$Id: History,v 1.162 2008/11/13 08:23:12 kurasige Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- - Nov. 13 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-13) - Fix magnetic moment for leptons - Nov. 10 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-12) - Fix particle name of G4AdjointPositron - Nov. 06 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-11) - Adding new sub-directory of adjoint and adjoint-particles (Laurent) - Oct. 28 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-10) - Add methods of taking A nd Z arguments as G4double G4NucleiProperties - Oct. 23 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-09) - Add G4NucleiProperties::IsInStableTable (as a replace of G4NucleiPropertiesTable::IsInTable) - Change G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy as 'public' - Change G4NucleiProperties::GetMassExcess as 'public' - Oct. 22 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-08) - Fix using raw number of elecrtron mass in calculation of magnetic moment for e+/- - Oct. 22 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-07) - Hide all methods of getting mass of nucleus except for G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass() - Cash pointers/masses of light nuclei in G4NucleiProperties - Add a table of sum of masses of orbital electrons and their binding energy in G4NucleiProperties - Sep. 18 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-06) - update mass/width according PDG2008 - Sep. 17 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-05) - Avoid direct comparison with string in G4IonTable::IsIon() - August 08 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-04) - Modify G4HtmlPPReporter - June 08 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-03) - Add /particle/verbose command for setting verbose level for the ParticleTable - The initial verbose level of the ParticleTable is set to 1 - The verbose level of the ParticleDefinition at the construction is set same as the ParticleTable - Mar. 21 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-02) - Modify implementaion of G4ParticleTable::Remove() and G4ParticleTable::RemoveAllParticles() so that particle definition objects are deleted in these methods. Users are responsible to delete particle objetcs. - Add G4ParticleTable::DeleteAllParticles() to remove and delete all particles in the list. - Mar. 20 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-01) - Modify implementaion of G4ParticleTable::Remove() method (delete the particle as same way as RemoveAllParticles() method) - Fix bugs in G4Iontable::Remove() and G4ShortLivedTable::Remove() - Fix bugs in G4ParticleTable::RemoveAllParticles() method (G4Iontable and G4ShortLivedTable should not be deleted in this method) - Mar. 06 2008 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-01-00) - Modify proton mass equal to proton_mass_c2 from CLHEP (DIFFERFENCE is 10 eV) - Check if the atmic number should be less than 999 for G4IonTable - Add class/method name in printouts - Oct. 29 2007 P.Gumplinger (particle-V09-00-02) - Add G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel, G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin - Oct. 06 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-00-01) - Add units in messages - Sep. 14 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V09-00-00) - Add G44HyperNucleiProperties - Add GetIon/FindIon methods for hyper-nuclei in ParticleTable - Modify G4PDGCodeChecker to check PDG code for nuclei - remove const from return value of G4ParticleTable::GetIonTable in order to allow users to use G4IonTable::GetIon methods directly. - May. 30 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-03-01) - Fix G4PDGCodeChecker::GetQuarkFlavor - May. 12 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-03-00) - Add check against sqrt(negative) in G4DecayProducts - Add deletion of IsotopeTableList in the destructor in G4IonTable - Mar. 16 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-02-01) - Update magnetic moment for leptons - Add magnetic moment in G4IsotopeProperty - Allow registration of several isotope property table in G4IonTable - Add G4IsotopeMagneticMomentTable and datda file of