$Id: History,v 1.432 2009/02/20 12:11:37 vnivanch Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 February 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-00) - Move all virtual methods from inline to source G4PEEffectModel - substitute ComputeMeanFreePath by CrossSectionPerVolume (minor CPU speadup for compound materials) G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - remove usage of random numbers at initialisation (potential non-reproducibility) G4WentzelVIModel - use generic methods of G4VMscModel to access safety and other geometry information 24 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-45) G4PSTARStopping, G4ASTARStopping - fixed non-initialized variable introduced in the previous tag 19 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-44) G4WentzelVIModel - minor fix in lateral displacement 13 November 08: A. Schaelicke (emstand-V09-01-43) G4eBremsstrahlung - activate LPM switch for high energy model G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - revised LPMconstant G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - (VI) use LPM flag from the base class 13 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-42) G4PSTARStopping - fixed SiO2 and TEFLON data G4ASTARStopping - fixed GRAFITE data 29 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-41) G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90, G4WentzelVIModel use StepStatus from preStepPoint to identify first step for a given track instaed of step number in order to address ATLAS problem of small step limits happen with suspended tracks 27 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-40) G4UrbanMscModel2 - extra protection for "UseDistanceToBoundary" option G4WentzelVIModel - fixed cross section factor for single scattering 23 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-39) G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIModel - added protection against precision loss in computation of cross section at high energy G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed screening parameter of the single scattering part G4eMultipleScattering - set default RangeFactor = 0.04 22 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-38) G4IonFluctuations - added G4UniversalFluctuation model, which are used for high energy; added comments and cleanup G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - take into account effective change change over the step G4hIonisation - switch off nuclear stopping for pi and K mesons 20 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-37) G4UrbanMscModel2 - return back ref-08 version G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping moved to materials G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - temporary model is removed 17 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-36) G4UrbanMscModel2 - use logic of 9.1 version for step limitation option "UseSafety" to fix CPU penalty in sampling calorimeters (L.Urban) G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90 added protection against sampling scattering angle with zero transport cross section 15 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-35) For all process classes set sub-types according to the enumeration of G4EmProcessSubType.hh, improved cout G4UrbanMscModel2 - use screning function from G4eCoulombScatteringModel G4eBremsstrahlung - set relativistic model above 1 GeV by default G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel removed private member highEnergyTh and use access method to this threshold in the base class 21 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-34) G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - simplified new methods G4ionIonisation - use the same low-energy model for He ions and GenericIons (like it was in 9.2beta) 16 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-33) G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 - do not use string comparison when compute transport cross section, instead compare masses (G.Cosmo) 12 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-32) Improved verbose output for processes G4IonFluctuations - do not use Poisson sampling G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - added methods GetParticleCharge, GetChargeSquareRatio, CorrectionsAlongStep needed for ions; define low and high energy limits inside the model G4ionIonisation, G4hIonisation - remove InitialiseMassCharge and CorrectionsAlongStep methods; limits of kinetic energy for models taken from the base class and from models; separate trietment He ions 09 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-31) G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping - use mass number instead of atomic mass (A.Lechner proposal) G4eBremsstrahlungModel - Migdal constant set to the vavue of G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel (A.Schaelicke) 28 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-30) G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping - add method AddData to speeed up compillation and cleanup G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug in lateral displacement 26 August 08: A.Schaelicke G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel * define threshold energy for LPM effect * fix LPM calculation * define Thomas-fermi FF (ala Tsai) * some speed improvements 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-29) G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping - fixed compillation problem at Windows by adding a new method AddData 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-28) 23 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-27) G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed NaN in sampling of cosine theta for 50 GeV e- 22 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-26) Added new classes with stopping data G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping, G4IronStopping 13 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-25) G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added extra protection for precision lost in computation of recoil energy G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - define more precise names of models 11 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-24) G4IonFluctuations - do not perform loop over elements of material but use effetive Z G4UrbanMscModel2 - bug fix in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit (L.Urban) 4 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-23) G4eMultipleScattering - allowed to be applied for all changed particles G4UrbanMscModel2 - changed name to "UrbanMscUni2" G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIModel - added protections for ions G4WaterStopping - added extra data 31 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-22) G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - do not define min and max energy in constructor but use Set methods G4MultipleScattering, G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - added cout of model names G4CoulombScattering - set angular limit of models by Set method 24 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-21) G4UrbanMscModel2 - central part of scattering angle (theta0) and tail of the scattering angle distribution have been tuned using some e- and proton scattering data (L.Urban) 21 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-20) G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - added usage of G4ElementSelector vector, do not use A in SetupTarget method G4WentzelVIModel - do not use A in SetupTarget method 16 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-19) G4PAIPhotonModel - change model name G4MultipleScattering71 - move inline virtual method to source to avoid compillation warning 14 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-18) - G4CoulombScattering - added SetHEModelLimit method to provide more easy initialisation 11 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-17) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope method moved from the derived class and sampling of the recoil ion is performed - G4CoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope method moved to the base