------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation ========================================================== History file for hadronic/util directory ---------------------------------------- This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the code and to keep track of all tags. --------------------------------------------------------------- * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) --------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Jul 2008 D.H. Wright for Vladimir Uzhinskiy (hadr-util-V09-01-01) -------------------------------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics::GenerateXandPt: fixed bug in momentum bin which caused oscillatory behavior in spectrum: changed x = std::min( 1.0, pt*(binl[l-1] + G4UniformRand()*(binl[l]-binl[l-1])/2 ) ) to x = std::min( 1.0, pt*(binl[l-1] + G4UniformRand()*(binl[l]-binl[l-1]) ) ) 9 Jul 2008 D.H. Wright (hadr-util-V09-01-00) --------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics::GenerateXandPt: replace exit with G4Exception. 11 Oct 2007 F.W. Jones (hadr-util-V09-00-00) -------------------------------------------- - G4LightMedia: fixed coding errors in inequalities for charge exchange occurrence in PionPlusExchange, KaonZeroShortExchange, and NeutronExchange. 13 August 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-03-00a) --------------------------------------------------- - special CMS tag: geant4-08-03-ref-00 + hadr-util-V08-03-02. On top of geant4-08-03-ref-00, this contains only array bounds, units and backward peak fixes in G4ReactionDynamics 27 June 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-util-V08-03-03) ------------------------------------------------ - Removed DumpCoreOnHadronicException protection around Report() in G4HadronicException, temporary fix to give output for G4NEUTRONHPDATA not set 12 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-03-02) ------------------------------------------------ - G4ReactionDynamics::TwoCluster : fix array bound violation when backward nucleon count is 0 12 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-03-01) ------------------------------------------------ - G4ReactionDynamics::TwoCluster : fix two bugs: 1) sharp peak at 180 degrees for low and medium energies due to a units error: G4double totalE = kineticE + vMass; was changed to G4double totalE = kineticE*GeV + vMass; Result is that particles from intra-nuclear cascade now have energies ~ 100 MeV instead of almost 0. 2) sharp peak at 180 degrees for low and medium energies and target nuclei with Z > 6 due to incorrect sampling of polar angle: replaced G4double costheta = 1.0 + 2.0*std::log(1.0 - G4UniformRand()) / dtb; with G4double costheta = 1.0 + 2.0*std::log(1.0 - G4UniformRand()*factor) / dtb; where factor = 1.0 - std::exp(-dtb) and dtb is momentum-dependent 10 June 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-03-00) ------------------------------------------------ - remove un-used classes G4Fuzzy, G4EffectiveCharge, G4ParticleVector 16 April 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-02-01) ------------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicWhiteboard.hh, .cc : add methods to set process and model names - G4ReactionDynamics.cc : add pi0 to anti-particle test 19 February 2007 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-util-V08-02-00) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4HadFinalState - add initialisation of energy deposition 11 December 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-01-01) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics::AddBlackTrackParticles protect variables local_npnb, local_ndta from divide by zero 24 November 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-01-00) ---------------------------------------------------- - G4HadronicWhiteBoard: replace GHAD message with "Geant4 Hadronic Reaction Information" and use G4Exception to kill run. 15 May 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-00-05) ----------------------------------------------- - G4Nucleus: replace code in method AtomicMass() with return G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(A, Z); in order to agree with other methods for getting nucleus mass. Note: new version has electron masses subtracted, while old version included them 02 May 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-00-04) ----------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics: 1) in energy balance part of method GenerateXandPt, try removing pions and kaons before removing nucleons 2) in method GetFinalStateNucleons improve and simplify nucleon counting 3) method SuppressChargedPions: check available CM energy before changing pion to nucleon, also extend test for anti-particles to include strange particles 4) in methods GenerateXandPt and TwoCluster, call GenerateNBodyEvent a second time if energy sum is violated, this time with total system energy 5) in method TwoCluster, use annihilation black track energy when annihilation channel occurs 07 Apr 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-00-03) ----------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics: 1) implement exact proton and neutron accounting to improve baryon number conservation 2) add new method GetFinalStateNucleons which returns number of protons and neutrons generated by the initial projectile-nucleon collision 3) replace spall argument in AddBlackTrackParticles with PinNucleus and NinNucleus - G4Nucleus: 1) add new method AnnihilationEvaporationEffects which calculates energy to be given to evaporated nucleons after annihilation 2) add new methods GetAnnihilationPNBlackTrackEnergy and GetAnnihilationDTABlackTrackEnergy to retrieve the values calculated above 13 Mar 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-00-02) ----------------------------------------------- - G4Nucleus::GetFermiMomentum(), G4ReactionKinematics::TwoBodyScattering() : fix bug #838: momentum is now isotropic. Previously theta was incorrectly sampled by pi*G4UniformRand(). 15 Dec 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V08-00-01) ----------------------------------------------- - G4ReactionDynamics.cc: add array bounds protection in TwoCluster (cpar, gpar) 30 Nov 2005 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-util-V07-01-01) ----------------------------------------------- - Trivial fix in G4ReactionKinematics and G4Nucleus for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 25 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-util-V07-01-00) ---------------------------------------------- - G4HadTmpUtil.cc : migration