G4IsotopeMagneticMoment.table - Allow any Z,A combination (A>=Z) for G4IonTable::GetIon - Mar. 11 2007 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-02-00) - Added magnetic momnet in G4ParticleDefinition and G4DynamicParticle (co-work with track-V08-02-00) - Nov. 15, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-01-05) - Optimize G4IonTable::IsLightIon - Oct. 13, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-01-04) - Update mass/width/encoding to match with PDG2006 - Introduce PDG encoding for nuclei - Oct. 1, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-01-03) - Add G4Exception of Warning if sum of daughter mass exceeds parent mass in G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel - Modify GetMass and GetCharge of G4PrimaryParticle to return PDG mass and charge if users do not specify them - Sep. 25, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-01-02) - Fix the bug in k2(1770) decay - Sep. 5, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-01-01) - Fix the bug of not filling quark contents without G4VERBOSE in G4ParticleDefinition constructor - Jun. 27, 2006 M.Asai (particles-V08-01-00) - Code polish of G4PrimaryVertex - Apr. 28 , 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-00-05) - Fix memory leak in G4MuonDecayChannel.cc - Apr. 3 , 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-00-04) - Update mass/width for resonance particle - G4ParticleTable::RemoveAllParticles() is invoked in the destructor of G4ParticleTable - Mar. 29, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-00-03) - The name N(2090) is named back to N(2080) to avoid inconsistency with the im_r_matrix model - Mar. 26, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-00-02) - G4Ions is defined as the base class of all nuclei - G4GenericIon and all light ion classes (including proton and neutron) are derived from G4Ions - GetAtomicMass() and GetAtomicNumber() of G4ParticleDefinition is changed to non-virtual - AtomicMass and AtomicNumber() are set in G4Ions Constructor - All particles are deleted in G4ParticleTable::RemoveAllParticles() - Update particles to match with PDG2005 - Update name and PDG code for some resonaces - Update mass/width for resonance particle - Update mass/width/life for heavy flavor particle - Update mass/life/decay modes for tau+- - Feb 24, 2006 H.Kurashige (particles-V08-00-01) - AtomicNumber and AtomicMass are defined for G4GenericIon (this modification is the bug fix for registration of G4RadioactiveDecay to G4GenericIon ) - Jan 1, 2006 M.Asai (particles-V08-00-00) - Bug fix in G4ParticleDefinition. - Nov 18, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-01-04) - Migration to . - Nov 15, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-01-03) - Enforce G4ParticleTable::SetReadiness(). - Nov 10, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-01-02) - Bringing back particles-V07-00-01 tag. - Aug 27, 2005 H.Kurashige (particles-V07-01-01) - Prohibit G4IonTable::CreateIon in PreInit status - May 30, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-00-04) - Drop particles-V07-00-01 tag and collect developments in later tags in 02 and 03. - May 05, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-00-03) - Add neutrino energy spectrum in MuonDecayChannel (Jurgen) - G4ParticleDefinition now uses G4cerr instead of cerr. - Mar 24, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-00-02) - Moved G4PrimaryParticle, G4PrimaryVertex, G4VUserPrimaryParticleInformation and G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation from event category to particles/management. - Default value of mass of G4PrimaryParticle has been changed to -1 instead of 0. - GetPDGcode() method is added to G4DynamicParticle. - Mar 17, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-00-01) - Tag to make all non-static particle definitions on stage. - Jan 27, 2005 M.Asai (particles-V07-00-00) - Make G4UnknownParticle non-static to avoid unnecessary linking without its definition in the physics list. - Dec 2, 2004 H.Kurashige (particles-V06-02-05) - migration to cmath - Sep 17, 2004 P.Gumplinger (particles-V06-02-04) - Introducing G4MuonDecayChannelWithSpin class. - Does NOT include changes introduced