class - G4PAIxSection - new functions for resonance and Rutherford collisions - G4IonFluctuations - fixed index - G4ionIonisation - use G4BraggModel for low-energy ions heavier than He - G4hIonisation - build separate tables for kaons to allow use hadron bremsstrahlung and pair production by kaons 2 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-16) - G4IonFluctuations - added method SetParticleAndCharge - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - added pointer to G4IonFluctuations and use of method SetParticleAndCharge; compute nuclear stopping before adding corrections 20 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-15) - G4IonFluctuations - summed fluctuation of components of a mixture instead of computation for average Z - G4BetheBlochModel - added projectile form-factor in computation of max energy transfer and in sampling of the energy of e- 13 May 08: A.Schaelicke - G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - new model, which is an extension of the standard bremsstrahlung model using a more sophisticated LPM approach 09 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-14) - G4hMultipleScattering - added method AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength in which for ions scaled energy normalized to one nucleon is used - G4ionGasIonisation - fixed bug in update of the dynamic charge of an ion 21 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-13) - G4WentzelVIModel - new model of multiple scattering - G4WaterStopping - use spline - G4hMultipleScattering - do not build tables for particles with mass > GeV - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - updated usage of high order corrections - G4CoulombScattering, G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use new parameter polarAngleLimit 9 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-12) - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90 - fixed assymetry in transverse displacement - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug for compounds 31 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-11) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use SelectAtomRandomly method - G4UrbanMscModel2 (L.Urban): - Simplification of step limitation in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit, + tlimitmin is the same for UseDistancetoBoundary and UseSafety - Reorganization of SampleCosineTheta + new method SimpleScattering SimpleScattering is used if the relative energy loss is too big or theta0 is too big (see data members rellossmax, theta0max) - Tuning of the correction factor in ComputeTheta0 - exponent c of the 'tail' model function is not equal to 2 any more, value of c has been extracted from some e- scattering data - Step limitation in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit has been simplified further + some data members have been removed 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-10) - G4BetheBlochModel - use formfactor for sampling - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - remove unsued array 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-09) - G4ionIonisation - use default linLossLimit of 9.1 - G4hIonisation - use G4IonFluctuations at low energies - G4IonFluctuations - fixed computation of corrections - G4BetheBlochModel - finite size correction is taken into account both for delta-electron cross section and DEDX - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - reorganize and cleanup computation of cross section 14 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-08) - G4UrbanMscModel2 - L.Urban fix assymetry in lateral displacement - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4MscModel71 - fixed warnings for gcc 4.3.0 10 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-07) - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 uses G4VMscModel interface - G4eMultipleScattering - new process specialized for e+,e- 06 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-06) - G4UrbanMscModel2 is cloned from G4UrbanMscModel - SubType for all processes is initialized 20 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-05) G4eCoulombScatteringModel - speedup run-time computations using precomputed nuclear form-factors per element 14 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-04) - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - use new method to compute corrections: IonHighOrderCorrections - G4BetheBlochModel - when computing dedx for ions use new method IonBarkasCorrection - G4IonFluctuations - added protection to the computation of the correction factor to dispersion which provide smooth transition to small velocities of an ion 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-03) - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - add extra protections in computation of non-ionizing energy loss 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-02) G4IonFluctuations - added protection in computation of dispersion on allowing have a corrected dispersion below Bohr value 16 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-01) G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - added an extra protection guaranteed correct usage of the last bin of the table of energy transfers 14 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-00) - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - fixed computation of non-ionizing energy loss: at the last ionization step and at energies above 2 MeV for protons; - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use more safe numerical expression 07 December 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-22) G4UrbanMscModel90 is created on base of G4UrbanMscModel of release 9.0 G4hMultipleScattering uses G4UrbanMscModel90 30 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-21) G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban fix sign of mean scattering angle for negatively changed particles 29 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-20) G4UrbanMscModel - added extra protection in sampling of angle - no sampling if mean angle below tausmall 28 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-19) G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban added extra protection in sampling of angle to avoid NaN G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added a protection against precision lost 22 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-18) G4UrbanMscModel - change parameter tausmall to avoid lost of numerical precision and NaN values 20 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-17) G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed crash happens at initialisation when several elements with the same Z are defined 11 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-16) G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed computation of transport cross section 09 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-15) - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation, G4CoulombScatteringModel: fill NIEL energy deposit 29 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-14) - G4UrbanMscModel (V.Ivanchenko) - fixed nan for heavy ions introduced in previous tag 27 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-13) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel use precomputed Z^1/3 and log(A) values to speed up the code; revised nuclear size correction - G4UrbanMscModel (L.Urban): - changed initialisation for ions - parameters are protected from modification - use sampleScattering method instead of SampleSecondaries - use different correction to Highland formula for different particle type (electron, muons, others) - tuning ComputeGeomPathLength in order to get better low energy behavior for heavy particles (mu, hadrons) - small modification of theta0 in ComputeTheta0 (based on data) - some old inconsistency/bug has been cured in SampleCosineTheta now the variable prob is always in [0,1] 08 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-12) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - add cut dependence for scattering off electrons - reorganized protected methods 02 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-11) G4eplusAnnihilation - enable AtRest G4PAIModel - general cleanup, fixed memory leak G4PAIySection - a new class which substitutes G4PAIxSection, this class is free of memory leak 27 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-10) G4IonFluctuations - added dependence on cut in the formula of width on cut, reduces cut dependence of Bragg peak width for ions; use Fermi energy from G4Material G4BohrFluctuations - minor cleanup 26 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-09) G4PAIphotonModel, G4PAIModel - fixed MaxSecondaryEnergy method for e- and e+ and use it for definition of max energy transfer; added control on all cout by fVerbose; 28 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-08) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed compilation warning 15 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-07) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4CoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug in computation of screening parameters in SampleSecondary method; reorganized initialisation of kinematics and screening parameters; used Z(Z+1) factor to take into account scattering off e- 13 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-06) - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug in kinematic of final state - G4ionIonisation - add protected methods BetheBlochEnergyThreshold() and NuclearStoppingFlag() - G4ionGasIonisation - added complete implementation of the method CorrectionsAlongStep() and do not call base class - G4UrbanMscModel - tail of angular distribution modified; compare (L.Urban) safety with zero after lateral displacement (VI) 02 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-05) - G4UrbanMscModel - compare safety not with 0 but with tlimitminfix 31 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-04) - G4CoulombScatteringModel - introduce energy threshold between models with and without nuclear recoil - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - add array to cash screen parameters - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fix bug in SamplingSecondaries 30 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-03) 30 July 07: L.Urban - G4UrbanMscModel - new, simpler model functions to describe the angular distribution; theta0 of this distribution has been changed too (now the form of theta0 is the same as in the Highland formula, but the parameter values are different for e+/e- and the other (heavy) particles; the change for the UseDistanseToBoundary case: tlimitmin = 10 stepmin; some cosmetics in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit. 28 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-02) - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - updated screen radius model - G4ionIonisation - remove obsolete method DefineMassCharge - G4ionGasIonisation - new ion ionisation process with descrete ion charge and no equilibrium between ion and media - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - more safe computation of scattering angle 16 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-01) - G4CoulombScattering - update InitialiseProcess and PrintInfo methods to ensure parameters of models change between runs and more clear cout - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - added nuclear size effect; added separate simulation of scattering on atomic electrons taking into account cuts; fixed cross section for compounds. 13 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-00) - G4UniversalFluctuation - added protection such that no sampling of fluctuations is done if mean energy loss at the step is below minimal excitation energy of the media. The fix is important for cases of low-dense gases and very small steps. 19 June 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-10) - G4UrbanMscModel for skin > 0 use range instead of TrueStepLimit for computation of distance to boundary, this provides stable step limitation by GeomFactor (L.Urban) 11 May 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-09) - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - substitute name "G4v71" -> "Minimal" 29 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-08) - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - fix initialisation of lateral displacement (bug introduced in previuos tag) 23 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-07) - In all processes inherit from G4VEnergyLossProcess or G4VEmProcess remove method SecondaryPostStep; - G4eBremsstrahlung - remove definition of gamma threshold from constructor, define this parameter at initialisation of the process from G4LossTableManager - G4eeToTwoGammaModel use fParticleChange inside SampleSecondaries 22 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-06) - G4VEmModel - changed interface of SampleSecondary method, it become void, extra parameter std::vector*, all classes using or inhereting this interface are modified. About 5% speedup of EM shower simulation 21 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-05) - G4ionIonisation - added InitialiseMassCharge method; remove GetMeanFreePath implementation 20 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-04) - G4ionIonisation - added NuclearStopping flag 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-03) - remove obsolete G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-02) - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - reorganized methods for setting msc parameters - G4UrbanMscModel - reorganized initialisation; use G4MscStepLimitType enumerator to choose step limit algorithm 16 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-01) - Remove obsolete classes G4GammaConversion52, G4PhotoElectricEffect52, G4eBremsstrahlung52, G4eIonisation52, G4eplusAnnihilation52, G4hIonisation52, G4MultipleScattering52 - G4ionIonisation - add data for stopping only for GenericIons 11 May 07: G.Cosmo (emstand-V08-03-00) - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance in PAI classes. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. 10 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-16) - G4UrbanMscModel - Fix bug - restore performance of EMV PhysicsLists 01 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-15) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: optimisation of step limitation for skin>0 (about 5% CPU save) 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-14) - G4MultipleScattering - use by default skin=0, because the current interface to G4SafetyHelper does not allow it to provide a valid step in the case of magnetic field 23 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-13) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping near to boundaries has been changed back in order to have small steps with single scattering before+after boundary for skin > 1. 12 April 07: V.Ivanchenko - G4UrbanMscModel - use unique G4SafetyHelper; clean up logic in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit. 04 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-12) - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban:correction of the algorithm in order to have better width. The width of the energy loss distribution agree rather well with the data. 