$Id: History,v 1.105 2008/07/07 10:43:04 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Sub-Category History file ------------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all directory-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- Jul 07, 2008 V.Grichine geom-csg-V09-01-04 - G4Sphere: fixed bug in DistanceToOut(p, v, ...) for normal 'fSTheta' greater than 90*deg, and use of tangent giving negative value. Completes series of corrections introduced in previous tag. Jun 23, 2008 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V09-01-03 - G4Tubs: fix in DistanceToIn(p,v, ...) in case of point on surface with very small tangent direction; now returning kInfinity and no longer zero. It fixes rare observed cases of zero value returned by both DistanceToIn() and DistanceToOut(), causing stuck tracks with zero step length. Jun 20, 2008 V.Grichine - G4Sphere: fixed calculation of roots in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) for theta-conical surfaces interserctions and for sTheta<=90 degree intersection. Addresses issue reported when running PET application with optical photons about mis-computation of distance on half-sphere constructs. - Updated unit test for sphere. Apr 22, 2008 V.Grichine geom-csg-V09-01-02 - G4Trap: corrections for arithmetic operations in 8-point constructor. Addressing problem report #934. Mar 13, 2008 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V09-01-01 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4Sphere on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of parentheses in condition statements. Feb 20, 2008 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V09-01-00 - G4Cons: o Added protection against NaN in GetPointOnSurface() in the case the check is run for Rmax1==Rmax2. Nov 23, 2007 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V09-00-02 - Fixed problem of undefined side for valid surface normal in case of Phi section and direction through the center of either A G4Tubs or G4Cons shape. Oct 2, 2007 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V09-00-01 - G4Torus: o Fixed bug in CalculateExtent() for case of non-rotated full-phi torus definition: added protection against negative value for sqrt() and corrected formula for 'delta'. Fixes problem of NaN detected in initialisation by CMS. o Fixed bug in SolveNumericJT(): corrected handling of complex roots, 'rootsrefined' is used only if the number of refined roots is the same as for primary roots. Addresses problem report #969. Aug 16, 2007 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V09-00-00 - G4Tubs: fixed bug in DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for negative value under sqrt() for the case of point p on the surface and v tangent to the surface. Responsible for rare cases of NaN. May 18, 2007 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V08-03-01 - Use kAngTolerance and kRadTolerance from G4GeometryTolerance class. - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03". May 16, 2007 T.Nikitina geom-csg-V08-03-00 - G4Tubs: fixed bug for DistanceToOut(p,v) for phi section. Bug was causing segmentation fault in recursive_test (problem report #784). For v crossing the center of the tub DistanceToOut was always giving Radial distance and not distance in Phi. - G4Cons: fixed bug for DistanceToOut(p,v) for phi section, the same as for G4Tubs. - Updated unit tests. Oct 19, 2006 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V08-01-00 - Added explicit computation for GetSurfaceArea() for all solids (by H.Dierckx). - Implemented caching mechanism for computation of surface area in G4CSGSolid, as done for the geometrical volume computation. Jun 06, 2006 V.Grichine geom-csg-V08-00-01 - G4Tubs: added protection against NaNs in CalculateExtent() to avoid sqrt() of negative numbers due to round-off. - Updated unit tests testG4Sphere and testDistanceAccuracy. Jan 16, 2006 V.Grichine geom-csg-V08-00-00 - G4Sphere: fixed bug in DistanceToOut() for theta intersections. Nov 20, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-01-05 - G4Torus: fixed bug in Inside(p) for phi sections. Fixes problem report #810. Nov 9, 2005 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V07-01-04 - Added