*.-- material.tz *LOG OFF *DO GMAT 0 -u -A4CW -c1/80 #. GPUR #.list of pure materials #. S A Z dens X_0 abs_l "Hydrogen" H 1.00794 1.0 0.708E-1 865.54 717.51 "Deuterium" D 2.01 1.0 0.162 756.79 337.65 "Helium" He 4.0026 2.0 0.125 754.56 520.80 "Lithium" Li 6.9410 3.0 0.534 154.98 137.45 "Beryllium" Be 9.0122 4.0 1.8480 35.276 40.690 "Bor 10" B10 10. 5.0 2.34 21.0209 0.0 "Bor 11" B11 11. 5.0 2.34 23.1229 0.0 "Carbon" C 12.011 6.0 2.2650 18.850 38.102 "Nitrogen" N 14.007 7.0 0.808 47.017 108.660 "Oxygen" O 15.999 8.0 0.143E-2 23944. 63636. "Fluorine" F 18.998 9.0 1.1080 29.925 0.0 "Neon" Ne 20.180 10. 1.2070 23.977 80.033 "Sodium" Na 22.990 11. 0.969 28.8675 0.0 "Magnesium" Mg 24.305 12. 1.735 0.0 0.0 "Aluminium" Al 26.980 13. 2.7 8.8926 39.407 "Silicon" Si 28.090 14. 2.33 9.3648 45.494 "Phosphor" P 30.974 15. 1.82 0.0 0.0 "Sulfur" S 32.066 16. 2.07 0.0 0.0 "Chlorine" Cl 35.450 17. 1.56 0.0 0.0 "Argon" Ar 39.948 18. 0.16390E-2 10983. 65842.69 "Potassium" K 39.098 19. 0.860 0.0 0.0 "Calcium" Ca 40.078 20. 1.55 0.0 0.0 "Scandium" Sc 44.956 21. 2.98 0.0 0.0 "Titanium" Ti 47.880 22. 4.53 3.5617 27.511 "Vanadium" V 50.941 23. 6.10 0.0 0.0 "Chromium" Cr 51.996 24. 7.18 0.0 0.0 "Manganese" Mn 54.938 25. 7.43 0.0 0.0 "Iron" Fe 55.850 26. 7.87 1.7585 16.760 "Cobalt" Co 58.933 27. 8.90 0.0 0.0 "Nickel" Ni 58.693 28. 8.876 0.0 0.0 "Copper" Cu 63.546 29. 8.96 1.4353 15.056 "Zinc" Zn 65.390 30. 7.112 0.0 0.0 "Gallium" Ga 69.723 31. 5.877 0.0 0.0 "Germanium" Ge 72.610 32. 5.3230 2.3013 26.395 "Arsenic" As 74.922 33. 5.72 0.0 0.0 "Selenium" Se 78.960 34. 4.78 0.0 0.0 "Bromine" Br 79.904 35. 3.11 0.0 0.0 "Krypton" Kr 83.8 36. 2.60 0.0 0.0 "Rubidium" Rb 85.4678 37. 1.529 0.0 0.0 "Strontium" Sr 87.62 38. 2.54 0.0 0.0 "Yttrium" Y 88.9059 39. 4.456 0.0 0.0 "Zirconium" Zr 91.22 40. 6.494 0.0 0.0 "Niobium" Nb 92.906 41. 8.55 0.0 0.0 "Molybdenum" Mo 95.940 42. 10.20 0.0 0.0 "Technetium" Yv 98.0 43. 11.48 0.0 0.0 "Ruthenium" Ru 101.07 44. 12.39 0.0 0.0 "Rhodium" Rh 102.9055 45. 12.39 0.0 0.0 "Palladium" Pd 106.42 46. 12.00 0.0 0.0 "Silver" Ag 107.87 47. 10.48 0.0 0.0 "Cadmium" Cd 112.41 48. 8.63 0.0 0.0 "Indium" In 114.82 49. 7.30 0.0 0.0 "Tin" Sn 118.69 50. 7.31 1.2066 22.30 "Antimony" Sb 121.75 51. 6.679 0.0 0.0 "Tellurium" Te 127.60 52. 6.23 0.0 0.0 "Iodine" I 114.82 53. 7.30 0.0 0.0 "Xenon" Xe 131.29 54. 3.057 2.7740 55.28 "Cesium" Cs 132.9054 55. 1.870 4.52 0.0 "Barium" Ba 137.33 56. 3.50 29.581 9999.0 "Lanthanum" La 138.9055 57. 6.127 0.0 0.0 "Cerium" Ce 140.12 58. 6.637 0.0 0.0 "Praseodymium" Pr 140.9077 59. 0.0 0.0 0.0 "Neodymium" Nm 144.24 60. 0.0 0.0 0.0 "Tungsten" W 183.85 74. 19.3 0.35 9.5855 "Gold" Au 196.97 79. 18.85 0.0 0.0 "Lead" Pb 207.19 82. 11.350 0.56120 17.092 "Bismuth" Bi 208.98 83. 9.37 0.0 0.0 "Uranium" U 238.03 92. 18.950 0.31662 10.501 *ENDDO *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX #. list of mixtures "Boron" 2 2.34 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Bor 10" -.20 #. Atomic proportions "Bor 11" -.80 "B_2 O_3" 2 2.34 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Boron" -2. #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3. "Al_2 O_3" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Aluminium" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "Fe_2 O_3" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Iron" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "S_2 O_3" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Sulfur" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "Barium sulfate" 3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Barium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Sulfur" -1.0 "Oxygen" -4.0 "Ni_2 O_3" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Nickel" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "C O_2" 2 1.8182E-3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -2.0 "Ti_2 O_3" 2 4.6 #. "Titanium" -2.0 "Oxygen" -3.0 "C F_4" 2 3.7037E-3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Fluorine" -4.0 "Si O_2" 2 2.64 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Silicon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -2.0 "Quartz" 2 2.64 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Silicon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -2.0 "QuartzFibers" 1 2.64 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Quartz" -1.0 "Doped Quartz" 3 2.5 #. comp.no dens "Silicon" -1.0000 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -2.0000 "Fluorine" -2.0000 "PhotoCathode" 1 1.87 "Cesium" -1.0 "Ca O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Calcium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Mg O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Magnesium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Mn O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Manganese" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Ba O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Barium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Na_2 O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Sodium" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "K_2 O" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Potassium" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Water" 2 1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Hydrogen" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 "Air" 4 1.214e-3 #. Huhtinen, Air 18 degr.C and 58% humidity "Nitrogen" 74.94 #. Weight fraction "Oxygen" 23.69 #. Weight fraction "Argon" 1.29 #. Weight fraction "Hydrogen" 0.08 #. Weight fraction "Wood" 2 0.5 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Hydrogen" -21. #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -10. "Gas" 3 0.19573E-2 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -0.52 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -0.40 "Hydrogen" -0.08 "Freon-12" 3 0.493E-2 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Chlorine" -2.0 "Fluorine" -2.0 "RPC Gas" 3 1.8768520E-3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -0.02 #. Atomic proportions "Freon-12" -0.02 "C O_2" -0.96 "Kapton" 3 1.11 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -5.