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11a) - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=0 for 8.3 22 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11) - G4MultipleScattering - use skin parameter from the base class - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban: minor optimisation 20 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-10) - G4hMultipleScattering - remove SetSkin method, which is implemented in the base class - allowing skin>0 - G4UniversalFluctuation- L.Urban: 'GLANDZ' part of the fluct. model has been completely rewritten, there is no separate very small loss regime any more. The effect of this update is the far better stability of the result against the changes in the cut and changes in the stepsize. - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - add reinitialisation of LPM flag (VI) 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-09) - G4MultipleScattering - remove SetSkin method, which is implemented in the base class - allowing skin>0 03 March 07 - G4UrbanMscModel - single scattering allowed near to boundaries only, not everywhere 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-08) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban step reduction before boundary for geomlimit 1, for skin=0 and skin=1 it works as earlier 15 February 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-06) - G4eBremsstrahlungModel: correct LPMconstant by factor 2, thanks to G. Depaola 13 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-05) 12 February 07: - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping algorithm changed for skin=0, now there are 3 stepping mode : stepping a la 7.1 skin=0 designed for high energy simulations with or without magnetic field skin=1 designed for 'precision' simulations without magnetic field (default) 06 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-04) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban : fix in the single scattering code for heavy particles, now the code can be used with skin=1 e+/e- and for heavy particles as well. - G4MultipleScattering - allow reinicialisation of model parameters between runs - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add extra protection inside SampleDisplacement move SetMscStepLimitation from header to source and add inside extra initialisation L.Urban add protection for case when energy loss inactivated; fix computation of skindepth value 29 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-03) - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add protections agains NaN values in two places: protection of lateral displacement, sampling of theta when tau = 0; add protection inside ComputeTrueStepLength for the case very small (zero) geometry length true length set equal to geometry length 19 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-02) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban add protection inside lateral displacement sampling against case TrueStepLength < GeomStepLength 18 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-01) - Fix crash in PrintInfo methods - G4UrbanMscModel - remove Locate call to navigator 15 January 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-00) - use SetEmModel(index) add SetFluctModel() from G4VEnergyLossProcess in eIonisation, hIonisation, ionIonisation, eBremstrahlung 04 Dec 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-16) - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit stepmin=1.e-6*mm (L.Urban) 23 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-15) - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=1 only for e+-, for all other particles default skin=0 20 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-14) 20 Nov 06: - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in the single scattering part of SampleCosineTheta, now there is single scattering just before boundary crossings (and not inside a volume) 15 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-13) - G4UrbanMscModel - fix NaN inside SampleCosineTheta (L.Urban) 10 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-12) 07 Nov 06: - G4UrbanMscModel - some optimization in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit, fixes in ComputeGeomPathLength, SampleCosineTheta (L.Urban) 31 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-11) - G4UrbanMscModel is changed to work with new approach of parallel navigation (j.Apostolakis) 26 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-10) - G4hMultipleScattering - new class configured for hadrons - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - set cross section const below 1 keV 23 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-09) - G4BraggIonModel - reduce lowest energy for parameterisation to 0.25 keV 23 Oct 06: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering - parameter skin = 1 by default, - G4UrbanMscModel - more effective safety update in SampleSecondaries, + come cosmetics. 20 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-08) - G4CoulombScatteringModel inherit from G4eCoulombScatteringModel, screening parameter computation is done in inline function - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - introduce member theGamma 20 Oct 06: L.Urban cleanup of msc - theta0 parameter for SampleCosineTheta is computed in a public function ComputeTheta0; - default value of skin = 0 (there is no small step with single scattering if skin <=0, and there are ~skin small steps if skin >0 - no z sampling in ComputeGeomPathLength by default - correction in the single scattering part, allowing not only small angles now - PostStep ComputeSafety(pos) is used 16 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-07) - Add extra protection to G4eplusAnnihilation52 - Add warning to all processes 52 and 71 type 16 Oct 06: L.Urban - new msc version (G4MultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel): - Stepping has been modified: - min. steplimit in 8.1: tlimitmin = max(lambda/25, 5 nanometer) now : tlimitmin = max(lambda/25, 1.01*stepmin) where stepmin ~ lambda elastic - possibility to have extreme small step(s) before boundary crossing this feature is not active by default; it can be activated by setting the data member "skin" to a non-negative value, steplimit = stepmin, if the distance to the boundary (in the original direction) is smaller than skin*stepmin; - the step restriction is weaker for particles with higher energy, i.e. bigger effective facrange value is used in this case in 8.0/8.1 this 'scaling' depends on Tkin, new version : scaling depends on lambda, giving smaller material dependence - Angular distribution has been changed: - single/plural scattering for step <= stepmin (in this case t = z + no lateral displacement) - parameter theta0 has been (sligtly) modified - tail of the distribution has been modified, now the parameter describing the tail is material (i.e. Z) dependent 14 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-06) - move the function SetModel() in G4VEmProcess 09 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-05) - add/modify the function SetModel() in G4PhotoElectric, G4ComptonScattering, G4GammaConversion, G4eplusAnnihilation 08 Sep 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-04) - Bug fixed in PAI model concerning Tmax for electrons and positrons. Tmax is defined now for each particle independently (V.Grichine) 30 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-03) - Provide changings required for new processes/models with polarization: G4KleinNishinaCompton - make some members protected G4MollerBhabhaModel - make some members protected G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reorganize SelectRandomAom method and make some members protected 29 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-02) - Fix problem of positron zero incident energy in G4eeToTwoGammaModel - Add extra protection inside G4BetheBlochModel 19 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-01) - Fix energy non-conservation in G4PAIModel for positrons (V.Grichine) 08 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-00) - Fix problems and add comments in the classes prototype Coulomb elastic scattering: G4CoulombScattering, G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel - Set default limit on scattering angle to zero 22 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-25) - G4eBremsstrahlung - use gammaThreshold from G4LossTableManager for more easier initialisation (CMS request) 17 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-24) - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban improve scattering in thin layers - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping improve comments 15 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-23) - G4MollerBhabhaMOdel - fix MinEnergyCut 13 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-22) - G4WaterStopping - data for light ion stopping in water - G4ionIonisation - add possibility top use user data on stopping power 11 May 06: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering : values of data members tkinlimit, factail has been changed - G4MscUrbanModel : new data members, changes in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit and in SampleCosineTheta, name of data member safety has been changed to presafety. 