fake default constructor for all concrete solids and relevant utility classes, for usage of direct object persistency. - Implemented changes to support CLHEP-2.0.X for explicit usage of the CLHEP/HepGeom namespaces for CLHEP types. Oct 23, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-01-03 - G4Para: fixed bug in DistanceToOut(p,v) for the case v.x()<0. Following problem report from user posted on Hypernews (#452). Sep 5, 2005 O.Link geom-csg-V07-01-02 - Moved implementation for DistanceToIn/Out() in G4Torus to make use of G4JTPolynomialSolver for precise calculation of the intersections. - Reviewed unit tests and reduced statistics. Aug 8, 2005 D.Anninos geom-csg-V07-01-01 - Added GetPointOnSurface() to all solids. The method returns a random point according to a quasi-uniform distribution along the surface. Jul 25, 2005 O.Link geom-csg-V07-01-00 - Fixed bug in G4Sphere::DistanceToOut(p,v): added check for intersection with double cone. - Added new unit test testDistanceAccuracy (V.Grichine). Jun 8, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-09 - Keep old specification for SurfaceNormal() to treat usage of the function for points not at the surface. Jun 6, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-08 - Correction to SurfaceNormal() for G4Cons, G4Sphere, G4Torus, G4Tubs for properly handling location on z-axis and in the frame origin. Fixed bug in G4Cons::SurfaceNormal(p) for normals returned from rmax and rmin. - Moved debug printouts for surface-normals to G4CSGDEBUG. - Cleared compilation warnings in unit tests and updates. May 27, 2005 J.Allison geom-csg-V07-00-07 - Fixed polyhedron representation of G4Torus. May 26, 2005 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V07-00-06 - G4Box.cc: restored call to AddSolid() and replaced old AddThis() in DescribeYourselfTo(). May 11, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-05 - G4Para: bug fixed in SurfaceNormal(p) for x-distance, to be now in accordance with the surface selection using Inside(p). - Updated unit test testSurfaceNormal.cc. May 09, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-04 - Updated implementation of SurfaceNormal(p) to get consistence with Inside(p) functions for the treatment of phi/theta surfaces. They are treated now in both functions in terms of kAngTolerance. The reason is that historically SurfaceNormal(p) was using only kCarTolerance for estimation of shortest distance to a surface. Now, following the new updated specification, the surface selection is made according to Inside(p) approach (as kSurface is selected), i.e. - for phi/theta surfaces in terms of kAngTolerance. Apr 26, 2005 V.Grichine, J.Apostolakis - Simplified and revised the new implementation for SurfaceNormal(p) with edges/vertices and made becoming the default one for all solids. Apr 20, 2005 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-03 - G4Trap: fix in p.x() centering to sum over all vertices. Mar 23, 2005 J.Allison geom-csg-V07-00-02 - Added test for Number-Of-Rotation-Steps in G4CSGSolid::GetPolyhedron(). Requires tag "greps-V07-00-02". Mar 03, 2005 J.Allison geom-csg-V07-00-01 - Changed AddThis() with AddSolid() for all solids in DescribeYourselfTo() implementation. Dec 02, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V07-00-00 - New alternative implementation of SurfaceNormal(p) with edges/vertices for G4Box, G4Para, G4Trap, G4Trd. Old implementation is still the default. Can be activated by setting G4NEW_SURF_NORMAL variable before compilation. Nov 15, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-06 - G4Trap: added check for X-centering for constructor by verteces. Fixes problem report #687. - New unit test for surface-normal and updated unit tests for sphere and trap. Oct 10, 2004 J.Allison geom-csg-V06-02-05 - Added GetPolyhedron, a smart access function that creates a G4Polyhedron on request and stores for future access. A null pointer means "not available". Sep 22, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-04 - Added specific implementation of GetCubicVolume() for all CSG solids. The method compute the exact geometrical values and stores it. The value is reset each time a parameter of the solid is modified. - Moved inline methods