with "particles-V06-02-03". - Sep 01, 2004 M.Asai (particles-V06-02-03) - All particles except shortlived become direct instances of G4particleDefinition class. - Intermediate level abstract classes except G4VShortLivedParticle are eliminated. - Classes with particle names (e.g. G4Gamma) are no longer derived from G4ParticleDefinition nor intermediate level abstract classes (e.g. G4VLepton), but they are now utility classes which return corresponting pointer of G4particleDefinition. These classes instantiate corresponding G4particleDefinition objects at the first access to these classes, if and only if corresponding particles have not yet instantiated elsewhere (typically by the user). - Aug 31, 2004 M.Asai (particles-V06-02-02) - G4Exception is added to G4ParticleTable to prohibit its use before G4VUserPhysicsList is instantiated and set to G4RunManager. - Jul 26, 2004 H.Kurashige (particles-V06-02-01) - Remove obsolete dependency to G4Material from G4ParticleDefinition and related class - Jul 07, 2004 M.Asai (particles-V06-02-00) - Introducing G4UnknownParticle class. - Jun 11, 2004 G.Cosmo (particles-V06-01-01) - Use global flag G4PARTICLES_ALLOC_EXPORT to export extern symbols for DLLs. Modified granular GNUmakefiles and rearranged usage of extern symbols in classes in "management" module. - Jun 07, 2004 G.Cosmo (particles-V06-01-00) - Use G4extern for allowing support of DLLs on Windows. Modified files: G4DecayProducts.hh, G4DynamicParticle.icc, G4ElectronOccupancy.hh. - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS for DLLs support on Windows. - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02a". - Mar 11, 2004 H.Kurashige (particles-V06-00-02) - Add G4VParticlePropertyRetriever - Add G4TextPPReporter and G4TextPPRetriever - Feb 12, 2004 H.Kurashige (particles-V06-00-01) - update mass and width to meet with PDG 2002 data - Dec 12, 2003 H.Kurashige (particles-V06-00-00) - Fixed initialization problems in G4NuclearPropertiesTable -- Add initialization of indexArray -- Remove the static member of theInstance - Oct 30, 2003 H.Kurashige (particles-V05-02-06) - Fixed compiler warning in G4HtmlReporter.cc - Oct 21, 2003 M.Asai (particles-V05-02-05) - Change null type pointer in G4DynamicParticle to G4PrimaryParticle - Sep 22, 2003 - Add new category of particles/utils - Fixed Anti-particle PDG code for Gluon - Sep 19, 2003 H.Kurashige (particles-V05-02-04) - Move classes related Cuts into processes/cuts category - Remove obsolete cut methods - Sep 12, 2003 M.Asai (particles-V05-02-02) - Add DecayProperTime to deep copy of G4DecayProduct. - Add G4ParticlePropertyData and G4ParticlePropertyTable, which provide functionality to acess properties in G4ParticleDefinition (Hisaya) - Change number of NumberOfQuarkFlavor to 6 (Hisaya) - Aug 22, 2003 H.Kurasige (particles-V05-02-01) - G4DynamicParticle.cc: fixed memory leak for 'theElectronOccupancy' in assignment operator. - Aug 11, 2003 M.Asai (particles-V05-02-00) - Add one void pointer to G4DynamicParticle for the sake of maintaining links between pre-assigned decay products and corresponding primary particle. This pointer is used by G4EventManager. - Jun 19, 2003 V.Ivantchenko - G4DynamicParticle.cc: use condition m^2<0.001MeV^2 to identify massless particles (tag partman-V05-01-02). - Jun 18, 2003 G.Cosmo - G4ProductionCutsTable.cc: removed usage of G4USE_STD_NAMESPACE after migration from G4std (tag partman-V05-01-01). - Jun 12, 2003 V.Ivantchenko - G4DynamicParticle.cc: fix in constructors for the calculation of masses to avoid negative values result of precision loss when massless particles (like photons) are treated. Fixes problem report #489. - May 22, 2003 (particles-V05-01-02) M.Asai - Added one utility method to G4ProductionCuts.hh - May 20, 2003 (particles-V05-01-01) H.Kurashige - fixed "unused varibles" - Apr 29, 2003 (particles-V05-00-10) H.Kurashige - fixed bugs in retreiving cut info in binary mode - Apr 11, 2003 (particles-V05-00-09) M.Asai - Embed a string of file version to physics table file - Recover ApplyCutsFlag - Some clean up for release - Apr 02, 2003 (particles-V05-00-08) M.Asai - Recover obsolete set/get methods of G4ParticleWithCuts to G4ParticleDefinition. - Mar 11, 2003 (particles-V05-00-07) H.Kurashige - Modify G4DynamicParticle to fix the pi-0 decay problem - Change G4ParticleWithCuts to alias of G4ParticleDefinition - Mar 11, 2003 (particles-V05-00-06) - Implement Store/Retreive Cut in G4ProductionCutsTable - Remove Set/Get Cuts methods from G4ParticleDefintion - Remove inclusion of G4ParticleWithCuts - G4ProductionCuts contains cuts only for gamma and e+/- - Feb 18, 2003 (particles-V05-00-05) - Add Particle SubType for ions (H.Kurashige) - Add Particle SubType for ions (H.Kurashige) - Jan 24, 2003 (particles-V05-00-04) - Fix in G4ProductionCutsTable::DumpCouples(). Added increment to material iterator when dumping materials (V.Ivantchenko). - Jan 21, 2003 (particles-V05-00-03) - Fix for cuts-per-region in management/src/G4IonTable.cc - Jan 14, 2003 (particles-V05-00-02) - Fixes for cuts-per-region - Jan 7, 2003 (particles-V05-00-01) - Instant fixes for new 'cuts-by-region' Corrected files : management/include/G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.hh management/src/G4ProductionCutsTable.cc management/src/G4RToEConvForElectron.cc management/src/G4RToEConvForGamma.cc management/src/G4RToEConvForPositron.cc management/src/G4VRangeToEnergyConverter.cc - Dec 16, 2002 (particles-V05-00-00) - Merged branch "geant4-04-01-ref-02-cuts-branch" to HEAD. Included development for 'cuts-by-region'; changes should be transparent to existing design: o Removed concrete implementation of method 'CalcEnergyCuts( const G4Material* )' from affected particles. o Removed ComputeLoss(), BuildRangeVector() from G4Electron and G4Positron. o Added classes G4MaterialCutsCouple, G4ProductionCuts, G4ProductionCutsTable, G4RToEConvForAntiNeutron, G4RToEConvForAntiProton, G4RToEConvForElectron, G4RToEConvForGamma, G4RToEConvForNeutron, G4RToEConvForPositron, G4RToEConvForProton, G4VRangeToEnergyConverter - in processes/management. o Modified G4ParticleDefinition and G4ParticleWithCuts to handle new cuts scheme. o Added dependency on geometry/volumes in management/GNUmakefile. - Dec 4, 2002 (particles-V04-01-03) - Migration to new G4ApplicationState - Nov 21, 2002 (particles-V04-01-02) - Fixed G4VDecayChannel::GetNoName() for porting WIndows DLL lib. - Nov 20, 2002 (particles-V04-01-01) - Fixed Warning in G4VDecayChannel::FillDaughters (partman-V04-01-01) - Update Mass Width for resonace particles (shortlived-V04-01-01) - May 30, 2002 (particles-V04-01-00) - Fixed PDG codes for k0_star(1430), a0(1450) and f0(1370) (shortlived-04-01-00) - - May 30, 2002 (particles-V04-00-03) - Fixed a bug in G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel - Fixed warnings in G4NucleiProperties - Mar 28, 2002 (particles-V04-00-02) - Fixed a bug in G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel (partman-V04-00-01) - Mar 08, 2002 (particles-V04-00-01) - Added G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel for tau leptonic decay (partman-V04-00-00) - Changed tau decay channels to use G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel (leptons-V04-00-00) - Feb 12, 2002 H.Kurashige (particles-V04-00-00) - Fixed bugs in the decay table for G4KaonMinus (hadrons-V04-00-00) - Nov 19, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-10) - remove extra semi-colon and comments from G4Gamma.hh - Oct 30, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-09) - TAG FOR CUT FOR MATERIAL - -------- partman-V03-02-09 -------- bosons-V03-02-09 -------- leptons-V03-02-09 -------- hadrons-V03-02-09 - Modify CalcEnergyCuts method - Oct 25, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-08) - TAG FOR CUT FOR MATERIAL - - STL migartion in test directory - Corrected typo in guidance text in G4ParticleMessenger.cc (Gabriele) - Oct 25, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-07) - TAG FOR CUT FOR MATERIAL - ------- bosons-V03-02-07 ------- leptons-V03-02-07 ------- hadrons-V03-02-07 - Remove SetCut and add CalcEnergyCuts - Oct 20, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-06) - TAG FOR CUT FOR MATERIAL - ------- partman-V03-02-06 - Fixed bugs in G4ParticleWithCuts::UseProton - Fixed bugs in G4ParticleWithCuts::RestoreCuts ------- bosons-V03-02-06 - Fixed bugs in G4Gamma::BuildAbsorptionLengthVector by Hisaya - Oct 15, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-04) - TAG FOR CUT FOR MATERIAL - ------- partman-V03-02-04 ------- hadrons-V03-02-03 ------- bosons-V03-02-03 ------- leptons-V03-02-03 ------- shortlived-V03-02-02 - Remove "static" Set/GetCuts methods - Introduce "Different cut in range for different material" - Remove static inline methods - Sep 20, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-03) ------- partman-V03-02-03 - Modify to use G4Material::GetNumberOfMaterials - Sep 19, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-02) ------- partman-V03-02-02 ------- hadrons-V03-00-02 ------- bosons-V03-00-02 ------- leptons-V03-00-02 - Modify for STL migration for materials - Sep 18, 2001 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-01) ------- partman-V03-02-01 - Added G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel - Allow MassDifference in case of nucleon decay () ------- hadrons-V03-00-01 - Added G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel to G4Neutron - July 31, H.Kurashige (particles-V03-02-00) - Fixed bugs in copy constructor of G4DecayProduct (partman-V03-02-00) - May 18, 01 G.Cosmo (particles-V03-01-00) - Cleared pedantic warnings from Linux-g++ ISO/ANSI setup. - Apr. 03, 01 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-00-04) ------- partman-V03-00-04 - Fixed bugs in G4ParticleDefinition::GetPDGIsospin() - Fixed element name in G4IonTable - Added special treatment for Lamdas in G4PDGCodeChecker ------- shortlived-V03-00-01 - Added a0(980),f0(400-1200), f0(980) - Fixed PDG encoding for excited Lambdas - Mar. 09, 01 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-00-03) ------- partman-V03-00-03 - Added RestoreCuts methods to G4ParticleWithCuts and G4ParticleDefinition ------ hadrons-V03-00-01, leptons-V03-00-01, -bosons-V03-00-01 - Added RestoreCuts methods - Mar. 05, 01 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-00-02) ------- partman-V03-00-02 - Fixed a bug in G4DynamicParticle::SetDefinition() - STL migration for G4ParticleWithCuts::BuildLossTable() - Feb. 28, 01 H.Kurashige (particles-V03-00-01) ------- partman-V03-00-01 - Fixed a bug in calculation of electron energy in G4MuonDecayChannel. - Jan 18, 01 H.Kurashige ------- partman-V03-00-00 (particles-V03-00-00) - Add thePreAssignedDecayTime to G4DynamicParticle - Oct 19 , 00 HKurashige (particles-V02-00-01) ------- partman-V02-00-02 - Some bug fixes according to CodeWizard's suggestion (HK) - Oct 17 , 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V02-00-00) ------- partman-V02-00-01 - Added const to G4DynamicParticle::GetPreAssignedDecayProducts (HK) ------- partman-V02-00-00 - Added G4IonTable::GetElementNumber (HK) - Added comment in case of G4Exception in G4IonTable.cc (HPW) ------- hadrons-V02-00-00 - Added neutron life time (HK) - Fixed stable flag for G4PionMinus (HK) - May 29, 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V01-01-01b) ------ partman-V01-01-00b - Fixed problem using pow in G4VDecayChannel::GetAngularMomentum() - May 12, 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V01-01-01) ------ partman-V01-01-00 - Added GetAngularMomentum (H.Weber) - Mar 17, 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V01-01-00) ------ shortlived-V01-00-02 - Fixed PDG code for anti-particle of "rho0" - Feb 27, 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V01-00-01) ------ hadrons-V01-00-01 - Set particle sub-type for barions and mesons ------ bosons-V01-00-00 - Set particle sub-type ------ leptons-V01-00-00 - Set particle sub-type ------ shortlived-V01-00-01 - Set particle sub-type - Added SetMultipletName to G4ExcitedBaryons/G4ExcitedMesons - Added GetMultipletName to G4ExcitedBaryons/G4ExcitedMesonsConstructor ------ partman-V01-00-03 - Added sub-type information in G4ParticleDefinition::DumpTable - Feb 25, 00 H.Kurashige (particles-V01-00-00) ------ partman-V01-00-02 - Remove implementation for RW from G4ParticleTable and related. - Remove implementation for RW from G4DecayTable - Added ParticleSubType in ParticleDefinition ------ shortlived-V01-00-00 - Added "rho0" in G4ShortLivedConstructor ------ hadrons-V01-00-00 - Removed G4RhoPlus, G4RhoZero, and G4RhoMinus class - Removed G4RhoZero from