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -8.0 "Oxygen" -2.0 "StainlessSteel" 5 8.02 #. AISI Cr-Ni steel,default is type 304 "Iron" 69.96 #. Weight fractions SDC definition "Carbon" 0.04 "Manganese" 1.00 "Chromium" 19.00 "Nickel" 10.00 "Methane" 2 0.71700E-3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -4.0 "Ethane" 2 1.35600E-3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -6.0 "Carbon fibre str." 3 1.69 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -10. #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -6.0 "Oxygen" -1.0 #. ECAL Carbon fiber mixture parameters from Jean-Pierre VIALLE "Carbon fib.str." 2 1.45 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -13.0 "Rohacell" 1 0.7 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon fibre str." -1.0 "Foam" 2 0.10 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -2.0 "Al support" 1 0.254 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Aluminium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Insulation" 6 1.69 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Helium" -0.250E-1 #. Atomic proportions "Carbon" -0.450E-1 "Hydrogen" -0.360E-1 "Oxygen" -0.180E-1 "Aluminium" -0.500E-1 "Iron" -0.18 "Epoxy" 3 1.3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -15. #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -44. "Oxygen" -7.0 "Al-MMC" 1 1.84 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Aluminium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Mg-MMC" 1 1.52 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Magnesium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Polystyrene" 2 1.032 #. comp.no dens "Carbon" -19.000 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -21.000 "Scintillator" 1 1.0320 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Polystyrene" -1.0 "NEMA G10 plate" 3 1.7 #. from rho=1.7=>1.57 for X_0=19.4 "Si O_2" -0.773 #. Atomic proportions "Epoxy" -0.147 "Chlorine" -0.080 "Polyethylene" 2 0.95 "Carbon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -2.0 "DropsPolyethylene" 1 0.45 "Polyethylene" -1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Noryl" 1 1.0 #. should be checked "Polyethylene" -1.00000 "Polymer Concrete" 2 0.45 #. from rho=1.7=>1.57 for X_0=19.4 "Si O_2" -0.853 #. Atomic proportions "Epoxy" -0.147 "FrontEnd Electronics" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Air" -0.750 #. Volume fractions "Silicon" -0.200 "Lead" -0.050 "Plexiglas" 3 1.18 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Hydrogen" -8.0 #. Atomic proportions "Carbon" -5.0 "Oxygen" -2.0 "Ar CO_2 gas 50:50" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "C O_2" -1.0 "CF_4 CO_2 50:50" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "C F_4" -0.5 #. Atomic proportions "C O_2" -0.5 "Argon CF_4 CO_2" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -0.3 #. Atomic proportions "C F_4" -0.2 "C O_2" -0.5 "Argon 50% CF_4 CO_2" 3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -0.5 #. Atomic proportions "C F_4" -0.2 "C O_2" -0.3 "Isobutane" 2 0.267E-2 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -4.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -10. "80% Argon + 20% CO_2" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -0.8 #. Atomic proportions "C O_2" -0.2 "DTBX gas" 2 0.0018194 "Argon" -5.4800 "C O_2" -94.5200 "Honeycomb" 1 0.28 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Aluminium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Aluminium honeycomb" -2 -1.0 #. 0.050 "Aluminium" -1.850 #. Volume fractions "Air" -98.150 "Glass" 3 2.23 #. Borisilcate glass (Pyrex) "Si O_2" -0.800 #. Atomic fraction "B_2 O_3" -0.120 #. Atomic fraction "Na_2 O" -0.080 #. Atomic fraction #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX #. "Ca C O_3" 2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Ca O" -1.0 #. Atomic fraction "C O_2" -1.0 #. Atomic fraction "Stand.Concrete" 9 2.35 "Hydrogen" 0.6 #. Weight fraction "Carbon" 3.0 #. Weight fraction "Oxygen" 50.0 #. Weight fraction "Sodium" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "Aluminium" 3.0 #. Weight fraction "Silicon" 20.0 #. Weight fraction "Potassium" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "Calcium" 20.0 #. Weight fraction "Iron" 1.4 #. Weight fraction #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX #. #. John Rutherfoord: REPORT ON THE FIRST GEM NOBLE LIQUID MONITORING #. WORKING GROUP MEETING 6/18/93 #. LAr (89K) LKr (123K) #. rho (density) 1.38 g/cm^3 2.39 g/cm^3 #. (1/rho)d(rho)/dT 0.458%/K 0.324%/K #. (1/rho)d(rho)/dP 0.03%/bar 0.02%/bar "Liquid Argon" 1 1.39 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Liquid Ar Detector" 1 1.39 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Liquid Krypton" 1 2.39 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Krypton" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Liquid Kr Detector" 1 2.39 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Krypton" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Bakelite" 3 1.3 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Hydrogen" -8.0 #. Atomic proportions "Carbon" -7.0 "Oxygen" -1.0 "Borated Polyethyl." 5 0.95 #. 5%-borated polyethylene (BPE) "Hydrogen" 11.6 #. C.R.Wuest SSCL-GEM TN 92-172. "Carbon" 61.2 #. composition of "Reactor Experiments, Inc." "Bor 11" 4.0 #. Weight fraction GMIX "Bor 10" 1.0 #. Weight fraction GMIX "Oxygen" 22.2 #. Weight fraction GMIX "Lithium Polyethyl." 4 0.95 #. "Hydrogen" 11.3 #. "Carbon" 59.6 #. "Lithium" 7.5 #. Weight fraction GMIX "Oxygen" 21.6 #. Weight fraction GMIX "Lucite" 3 1.16 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -5.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -8.0 "Oxygen" -2.0 "Mylar" 3 1.39 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -5.0 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -4.0 "Oxygen" -2.0 "Aluminized Mylar" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Mylar" -5.0 #. Atomic proportions "Aluminium" -1.0000 "Hexel for CSC" 3 0.1650 #. comp.no. dens GMIX #. 2cm Hexel+G10+2*17mkm Cu "Copper" -0.00170 #. Atomic proportions "NEMA G10 plate" -1. "Epoxy" -1.10 "Transmission line" 1 1.5 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Si O_2" -1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Quartz support" 1 2.64 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Si O_2" -1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Super Conductor" -4 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Copper" -0.45 #. Atomic proportions "Niobium" -0.450E-1 "Titanium" -0.105 "Helium" -0.40 "Magnet Conductor" 6 3.1570 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Copper" -0.458E-1 #. Atomic proportions "Niobium" -0.460E-2 "Titanium" -0.107E-1 "Helium" -0.407E-1 "Aluminium" -0.84110 "Iron" -0.572E-1 "Graphite Epoxy suprt" 3 1.3830 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -18.450 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -20. "Oxygen" -2.0 "Graph.Epoxy Sup." 3 0.13830 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -18.450 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -20. "Oxygen" -2.0 "CO2Ar Freon" 5 0.204E-2 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Argon" -0.200E-1 #. Atomic proportions "Carbon" -0.98 "Chlorine" -0.400E-1 "Fluorine" -0.400E-1 "Oxygen" -1.98 "Marble" 2 2.35 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Si O_2" -.95 #. Atomic proportions "Water" -.05 "CSC Electronics" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "FrontEnd Electronics" -10.0 #. Volume fractions "Aluminium" -1.50 "Nomex for CSC" 1 0.0289 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Lucite" -1. #. Atomic proportion "NEMA FR4 plate" 4 1.025 #. from rho=1.7=>1.025 for X_0=19.4 "Si O_2" -0.613 #. Atomic proportions "Epoxy" -0.147 "Bromine" -0.080 "Oxygen" -0.160 "HV Light Guides" -2 1.32 #. Volume fraction "Quartz" -0.50 "Air" -0.50 "Polycarbonate" 1 0.0070 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Lucite" -1. #. Atomic proportions #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX "Kr/Pb mixture for EM" -6 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Krypton" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Lead" -0.05 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.01 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.00050 #. Volume fraction "Kr/Pb mixture for HD" -6 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Krypton" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Lead" -0.90 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.10 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.00050 #. Volume fraction "Kr/Cu mixture for HD" -5 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Krypton" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.10 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.90050 #. Volume fraction "Ar/Pb mixture for EM" -6 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Lead" -0.05 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.01 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.00050 #. Volume fraction "Ar/Cu mixture for EM" -5 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.05050 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.01 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Ar/Cu mixture for HD" -5 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.90050 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.10 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Ar/Cu mixt. for Cors" -5 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -0.20 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.90050 #. Volume fraction "Iron" -0.02 #. Volume fraction "NEMA FR4 plate" -0.10 #. Volume fraction "Kapton" -0.01950 #. Volume fraction "Pb/Sci spaghetti mix" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Scintillator" -0.185 #. Volume fraction "Lead" -0.80 #. Volume fraction "Cu/Sci spaghetti mix" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Scintillator" -.52 #. Volume fraction "Borated Polyethyl." -.8 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -8.3 #. Volume fraction "W/Sci spaghetti mix" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Scintillator" -.52 #. Volume fraction "Borated Polyethyl." -.8 #. Volume fraction "Tungsten" -8.3 #. Volume fraction "Ar/W mixt. for E.M." -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -.001 #. Volume fraction "Tungsten" -.749 #. Volume fraction "Ar/W Hadron section" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -.001 #. Volume fraction "Tungsten" -.749 #. Volume fraction "Ar/W Catcher section" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Liquid Argon" -.001 #. Volume fraction "Tungsten" -.749 #. Volume fraction "Cu/Scintillator/PolB" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Scintillator" -0.06 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.83 #. Volume fraction "Borated Polyethyl." -0.08 #. Volume fraction "Cu/Quartz" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens "Si O_2" -0.0560 #. Volume fraction "Polystyrene" -0.0107 #. Volume fraction "Copper" -0.9330 #. Volume fraction #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX "AQBB borated concre" 6 2.1350 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Fe_2 O_3" -1.660 #. Atomic proportions "Al_2 O_3" -21.810 "Si O_2" -10.550 "Ca O" -28.8 "B_2 O_3" -7. "Water" -30.190 "BET2a concrete +Poly" 7 1.7 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Polystyrene" -55.870 "Si O_2" -5.750 #. Atomic proportions "Ca O" -14.850 "Al_2 O_3" -12.550 "Fe_2 O_3" -0.870 "B_2 O_3" -3.550 "Water" -6.560 "BET2b concrete +Poly" 7 1.35 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Polystyrene" -81.420 "Si O_2" -2.430 #. Atomic proportions "Ca O" -6.180 "Al_2 O_3" -5.230 "Fe_2 O_3" -0.340 "B_2 O_3" -1.540 "Water" -2.850 "Standard Serpentine" 9 2.302 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -25.31 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -61.23 "Al_2 O_3" -5.36 "Fe_2 O_3" -1.07 "Ca O" -3.74 "Mg O" -0.28 "C O_2" -0.42 "Na_2 O" -1.79 "K_2 O" -0.85 "Serpentine 2" 9 2.01 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -37.25 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -34.93 "Al_2 O_3" -2.32 "Fe_2 O_3" -2.17 "Ca O" -5.31 "Mg O" -17.38 "C O_2" -0.39 "K_2 O" -0.24 "Ni_2 O_3" -0.07 "Serpentine - Iron" 9 3.765 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -21.66 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -19.43 "Al_2 O_3" -1.62 "S_2 O_3" -0.18 "Fe_2 O_3" -1.91 "Ca O" -5.95 "Mg O" -17. "C O_2" -0.62 "Iron" -31.62 "Limonite" 6 2.96 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -41.66 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -3.84 "Al_2 O_3" -1.30 "Fe_2 O_3" -44.03 "Ca O" -7.58 "Mg O" -0.33 "Magetite" 7 3.12 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -32.98 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.47 "Si O_2" -4.02 "Al_2 O_3" -1.44 "Fe_2 O_3" -51.88 "Ca O" -7.85 "Mg O" -0.36 "Limonite magetite" 6 3.41 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -25.31 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -4.15 "Al_2 O_3" -1.35 "Fe_2 O_3" -60.79 "Ca O" -8. "Mg O" -0.40 "Limonite Iron" 8 4.16 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -23.94 #. Atomic fraction "Si O_2" -7.91 #. Atomic fraction "Al_2 O_3" -2.38 #. Atomic fraction "Fe_2 O_3" -13.22 #. Atomic fraction "Ca O" -9.63 #. Atomic fraction "Mg O" -0.53 #. Atomic fraction "Mn O" -0.12 #. Atomic fraction "Iron" -42.27 #. Atomic fraction "Barite" 8 3.20 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -28.07 #. Atomic proportions "Si O_2" -2.88 "Al_2 O_3" -1. "Fe_2 O_3" -5.55 "Ca O" -6.46 "Mg O" -0.22 "Barium sulfate" -52.30 "B_2 O_3" -5.61 "Boron-Barite" 10 3.20 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -31.31 #. Atomic fraction "Si O_2" -4.65 #. Atomic fraction "Al_2 O_3" -1.40 #. Atomic fraction "Fe_2 O_3" -1.14 #. Atomic fraction "Ca O" -10.45 #. Atomic fraction "Mg O" -0.45 #. Atomic fraction "Na_2 O" -0.18 #. Atomic fraction "Mn O" -0.01 #. Atomic fraction "B_2 O_3" -5.61 #. Atomic fraction "Barium sulfate" -30.87 #. Atomic fraction "Colmanite Barite" 11 3.20 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -22.26 #. Atomic fraction "Si O_2" -9.44 #. Atomic fraction "Al_2 O_3" -1.58 #. Atomic fraction "Fe_2 O_3" -2.62 #. Atomic fraction "Ca O" -8.34 #. Atomic fraction "Mg O" -0.51 #. Atomic fraction "Na_2 O" -2.11 #. Atomic fraction "K_2 O" -0.10 #. Atomic fraction "Mn O" -0.02 #. Atomic fraction "B_2 O_3" -6.42 #. Atomic fraction "Barium sulfate" -46.59 #. Atomic fraction "Boron_frits-Lumnite" 11 3.10 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Water" -37.15 #. Atomic fraction "Si O_2" -2.35 #. Atomic fraction "Al_2 O_3" -3.73 #. Atomic fraction "Fe_2 O_3" -3.15 #. Atomic fraction "Ca O" -6.26 #. Atomic fraction "Mg O" -0.26 #. Atomic fraction "Na_2 O" -0.16 #. Atomic fraction "Mn O" -0.10 #. Atomic fraction "B_2 O_3" -4.66 #. Atomic fraction "Ti_2 O_3" -1.52 #. Atomic fraction "Barium sulfate" -40.64 #. Atomic fraction #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #.Title created on 941013 at 0034 GMIX "MagnetiteBoron" 9 3.637 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Hydrogen" 0.70 #. Weight fractions "Bor 10" 0.26 "Bor 11" 1.04 "Oxygen" 35.00 "Sodium" 1.30 "Aluminium" 2.00 "Silicon" 2.00 "Calcium" 2.70 "Iron" 55.00 "MagnetiteConc" 9 3.65 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Hydrogen" 0.35 #. Weight fractions "Bor 10" 0.26 "Bor 11" 1.04 "Oxygen" 35.12 "Sodium" 1.31 "Aluminium" 2.01 "Silicon" 2.01 "Calcium" 2.71 "Iron" 55.19 "Steel-008" 9 7.8 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Carbon" -.416 "Silicon" -.316 "Manganese" -.434 "Sulfur" -.031 "Phosphor" -.023 "Nickel" -.009 "Copper" -.026 "Aluminium" -.144 "Iron" -98.599 "YokeSteel" 6 7.87 #. M.Huhtinen 21-Sep-96 "Carbon" 0.10 #. Weight fractions GMIX "Silicon" 0.10 "Manganese" 0.40 "Nickel" 1.00 "Copper" 0.15 "Iron" 98.25 "Steel-light" 1 0.52 "Steel-008" 1.0 #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #.Title created on 941013 at 0034 GMIX "Polyvinylchloride" 3 1.38 #. CH_2 : CHCl density from SDC "Carbon" -2.0 #. Atomic fraction "Hydrogen" -3.0 #. Atomic fraction "Chlorine" -1.0 #. Atomic fraction "Low Tension cables" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX #. Area/cable (cm^2) "Aluminium" -0.105 #. Volume fractions "Polyethylene" -0.006 "High Tension cables" -3 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX #. Area/cable (mm^2) "Aluminium" -1.51 #. core + armour + screen "Polyethylene" -4.406 #. PE + sheath "Mylar" -0.47 #. PET "Optical fibre" 1 1.05 "Polystyrene" -0.0625 #. area/fibre "Pipe with Water" -3 -1.0 #. Cooling pipe : water, #. Al (500mkm) + 500 mkm insulation "Polyethylene" -0.4765 #. Total cross section = 3.46 cm^2 "Aluminium" -0.4565 "Water" -2.5270 "Flushing gas" -2 -1.0 #. Gas + 200 mkm of Al "Air" -0.5246 #. Total cross section = 0.7 cm^2 "Aluminium" -0.1654 "Pipe with gas" -2 -1.0 #. Gas + 200 mkm of Al "Argon CF_4 CO_2" -2.0295 #. Total cross section = 2.21 cm^2 "Aluminium" -0.1805 "Cable_0" -6 -1.0 #. Cable+Water+Gas for wheels 0-4 "Low Tension cables" -2.10 #. xs = 10.44 cm^2 "High Tension cables" -1.63 "Optical fibre" -0.34 "Pipe with Water" -3.46 "Flushing gas" -0.70 "Pipe with gas" -2.21 "Cable_Si_1" -5 -1.0 #. Si Cable + Water + Gas for wheels 5,7,9 "Low Tension cables" -0.62 #. xs = 5.69 cm^2 "High Tension cables" -0.21 "Optical fibre" -0.12 "Pipe with Water" -2.73 "Flushing gas" -2.01 "Cable_MSGC_2" -6 -1.0 #. MSGC Cable + Water + Gas for wheels 5,7 "Low Tension cables" -1.14 #. for wheels 5,7 xs = 8.83 cm^2 "High Tension cables" -0.33 #. for wheels 6,8,9 xs = 7.06 cm^2 "Optical fibre" -0.15 "Pipe with Water" -3.42 "Flushing gas" -0.25 "Pipe with gas" -3.54 "Cable_MSGC_3" -6 -1.0 #. MSGC Cable + Water + Gas "Low Tension cables" -1.58 #. for wheels 10,12,14 xs = 10.26 cm^2 "High Tension cables" -0.37 #. for wheels 11,13 xs = 8.21 cm^2 "Optical fibre" -0.20 #. 15,17 xs = 7.27 cm^2 "Pipe with Water" -3.86 #. 16,18 xs = 10.08 cm^2 "Flushing gas" -0.28 "Pipe with gas" -3.97 "Cables" 4 2.68 #. 2.68 "Copper" 58.600 #. Weight fractions "Carbon" 25.900 "Oxygen" 13.800 "Hydrogen" 1.700 "CT Cu cable" -4 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Copper" -0.38 #. Volume fractions "Carbon" -0.21 "Hydrogen" -0.33 "Oxygen" -0.800E-1 "CT Al cable" -4 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Aluminium" -0.38 #. Volume fractions "Carbon" -0.21 "Hydrogen" -0.33 "Oxygen" -0.800E-1 #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX "Coil average" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Copper" -0.564 #. Volume fractions "Helium" -0.436 "Hcal sci" 2 1.032 #. comp.no. dens GMIX "Carbon" -0.5 #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -0.5 "Hcal average" -4 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Copper" -0.90 #. Volume fractions "Air" -0.02 "Carbon" -0.04 "Hydrogen" -0.04 "Vcal CO2" 1 0.00198 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "C O_2" 1.0 #. Atomic proportion "Vcal C4H10" 2 0.00267 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Carbon" -4. #. Atomic proportions "Hydrogen" -10. "Vcal average" 2 7.55 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Steel-008" -1.750 #. Atomic proportions "Vcal C4H10" -0.075 "Bi_4 Ge_3 O_12" 3 7.1 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Bismuth" -4. #. Atomic proportions "Germanium" -3. "Oxygen" -12. "Ce F_3" 2 6.16 "Cerium" -1.0 "Fluorine" -3.0 "Pb W O_4" 3 8.28 "Lead" -1.0 "Tungsten" -1.0 "Oxygen" -4.0 "Siliecal" 2 1.0859 "Carbon" -0.3 "Polyethylene" -2.0 "Muon Al" 1 2.7 "Aluminium" 1.0 "Ar(40%)+Ethane(60%)" 2 1.46920E-3 "Argon" -.40 "Ethane" -.60 "Muon average" -2 -1.0 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Ar(40%)+Ethane(60%)" -1.0 #. Volume fractions "Aluminium" -0.2 #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX "Alumina" 2 3.52 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Aluminium" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "Ceramic" 2 3.96525 #. comp.no. "Aluminium" -2.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -3.0 "Beryllia" 2 2.63 #. comp.no. dens GMIX# "Beryllium" -1.0 #. Atomic proportions "Oxygen" -1.0 #. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/80 #. GMIX "M_Copper" 1 8.96 #. "Copper" -1. "M_NEMA FR4 plate" 1 1.7 #. "NEMA FR4 plate" -1. "LeadLoadedPolymerCon" 9 3.53 #. M.Huhtinen CMS IN 1997/024 "Hydrogen" 2.351270 #. Weight fractions "Lithium" 4.164310 "Iron" 11.416400 "Carbon" 10.198300 "Oxygen" 8.781870 "Aluminium" 1.869690 "Silicon" 0.283286 "Calcium" 1.303120 "Lead" 59.631700 "E_PbWO4" 3 8.28 #. Lead tungstate for crystals "Lead" -1.00 "Tungsten" -1.00 "Oxygen" -4.00 "E_Air" -1 0.12050E-02 "Air" -1.0 "E_Aluminium" 1 2.7000 "Aluminium" -1.0 "E_Carbon Fibre" 2 1.45 "Carbon" 0.65 "Hydrogen" 0.35 "E_Polythene" 1 0.95 "Polyethylene" -1.0 #. Barrel Muon materials "M_B_Air" 1 0.12050E-02 "Air" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_Air" 1 0.12050E-02 "Air" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_Aluminium" 1 8.9000 "Aluminium" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_Cables" 1 2.68 "Cables" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_DTBX_Gas" 1 0.0018194 "DTBX gas" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_RPC_Bakelite" 1 1.3 "Bakelite" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_Electronics_averag" 1 1.3 "Bakelite" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_RPC_Gas" 1 1.8768520E-3 "RPC Gas" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_YokeSteel" 1 7.800 "YokeSteel" 1.0 #. Weight fraction "M_Steel-008" 1 7.800 "Steel-008" -1.0 "M_Thick_Steel-008" 1 7.800 "Steel-008" -1.0 "M_honeycomb" -2 -1.000 "Aluminium" -1.85 #. Volume fraction "Air" -98.15 #. Volume fraction #. Forward Muon material "AISI-1045-Steel" 5 7.87 "Carbon" 0.50 "Manganese" 0.90 "Phosphor" 0.04 "Sulfur" 0.05 "Iron" 98.51 #. Required for HCal "Brass" 2 8.53 "Copper" 0.70 "Zinc" 0.30 "QuartzBundle" -4 1.30515 "Quartz" -0.3000 "Polystyrene" -0.0600 "Doped Quartz" -0.0600 "Air" -0.5800 "LeadBPolymer" 8 3.53 "Hydrogen" 2.30 "Boron" 2.00 "Fluorine" 11.40 "Carbon" 10.20 "Oxygen" 8.80 "Aluminium" 2.20 "Calcium" 1.30 "Lead" 61.80 ##. *DO GMIX 0 -U -A4CW -c1/50 #. GMIX "Teflon" 2 2.20 "Carbon" -33.0 "Fluorine" -66.0 "Ne30_DME70" 4 1.7E-3 "Neon" -3.0 "Carbon" -14.0 "Oxygen" -7.0 "Hydrogen" -42.0 "Peek" 1 1.32 "Epoxy" -100. "c_Peek" 2 1.8 "Epoxy" -0.50 "Si O_2" -0.50 "Hybrids" -2 1.785 "Aluminium" -42.86 "Kapton" -57.14 "Connector" -3 1.119 "Peek" -20.00 "Copper" -10.00 "Air" -70.00 "Tk_CF_supp" 1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "Tk_CF_supp_sili" 1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "T_Carbon fibre str." 1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "T_Kapton" -1 1.40 "Kapton" -100. "T_PIXEL-Average" 1 8.00 "Silicon" 1.00 "T_SITRA-Average" 1 7.00 "Silicon" 1.00 "T_MSGC-Average" 2 0.23 "Carbon" 0.80 "Silicon" 0.20 "T_Silicon Detector" 1 2.3300 "Silicon" -1.000 "T_Argon CF_4 CO_2" -1 2.14160E-3 "Argon CF_4 CO_2" -1.0 "Nomex" -2 0.032 "Air" -97.8 "T_Kapton" -2.20 "Aluminium silicate" 3 3.156 "Aluminium" -6.0 "Silicon" -2.0 "Oxygen" -13.0 "Al-silicate + Zi" 2 3.3196 "Aluminium silicate" 0.9 "Zinc" 0.1 "HFE" 4 1.52 "Hydrogen" -3. "Oxygen" -1. "Carbon" -5. "Fluorine" -9. "Silica" 2 2.20 "Silicon" -1.0 "Oxygen" -2.0 "SMD_metal" -3 10.20 "Nickel" -5.00 "Silver" -75.00 "Tin" -20.00 "Tk_CCU_board" -8 1.71279 "SMD_metal" -0.190 "Copper" -1.695 "Alumina" -0.912 "Aluminium" -14.229 "Silicon" -1.433 "Carbon" -0.608 "Carbon fibre str." -47.429 "T_Kapton" -33.504 "Tk_IO_board" -8 2.303 "SMD_metal" -0.192 "Copper" -1.727 "Alumina" -20.247 "Aluminium" -11.994 "Silicon" -5.228 "Carbon" -0.513 "Carbon fibre str." -39.981 "T_Kapton" -20.119 "O_Hybrid" -8 2.838 "Silver" -2.972 "SMD_metal" -2.378 "Copper" -3.535 "Al-silicate + Zi" -23.779 "Alumina" -6.341 "Silicon" -7.728 "Carbon" -3.171 "T_Kapton" -50.095 "Pigtails" -2 3.145 "Copper" -23.077 "T_Kapton" -76.923 "G_conntr" -2 2.007 "Copper" -8.100 "T_Kapton" -91.900 "P_pipes" -2 2.3285 "Steel-008" -12.884 "T_Kapton" -87.116 "Outer_pipes" -2 2.533 "Iron" -15.974 "HFE" -84.026 "G10" -2 1.7 "Epoxy" -0.40 "Si O_2" -0.60 "ICB" -2 2.309 "Copper" -6.367 "G10" -93.633 "Coolant" 4 1.52 "Hydrogen" -3. "Oxygen" -1. "Carbon" -5. "Fluorine" -9. "C6F14" 2 1.76 "Carbon" -6.0 "Fluorine" -14.0 "T_FR4" 1 1.7 "NEMA FR4 plate" -100. "T_Bronze" 2 8.89 "Copper" 95.0 "Tin" 6.0 "MS_Al60" -3 0.866 "Aluminium" -14.165 "Polyethylene" -85.451 "Silver" -0.384 "MS_Al48" -3 0.877 "Aluminium" -13.033 "Polyethylene" -86.593 "Silver" -0.374 "MS_Al36" -3 0.901 "Aluminium" -12.218 "Polyethylene" -87.403 "Silver" -0.379 "MS_cntrl_cable" -2 1.467 "Copper" -10.000 "Polyethylene" -90.000 "MS_cntr" -3 2.049 "Iron" -8.306 "Aluminium" -31.894 "T_Kapton" -59.801 "T_OPC" -3 1.05917 "Iron" -5.739 "Polyethylene" -63.943 "Air" -30.318 "Tk_Opt_Ribbon" -2 1.07852 "Quartz" -10.144 "Polyethylene" -89.856 "Fibre_connector" -3 1.05917 "Iron" -5.739 "Polyethylene" -63.943 "Air" -30.318 "Fibre_Ribbon" -2 1.219 "Quartz" -15.835 "Polyethylene" -84.165 "T_OP_cable" -3 0.601463 "Quartz" -0.690 "Polyethylene" -61.673 "Air" -37.637 "MS_Al_cable" -2 1.95062 "Aluminium" -44.465 "Polyethylene" -55.535 "MS_Cu_cable" -2 9.4537 "Copper" -52.830 "Polyethylene" -47.170 "Px_cool_pipe" -2 2.72629 "Iron" -18.997 "HFE" -81.003 "Tk_cool_pipe" -2 2.53663 "Iron" -15.999 "HFE" -84.001 "Tk_op_boxes" -3 0.173214 "Aluminium" -30.947 "T_OPC" -68.357 "Tk_Opt_Ribbon" -0.696 "Tk_panels_in" -1 0.1525 "MS_Al_cable" -100. "Tk_panels_mid1" -2 0.165 "Carbon fibre str." -3.837 "Nomex" -96.163 "Tk_panels_mid2" -3 1.1085 "MS_cntr" -18.361 "Carbon fibre str." -6.048 "Nomex" -75.592 "Tk_panels_mid3" -3 0.166 "Silver" -0.020 "Carbon fibre str." -3.845 "Nomex" -96.135 "Tk_panels_out" -1 0.591 "MS_Cu_cable" -100.0 "Tk_panels_up" -3 0.1203 "Outer_pipes" -38.678 "MS_Al_cable" -55.743 "Fibre_Ribbon" -5.579 "Tk_Cable_1" -7 0.9428 "MS_Cu_cable" -14.204 "Px_cool_pipe" -0.873 "Tk_cool_pipe" -12.569 "Aluminium" -8.846 "MS_Al_cable" -15.173 "Peek" -1.208 "Fibre_Ribbon" -47.127 "Tk_square_bundles" -7 0.9710 "MS_Cu_cable" -14.865 "Px_cool_pipe" -0.913 "Tk_cool_pipe" -13.153 "Aluminium" -4.605 "MS_Al_cable" -15.879 "Peek" -1.264 "Fibre_Ribbon" -49.320 "Tk_support" -1 5.25617 "Iron" -100. "Pix_Bar_Det" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -1.0 "Pix_Bar_Readout" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -1.0 "Pix_Bar_Cable" -3 -1.0 "Kapton" -0.0100 "Copper" -0.0002 "Aluminium" -0.0040 "Pix_Bar_Hybrid" -6 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.045 "Si O_2" -0.0046 "Epoxy" -0.0100 "Tin" -0.0001 "Copper" -0.0006 "Kapton" -0.0050 "Pix_Bar_Ring" -2 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0520 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0150 "Pix_Bar_Cool" -2 -1.0 "Coolant" -9.61 "Aluminium" -2.64 "Pix_Bar_Water" -2 -1.0 "Coolant" -0.25 "Peek" -0.24 "Pix_Bar_Conn1" -5 -1.0 "NEMA G10 plate" -38.5 "Copper" -10.7 "Tin" -0.45 "Epoxy" -5.65 "Kapton" -48.6 "Pix_Bar_Conn2" -8 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -159.8 "NEMA G10 plate" -77.0 "Copper" -12.0 "Tin" -0.45 "Epoxy" -11.3 "Kapton" -74.6 "Aluminium" -44.4 "Coolant" -126.7 "Pix_Bar_Services" -6 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -5.8 "Coolant" -4.5 "Copper" -0.02 "Aluminium" -4.20 "Optical fibre" -0.13 "Polyethylene" -0.23 "Carbon fibre st_b" 1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "Aluminium Pix_b" 1 2.70 "Aluminium" -100. "Pixel Cables" -2 -1.0 "Aluminium" -0.050 "Kapton" -0.150 "Barrel PixelCables" -2 -1.0 "Pixel Cables" -0.400 "Coolant" -0.600 "Pix_Fwd_Det" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -1.0 "Pix_Fwd_Readout" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -1.0 "Pix_Fwd_Ring" -2 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.14 "Air" -0.36 "Pix_Fwd_Cool" -2 -1.0 "Coolant" -12.0 "Aluminium" -3.2 "Pix_Fwd_Blade" -5 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0250 "Copper" -0.0003 "Aluminium" -0.0029 "Epoxy" -0.0043 "Kapton" -0.0026 "Pix_Fwd_PortCard" -8 -1.0 "NEMA G10 plate" -0.0340 "Copper" -0.0020 "Aluminium" -0.0094 "Epoxy" -0.0038 "Kapton" -0.1038 "Iron" -0.0032 "Silicon" -0.0008 "Air" -0.8430 "Pix_Fwd_Services_1" -5 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0100 "Coolant" -0.0175 "Aluminium" -0.0170 "Optical fibre" -0.0009 "Air" -0.8430 "Pix_Fwd_Services_2" -5 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0100 "Coolant" -0.0350 "Aluminium" -0.0240 "Optical fibre" -0.0018 "Air" -0.8292 "Pix_Fwd_Services_3" -5 -1.0 "Carbon fibre str." -0.0230 "Coolant" -0.0350 "Aluminium" -0.0240 "Optical fibre" -0.0018 "Air" -0.8162 "Forw.Pixel Cooling" -2 -1.0 "Aluminium" -0.200 "Coolant" -0.800 "ForwardPixelCables" -2 -1.0 "Pixel Cables" -0.575 "Coolant" -0.425 "TIB_Wafer" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TIB_Silicon" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TIB_sid_rail1" -3 1.554 "Carbon fibre str." -79.033 "T_Kapton" -19.616 "Copper" -1.351 "TIB_sid_rail2" -2 1.419 "Carbon fibre str." -81.818 "T_Kapton" -18.182 "TIB_ledge_side" -2 15.002 "Aluminium" -65.240 "Carbon fibre str." -34.760 "TIB_ledge_hybrid" -2 23.813 "Aluminium" -82.963 "Carbon fibre str." -17.037 "TIB_ledge_bss" -3 5.828 "Aluminium" -59.155 "T_Kapton" -2.981 "Carbon fibre str." -37.864 "TIB_ledge_bds" -3 6.870 "Aluminium" -57.338 "T_Kapton" -3.114 "Carbon fibre str." -39.548 "TIB_PA_rphi" -3 1.730 "Silica" -44.836 "Carbon fibre str." -44.320 "Alumina" -10.843 "TIB_PA_ster" -3 1.640 "Silica" -42.582 "Carbon fibre str." -46.131 "Alumina" -11.286 "TIB_mod_spacer1" -1 2.7 "Aluminium" -100. "TIB_mod_spacer2" -3 2.051 "Aluminium" -27.979 "T_Kapton" -7.254 "Carbon fibre str." -64.767 "TIB_mother_cable" -4 3.341 "T_Kapton" -56.925 "Copper" -20.458 "Quartz" -0.452 "Polyethylene" -22.165 "TIB_mod_cool" -2 1.938 "Aluminium" -18.953 "C6F14" -81.047 "TIB_outer_supp" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "TIB_cylinder" -1 0.865 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "TIB_cent_supp" -3 0.703 "Aluminium" -13.374 "C6F14" -25.300 "Carbon fibre str." -61.326 "TIB_connector" -2 0.404 "T_Kapton" -82.547 "Copper" -17.453 "TIB_disk" -6 0.214 "Carbon fibre str." -13.848 "T_Kapton" -65.072 "Copper" -4.461 "T_FR4" -10.505 "T_Bronze" -2.526 "G10" -3.588 "TIB_rib0" -2 1.131 "Carbon fibre str." -35.815 "Aluminium" -64.185 "TIB_rib1" -2 0.379 "Carbon fibre str." -42.713 "Aluminium" -57.287 "TIB_rib2" -2 0.518 "Carbon fibre str." -41.610 "Aluminium" -58.390 "TIB_rib3" -2 0.508 "Carbon fibre str." -39.761 "Aluminium" -60.239 "TIB_rib4" -2 0.922 "Carbon fibre str." -39.698 "Aluminium" -60.302 "TIB_cab_rad1" -6 0.979 "T_Kapton" -16.894 "Copper" -4.827 "Fibre_Ribbon" -3.479 "Aluminium" -8.137 "C6F14" -26.479 "MS_cntrl_cable" -40.184 "TIB_cab_rad2" -6 0.976 "T_Kapton" -15.903 "Copper" -4.796 "Fibre_Ribbon" -3.457 "Aluminium" -8.936 "C6F14" -29.080 "MS_cntrl_cable" -37.827 "TIB_cab_rad3" -6 0.546 "T_Kapton" -19.015 "Copper" -10.413 "Fibre_Ribbon" -2.502 "Aluminium" -10.685 "C6F14" -34.771 "MS_cntrl_cable" -22.615 "TIB_cab_rad4" -6 0.501 "T_Kapton" -21.045 "Copper" -11.596 "Fibre_Ribbon" -2.786 "Aluminium" -10.136 "C6F14" -32.984 "MS_cntrl_cable" -21.453 "TIB_cables_ax" -6 0.652 "T_Kapton" -17.809 "Copper" -7.281 "Fibre_Ribbon" -3.140 "Aluminium" -9.317 "C6F14" -30.319 "MS_cntrl_cable" -32.134 "TIB_cables_ax_out" -6 1.098 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.913 "Aluminium" -2.708 "C6F14" -8.813 "MS_cntrl_cable" -9.341 "MS_Al36" -57.971 "MS_Al48" -20.253 "TIB_Rib_in1" -1 1.640 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TIB_Rib_in2" -1 1.640 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TIB_Rib_in3" -1 1.640 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TIB_Rib_in4" -1 1.640 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TIB_ele1" -6 2.774 "Alumina" -44.700 "Gold" -2.244 "Carbon" -0.410 "SMD_metal" -0.467 "Silicon" -8.934 "Carbon fibre str." -43.245 "TIB_ele2" -6 2.774 "Alumina" -44.700 "Gold" -2.244 "Carbon" -0.410 "SMD_metal" -0.467 "Silicon" -8.934 "Carbon fibre str." -43.245 "TIB_ele3" -6 2.781 "Alumina" -43.778 "Gold" -2.202 "Carbon" -0.362 "SMD_metal" -0.410 "Silicon" -5.990 "Carbon fibre str." -47.257 "TIB_ele4" -6 2.781 "Alumina" -43.778 "Gold" -2.202 "Carbon" -0.362 "SMD_metal" -0.410 "Silicon" -5.990 "Carbon fibre str." -47.257 "TIB_ICC1" -8 1.083 "T_FR4" -19.019 "T_Kapton" -69.278 "Copper" -6.702 "T_Bronze" -1.241 "Alumina" -0.933 "Carbon" -0.439 "SMD_metal" -0.239 "Silicon" -2.148 "TIB_ICC2" -8 2.133 "T_FR4" -16.175 "T_Kapton" -70.875 "Copper" -6.857 "T_Bronze" -1.270 "Alumina" -0.955 "Carbon" -0.449 "SMD_metal" -0.244 "Silicon" -3.175 "TIB_ICC_ledge1" -1 3.241 "Aluminium" -100.000 "TIB_ICC_ledge2" -1 3.497 "Aluminium" -100.000 "TIB_CCUM" -8 1.124 "T_FR4" -34.050 "Copper" -0.824 "T_Kapton" -52.894 "SMD_metal" -0.384 "Alumina" -0.014 "Carbon" -0.027 "T_Bronze" -2.540 "Aluminium" -9.268 "TIE_Side_Wafer" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TIE_in_cable" -3 6.285 "Outer_pipes" -34.927 "MS_Al_cable" -59.618 "Fibre_Ribbon" -5.455 "TIE_ax_cable" -3 6.285 "Outer_pipes" -34.927 "MS_Al_cable" -59.618 "Fibre_Ribbon" -5.455 "TIE_rad_cable" -3 13.552 "Steel-008" -35.902 "Quartz" -0.535 "HFE" -63.562 "TIE_mech" -2 0.091 "Carbon fibre str." -3.614 "Nomex" -96.386 "TIE_ele1" -7 14.745 "SMD_metal" -0.591 "Alumina" -6.942 "Aluminium" -44.940 "Silicon" -4.697 "Carbon" -1.688 "Carbon fibre str." -31.648 "T_Kapton" -9.494 "TIE_ele2" -7 14.745 "SMD_metal" -0.591 "Alumina" -6.942 "Aluminium" -44.940 "Silicon" -4.697 "Carbon" -1.688 "Carbon fibre str." -31.648 "T_Kapton" -9.494 "TIE_ele3" -7 20.3739 "SMD_metal" -0.380 "Alumina" -4.704 "Aluminium" -60.338 "Silicon" -2.429 "Carbon" -1.267 "Carbon fibre str." -23.755 "T_Kapton" -7.127 "TIE_ICC1" -7 1.074 "Pigtails" -7.434 "O_Hybrid" -14.433 "P_pipes" -19.163 "ICB" -32.022 "G_conntr" -13.152 "Quartz" -0.073 "Carbon" -13.724 "TIE_ICC2" -7 3.46 "Pigtails" -4.991 "O_Hybrid" -9.691 "P_pipes" -21.227 "Aluminium" -45.050 "G_conntr" -8.831 "Quartz" -0.074 "Carbon" -10.136 "TIE_ICC3" -11 3.534 "Steel-008" -4.000 "Pigtails" -0.695 "O_Hybrid" -1.080 "Aluminium" -7.918 "P_pipes" -2.788 "Quartz" -8.898 "G_conntr" -1.995 "Quartz" -0.008 "Tk_CCU_board" -2.504 "Carbon" -1.540 "Fibre_connector" -68.574 "TIE_Wafer" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TIE_frame_light" -2 2.33 "Aluminium" -28.121 "Carbon fibre str." -71.879 "TIE_frame_light_back" -1 1.4378 "Carbon fibre str." -100.00 "TIE_PitchAdapter" -2 5.0505 "Silica" -27.149 "Carbon fibre str." -72.851 "TIE_petal" -4 0.1958 "Aluminium" -0.376 "ICB" -2.484 "Carbon fibre str." -5.497 "Nomex" -91.643 "TIE_Fixframe" -2 100. "Iron" -6.421 "Aluminium" -93.579 "TIE_Connector" -2 0.303 "T_Kapton" -95.052 "Copper" -4.948 "active_screen" -2 11.197 "HFE" -58.824 "Carbon fibre str." -41.176 "Tk_SO_FC_G" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "TOB_rail" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TIB_rail" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TOB_CuNi" 2 8.94 "Copper" 70.0 "Nickel" 30.0 "TOB_Brass" 2 8.5 "Copper" 63.0 "Zinc" 37.0 "TOB_cool_solder" 3 9.0 "Tin" 62.0 "Lead" 36.0 "Silver" 2.0 "TOB_CF_Str" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TOB_Nomex" -1 0.032 "Nomex" -100.0 "TOB_Epoxy" -1 1.32 "Epoxy" -100.0 "TOB_Aluminium" -1 2.7 "Aluminium" -100.0 "TOB_cool_SS" -2 3.083 "TOB_CuNi" -18.421 "C6F14" -81.579 "TOB_cool_DS" -2 2.871 "TOB_CuNi" -15.479 "C6F14" -84.521 "TOB_optfib_SS" -3 2.156 "Aluminium" -4.441 "Polyethylene" -93.796 "Quartz" -1.763 "TOB_optfib_DS" -3 3.926 "Aluminium" -2.360 "Polyethylene" -95.768 "Quartz" -1.873 "TOB_plate_A" -1 0.674 "Aluminium" -100.0 "TOB_plate_B" -1 2.7 "Aluminium" -100.0 "TOB_plate_C" -1 2.7 "Aluminium" -100.0 "TOB_coolmanifold1" -4 2.379 "TOB_CuNi" -12.379 "C6F14" -83.763 "TOB_Brass" -3.128 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.730 "TOB_coolmanifold2" -4 2.382 "TOB_CuNi" -12.374 "C6F14" -83.730 "TOB_Brass" -3.159 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.737 "TOB_coolmanifold3" -4 2.384 "TOB_CuNi" -12.370 "C6F14" -83.701 "TOB_Brass" -3.186 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.743 "TOB_coolmanifold4" -4 2.386 "TOB_CuNi" -12.367 "C6F14" -83.680 "TOB_Brass" -3.205 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.748 "TOB_coolmanifold5" -4 2.384 "TOB_CuNi" -12.369 "C6F14" -83.696 "TOB_Brass" -3.190 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.744 "TOB_coolmanifold6" -4 2.386 "TOB_CuNi" -12.366 "C6F14" -83.676 "TOB_Brass" -3.209 "TOB_cool_solder" -0.749 "TOB_ele5" -5 4.879 "Alumina" -84.767 "Gold" -3.977 "Carbon" -0.525 "SMD_metal" -0.597 "Silicon" -10.134 "TOB_ele6" -5 4.879 "Alumina" -84.767 "Gold" -3.977 "Carbon" -0.525 "SMD_metal" -0.597 "Silicon" -10.134 "TOB_ele7" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TOB_ele8" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TOB_ele9" -5 4.939 "Alumina" -83.141 "Gold" -3.899 "Carbon" -0.541 "SMD_metal" -0.617 "Silicon" -11.801 "TOB_ele10" -5 4.939 "Alumina" -83.141 "Gold" -3.899 "Carbon" -0.541 "SMD_metal" -0.617 "Silicon" -11.801 "TOB_rod" -1 1.796 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TOB_sid_rail1" -6 1.604 "Carbon fibre str." -79.484 "T_Kapton" -18.571 "Copper" -0.371 "Alumina" -0.696 "SMD_metal" -0.260 "Carbon" -0.617 "TOB_sid_rail2" -3 1.504 "Carbon fibre str." -82.454 "T_Kapton" -17.338 "Copper" -0.208 "TOB_frame_ele" -1 1.690 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TOB_hybrid_supp" -1 1.726 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TOB_PA_rphi" -3 1.549 "Silica" -29.864 "TOB_Nomex" -19.827 "Carbon fibre str." -50.310 "TOB_PA_ster" -2 2.057 "Silica" -52.199 "Carbon fibre str." -47.801 "TOB_mod_cool_1" -3 6.634 "Aluminium" -42.182 "Carbon fibre str." -54.545 "Steel-008" -3.273 "TOB_mod_cool_2" -2 5.341 "Aluminium" -39.024 "Carbon fibre str." -60.976 "TOB_mod_cool_3" -4 6.422 "Aluminium" -44.127 "Carbon fibre str." -48.670 "Steel-008" -2.920 "Copper" -4.283 "TOB_mod_cool_4" -3 5.436 "Aluminium" -41.547 "Carbon fibre str." -53.725 "Copper" -4.728 "TOB_rib1" -3 0.460 "T_Kapton" -85.326 "Copper" -10.050 "G10" -4.624 "TOB_rib2" -3 0.461 "T_Kapton" -85.382 "Copper" -10.046 "G10" -4.572 "TOB_rib3" -3 0.261 "T_Kapton" -74.349 "Copper" -15.862 "G10" -9.789 "TOB_rib4" -3 0.260 "T_Kapton" -74.496 "Copper" -15.861 "G10" -9.643 "TOB_rib5" -3 0.457 "T_Kapton" -85.347 "Copper" -10.048 "G10" -4.605 "TOB_rib6" -3 0.457 "T_Kapton" -85.457 "Copper" -10.040 "G10" -4.503 "TOB_rad_cable1" -5 0.334 "MS_Al60" -82.817 "MS_cntrl_cable" -6.579 "Fibre_Ribbon" -1.270 "TOB_CuNi" -1.580 "C6F14" -7.754 "TOB_rad_cable2" -5 0.321 "MS_Al60" -84.501 "MS_cntrl_cable" -5.873 "Fibre_Ribbon" -1.292 "TOB_CuNi" -1.411 "C6F14" -6.923 "TOB_rad_cable3" -5 0.260 "MS_Al36" -85.182 "MS_cntrl_cable" -7.279 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.654 "TOB_CuNi" -1.166 "C6F14" -5.720 "TOB_rad_cable4" -5 0.265 "MS_Al36" -85.251 "MS_cntrl_cable" -5.828 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.652 "TOB_CuNi" -1.400 "C6F14" -6.869 "TOB_rad_cable5" -5 0.265 "MS_Al36" -83.842 "MS_cntrl_cable" -7.816 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.949 "TOB_CuNi" -1.252 "C6F14" -6.141 "TOB_rad_cable6" -5 0.253 "MS_Al36" -86.264 "MS_cntrl_cable" -5.977 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.975 "TOB_CuNi" -1.149 "C6F14" -5.636 "TOB_ax_cable" -6 7.930 "MS_Al60" -25.704 "MS_Al36" -59.007 "MS_cntrl_cable" -6.551 "Fibre_Ribbon" -0.964 "TOB_CuNi" -1.316 "C6F14" -6.458 "TOB_middle_ribs" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100. "TOB_ICB" -2 2.327 "G10" -93.458 "Copper" -6.542 "TOB_ICC1" -9 1.056 "Carbon fibre str." -25.970 "G10" -39.167 "Copper" -5.068 "T_Kapton" -18.835 "T_FR4" -5.309 "Silicon" -0.808 "Alumina" -4.425 "Carbon" -0.248 "SMD_metal" -0.169 "TOB_ICC2" -9 1.067 "Carbon fibre str." -17.218 "G10" -40.404 "Copper" -5.953 "T_Kapton" -22.550 "T_FR4" -7.040 "Silicon" -1.071 "Alumina" -5.249 "Carbon" -0.311 "SMD_metal" -0.204 "TOB_ICC3" -9 0.877 "Carbon fibre str." -30.211 "G10" -45.563 "Copper" -4.281 "T_Kapton" -13.083 "T_FR4" -3.088 "Silicon" -0.380 "Alumina" -3.115 "Carbon" -0.165 "SMD_metal" -0.113 "TOB_ICC4" -9 0.835 "Carbon fibre str." -21.158 "G10" -49.650 "Copper" -5.044 "T_Kapton" -15.345 "T_FR4" -4.326 "Silicon" -0.533 "Alumina" -3.605 "Carbon" -0.202 "SMD_metal" -0.138 "TOB_ICC5" -9 0.879 "Carbon fibre str." -30.157 "G10" -45.482 "Copper" -4.273 "T_Kapton" -13.060 "T_FR4" -3.083 "Silicon" -0.558 "Alumina" -3.110 "Carbon" -0.164 "SMD_metal" -0.113 "TOB_ICC6" -9 0.837 "Carbon fibre str." -21.105 "G10" -49.526 "Copper" -5.032 "T_Kapton" -15.306 "T_FR4" -4.315 "Silicon" -0.782 "Alumina" -3.596 "Carbon" -0.201 "SMD_metal" -0.138 "TOB_CCUM1" -6 0.200 "G10" -48.211 "Copper" -4.714 "T_Kapton" -46.489 "SMD_metal" -0.529 "Alumina" -0.019 "Carbon" -0.038 "TOB_CCUM2" -6 0.200 "G10" -48.211 "Copper" -4.714 "T_Kapton" -46.489 "SMD_metal" -0.529 "Alumina" -0.019 "Carbon" -0.038 "TOB_CCUM3" -6 0.200 "G10" -48.211 "Copper" -4.714 "T_Kapton" -46.489 "SMD_metal" -0.529 "Alumina" -0.019 "Carbon" -0.038 "TOB_CONN1" -4 2.326 "Carbon fibre str." -24.941 "Aluminium" -7.876 "T_Kapton" -63.859 "Copper" -3.324 "TOB_CONN2" -4 1.567 "Carbon fibre str." -37.556 "Aluminium" -11.860 "T_Kapton" -48.081 "Copper" -2.503 "TOB_CONN3" -4 1.567 "Carbon fibre str." -37.556 "Aluminium" -11.860 "T_Kapton" -48.081 "Copper" -2.503 "TOB_Silicon" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -100.0 "TOB_Wafer" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -100.0 "TOE_ax_cable" -2 1.499 "MS_Al_cable" -87.932 "Fibre_Ribbon" -12.068 "TOE_rad_cable" -3 21.5813 "Steel-008" -35.635 "Quartz" -1.275 "HFE" -63.090 "TOE_Wafer" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -100.0 "TOE_ele1" -7 14.745 "SMD_metal" -0.591 "Alumina" -6.942 "Aluminium" -44.940 "Silicon" -4.697 "Carbon" -1.688 "Carbon fibre str." -31.648 "T_Kapton" -9.494 "TOE_ele2" -7 14.745 "SMD_metal" -0.591 "Alumina" -6.942 "Aluminium" -44.940 "Silicon" -4.697 "Carbon" -1.688 "Carbon fibre str." -31.648 "T_Kapton" -9.494 "TOE_ele3" -7 20.37 "SMD_metal" -0.380 "Alumina" -4.704 "Aluminium" -60.338 "Silicon" -2.429 "Carbon" -1.267 "Carbon fibre str." -23.755 "T_Kapton" -7.127 "TOE_ele4" -7 20.37 "SMD_metal" -0.380 "Alumina" -4.704 "Aluminium" -60.338 "Silicon" -2.429 "Carbon" -1.267 "Carbon fibre str." -23.755 "T_Kapton" -7.127 "TOE_ele5" -7 14.745 "SMD_metal" -0.591 "Alumina" -6.942 "Aluminium" -44.940 "Silicon" -4.697 "Carbon" -1.688 "Carbon fibre