$Id: README.JAIDA,v 1.4 2003/11/07 23:58:24 duns Exp $ Geant4 JAIDA using AIDAJNI ========================== JAIDA is an implementation of AIDA in Java. To use this implementation Geant4 needs Java as well as AIDAJNI, a connector between AIDA-C++ and AIDA-Java. Installation ------------ Available for: Linux-g++2, Linux-g++3, WIN32-VC, SUN-CC, Darwin-g++2, Darwin-g++3 To compile and link with JAIDA using AIDAJNI, make sure you have: 1. JAIDA version 3.2.0, see http://java.freehep.org/jaida 2. set enviroment variable JAIDA_HOME to your JAIDA installation 3. source the aida-setup script $JAIDA_HOME/bin/aida-setup.[sh|csh|win32] 4. AIDAJNI version 3.0.4 or 3.2.0, or better, see http://java.freehep.org/aidajni 5. set environment variable AIDAJNI_HOME to your AIDAJNI installation 6. set environment variable JDK_HOME to your Java Standard Development Kit (1.4.x or up). 7. source the aidajni-setup script $AIDAJNI_HOME/bin/$G4SYSTEM/aidajni-setup.[sh|csh|win32] now execute: source setup-analysis (.csh, .sh, .win32) gmake clean gmake