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Category Coordinators and Contact Persons

1. Geant4 Working Groups & Coordinators

Following principles of object oriented analysis and design, the software of the Geant4 toolkit is decomposed into categories. Usually several categories are grouped together to form a working group. These working groups a responsible for the development, support and documentation of their categories. In addition there are working groups for documentation, testing and software management. Each member of the collaboration is working for one or several working groups. The working group coordinator represents the working group on the Steering Board. They are also responsible for maintainance, tagging/releasing and quality assurance of each domain/subdomain of Geant4. Coordinators can reply to specific questions in the area of their responsibility.

Working Group Categories, Sub-categories or Description Institute - Coordinator
Documentation Management documents, UserDoc, examples KEK - Katsuya Amako
Electromagnetic Physics processes/electromagnetic, processes/optical CERN - Vladimir Ivantchenko
Geometry and Transport geometry, processes/transportation, g3tog4 CERN - Gabriele Cosmo
Hadronic Physics processes/hadronic, data/PhotonEvaporation, G4NDL SLAC - Dennis Wright
Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy IN2P3 - Sebastien Incerti
Particles and Track particles, track Kobe University - Hisaya Kurashige
Persistency persistency CERN - Gabriele Cosmo
Processes and Materials materials, the following sub-categories of processes: decay, management, parameterisation IN2P3/LLR - Marc Verderi
Run, Event and Detector Responses run, digits_hits, events, readout SLAC - Makoto Asai
Software Management data, global, config, source/GNUmakefile CERN - Gunter Folger
Testing and Quality Assurance tests CERN - Gunter Folger
Tracking tracking KEK - Takashi Sasaki
User and Category Interfaces environments, intercoms, interfaces Naruto University of Education - Hajime Yoshida
Visualisation visualization, graphics_reps SLAC - Joseph Perl
Kyoto University - Satoshi Tanaka

2. Geant4 Contact Persons

If you wish to contact a member of Geant4 for help, support, or enhancement requests of the toolkit, your first contact should be with the contact person of your experiment or institute. The COMMON representative is the contact person for people outside the collaborating experiments or institutes.

Experiment/Institute Contact person
Geant4 Technical Forum Albert De Roeck
ATLAS Armin Nairz
BaBar Dennis Wright
CERN John Apostolakis
CMS Gabriele Cosmo
COMMON Vladimir Ivantchenko
ESA Giovanni Santin
HARP Pedro Arce Dubois
Helsinki Institute of Physics(HIP) Aatos Heikkinen
IN2P3 Guy Barrand
INFN Genova Maria Grazia Pia
KEK Katsuya Amako
Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow Nikolai Starkov
LHCb Gloria Corti
STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK), former PPARC John Allison
SLAC Makoto Asai
TRIUMF Peter Gumplinger

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Last updated: 07/01/2008