macro run que=513-2-asd * Start the G4PhotoNuclearCrossSectionTest (Is geant4/bin in the PATH? Did you rehash?) shell G4PhotoNuclearCrossSectionTest pi/del * * pln=4 - portret, pln=5 - landscape pln = 4 * npx - subdivision of the screan in X direction, npy - in Y direction npx=2 npy=3 * define the range of the assembling pictures in memory first=1 last=6 * define the file name for the output ** for/fil 99 for/fil 99 photonuclear.eps * define the metafile type to assemble the pictures ***************meta -99 -[npx][npy][pln] * this is for the Lanscape ps file ** meta 99 -112 * this is for the eps file meta 99 -113 zone 2 3 * TITLE NAME NTH NEX XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX XTXT YTXT exec phot ^1!H h1 227 326 150. 4.e7 0.03 0.60 1.e4 0.15 exec phot ^2!H h2 227 310 23. 4.e7 0.04 4.00 1.e3 0.5 exec phot ^12!C c12 227 396 13. 4.e7 0.10 30.0 2.e3 2.0 exec phot ^27!Al al27 227 303 9. 4.e7 0.30 90.0 800. 6. exec phot Cu cu 227 144 7. 4.e7 2.00 120. 2.e3 20. exec phot Pb pb 227 185 7.4 4.e7 7.00 700. 2.e3 100. print: meta 0 for/clo 99 ** mess '*** PhotoNucl.kumac is printing file on: '//[que] ** shell xprint -h -P [que] mess '*** PhotoNucl.kumac is printing photonuclear.eps file on: '//[que] shell xprint -h -P [que] photonuclear.eps return macro phot targ=^12!C file=h1 nth=227 nex=326 xmin=1 _ xmax=4.e7 ymin=0.03 ymax=700 xt=8. yt=10. * ****** dir = ./ hi/del * ve/del * ve/cr de(999) R 999*0. ***** clr ***** opt zfl ***** swi gz opt utit * Switch to high quality picture gr/opt ndat gr/set pass 5 igset lwid 5. gr/set bwid 5. gr/set fwid 3. gr/set hwid 3. gr/set pwid 5. * title 'E?[g]! (MeV)' u title 'Nuclear photoabsorbtion cross sections (in mb)' opt date opt logx opt logy null [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax] * Switch to standard quality picture * set pass 1 * igset lwid 1. * set bwid 1. * set fwid 1. * set hwid 1. * ****atitle ' ' '[s]?abs! (mb)' title ' ' u ****title ' ' set dmod 3 igset MTYP 20 SET TXFP -20 SET LTYP 1 ve/re eg,ex,er [file].dat igset PMCI 1 igset PLCI 1 gra/hp/errors eg ex de er [nex] 20 .1 1 SET CHHE 1. igset txci 1 itx [xt] [yt] [targ] ve/re e,ap [file].out igset PLCI 1 igset LWID 1 gra/prim/graph [nth] e ap C igset LWID 1 return