10 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-21) - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscUrbanModel - provide a possibility of reinitialisation of facrange and steppingAlgorithm parameters between runs; - Fix compilation warning at SUN; 04 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-20) - G4BetheBlochModel - use different formula for muons and hadrons for tmax (VI) - G4UrbanMscModel - fix SUN compilation warning (VI) 26 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-19) - G4PSTARStopping and G4ASTARStopping - new classes with NIST data on stopping powers are used by G4BraggModel and G4BraggIonModel - G4hIonisation - spin/mass effect update 05 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-18) G4hIonisation - VI add mass and spin effects (important for pion ionisation) G4SynchrotronRadiation is moved to xrays and GNUmakefile is modified accordingly 30 March 06 : V.Grichine G4SynchrotronRadiation - bug fixed for unit polarisation in PostStepDoIt 28 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-17) - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of energy loss calculation below 10 MeV - G4KleinNishinaModel - remove upper energy limit to have a smooth cross section 27 March 06 : V.Grichine, G4SynchrotronRadiation updated to set polarisation and new methods for angular distribution - G4PAImodel and G4PAIPhotonMOdel fixes important for very low energy hadrons (VG) 23 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-16) 23 March 06: L.Urban - bugfix in the SampleCosineThete method in G4UrbanMscModel 21 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-15) - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of initialisation in the case when cuts are not defined (needed for Extrapolator and for unit tests) - add prototypes of elastic Coulomb scattering - only for testing 13 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-14) - G4UrbanMscModel - fix problem of non-initialised variable 09 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-13) - G4MultipleScattering - Make steppling alg be active for ions by default 09 March 06 : V. Grichine - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation methods for calculation of integral number spectrum 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-12) - Remove G4MscModel - Use G4UbbanModel for G4MultipleScattering 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-11) - Fix bug in cross section in G4MscModel71 introduced in 08-00-10 - Create G4UrbanMscModel and optimize interface for msc models 04 March 06 : V. Grichine - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation to work in locally (in a volume) set magnetic field 17 February 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-10) - G4MscModel and G4MscModel71 - compute really transport cross section, not mfp 16 February 06 : L.Urban (emstand-V08-00-09) - G4MultipleScattering: set function for data member factail, z sampling by default - G4MscModel: data members b, xsi removed, code cleaning, revised 'z' sampling and samplez = true by default 15 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-08) - added functions G4BraggModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() - added functions G4BraggIonModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() - remove obsolete G4SCProcessorStand (V.Ivanchenko) 11 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-07) - added functions G4BetheBlochModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() - move G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmCorrections() in constructor 08 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-06) - G4hIonisation52, G4eIonisation52, G4eBremsstrahlung52 : the functions ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom() and ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() are made public. - added test programs : CrossSectionStd.cc and CrossSectionV52.cc 07 February 06 : mma - added function G4PEEffectModel::ComputeMeanFreePath() - added functions G4eeToTwoGammaModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() - added functions G4MollerBhabhaModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() - added function G4eBremsstrahlungModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom() 02 February 06 : mma - G4BetheHeitlerModel : remove InitialiseCrossSectionPerAtom() 31 January 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-05) - emstand-V08-00-04 + emstand_p01-V08-00-00 30 January 06 : mma (emstand_p01-V08-00-00) - build on top of geant4-08-00-ref-00 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering : return G4ComptonScattering52::PostStepDoIt() 26 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-04) 26 January 06: V. Grichine - fix nan value for delta direction for the case of zero cut 25 January 05: mma (emstand-V08-00-03) - G4eplusAnnihilation::AtRestDoIt() : remove cut dependance 24 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-02) 24 January 06: V. Grichine - fVerbose for G4PAIModel providing hiding of some technical messages 20 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-01) 19 January 06: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering: value of facgeom changed (4 -> 3.5) tlimitmin = facrange*50*micrometer G4MscModel: tail of angular distribution changed 10 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-00) - substitute the method SetStepLimits by SetStepFunction - move initialisation of default values to the constructor 12 December 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-30) - G4MultipleScattering: data member rangecut removed, step limit does not depend on cut any more 8 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-29) - G4MultipleScattering: world is now: navigator->GetWorldVolume() 7 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-28) - G4MultipleScattering: tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut(e-) for every particle - rangecut computed using index instead of particle name - volume name World removed 5 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-27) - particleChange.SetProposedKineticEnergy(0.) for killed particle in G4PEEffectModel, G4BetheHeilterModel, G4eplusAnnihilation. 1 December 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-26) - G4MultipleScattering - add control on verbosity inside SetStepLimitation and extend PrintInfo output 30 November 05: G.Cosmo (emstand-V07-01-25) - Trivial fixes to G4PAIModel and G4PAIPhotonModel for support of CLHEP 2.0.X series. 29 November 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-24) - Do not use G4Alpha inside G4BraggIonModel to avoid clash with new particle design 16 November 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-23) - replace RandBit() by G4UniformRand() in G4GammaConversion52 and G4BetheHeitlerModel 16 November 05: V. Ivanchenko (emstand-V07-01-22) - G4eBremsstrahlungModel.cc: add electron deviation 13 November 05: L.urban (emstand-V07-01-21) - G4MultipleScattering: some code cleaning, slightly better timing for sampling calorimeters (by 1 - 6 %, depending on cut and geometry) - additionnal printing in G4PAIModel 05 November 05: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering: minimum stepsize depends on cut in range tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut 27 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-20) - G4MultipleScattering: stepLimitAlgorithm renamed to steppingAlgorithm; Function MscStepLimitation (G4bool algorithm, G4double facrange) 25 October 05: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering: data member prec renamed to stepLimitAlgorithm SetstepLimitAlgorithm(G4bool) triggers 'default' facrange values (true 0.02, false 0.2), but facrange can be set separately too. 23 October 05: L.Urban - G4MultipleScattering: 'new' msc stepping + 7.1 like stepping together, one can choose between them using data members prec and facrange 23 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-05b) - a