corresponding accessor methods has been added as well. - Updated unit test TestAssemblyVolume, to add call to G4RunManager for resetting nagivator state in TstVADetectorConstruction.cc. June 24, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-08 - G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.cc]: o Moved accessors to assembly counters to public. o Added support for user definable count base for generated physical volumes. Fixes problem report #382. June 7, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-07 - G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.cc]: o Fixed inconsistent handling of input rotation matrices by caching them with corresponding deallocation at destruction time. Comments updated accordingly with a warning about foreseen changes in methods' interfaces expected by next major release 5.0. o Correctly handle cases when pointer to rotation matrix is zero. o Updated unit test. May 17, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-06 - Added ability to optionally optimise/non-optimise detector regions using logical volumes: o G4LogicalVolume: - Introduced additional bool argument to constructor, set to 'true' by default. - Added method IsToOptimise() with corresponding bool flag attribute. o G4GeometryManager: - Adapted BuildOptimisations() method to consider optional optimisation flag from G4LogicalVolume. May 15, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-05 - G4SmartVoxelHeader: o Added utility method GetParamAxis() to retrieve suggested axis for optimisation of parametrised geometry. o Enhanced BuildReplicaVoxels() to apply 3D voxelisation for non-consuming nodes if undefined axis is specified for parametrised volumes. In such case, optimisation for parameterised volumes is applied similarly to normal placements. - G4PVReplica.cc: deal with 'kUndefined' EAxis. - Co-works with "global-V04-00-06". May 13, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-04 - G4VSolid: use polygon clipping for limited voxel when != pAxis (V.Grichine). - G4GeometryManager: added method IsGeometryClosed() for detecting geometry closed or open. - G4LogicalVolumeStore, G4PhysicalVolumeStore, G4SolidStore: added protection to Clean() method for checking if geometry is closed. - G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc: cosmetics and formatting cleanup. April 19, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-03 - Moved inline constructors/destructors to no inline. Affected files: G4DrawVoxels[.hh.cc], G4SmartVoxelNode[.hh.cc], G4SmartVoxelProxy[.hh.cc], G4VoxelLimits[.hh.cc]. - Enhanced behavior for destructors of volumes/solids stores. o Added locking mechanism for preventing conflicts when destroying stores and deregistering pointers. Now destructors of stores will also explicitely delete pointers (and therefore allocated volumes/solids) dynamically allocated in the user application. o Added Clean() static method to volumes/solids stores to explicitely delete pointed objects in the stores and clear all entries. o Modified files: G4LogicalVolumeStore[.hh.cc], G4SolidStore[.hh.cc], G4PhysicalVolumeStore[.hh.cc]. April 16, 2002 V. Grichine geommng-V04-00-02 - G4VSolid[.hh.cc]: fixed bug in G4VSolid::ClipPoligon() to consider clipping related to a single axis. - G4VoxelLimits.cc: cosmetics changes and debug printouts ... February 26, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-01 - G4GeometryManager.cc: fixed handling of ios manipulators and precision to reset to their original state in G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats(). Fixes problem report #343. January 08, 2002 G. Cosmo geommng-V04-00-00 - G4AffineTransform.icc: fixed trivial compilation warning for gcc-2.95.2. - Included latest cosmetics changes to TestAssemblyVolume/TstVADetectorConstruction.cc. November 23, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-02-03 - Initialise noNodes to 1 in G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes() in case computed nodes for smartless happen to be zero (J.Apostolakis). November 08, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-02-02 - Fixed comments for reference manual in G4TouchableHandle.hh. October 26, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-02-01 - Improved printout in G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats(). October 22, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-02-00 - Added definition of G4TouchableHandle (R.Chytracek) - Added class G4SmartVoxelStat for statistics on geometry optimisation of volumes through voxelisation (courtesy of D.C.Williams). - Modified G4GeometryManager to make use of G4SmartVoxelStat when run in verbose mode. May 31, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-01-04 - Adopt explicit initialisation for 'minExtents' and 'maxExtents' in G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes(...), to allow porting on ObjectSpace STL. May 23, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-01-03 - G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc: minor fix for removing pedantic warnings detected on Linux-g++ with ISO/ANSI setup. May 03, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-01-02 - G4DrawVoxels.cc: migration to STL vector according to changes in graphics_reps module (greps-V03-01-01), now migrated as well. April 27, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-01-01 - G4LogicalVolume.cc, G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc: fixed compilation warnings on HP-UX, concerning potential uninitialised vector elements. April 20, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-01-00 - Migration to STL vector: o G4VSolid: migrated G4ThreeVectorList typedef. o G4SolidStore, G4LogicalVolumeStore, G4PhysicalVolumeStore: migrated inheritance from base collection of pointers. o G4LogicalVolume: migrated data member "fDaughters". o G4SmartVoxelHeader: migrated typedefs G4ProxyVector, G4NodeVector, G4VolumeNosVector and G4VolumeExtentVector. o G4SmartVoxelNode: migrated G4SliceVector typedef. March 07, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-00-01 - G4PVPlacement.hh: corrected comments to constructor with G4RotationMatrix* as argument, to correspond to specifications in the User's Manual. - G4AssemblyVolume.cc: corrected comments about unique PV identifiers (by R.Chytracek). February 07, 2001 G. Cosmo geommng-V03-00-00 - Introduced first implementation of G4AssemblyVolume, a helper class to combine several volumes together in an arbitrary way in the 3D space. Added files: G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.icc.cc], G4AssemblyTriplet[.hh.icc] (by R.Chytracek). - Added unit test suite for G4AssemblyVolume class: TestAssemblyVolume (by R.Chytracek). December 04, 2000 G. Cosmo - Minor fix to private assignment operator. November 20, 2000 G. Cosmo geommng-V02-00-04 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options: o commented out variables declared and not used. o fixed declaration of variables used before being initialised. o fixed order of initialisation of member data in constructors. o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for array indeces. November 16, 2000 V.Grichine geommng-V02-00-03 - Fix in G4VSolid::CalculateClippedPoligonExtent(): removed assumption that pMinryz) that caused the incorrect calculation of a compound transformation (if tf1.tz*tf2.ryz != 0). This problem was seen in ATLAS code.