str." -31.648 "T_Kapton" -9.494 "TOE_ele6" -7 20.37 "SMD_metal" -0.380 "Alumina" -4.704 "Aluminium" -60.338 "Silicon" -2.429 "Carbon" -1.267 "Carbon fibre str." -23.755 "T_Kapton" -7.127 "TOE_ele7" -7 20.37 "SMD_metal" -0.380 "Alumina" -4.704 "Aluminium" -60.338 "Silicon" -2.429 "Carbon" -1.267 "Carbon fibre str." -23.755 "T_Kapton" -7.127 "TOE_ICC1" -7 1.074 "Pigtails" -7.434 "O_Hybrid" -14.433 "P_pipes" -19.163 "ICB" -32.022 "G_conntr" -13.152 "Quartz" -0.073 "Carbon" -13.724 "TOE_ICC2" -1 0.001214 "Air" -100.00 "TOE_ICC3" -7 0.826 "Pigtails" -4.991 "O_Hybrid" -9.691 "P_pipes" -21.227 "ICB" -45.050 "G_conntr" -8.831 "Quartz" -0.074 "Carbon" -10.136 "TOE_ICC4" -7 0.6177 "Pigtails" -3.966 "O_Hybrid" -6.160 "P_pipes" -24.085 "ICB" -44.905 "G_conntr" -8.891 "Quartz" -0.044 "Carbon" -11.949 "TOE_ICC5" -7 0.659 "Pigtails" -3.834 "O_Hybrid" -6.381 "P_pipes" -20.294 "ICB" -51.908 "G_conntr" -7.815 "Quartz" -0.061 "Carbon" -9.708 "TOE_ICC6" -7 0.964 "Pigtails" -6.112 "O_Hybrid" -10.680 "P_pipes" -18.346 "ICB" -46.639 "G_conntr" -11.679 "Quartz" -0.113 "Carbon" -6.432 "TOE_ICC7" -11 0.7616 "Steel-008" -3.421 "Pigtails" -0.832 "O_Hybrid" -1.385 "Aluminium" -6.773 "P_pipes" -6.443 "ICB" -15.954 "G_conntr" -1.485 "Quartz" -0.012 "Tk_CCU_board" -2.142 "Carbon" -2.898 "Fibre_connector" -58.655 "TOE_rods" -2 2.379 "Outer_pipes" -70.691 "Carbon fibre str." -29.309 "TOE_mech" -2 0.091 "Carbon fibre str." -3.614 "Nomex" -96.386 "Tk_SO_FC_A" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "Tk_SO_FC_B" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "Tk_SO_FC_C" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "Tk_SO_FC_D" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "Tk_SO_FC_E" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "Tk_SO_FC_F" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TOE_Side_Wafer" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TOE_frame_light" -2 2.33 "Aluminium" -28.121 "Carbon fibre str." -71.879 "TOE_frame_heavy" -2 1.96 "Aluminium" -11.906 "Carbon fibre str." -88.094 "TOE_frame_light_back" -1 1.4378 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TOE_frame_heavy_back" -1 1.6137 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TOE_PitchAdapter" -2 4.36854 "Silica" -27.149 "Carbon fibre str." -72.851 "TOE_petal" -4 0.1958 "Aluminium" -0.376 "ICB" -2.484 "Carbon fibre str." -5.497 "Nomex" -91.643 "TOE_Fixframe" -2 100. "Iron" -6.421 "Aluminium" -93.579 "TEC_Nomex" -1 0.029 "Nomex" -100.00 "TEC_ax_cable" -5 7.038 "Fibre_Ribbon" -1.046 "MS_Al36" -73.003 "MS_cntrl_cable" -14.037 "Steel-008" -1.903 "C6F14" -10.011 "TEC_rad_cable" -2 1.072 "Quartz" -1.998 "Polyethylene" -98.002 "TEC_Wafer" -1 2.33 "Silicon" -100.0 "TEC_ele1" -5 4.939 "Alumina" -83.141 "Gold" -3.899 "Carbon" -0.541 "SMD_metal" -0.617 "Silicon" -11.801 "TEC_ele2" -5 4.939 "Alumina" -83.141 "Gold" -3.899 "Carbon" -0.541 "SMD_metal" -0.617 "Silicon" -11.801 "TEC_ele3" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TEC_ele4" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TEC_ele5" -5 4.939 "Alumina" -83.141 "Gold" -3.899 "Carbon" -0.541 "SMD_metal" -0.617 "Silicon" -11.801 "TEC_ele6" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TEC_ele7" -5 4.818 "Alumina" -86.460 "Gold" -4.059 "Carbon" -0.507 "SMD_metal" -0.575 "Silicon" -8.398 "TEC_ICC11" -3 1.803 "T_FR4" -91.273 "Copper" -4.655 "Aluminium" -4.072 "TEC_ICC21" -1 1.214e-3 "Air" -100.00 "TEC_ICC1B1" -4 1.696 "T_FR4" -81.860 "Copper" -5.124 "T_Kapton" -10.761 "Aluminium" -2.256 "TEC_ICC2B1" -4 2.910 "T_FR4" -76.524 "Copper" -5.233 "T_Kapton" -15.081 "Aluminium" -3.162 "TEC_ICC12" -4 2.804 "T_FR4" -55.705 "Copper" -8.520 "T_Kapton" -34.072 "Aluminium" -1.704 "TEC_ICC22" -4 2.103 "T_FR4" -70.535 "Copper" -7.001 "T_Kapton" -20.422 "Aluminium" -2.042 "TEC_ICC13" -4 2.165 "T_FR4" -66.874 "Copper" -7.481 "T_Kapton" -24.424 "Aluminium" -1.221 "TEC_ICC23" -4 2.437 "T_FR4" -68.774 "Copper" -7.155 "T_Kapton" -21.883 "Aluminium" -2.188 "TEC_ICC1B2" -4 1.725 "T_FR4" -79.409 "Copper" -5.273 "T_Kapton" -13.865 "Aluminium" -1.453 "TEC_ICC2B2" -4 1.807 "T_FR4" -75.515 "Copper" -5.377 "T_Kapton" -17.296 "Aluminium" -1.813 "TEC_ICC14" -4 1.445 "T_FR4" -68.155 "Copper" -7.310 "T_Kapton" -23.002 "Aluminium" -1.533 "TEC_ICC24" -4 2.960 "T_FR4" -78.947 "Copper" -6.267 "T_Kapton" -13.442 "Aluminium" -1.344 "TEC_ICC15" -4 2.359 "T_FR4" -74.330 "Copper" -6.788 "T_Kapton" -17.983 "Aluminium" -0.899 "TEC_ICC25" -4 1.896 "T_FR4" -75.399 "Copper" -6.650 "T_Kapton" -16.829 "Aluminium" -1.122 "TEC_ICC1B3" -4 1.822 "T_FR4" -91.498 "Copper" -4.927 "T_Kapton" -2.955 "Aluminium" -0.620 "TEC_ICC2B3" -4 2.217 "T_FR4" -92.218 "Copper" -4.912 "T_Kapton" -2.373 "Aluminium" -0.497 "TEC_ICC16" -4 2.191 "T_FR4" -65.940 "Copper" -7.666 "T_Kapton" -25.820 "Aluminium" -0.574 "TEC_ICC26" -4 2.309 "T_FR4" -65.429 "Copper" -7.730 "T_Kapton" -26.362 "Aluminium" -0.479 "TEC_ICC17" -4 1.809 "T_FR4" -76.806 "Copper" -6.558 "T_Kapton" -15.844 "Aluminium" -0.792 "TEC_ICC27" -4 1.859 "T_FR4" -75.755 "Copper" -6.618 "T_Kapton" -16.526 "Aluminium" -1.102 "TEC_ICC1B4" -8 1.994 "T_FR4" -73.941 "Copper" -4.791 "Aluminium" -0.644 "G10" -10.434 "T_Kapton" -10.062 "SMD_metal" -0.115 "Alumina" -0.004 "Carbon" -0.008 "TEC_ICC2B4" -8 2.057 "T_FR4" -74.587 "Copper" -4.793 "Aluminium" -0.625 "G10" -10.117 "T_Kapton" -9.755 "SMD_metal" -0.111 "Alumina" -0.004 "Carbon" -0.008 "TEC_rods" -1 0.275 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TEC_wheel_CF" -1 1.124 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TEC_wheel_Nomex" -1 0.019 "TEC_Nomex" -100.000 "TEC_wheelinsert" -1 3.162 "Aluminium" -100.000 "TEC_SO_FC_A" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TEC_SO_FC_B" -2 0.076 "Carbon fibre str." -2.696 "TEC_Nomex" -97.304 "TEC_SO_FC_C" -2 0.152 "Carbon fibre str." -7.407 "TEC_Nomex" -92.593 "TEC_SO_FC_D" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TEC_SO_FC_E" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TEC_SO_FC_F" -1 1.69 "Carbon fibre str." -100.0 "TEC_Side_Wafer" 1 2.33 "Silicon" -100. "TEC_frame_side" -3 2.231 "Carbon fibre str." -81.845 "T_Kapton" -17.857 "Copper" -0.298 "TEC_frame_top" -1 1.521 "Carbon fibre str." -100.000 "TEC_PitchAdapter" -1 2.200 "Silica" -100.000 "TEC_petal" -4 0.238 "TEC_Nomex" -89.894 "Carbon fibre str." -7.191 "Titanium" -0.554 "C6F14" -2.361 "TEC_Fixframe" -2 3.068 "Aluminium" -93.535 "Steel-008" -6.465 "TEC_FixServ" -2 3.050 "Aluminium" -94.553 "Steel-008" -5.447 "TEC_Cool" -2 3.925 "Aluminium" -99.417 "Silver" -0.583 "TEC_OptoH" -9 1.590 "T_Kapton" -22.642 "Copper" -4.867 "T_FR4" -23.234 "Alumina" -3.549 "Carbon" -0.620 "SMD_metal" -0.337 "Silicon" -3.536 "Aluminium" -40.879 "Silver" -0.337 "TEC_PetalCon" -4 5.283 "Aluminium" -20.274 "Steel-008" -28.053 "T_Kapton" -42.915 "Copper" -8.758 "TEC_OptoCon" -2 1.638 "T_Kapton" -97.113 "Copper" -2.887 "TEC_periscopes" -3 0.749 "Silica" -3.197 "Carbon fibre str." -91.597 "Aluminium" -5.206 "TEC_tiltmeter" -1 8.960 "Copper" -100.000 *ENDDO