tag included fixes in G4BraggModel.cc and G4BraggIonModel.cc on top of emstand-V07-01-05a; assumed for the patch-01 17 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-19) - fix in G4BraggModel.cc in chemical formula correction 17 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-18) - G4UniversalFluctuation.cc: correction for very small loss to avoid 0 energy loss - fix in G4BraggIonModel.cc in chemical formula correction 13 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-17) - G4MultipleScattering.cc: remove SetFacrange(0.02) from InitialiseProcess 12 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-16) - G4MultipleScattering.cc: change in TruePathLengthLimit conditions, slightly better timing and much weaker cut dependence 10 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-07-01-15) - Fix non-initilised variable in G4MultipleScattering 7 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-14) - G4MultipleScattering.cc: bug fixed in TruePathLengthLimit. Must cowork with emutils-V07-01-05 6 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-13) - G4MultipleScattering: change in conditions limiting the step --> better timing with the same physics 4 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-12) - G4MultipleScattering: upper limit for facrange 0.2, facgeom =2 always, corr. in set function of facgeom 4 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-11) - Move G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 into G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel 3 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-10) - G4MultipleScattering80 : weaker step limitation above Tkinlimit = 2 MeV for e+/e- (limit scaled with mass for other particles).Soft limit: facrange increases linearly with energy above Tkinlimit. - G4UniversalFluctuation : cut dependence of the en.loss distribution has been reduced 2 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-09) - G4eIonisation, G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 1*mm) + integral on 2 October 05: L.Urban - conditions for step limit now are considered 'final' in G4MultipleScattering80.cc + code cleaning - nuclear size correction has been removed from G4MscModel80, the correction is already included in the (theoretical) tabulated cross section values for Tkin > 10 MeV 16 September 05: L.Urban - reordering of the conditions in TruePathLengthLimit of G4MultipleScattering80.cc (It gives the same result than preceding version, but it is faster) 12 September 05: L.Urban - new version of G4MultipleScattering80, now the true pathlength limit is determined by the physics (facrange) + geometry 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-08) - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) + integral off 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-07) - G4eIonisation : integral off 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-06) - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-05) - This tag is 7.1 + bug fixes - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (1, 1*mm) - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 1*mm) 12 August 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-04) - G4eIonisation and G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) 11 August 05: Laszlo + mma (emstand-V07-01-03) - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 03 August 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-02) - Fix intialisation G4eBremsstrahlungModel 25 July 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-01) - Fix in G4MollerBhabhaModel: add protection in calculation of recoil direction for the case of complete energy transfer from e+ to e- 30 June 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-00) 24 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-12) - Change G4BaggIonModel and G4BaggModel in order to have parameterization of chemical effect be independent on method of material definition (by number of atoms or by mass fractions); - Increase number of bins for internal table of G4BetheHeitlerModel - Add protection for (tmax < meanPot and pot0) in G4UniversalFluctuations 30 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-11) - Fix compilation warning at SUN in G4BaggIonModel; 12 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-10) - Move G4BaggIonModel to updated interfaces; - cleanup 03 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-09) - move v70 processes (model interface) to be default and old to be 52 (Compton, GammaConversion, PhotoElectricEffect, eplusAnnihilation) 03 May 05: mma (stand-V07-00-08) - last tag before permutation v70 -> stand ->v52 for photon processes - G4eplusAnnihilation70 : suppress Integral option - G4PEEffectModel::SampleSecondaries() : correct for shell selection - fabs -> std::abs 03 May 05: L.Urban - G4UniversalFluctuation.cc : bugfix in the part of the Gaussian fluctuation + smearing for very small (~eV) loss 21 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-07) - Add G4PhotoElectricEffect70 19 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-06) - Add G4GammaConvertion70 - Cash pointer to navigator for G4MscModel 18 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-05) - Gamma processes migrate to G4ParticleChangeForGamma - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel - optimise internal interfaces 13 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-04) - Remove PAIwithPhotonModel - Migrade to updated interfaces of utils - Use G4EmCorrections for hadrons/ions ionisation 18 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-03) - Add G4ComptonScattering70 and G4KleinNishinaModel (V.Ivanchenko) 11 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-02) - Add G4hIonisation70 and G4ionIonisation70 classes (V.Ivanchenko) 10 Feb 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-01) - Extra protection in G4PAIModel (V.Grichine) 07 Feb 05: mma (stand-V07-00-00) - G4MultipleScattering.cc : make the Setsamplez function working - G4UniversalFluctuation.hh and .cc : define problim = 5.e-3 set minLoss = 10 eV 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-14) - Migration to cmath 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-13) - Move in the classes with real models from utils 30 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-12) - Remove G4PAIonisation.icc 29 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-11) - Restructure of standard subdirectories - Cleanup GNUmakefile 17 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-10) - Fix problem of test27 11 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-09) - Migration to new algorithm to Store/Retrieve tables 04 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-08) - Add energy threshold for gamma of G4eBremsstrahlung, which will be used to kill e- and start new track in case of hard photon emmision - Modified fluctuation model for G4PAIPhotonModel 25 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-07) - Migrate to new interfaces for ParticleChange 15 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-06) - Fix in PAI models - remove cut dependence of results (V.Grichine) - Fix in G4ionIonisation - can use alpha tables 14 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-05) - Add new model for ion ionization G4BraggIonModel - Add process and model classes for e+ annihilation to pi+pi- 30 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-04) - Remove obsolete process G4IonisationByLogicalVolume and obsolete interfaces to particle cathegory 20 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-03) - Bug fix for e- ionisation in PAI model for small cuts (VG) 13 Aug 04: mma (stand-V06-02-02) - in all discrete processes make ComputeCrossSection() public and virtual - suppress icc files 12 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-01) - G4ionIonisation - effective charge is taken from util class (VI) - G4eplusAnnihilation70 introduced (VI) 05 Aug 04: mma - suppress G4eplusAnnihilation.icc, G4GammaConversionToMuons.icc 29 Jun 04: mma (stand-V06-02-00) - G4ComptonScattering.cc : improve totalCrossSection parametrization below 15 keV (Laszlo). 