for G4Orb to .icc file. - Added unit test testSurfaceInOut.cc. Sep 16, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-03 - Bug fix in G4Sphere::SurfaceNormal(p) for theta normals. Jul 28, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-02 - Fix in G4Cons::DistanceToIn(p,v) on fRmax surface and move in, the condition became a bit more strict && determinant >=0, i.e. intersections in addition to go in. Fixes a rare problem of dIn=dOut=0 observed in 3 events over a statistics of 10^8.. - Updated unit test testSurfaceInOut.cc to consider the test-case above. Jul 16, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-01 - Fix in G4Sphere::DistanceToOut(p,v,...) on fRmin moving outside. The bug showed 3 events of dIn=dOut=0 for 10^7 statistics in testSurfaceInOut. - Added new unit test testSurfaceInOut.cc. Jul 02, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-02-00 - Fixes curing rare conditions of loops at boundaries for G4Orb and G4Sphere: o G4Orb.cc: bug fix in DistanceToIn(p,v) on fRmax surface allowing move near fRmax-fCarTolerance/2. o G4Sphere.cc: bug fix in DistanceToIn(p,v) on Rmax/min surface for condition of intersection with (Rmax/min-kCarTolerance) artificial surface. - Updated unit test for G4Orb. Mar 18, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-00-01 - G4Torus.cc: bug fix in Inside(p) fixing warnings reported in debug-mode of 'point p is outside'. Jan 26, 2004 V.Grichine geom-csg-V06-00-00 - Converted strong exceptions in warning notifications for rare anomalous conditions in DistanceToOut(p,v,..). - G4Cons.cc: bug fix in DistanceToIn(p,v) to resolve situations of calls to DistanceToOut() for points outside. Dec 4, 2003 V.Grichine geom-csg-V05-02-06 - G4Trap.cc: fixed initialisation of planes in default constructor. - Added new unit test for G4Sphere and new test case for G4Cons. Nov 5, 2003 V.Grichine geom-csg-V05-02-05 - G4Orb[.hh.cc]: introduced relative tolerance accuracy on fRmax surface in all methods. Nov 3, 2003 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V05-02-04 - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review (replaced by forward declarations where necessary). Nov 2, 2003 V.Grichine - G4Sphere, G4Orb: revision of algorithm for Phi sections in method Inside(). Oct 29, 2003 J.Apostolakis geom-csg-V05-02-03 - G4Sphere.cc: fix for in Inside() for a point with Phi angle: 0.5 kAngTol < phi < Phi_start Oct 28, 2003 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V05-02-02 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme. Oct 09, 2003 V.Grichine geom-csg-V05-02-01 - Initialise safe=0.0 in DistanceToIn/Out(p) in all solids. - Introduced G4Orb solid: a simple sphere with only outer radius. Sep 30, 2003 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V05-02-00 - Updated GNUmakefile for unit tests, according to new structure introduced in "geometry-V05-02-00". Jun 25, 2003 G.Folger geom-csg-V05-01-00 - Added disclaimer of liability where needed. Feb 03, 2003 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V05-00-00 - G4Cons.cc: enhanced treatment of phi-sections, according to algorithm used also in G4Tubs (V.Grichine). - Updated unit tests. Oct 28, 2002 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V04-01-01 - Added implementation of StreamInfo() to comply with new interface for G4VSolid in "geommng-V04-01-03". - Moved inline functions to .icc files, reorganised comments for the Software Reference Manual. - Some cosmetic changes to code formatting, removed all characters and adopted uniform code indentation. - Extended unit tests for G4Cons and G4Sphere (V.Grichine). Jun 26, 2002 V.Grichine geom-csg-V04-01-00 - G4Cons.cc: bug fixed in DistanceToIn(p,v) concerning z-crossing at the edge with Rmin,Rmax. Jun 19, 2002 V.Grichine geom-csg-V04-00-05 - G4Sphere.cc: bug fixed in Inside() for treatment of point p on z-axis. Added new condition [(rho2 || p.z()) && fDTheta < M_PI - kAngTolerance*0.5)] for treating special case. Fixes problem report #378. May 15, 2002 G.Cosmo geom-csg-V04-00-04 - G4Trap.cc, G4Tubs.cc: changed local enum 'kUndefined' to 'kUndef', to co-work with tag "global-V04-00-06", where 'kUndefined' is now defined for EAxis. Apr 16, 2002 V.Grichine geom-csg-V04-00-03 - G4Tubs.cc: restored "vertices" algorithm for CalculateExtent() which was temporarly disabled (see reference to tag geom-solids-csg-V03-00-03). - Updated unit test for G4Tubs, testG4Tubs.cc. Feb 15, 2002 V.Grichine geom-csg-V04-00-02 - G4Para.cc: fixed bug in G4Para::Inside() in calculation of xt, according to problem report #357. Jan 31, 2002 V.Grichine geom-csg-V04-00-01 - G4Sphere.cc: bug fix in Inside() function. Fix problem report #216. - Updated unit test for G4Sphere. Jan 10, 2002 G.Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V04-00-00 - Moved all verbosity mode warnings to G4CSGDEBUG and commented exceptions. - Activated G4CSGDEBUG mechanism in GNUmakefile. - G4Sphere.cc: fixed a problem with tolerances in the case of large Radius. The case (test18) involves an Rmax = 250 000 000.00 mm The ratio -9 tolerance 1.0 10 -17 ----------- = ------------ = 0.4 10 Rmax +8 2.5 10 which is smaller than the precision of doubles. Solution (for DistanceToOut(), where problem occured): use a flexible tolerance, equal to the maximum of (kRadTolerance, 10 * R ) (J.Apostolakis). - Upgraded unit tests and fixed warnings on gcc-2.95-2. Aug 27, 2001 V.Grichine geom-solids-csg-V03-02-00 - G4Sphere.cc: bug fixed in G4Sphere::SurfaceNormal for the case kNETheta. Fixes problem report #290. May 18, 2001 G.Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V03-01-02 - Added G4CSGDEBUG preprocessor flag to discriminate for debug verbosity specific to CSG solids. Included in G4Exception of DistanceToOut() for "point p is outside" in G4Box, G4Cons, G4Tubs. Apr 20, 2001 G.Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V03-01-01 - Updates for migration to STL vector. Modified files: G4Box.cc, G4Cons.cc, G4Para.cc, G4Sphere.cc, G4Torus.cc, G4Trap.cc, G4Trd.cc, G4Tubs.cc. Require coworking with the rest of geometry-V03-01-00. Apr 18, 01 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V03-01-00 - G4Trap.cc: o Fixed memory leak in CalculateExtent() for creation of vertices in case of finite rotation. (courtesy of D.Williams) o Removed useless inclusion of math.h. Feb 21, 01 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V03-00-03 - G4Tubs.cc: o Fixed bug in function Inside(p) in computation of pPhi for points at phi = 0 if the (start phi)+(delta phi) is at phi = 0. o Temporarly modified CalculateExtent(...), now simply based on G4Box::CalculateExtent(...). Updated unit test testG4Tubs.cc. Feb 01, 01 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V03-00-02 - G4Box: introduced checks against negative (or <2*kCarTolerance) dimensions in methods SetXHalfLength(), SetYHalfLength() and SetZHalfLength(). Jan 29, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V03-00-01 - G4Box: introduced fixes to algorithm for computation of rotated vertices in CalculateExtent() as previously committed in tag geom-solids-csg-V02-00-10. - G4Torus: extracted logic for G4PolynomialSolver now included in global/HEPNumerics. Coworks with tag global-V03-00-02. - Added dependency to global/HEPNumerics in GNUmakefile. Jan 18, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V03-00-00 - Fixed condition from (pPhi<0) to (pPhi<-0.5*kAngleTolerance) in G4Tubs::Inside(p). Fixes problem report #198. Dec 07, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-14 - G4Tubs.cc: corrections in phi-section algorithm of Inside(p). Dec 01, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-13 - Increased basic number of iterations from 8 to 12 for Newton algorithm in G4Torus.cc to assure root retrivial. Nov 28, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-12 - Bug fixed in G4Tubs::Inside(p) for analysis of phi positioning when on +-fDz surface. Nov 20, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-11 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options: o commented out variables declared and not used. o fixed declaration of variables used before being initialised. o fixed order of initialisation of member data in constructors. o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for array indeces. - NB: based on tag geom-solids-csg-V02-00-09. Nov 16, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-10 - G4Box.cc: introduced fixes to algorithm for computation of rotated vertices in