G4MesonConstructor.cc - Added GetAtomicNumber() and GetAtomicMass() to G4VIon, G4Proton, and G4Neutron. - Feb 04, 00 H.Kurashige ------ partman-V01-00-01 - Bug fix in G4NucleiProperties - Jan 24, 00 H.Kurashige ------ partman-V01-00-00 - Added G4IsotopeProperty* G4VIsotopeTable::GetIsotope(G4int Z, G4int A, G4double E) - Fixed some bugs in G4IonTable::CretaeIon() - Dec 06, 99 H.Kurashige ------ partman-V00-01-07 - Bug fix in G4IonTable::elementName[] - Nov 07, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-V00-01-02) ------ partman-V00-01-06 - Bug fix in G4DynamicTable::RemoveElectron - Change G4USE_STL_MAP flag into G4USE_STL - Nov 03, 99 G.Cosmo - Modified top-level GNUmakefile to fix G4barions to G4baryons for the "gmake global" target. - Oct 29, 99 H.Kurashige ------ hadrons-V00-01-01 - Fixed particle name for G4RhoPlus ----- partman-V00-01-05 - Implement STL map version of G4ParticleTable (G4USE_STL_MAP flag) - Adding comments for Software Reference Manual - Oct 20, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-V00-01-01) ----- partman-V00-01-04 tag - Bug fixes in G4PDGCodeChecker and G4IonTable - Oct 13, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-V00-01-00b) ----- partman-V00-01-03 tag - Bug fix in G4NucleiProperties (Hisaya) - Oct 8, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-V00-01-00a) ------ hadrons-V00-01-00a tag ( Oct. 7) - Reanme G4Bayon.cc B4Baryon.cc - Oct 7, 99 J.Allison - Changed name of library G4barions to G4baryons. - Oct 6, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-V00-01-00) ----- shortlived-V00-01-01 tag - Change 'static const G4String' array to 'static const char*' array (Hisaya) ----- partman-V00-01-02 tag - New naming scheme for ions in G4IonTable::GetIonName() - Modified G4IonTable::GetIon methods and related - Added G4VIsotopeTable and G4IsotopeProperty (Hisaya) - Bug fix in G4NucleiProperties (Vicente) - Oct 3, 99 H.Kurashige ------ shortlived-V00-01-00,hadrons-V00-01-00 tag - Rename 'Barion' into 'Baryon' (Hisaya) - Aug 20, 99 H.Kurashige ----- partman-V00-01-01 tag - Added theDynamicalCharge and theElectronOccupancy in G4DynamicParticle (Hisaya) - Modified G4IonTable::GetIon methods and related (Hisaya) - Added G4ElectronOccupancy class (Hisaya) - Added G4PDGCodeChecker and modified G4ParticleDefinition::FillQuarkContents (Hisaya) - Added G4NucleiPropertiesTheoreticalTable to describe excess Masses from Meyer-Swiatecky fromula (Vicente) - Modified G4NucleiProperties and G4NucleiPropertiesTable (Vicente) - June 16, 99 H.Kurashige - Fixed a bug in G4VDecayChannel::FillDaughters (partman-01-00-11) - Fixed a branching ratio for b1(1235) in G4ExcitedMesonConstructor (shortlived-01-00-06) - June 16, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-08a) - Fixed a bug of initialization for massKdiff and widthKdiff in G4ExcitedMeson Constructor.cc (shortlived-01-00-05) - June 10, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-08) - Fixed a bug in G4ParticleWithCuts::CalcEnergyCuts(G4double aCut) (partman-01-00-10) - Fixed mass, width, encoding for some resonaces (shortlived-01-00-04) - Added mass width for relatively long life particles (leptons-01-00-02, hadrons,01-00-02) - June 8, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-07, shortlived-01-00-03) - Fixed Sigma(2040) mass in G4ExcitedSigmaConstructor - May 26, 99 J.Allison (partman-01-00-09) - In G4NucleiProperties.hh (Vicente Lara): Added GetNuclearMass, GetBindingEnergy Corrected GetMassExcess. - In G4NucleiPropertiesTabel.hh: Added GetNuclearMass (VL). Changed G4String to const char* in (JA): static const char*& GetName(G4int Z, G4int A); static const char* Name[nEntries]; static const char* noName; - Split G4NucleiPropertiesTable.cc into G4NucleiPropertiesTableA.cc and G4NucleiPropertiesTableA.cc (JA). - G4DecayTable.cc: Added inclusion of globals.hh to make it self-consistent (Gabriele, May 25). - May 19, 99 H.Kurashige (partman-01-00-08) - In G4ParticleTable destructor, use clear() and remove destruction of keys - May 18, 99 J.Allison - In G4ParticleTable destructor, #ifdef G4USE_STL use clearAndDestroy(). - Bug fixed in GetAtomicMass due to substraction of electron mass for get the nuclear masses - Vicente Lara. - May 6, 99 H.Kurashige (partman-01-00-07) - Fix a bug in G4DynamicParticle - Fix bugs in G4IonTable::GetNucleusMass - Apr. 23, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-06, partman-01-00-06, shortlived-01-00-02) - Retrieve modification for the correct mass formulae of ions (particles-01-00-04,05,05a does not include bug fixes in particles-01-00-03) - Set G4ParticleTable::RemoveAllParticles as "protected" - Bug fixes in G4ExcitedMesonConstructor::ConstructMeson - Apr. 16, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-05a, partman-01-00-05a) - Fixed a bug in G4ParticleWithCuts to ensure unit independence (Laszlo) - Apr. 15, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-05, partman-01-00-05) - Added invocation of G4VUserPhysicsList::BuildPhysicsTable for ions created on the fly (G4IonTable::GetIon) - Removed comment out statements in G4ParticleDefinition constructor - Apr. 13,99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-04, partman-01-00-04, leptons-01-00-01, bosons-01-00-01, hadrons-01-00-01, shortlived-01-00-01) - Clean up codes H.Kurashige - Apr. 2,99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-03, partman-01-00-03) - Fixed mass fomulae in G4IonTable - Feb 6, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-02 ,partman-01-00-02) - Migrate G4ParticleTypes.hh into process/management - Remove using G4ParticleMomentum - Feb 4, 99 H.Kurashige (particles-01-00-01) - Re-fixed bugs in destrction of ions (Hisaya) - Dec. 15, 98 H.Kurashige(particles-00-04-08) - Fixed bugs in destrction of ions (Hisaya) - Dec 11, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-07a) - Fixed bugs in G4IonTable::GetIonMass (Hisaya) - Dec. 10, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-06) - Fixed bugs in G4NuclearProperties::GetAtomicMass (Hisaya) - Dec 9, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-05) - Modified G4NuclearProperties::GetAtomicMass (Vicente) - Modified G4IonTable::GetIonMass (Hisaya) (partman-00-04-05) - Dec 5, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-04) - Added G4GenericIon for Process List (partman-00-04-04,hadrons-00-04-01) - Dec 2, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-03) - Added G4ParticleTypes.hh in management/include. Moved from global/management/include. (G.Cosmo) (partman-00-04-03) - Added mechanism to prevent multiple instanciation of resonaces (Hisaya) (shortlived-00-04-03) - Nov 25, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-02) - Fixed bugs in shortlived particle table (shortlived-00-04-02) - More modification for E ~= p, i.e., photons in G4DynamicParticles - Added command of /particle/find in G4ParticleMessenger - Modified cut scheme for G4Ions (partman-00-04-02) - Nov 20, 98 J.Allison (particles-00-04-01a) - Protected G4DynamicParticles::Set4Momentum sqrt for E ~= p, i.e., photons. - Nov 18, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-04-01) - Changed G4VDecayChannel::DecayIt for treating dynamical mass (Hisaya) - Migreted G4NucleiPropoerties from /processes/hadronic to get precise mass for ions (Hisaya) (partman-00-04-01) - Fixed minor bugs in G4ShortLivedConstructor (Hisaya) (shortlived-00-04-01) - Nov 17, 98 John Allison and Hans-Peter Wellisch - SetApplyCutsFlag(false) in G4ParticleWithCuts constructor. - Initialise cuts at construction of G4Ions. - Nov 14, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-03-05) - Fixed a bug in G4ParticleWithCuts::CalcEnergyCuts - Suppress messages in construction of static objects (partman-00-03-06) - Nov 13, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-03-04) - Fixed bugs in G4ParticleTable::Remove() (partman-00-03-04) - Fixed bugs in resonace constuctors (shortlived-00-03-04) - Nov 8, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-03-03) - Fixed bugs in deletion of IonTable - Modified G4PprticleWithCuts not to use EnergyLossTable (partman-00-03-03) - Chnage some enum numbers to public member for SUN complier (shortlived-00-03-03) -Oct 27, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-03-02) - Added higher excited mesons (f0, a1, a2, K1, K2 etc.) (shortlived-00-03-02) - Modified encoding rule for resonances - Added four bodys decay in G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel (partman-00-03-02) -Oct 16, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-03-01) - Added higher excited baryons (N*, delta*, sigma* lambda* and xi*) (shortlived-00-03-01) - Added rho+, rho- (hadrons-00-03-01) - Modified encoding rule for resonances (partman-00-03-01) -Sep 25, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-02-03) - reverted static methods for getting the particle pointer as inlined - modified PDG encoding of Xi_c (leptons-00-02-02, bosons-00-02-03, hadrons-00-02-02 ) - modified G4ParticleTable to improve search by encoding ( partman-00-02-03 ) -Aug 26, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-02-02) - Fixed sum bugs (bosons-00-02-02, partman-00-02-02) -Aug 10, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-02-01) - modified G4ParticleTable::FindIon (partman-00-02-01) - changed all static methods for getting the particle pointer as non-inlined tagged with following sub-directories leptons: leptons-00-02-01 bosons: bosons-00-02-01 hadrons: hadrons-00-02-01 July 20, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-01-07) - fixed comnands in G4ParticleMessenger July 19, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-01-06) - tagged July 12, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-01-05) - modified G4IonTable::GetIon (partman-00-01-04) July 10, 98 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-01-04) - fixed G4ShortLivedConstructor.cc (shortlived-00-01-02) July 8, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-01-03) - fixed G4ShortLivedConstructor.cc - removed G4MaterialTable.hh and G4ElementVector.hh - fixed G4ParticlePropertyMessenger - tagged with following sub-directories management: partman-00-01-03 leptons: leptons-00-01-02 bosons: bosons-00-01-02 hadrons: hadrons-00-01-02 shortlived: shortlived-00-01-01 July 6, 98 H.Kurashige (partman-00-01-01) - modified G4ParticleWithCuts - modified G4ParticleTable July 1, 98 H.Kurashige (particles-00-07-01) - add G4shortlived.a in GNUmakefile - tagged with following sub-directories management: partman-00-07-03 leptons: leptons-00-07-01 bosons: bosons-00-07-01 hadrons: hadrons-00-07-01 shorrtlived: shortlived-00-07-03 June 28, 98 H.Kurashige - add shortlived directory for G4VShortLivedParticle and its derived classes - add G4Ions for nucleus in management - add G4TonTable and G4ShortLivedTable and modify G4ParticleTable - modify G4ParticleDefinition June 27, 98 L. Felawka - remove particle "Helium3" (duplicate particle "He3" already exists) June 26, 98 L. Felawka - add new particle: "Helium3" (type hadron/ion) June 23, 98 H.Kurashige (paricles-06-03) - fix bugs in G4ParticleWithCuts by Laszlo (partman-06-05) - modification for new SetCuts by Hisaya (hadrons-06-03,bosons-06-01,leptons-06-01) June 18 , 98 H.Kurashige (partman-00-06-04) - fix bugs in initialization of G4PaarticleWithCuts June 8, 98 H.Kurashige (partman-00-06-03) - add GetEnergyThreshold method in G4ParticleDefinition June 7, 98 H.Kurashige (partman-00-06-02) - remove theKillProcess from G4DynamicParticle June 7, 98 H.Kurashige (partman-00-06-01) - modify in order to avoid dependencies to process category remove invocation of G4VProcess::BuildPhysicsTable in G4ParticleWithCuts::SetCuts remove aggregation of G4ProcessManagerMessenger in G4PaerticleMessenger April 25, 98 H.Kurashige (hadrons-06-01) - Added G4He3 and fixed some parameters in ions April 21, 98 G.Cosmo (particles-00-05-01) - Tagged. April 08, 98 G.Cosmo - Added fixes for DEC-cxx 6.0 compiler, related to for-loop index declarations. List of modified files: management/G4DecayProducts.cc .hh, G4DecayTable.cc, G4KL3DecayChannel.cc G4ParticleWithCuts.cc, G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel.cc, G4VDecayChannel.cc leptons/G4Electron.cc March 24, 98 G.Barrand - GNUmakefile : MAKESHLIB changed in G4MAKESHLIB January 28, 98 S. Sadilov - For Win/NT port in GNUmakefile used $OUT_LIB introduced in GNUmakefile.architecture as positional qualifier for creating composite-library. January 28, 98 H.Kurashige - (particles-00-03-01) January 24, 98 H.Kurashige - (partman-03-01) January 24, 98 H.Kurashige - (hadrons-03-01) (leptons-03-01) (bosons-03-01) December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03) - Created.