07 Jun 04: G.Cosmo (stand-V06-01-03) - G4PAIxSection.cc: fix in constructor for compilation error in VC++ 6.0 - Moved usage of statics in inline functions to non-inline to allow porting for DLLs on Windows. Modified files: G4PAIonisation[.icc.cc], G4SynchrotronRadiation[.hh.cc]. 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-02) - Set integral regime to be default for G4ionIonisation and G4hIonisation - Exclude G4PAIwithPhotons and G4InitXscPAI classes previously included by mistake but still under development ... 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-01) - (V.Grichine) Updated and optimise PAI model - (L.Urban) Minor fix in G4eBremsstrahlung - units properly used 04 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-00) - (V.Grichine) Updated PAI model - use precise integrator, add photon emission, add G4PAIwithPhotons and G4PAIxSection classes 15 Mar 04: mma (stand-V06-00-04) 10 Mar 04: V.Ivant - constructor of all discrete processes: name, type 17 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-03) - merge the patch and development tag 06 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-a-V06-00-00) - Tag for the patch include: - Fix in G4PAIModel.cc - Minor change in G4PAIonisation.cc 03 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-02) - Fix in G4PAIModel.cc 30 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-01) - Minor change in G4PAIonisation.cc 22 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-00) - Migrade to G4ParticleChangeForLoss 11 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-07) - Substitute G4VEnergyLossSTD by G4VEnergyLossProcess - For ions update ionisation 03 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-06) - Remove STD processes 24 Oct 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-05) -Update defults for processes -Add PAI model (V.Grichine) 4 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-02-04) - Modified GNUmakefiles: o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation". - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00". 20 Sept 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-03) -Update energy intervals for ionisation models -Update GNUmakefile 08 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-02) -Substitute standerd by STD, freezing old standard as 52 07 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-01) - Change defaults for STD processes - Introduce Effective charge to G4ionIonisation 24 July 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-00) -Update model interface according utils-V05-02-00 25 June 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-01-05) - G4PAIxSection.cc: trivial fixes on arguments to pow() for porting on .NET 7.1 compiler. 16 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-04) - ShortLived particles are not applicable for G4hIonisation 04 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-03) - Update STD initialisation 26 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-02) -Fix compilation warnings for pedantic compiler options 23 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-01) -Fix initialisation for STD: for integral Bohr fluctuations 15 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-00) - fix in SuprssionFunction in bremsstrahlung STD - fix in dedx for e- ionisation STD for E<1keV - set default number 120 bins for dedx table in G4eIonisation - updated PAI model: include high energy transfers 29 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-13) - fix leak in restore tables 26 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-12) - fix store/restore tables 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-11) - fix problem of hadronic tests 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-10) - fix problem of MFP for PAI 08 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-09) - finalRange is region aware 07 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-08) - G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation - fix problem of several runs with different cuts 25 Mar 03: mma (stand-V05-00-07) - G4Ve(h)EnergyLoss : add finalRangeRequested 10 mar 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-06) - use SubType for ions in G4hIonisation - migrade to "cut per region" for G4PAIonisation 18 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-05) - fix problems with lambda and range tables for STD hadrons/ions 13 feb 03: V.Ivant - add names for all models - make the set of model per region available - make SubCutoff regime available per region 12 feb 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-00-04) - Replaced call to RandPoisson::shoot() with G4Poisson(), more performant. Affected files: G4PAIonisation.cc, G4PAIxSection.cc. 05 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-03) - Fix on warnings at SUN for STD classes - Add Initialise method to STD classes to calculate PartialSumSigma - Subsitute Material by MaterialCutsCouple for PostStep STD 04 feb 03: mma - AnnihiToMuPair.hh and cc : first implementation from Helmut Burkhardt. Cosmetic simplifications (mma) 24 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-02) - Migration to "cut per region" 15 jan 03: mma - PhotoElectricEffect::ElecThetaDistribution : if gamma>5 --> costeta=1 13 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-01) - Fix problem in cut control in G4PAIonisation.cc 06 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-00) - Update interfaces to STD classes in order to be ready to migrade to "cut per region" 04 dec 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-07) - fix d-electron spectra for STD 20 nov 02: G.Cosmo (stand-V04-01-06) - G4PAIonisation[.hh.icc.cc]: patched access to public static data. Added static accessor to be used in the kernel for inline functions to allow porting on Windows DLLs. 12 nov 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-05) - eBremsstrahlung::BuiltLossTable: fix of division by 0 (G4int nn) 28 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-04) - fix compilation warnings for STD classes 17 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-03) - few changes in all xSTD processes in connection with LossTableBuilder 15 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-02) - redesign for a Model approach: files processNameSTD and processNameModel 14 oct 02: mma (stand-V04-01-01) - G4PAIxSection and G4PAIonisation : put back on the HEAD the versions as they are in Geant4-04-01-ref-03, namely: G4PAIxSection hh:1.7 cc:1.10 G4PAIonisation hh:1.12 icc:1.10 cc:1.23 G4PAIxSectionTest.cc:1.7 G4PAIdNdxTest.cc:1.1 GNUmakefile:1.1 07 aug 02: mma (stand-V04-01-00) - GammaConversionToMuons::DoIt : missprint in OR conditions | instead of || 10 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-13) - bug fixed for stopping hadrons, V.Ivanchenko 04 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-12) - suppress the G4PAIonisation stuff which crash in TestEm8 (back to stand-V04-00-10) 24 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-11) - G4PAIonosation: production of delta-electrons > cut - a bug fixed in G4PAIxSection.cc for GenericIon - G4PAIxSection : new class members for transverse/longitudinal transfer 06 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-10) - compilation error in G4GammaConversionToMuons 29 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-09) - G4PhotoElectric: Generate theta angle of the photoelectron from Sauter-Gravila distribution 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-08) - new process: G4GammaConversionToMuons 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-07) - G4ComptonScattering: LowestEnergyLimit=1*keV - G4PhotoElectric: Keep only Sandia crossSections. Remove BuildPhysicsTables. Simplify public interface. 27 mar 02: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V04-00-06) - G4hIonisation: Bug fix in scaling of lambda tabledelta-electrons > cut 26 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-05) - G4eIonisation: change access to cuts in BuildLossTables (V.Ivanchenko) 22 mar 02: V. Grichine (stand-V04-00-04) - modifications in G4PAIxSection allowing to get additional information on transverse and longitudinal excitations at atomic frequences. 