CalculateExtent(). (D.Williams) Nov 10, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-09 - G4Torus.cc: removed debug print-out which was still included by mistake in constructor. Nov 02, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-08 - QA code revision and cleanup (+fixes from CodeWizard filtering): o Removed virtual keyword from GetEntityType() concrete function. o General cosmetics. Oct 31, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-07 - G4Tubs::DistanceToOut(p,v,...): o Initialised sr and sphi to kInfinity and re-introduced additional condition on check for Rmin intersection (t2 >= 0). Oct 26, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-06 - G4Cons::DistanceToOut(p,v): leave out warning if point is outside. Oct 23, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V02-00-05 - G4Tubs::DistanceToOut(p,v,...): o Still correction to thickness of conical surfaces. (V.Grichine) o Commented-out additional condition on check for Rmin intersection (t2 >= 0), recently introduced (roi2). Requires further investigation !! - G4Torus: o Introduced more stable numerical method (Newton-based) for computing roots of equations in DistanceToIn() and DistanceToOut(). (E.Medernach) Oct 18, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-04 - G4Cons.cc, G4Tubs.cc: added check against negative distance returned by DistanceToIn/DistanceToOut. - G4Cons.cc: added correction for thickness of conical surfaces, remarkable for big opening angles, in DistanceToIn/DistanceToOut functions. Oct 05, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-03 - G4Cons.cc: o fix in DistanceToIn(p,v): corrected condition on conical surface to consider a real projection of the conical surface thickness on XY plane (0.5*kCarTolerance*secRMin instead of 0.5*kCarTolerance), when dealing with cons with large opening angle. o Updated unit test testG4Cons2.cc. Aug 16, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-02 - G4Cons.cc: o fix in constructor to check if one of the Rmin is equal to 0, if so, it will be set to 1e3*kRadTolerance. o Deactivated call to G4Exception in DistanceToOut(p) if p is outside, replaced by simple warning. - G4Tubes.cc, G4Box.cc: o Deactivated call to G4Exception in DistanceToOut(p) if p is outside, replaced by simple warning. Aug 08, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-01 - G4Cons.cc, G4Tubs.cc: o fixes to DistanceToOut(p,v,...) to make roots of quadratic equations more stable. o added check if point is outside in G4Tubes::DistanceToOut(p), some code formatting. Jul 27, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V02-00-00 - G4Cons.cc: o added more diagnostics in DistanceToOut(p) o cosmetics changes - Updated unit test for G4Cons. Jun 22, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V01-01-04 - G4Box.cc: o added safety against call from outside in DistanceToOut(p) o added more diagnostics before exception in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) o cosmetics changes - G4Torus[.hh.cc]: o added new alternative functions SolveBiQuadratic/CubicNew. o fix in SolveBiQuadratic() for ambiguous expression in looping index detected by Insure++. - Updated unit tests testG4Torus and testG4Trd. May 17, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V01-01-03 - G4Tubs.cc: o introduced fix in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) in computation of xi, yi for (sphi >= -0.5*kCarTolerance). This fixes problem reports #76 and #91. o added more diagnostics in case of invalid enum for DistanceToOut. - Updated unit test for G4Tubs. May 05, 00 V. Grichine geom-solids-csg-V01-01-02 - G4Box.cc, G4Trd.cc: o modified DistanceToIn(p,v) to return 0 distance in case computed value is less than 0.5*kCarTolerance. o Cosmetic changes. - Updated unit tests for G4Box and G4Trd. Apr 11, 00 J. Allison - Removed implementations of GetExtent in most sub-classes of G4VSolid (a default implementation exists in G4VSolid). - All implementations of DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const now correctly written: scene.AddThis(*this). Apr 05, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V01-01-01 - G4Tubs.cc: fixed bug in function Inside(p). Removed (commented) in the code umproper addition of 