* * ******************************************************************** * * License and Disclaimer * * * * * * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * * * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * * * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * * * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * * * include a list of copyright holders. * * * * * * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * * * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * * * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * * * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * * * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * * * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * * * * * * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * * * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * * * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * * * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * * * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * * * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * * ******************************************************************** * * * $Id: g3tog4.F,v 1.5 2006/06/29 18:15:12 gunter Exp $ * GEANT4 tag $Name: $ * * * G3toG4 * * Package to convert Geant3 Fortran geometry code to a call list * file to be interpreted by the Geant4 geometry call list * interpreter, or alternatively, directly to Geant4 code. * * This set of routines is to be linked in front of, so overriding, * the standard Geant library. * * It is possible to execute the Geant calls while at the same * time building the call list/Geant4 code. In order to do this, * these routines must occupy a different name space to that of * the real Geant routines. This is provided by the CALL_GEANT * cpp flag. If these routines are compiled with this flag, * the routine names begin with K rather than G. eg. GSVOLU * becomes KSVOLU. Routine names in your source code must be so * converted; a perl script is provided to do this. * $$$ provide the script * Under normal circumstances it should *not* be necessary to go * through this; it is only necessary if during the geometry * generation process your code extracts information from Geant * about material already generated. * * Torre Wenaus, LLNL 6/95 * * To Do * - option to divide generated Geant4 code into separate files/routines * based on context * ************************************************************************ * subroutine G3toG4(luni,lunc,chopt) ************************************************************************ * * G3toG4 * * Initialization/setup routine * * luni (call list), lunc (C++ code) logical unit numbers: * lun>0: Open output file on unit lun. Filenames used: * g3calls.dat Call list file * g4geom.cc Geant4 C++ geometry code * lun<0: File open has been done by the user. Just write to |lun| * lun=0: Don't generate this output. * ie. luni=0: Don't generate the call list * lunc=0: Don't generate the Geant4 code * * chopt options: * 'G' execute the actual Geant calls as well as building the * code/call list. In case users use info obtained from Geant * during the geometry building process. THIS IS THE DEFAULT * at present: #define CALL_GEANT * ************************************************************************ implicit none integer luni, lunc character chopt*(*) #include "G3toG4.inc" * print *,'Initializing Geant3 to Geant4 conversion' #ifdef CALL_GEANT c dogeom = index(chopt,'G') + index(chopt,'g') .ne. 0 dogeom = .true. #else dogeom = .false. #endif context = '----' if (luni.eq.0.and.lunc.eq.0) then print *,'G3TOG4: No output requested by user. No output'// + ' will be generated.' endif lunlist = abs(luni) luncode = abs(lunc) if (lunlist.ne.0) then doclist = .true. else doclist = .false. endif if (luncode.ne.0) then docode = .true. else docode = .false. endif *** If lun>0, open the file if (lunlist.gt.0) then open(unit=lunlist,file='g3calls.dat',status='unknown') endif if (luncode.gt.0) then nfile = 1 call g3source endif * end * subroutine g4init ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "G3toG4.inc" * if (luncode.ne.0) then write(luncode, + '(''//G4GeometryManager* GeoMgr = new G4GeometryManager();'')') * call ctocp('void G3G4init();') endif * end * subroutine g3header ************************************************************************ * ************************************************************************ implicit none call g4init end subroutine g3source ************************************************************************ * ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "G3toG4.inc" character fname*30 if (luncode.le.0) return if (nfile.gt.1) write(luncode,'(''}'')') close(luncode) write (fname,'(''G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''.cc'')') nfile open(unit=luncode,file=fname,status='unknown') write(luncode,'(''#include "G3toG4.hh"'')') if (nfile.eq.1) call g3header write(luncode,'(/''void G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''()'')') nfile write(luncode,'(''{'')') call ctocp('// init to 0 avoids "unused" warnings') call ctocp('G4int nd=0,nh=0,nv=0,imate=0,itmed=0,nmat=0,') call ctocp(' isvol=0,ifield=0,nwhi=0,nwdi=0,idtyp=0,ipart=0,') call ctocp(' itrtyp=0,nlmat=0,npar=0,ndvmx=0,numed=0,iaxis=0,') call ctocp( + ' ndiv=0,irot=0,ival=0,num=0,nmed=0,nbits[100],mode[6];') call ctocp('G4String chnam[100];') call ctocp('G4String name="",moth="",attr="",only="",shape="";') call ctocp('G4String chset="",chdet="",chali="",chpar="";') call ctocp('G4double amass=0.,charge=0.,tlife=0.,parval=0.;') call ctocp('G4double c0=0.,step=0.,a=0.,dens=0.,radl=0.,x=0.;') call ctocp('G4double y=0.,z=0.,theta1=0.,phi1=0.,theta2=0.;') call ctocp('G4double phi2=0.,theta3=0.,phi3=0.,fieldm=0.;') call ctocp('G4double tmaxfd=0.,stemax=0.,deemax=0.,epsil=0.;') call ctocp('G4double stmin=0.,par[100],fact[100],orig[100];') call ctocp('G4double bratio[6],aa[100],zz[100],wmat[100];') call ctocp('nbits[0]=mode[0]=0;chnam[0]="";par[0]=0.;') call ctocp('fact[0]=orig[0]=bratio[0]=aa[0]=zz[0]=wmat[0]=0.;') call ctocp(' ') if (nfile.eq.1) then * call ctocp('G3G4init();') call ctocp(' ') endif end subroutine g3main ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "G3toG4.inc" integer i * close(luncode) open(unit=luncode,file='G3toG4code.cc',status='unknown') do i=1,nfile write(luncode,'('' void G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''();'')') i enddo call ctocp('void G3toG4code()') call ctocp('{') do i=1,nfile write(luncode,'('' G3toG4code_'',i2.2,''();'')') i enddo call ctocp('}') close(luncode) end subroutine g3context(cntxt) ************************************************************************ * * g3context * * Set the current geometry code context. eg. context can be used * to distinguish code for different subdetectors. The Geant4 * call list interpreter can then execute the code selectively for * a particular context only, if desired. Spaces not allowed. * ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) cntxt #include "G3toG4.inc" context = cntxt end * subroutine ctocp(string) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) string #include "G3toG4.inc" write (luncode,*) string end * subroutine rtocp(string,x) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) string real x #include "G3toG4.inc" write(luncode,'(4x,a,'' = '',e14.8,'';'')') + string, x end * subroutine artocp(string,ax,n) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) string real ax(*) integer n,i #include "G3toG4.inc" do i=1,n write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = '',e14.8,'';'')') + string, i-1, ax(i) enddo end * subroutine aitocp(string,ai,n) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) string integer ai(*) integer n,i #include "G3toG4.inc" do i=1,n write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = '',i10,'';'')') + string, i-1, ai(i) enddo end * subroutine astocp(string,ac,n) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none character*(*) string, ac(*) integer n,i #include "G3toG4.inc" c write(luncode,'('' G4String '',a,''['',i3,''];'')') string, n do i=1,n write(luncode,'('' '',a,''['',i3,''] = "'',a,''";'')') + string, i-1, ac(i) enddo end * subroutine g3ldpar(par,npar) ************************************************************************ * * g3ldpar * ************************************************************************ implicit none * integer npar, i real par(*) #include "G3toG4.inc" * if (npar.gt.0) then write(luncode,'('' par['',i4,''] = '',e14.8,'';'')') + (i-1,par(i),i=1,npar) endif end * subroutine check_lines ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "G3toG4.inc" if (luncode.ne.0) then nlines = nlines +1 if (nlines.gt.maxlines) then nfile = nfile +1 call g3source nlines = 0 endif endif end