21 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-03) - G4GammaConversion::DoIt() correction of e+e- angular distribution (bug 363) 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-02) - V.Ivanchenko remove the fix for GenericIons in G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation; 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-01) - V.Ivanchenko fix G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation for GenericIons; - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error in TouchebleHandle - take from PreStepPoint 10 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-00) - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error in SetMindeltaCutInRange, was set in Energy ! 11 jan 02: mma - gammaConversion::ComputeCrossSection(): correction of extrapolation below EnergyLimit 10 jan 02: mma - photoEffect: rearrangement in the inlined functions 12 nov 01: mma (stand-V03-02-14) - ParticleMass and Charge : local variables - merge 11a + 13 - some cleanup in G4hEnergyLoss.hh and .cc 29 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-13) - all static functions no more inlined 23 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-12) - cut per material: Ve(h)EnergyLoss, e(h)Ionisation, eBremsstrahlung, PAIEnergyLoss, PAIonisation, SynchrotronRadiation 08 nov 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11a) - Introduced changes to G4VeEnergyLoss.cc and G4VhEnergyLoss.cc for reference counted touchables (R.Chytracek). Not included in "stand-V03-02-12" and "stand-V03-02-13". 23 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11) - Minor fix to G4PAIxSection.cc, added inclusion of G4Material.hh to cope with latest updates included in materials-V03-02-04. 11 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-10) - activate buildDEDXTable() in G4hIonisation::retrievePhysicsTable() 11 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-09) - G4VPAIenergyLoss.hh: removed redundant inclusion of RW wrapper header. 01 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-08) - Phot,Comp,Conv,Annil: come back to BuildPhysicsTable(particleDefinition) invoked from the process manager 28 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-07) - StorePhysicsTable(): ParticleName included in fileName. Completion of Store/Retrieve functions 21 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-06) - DoIt: fminimalEnergy = 1*eV in phot,comp,conv,anni 19 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-05) - come back to the previous ProcessNames 17 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-04) - modifs in almost all classes for the migration of Materials to pure STL, but backward compatible with g4rw 13 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-03) -G4VxEnergyLoss: min.delta cut is set as rcut/100 + some optimisation 11 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-02) - G4VhEnergyLoss+G4VeEnergyLoss: bugfix in subcutoff delta generation 29 aug 01: mma (stand-V03-02-01) - G4hIonisation::PostStepDoIt grecj term for spin 1/2 (not 1) 13 aug 01: mma - G4eIonisation: new function ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() - G4hIonisation: new function ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() + 'cleanup' 10 aug 01: mma - store/retrieve PhysicsTables implemented in photelec, compton, gamaconv, annihil, eIonisa, eBrems, mulscat, hIonisa 17 jul 01: mma (stand-V03-02-00) - suppression of the production threshold in phot,compt,conv,annih 11 jul 01: mma - GammaConversion::PostStepDoIt : sample epsil->power (rndm,0.333333) 29 may 01: V.Ivanchenko - clean up againist Linux ANSI strict compilation mode. 27 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-05) - commented out the printing of subcutoff energies at initialization 05 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-04) - new subdirectory: integral migration of all G4I.. processes from muons, standard, utils into integral 22 feb 01: mma (stand-V03-00-03) - G4PhotoElectricEffect. DoIt: removed protection against low energy gamma, after correction in SandiaTable (materials-V03-00-05) - G4EplusAnnihilation. PostStepDoIt: check with fStopButAlive instead of energy == 0. 05 feb 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-00-02) - Migration to STL for G4DataVector and G4OrderedTable. Modified files: G4SynchrotronRadiation.hh, G4IeBremsstrahlung.cc, G4eBremsstrahlung.cc. 23 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-01) - corrections in e/hEnergyLoss.cc: AlongStepDoIt L.Urban 23-01-01 PostStep information is not used any more in AlongStepDoIt when generating sub-cutoff delta rays. (bug found by Babar) 16 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-00) - small corrections in e/hEnergyLoss.cc L.Urban 11-01-01 to ensure consistency between cut in range and step limitation due to energy loss (finalRange data member <-> cut in range) - change in energy loss computation in eBrems.hh and .cc L.Urban 11-01-01 parametrization of energy loss due to soft brems has been corrected, it was too big for big cut values. 17 Nov 00 mma : stand-V02-00-04 12 Nov 00 Corrections by Rui Curado da Silva (Polarized Compton) - Sampling of Phi - Depolarization probability 08 Nov 00 mma (stand-V02-00-03) - eBrem 07/08/00 new cross section/en.loss parametrisation, LPM flag , L.Urban 21/09/00 corrections in the LPM implementation, L.Urban - 30/10/00 signature in GetLossWithFluct changed L.Urban 01 Nov 00 G.Cosmo (stand-V02-00-02) - Removed useless dependencies from GNUmakefile. - G4SynchrotronRadiation: added "const" qualifier to usage of const G4Field*. Co-works with tag "field-V02-00-00" and related ones from geometry. 11 Aug 00 mma tag stand-V02-00-01 10 Aug 00 V.Ivanchenko - Change G4VhEnergyLoss.cc, G4VhEnergyLoss.hh, G4hIonisation.cc in order to simulate energy losses of ions; correction to cross section for particles with spin 1 is inserted as well. Class G4ionIonisation is removed. 03 Aug 00 Gabriele Cosmo - Fixes for events' reproducibility: o G4GammaConversion.cc: changed usage of RandFlat::shootBit() to RandBit::shootBit(). o G4VIeEnergyLoss.cc, G4VIhEnergyLoss.cc, G4PAIxSectionTest.cc: changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss. 31 Jul 00 Gonzalo Gracia - G4IhIonisation.cc: initialisisation to zero of several G4PhysicsTable* is included in constructor. Some tests were crashing on NT because of the missing initialisation 18 jul 00: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V01-??) - fix in G4VhEnergyLoss and G4ionIonisation in AlongStepDoIt for particles with Charge^2 > 1; Reorganisation in GetConstrain for G4ionIonisation 22 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-05) - stop very low energy photons in photo electric effect - ElossMessenger moved --> G4VEnergyLoss 13 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-04) - static pointer MinDeltaEnergy removed from destructor of G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss 07 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-03) - virtual destructor for G4VEnergyLoss 24 may 00: mma (stand-V01-01-02) - merge 'Plus' processes into standard - minCut=10 KeV for brems - corrections in ionisation (Laszlo) 27 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-01) - G4endl (dec/iso) 26 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-00) - all EnergyLoss classes renamed G4V... Most classes in standard and muons affected. - G4Muls moved in utils - bugs fixe in MuPairProduction - cowork with geant4-01-01-ref-02 02 mar 00 mma (em-V01-00-00) - new G4VEnergyLoss class and related structure - cowork with geant4-01-00-ref-06 10 nov 99 mma (em-V00-01-03) - migration to STL: remove RWT hash dictionnary 14th June 1999 John Allison (em-01-00-05b) - Muon corrections in G4MultipleScattering.cc, G4MuBremsstrahlung.cc and G4MuPairProduction.cc by Laszlo Urban, Pedro Arce. (Also in rocesses/photoleplon_hadron/src/G4MuNuclearInteraction.cc.) 5th June 1999 John Allison - standard/GNUmakefile: Force non-optimised compliation of some files on HP with aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.15. May 29, 1999: John Allison - Added electromagnetic/lowenergy to GNUmakefile and electromagnetic/GNUmakefile..