2PI to Phi-angle particle (V.Grichine) - G4Hype[.hh.cc]: fixed several longstanding issues and bring methods into compliance with specifications (D.Williams) - Moved to "specific" the following classes: G4ClippablePolygon, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4Hype, G4PolyPhiFace, G4Polycone, G4PolyconeSide, G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraSide, G4ReduciblePolygon, G4IntersectingCone, G4SolidExtentList, G4VCSGface, G4VCSGfaceted. - Moved testG4Hype.cc and testG4Polycone.cc from CSG/test to specific/test - Moved generic tests "SBT" and "Fred" one level up to solids/test. - Organised class description comments for the Software Reference Manual in all headers. Mar 23, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V01-01-00 - Tagged. Mar 22, 00 D. Williams - G4PolyhedraSide.cc: fixed bug in G4PolyhedraSide::Normal(...). The method Normal(...) (used by G4VCSGfaceted::SurfaceNormal) was not filling in the argument bestDistance. This fixes a bug observed in G4Polyhedra::SurfaceNormal. Mar 14, 00 V. Grichine - Added diagnostics in G4Cons, G4Sphere and G4Torus in function DistanceToOut(p,v,...). Mar 03, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-V01-00-05 - Minor fixes to unit tests to make them up-to-date with recent development versions (already included in tag geometry-V01-00-00a). - G4PolyconeSide.cc, G4PolyhedraSide.cc: added explicit cast to G4int to avoid warnings on Linux. Jan 19, 00 G. Cosmo geom-solids-csg-01-00-04 - Fixed bug in DistanceToIn(p,v). Modified files: G4Trap.cc and testG4Trap.cc. (V.Grichine) - Syncronized file versions with HEAD (essentially CVS headers changes). - Fixes for missing migration on HEAD related to some files in test/fred and test/SBT. Nov 17, 99 J. Apostolakis geom-solids-csg-01-00-03 - Tagged Nov 17, 99 V. Grichine - Added initialisation to Eside "side" variable in DistanceToOut(p,v) in CSG solids --> Problem report from D.C. Williams, BaBar - A check in G4Trap Makeplane added. Nov 10, 99 J. Apostolakis geom-solids-csg-01-00-02-cand - Included David Williams' modifications to G4IntersectingCone.cc, G4PolyconeSide.cc and G4VCSGfaceted.cc and to test/SBT/SBT.cc and test/SBT/polycone.geant4 Nov 10, 99 J. Apostolakis geom-solids-csg-01-00-01 - Tagged May 18, 99 David Williams - Replaced 1/DBL_MAX with DBL_MIN (valid correction, seen in tests for STL) in G4PolyPhiFace.cc, G4PolyconeSide.cc and G4PolyhedraSide.cc Apr 29, 99 David Williams - G4Polyhedra and G4Polycone (and G4VCSGfaceted) modified: 1. Implemented correct copy constructors and assignment operators. 2. Fix some leaks for tracks that pass exactly through an edge. Some leaks still remain: particularly if a track passes through a corner and between the curved edges of G4Polycone. 3. G4Polyhedra argument numSide changed to G4int (from G4double) Apr 13, 99 Vladimir Grichine and Simone Giani - Minor consistency fix to 8 basic CSG solids: Tolerance used in calculation of extent but not in one place, and not another - this tripped up the client code. Feb 16, 99 David Williams - Repaired bugs in G4Polycone (G4PolyconeSide.cc) as found in test/testG4Polycone and missed in below. - Updated definition of DistanceToIn(p) and DistanceToOut(p) to return zero when the point p is on the surface of the solid. Feb 12, 99 David Williams - src/G4PolyconeSide.cc updated (revision 1.4) to fix a bug discovered by test/testG4Polycone. Feb 9, 99 David C. Williams (davidw@scipp.ucsc.edu) - I've committed new versions of the CSG Polycone and Polyhedra in the geant4 repository, including a new utility class called G4ReduciblePolygon. The new versions fix several subtle bugs which my "test3" batch geometry testing code uncovered. In addition, the new class G4ReduciblePolygon is used to run strict tests on the validity of input parameters. To fix a bug in Polyhedra, I had to back out some fancy code that allowed it to calculate intersections at a speed that was independent of the number of sides. The new version now runs at a speed proportional to the number of sides, and is thus much slower for polyhedras with many sides. I can fix this, but I thought it would be best to get the bug fixes in as soon as possible. Feb 10, 99 John Apostolakis - History file created.